The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 112 Secret Discussion

Chapter 112 Secret Discussion
Wang Tao thought of this, and immediately asked Gao Hong to come.

Gao Hong has rarely been summoned by Wang Tao in the past few months, but when he heard Wang Tao summoned him.Without hesitation, he immediately went to Jiedushifu.

Gao Hong was taken to the study room of the Jiedu Ambassador's Mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he saw broken porcelain all over the floor. There were several maids standing in the study room, not daring to move, their bodies trembling constantly.Thinking about the current situation again, he understood why Wang Tao came to him.

When Wang Tao saw Gao Hong coming in, he hurried forward and invited Gao Hong to the upper seat, and he sat down to accompany him.Gao Hong refused, so he had to take the seat.

The maid in Wang Tao's study said: "If you haven't packed up quickly, get out."

As if they were pardoned, those maids quickly cleaned up all the broken porcelain in the ground, and quickly left the study.

Gao Hong took advantage of this time to observe Wang Tao carefully, and found that he was a different person from three months ago. Three months ago, he was a mighty Jiedushi, but now he looks like a dying old man.Thinking of Wang Tao's kindness to him, Gao Hong couldn't help feeling sad for a while.Although Wang Tao is becoming more and more self-willed and a little stupid now, but thinking of Wang Tao's kindness to him, Gao Hong decided to help him no matter what this time, so that he can tide over the difficulties.

After the two sat down, Wang Tao said anxiously: "I regret that I didn't listen to Mr.'s words at the beginning, which is why I am in today's predicament. Now I have nowhere to go, so please come and see if there is any way? Let me Get past that."

Listening to Wang Tao's request, Gao Hong tried hard to think about the current situation.In the end, he came up with a solution. Although this solution can only save him for a while, his official position may still be lost in the future.But after all, he saved his life.

Gao Hong said to Wang Tao: "My lord, the current situation is very clear. It is impossible for the Tatars to capture Kaipingwei. We can no longer hold the illusion that there is no proof. Now that the weather is getting colder, the Tatars can no longer hold on." Now, once the Tatars withdraw their troops, and once the news from Kaipingwei gets through, with Jia Ke's ability, the news will surely spread to Beijing, and your lord will be convicted."

Hearing Gao Hong's words, Wang Tao couldn't help feeling terrified. Thinking of his tragic death in the sky prison, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

He stepped forward and grabbed Gao Hong's hand suddenly, "Sir, you must save me. Now as long as I can survive, I can do anything."

Gao Hong looked at his bewildered look, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if he knew today, why bother.In view of Wang Tao's kindness to him, he can't ignore it.

Gao Hong gently patted Wang Tao's hand, comforting him and said, "My lord, we haven't reached this point yet, we still have a chance to make amends."

Wang Tao asked eagerly as if grasping at a straw, "What should I do?"

Gao Hong told him a solution, "At this point, we should work together from several aspects. It is also possible to resolve the crisis. The first aspect is to immediately go to the capital with a heavy gift, and send someone to meet the Jingying Jiedu envoy, Mr. Wang, and ask for help. Mr. Wang is lenient."

Wang Tao fully agreed with this: "It is a due intention to pay respects to Mr. Wang. I will prepare more gifts at that time. I will definitely satisfy Mr. Wang. Mrs. Wang will say that Jia Ke is just a little bastard. What a trick."

Gao Hong saw that he hadn't seen the key point, so he hurriedly explained to him, "Your Excellency, you must not say that. This Jia Ke is not a simple person, and I am afraid that he has high hopes in the Rongguo Mansion. If Your Excellency sends someone like this Tell Mr. Wang, when something goes wrong, how will Mr. Wang explain to the Rongguo Mansion."

Wang Tao looked at Gao Hong in confusion. Gao Hong looked at his face and knew that he hadn't figured it out yet. Please explain to him: "There are some things in these aristocratic families that only one or two people in my own family know. At a young age, the Rongguo Mansion arranged for a real shortage of the sixth rank, and temporarily replaced Kaiping Wei Yuqianhu from the fifth rank. There is no secret in it. Who can believe it?"

It was only then that Wang Tao suddenly realized, with a look of regret.

Gao Hong saw that he understood, and then said: "The second thing is to send someone to contact Jia Ke, and promise to pacify him for the time being."

Wang Tao now has a little understanding of Jia Ke's importance to the Rongguo Mansion, so he didn't refute it.Instead, ask Gao Hong, "I don't know how to benefit Jia Ke so that he can let go of this matter?"

Gao Hong thought for a while and said to Wang Tao: "Jia Ke is now a Qianhu, but an official of the sixth rank. The addition of these several credits should make him a guard of the fifth rank. Why not let him be in Kaiping Wei Wei is the garrison of the fifth rank, and he is also in charge of expanding Kaiping Wei into Kaiping Town. This should satisfy him."

Wang Tao nodded and did not refute.

Seeing that Wang Tao did not refute, Gao Hong knew that he had agreed, and then said to him: "This third matter is a bit sinister, I wonder if my lord will do it?"

Hearing what he said, Wang Tao couldn't help laughing: "Now I don't care if I'm vicious or not, as long as I can keep myself."

Seeing what he said, Gao Hong said with a sullen face: "Someone must take responsibility for this matter. After all, this is not a small matter. You must know that tens of thousands of people attacked the border and fought for three months. No one has reported to the court. This It's a capital offense. Now we need to find someone to take this matter down for my lord."

When Wang Tao first heard him say that this was a capital offense, he was already out of his wits.Now hearing him say that he wants to be blamed, his eyes lit up, staring at Gao Hong without blinking, and let him continue.

"The magistrate of Xuanfu Town——Xu Hu, he is the assistant sent by the imperial court to the lord. He is not only jealous of the virtuous and capable, but also abandons the public for his own sake. Because his brother-in-law was killed by Jia Ke for corruption, he has repeatedly prevented the lord from sending troops to rescue him. You also secretly withheld the secret letter you sent to the imperial court, and when you discovered it, you were angry for a moment, and you immediately killed him to correct the military law. Although you killed the prefect without authorization, it was only a moment of anger on your part, and this is a border gate, you can do it It is military law, although there is a small fault, it is not a serious problem. My lord, do you think this is right?"

After Wang Tao heard his words, his face was already flushed, and there was no trace of decadence just now.Listening to Gao Hong asking him now, he immediately said: "That's right, that's the way it is. This Xu Hu has committed a heinous crime. If you don't kill him, you won't be angry with the common people, and if you don't kill him, you won't be able to report to the court. How can my subordinates allow such a person to exist?" Tomorrow, I will gather generals in the lobby, and I will execute him on the same day as an example to others."

Seeing that Wang Tao was so excited, Gao Hong couldn't help pouring cold water on him: "Although my lord escaped this catastrophe for the time being, after all, I hated the Jia family. From now on, I should be careful and don't let them take advantage of it again. Otherwise, my lord will think that this matter Is it really over?"

Hearing Gao Hong's words, Wang Tao felt a little fussy.Now that the three aspects are properly arranged, there will be no troubles in the future. If the plan can be implemented smoothly, it will be a blessing in disguise. It would be great to have a relationship with Prince Teng Wang, the prince of the Jingying Jiedu.

Gao Hong looked at Wang Tao's optimistic expression, and didn't know what to say about him. Wang Tao was very cautious when he was young, but how did he become like this now.Don't you know that people's hearts are sinister, you almost killed Jia Ke, do you really think that if you promote him to an official, he will write off all the previous things, let alone say that this official is what you deserve .

But Gao Hong is not good at dampening Wang Tao's enthusiasm now, so he can only take one step at a time.Then he and Wang Tao agreed on how to get Xu Hu to take the blame.And that night, Gao Hong secretly imitated the report letter and Wang Tao's several memorials to the capital, and the time of inscription was different in turn.At that time, these will be Xu Hu's incriminating evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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