Chapter 128 Meeting
Hearing that Wang Tao had made his words so clear, Jia Ke quickly expressed his position: "In Xuanfu Town, we still have to respect the adults. Whatever happens in the future, the adults just order, and I will naturally obey the orders."

Listening to Jia Ke's statement, Wang Tao nodded with a smile on his face.Then he picked up a document from the desk next to him and handed it to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke took the document and took a closer look. This is Jia Ke's promotion document. The content of the document is that Jia Ke, a thousand households of the Kaiping Guard, has repeatedly made military exploits. Jia Ke was transferred to be the garrison of Kaiping Town to defend against the northern Tatars.

After reading the document, Jia Ke stood up again to express her gratitude to Wang Tao.

Wang Tao stroked his beard and said to Jia Ke: "This time, the emperor specially promoted Kaiping Guard to Kaiping Town. You must be short of people now. I will transfer 8000 people from all over the country for you. If there is still not enough, you can recruit them yourself." A few hundred people, it's no big deal."

Jia Ke has indeed lost a lot of battles with the Tatars these few times, if there are only 8000 people.But it was not enough to make up the number of [-]. Now Wang Tao allowed himself to call a few hundred more people, just to make up for his own shortage.This is already a great favor.

Before Jia Ke could thank you, Wang Tao continued, "But these people are not elite soldiers on the battlefield, but ordinary soldiers in the rear. After they go, you have to train well. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will ruin your big business."

After listening to his words, Jia Ke felt grateful to him for the first time from the bottom of her heart. I'm afraid I can't talk about the past. Wang Tao considered this matter to be complete, and it seems that there is an expert behind the scenes.

Jia Ke didn't know when these soldiers would be ready, so it was better to ask clearly, so he was cautiously asked: "My lord, I don't know when these soldiers will be in place. It's better to train them as soon as possible so that they can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Wang Tao thought about it, "I'm starting to mobilize manpower now to prepare food and supplies. It will take a month to reach Kaiping Town."

Listening to Wang Tao's words, Jia Ke knew that it would be such a long time.Wang Tao did not delay.Hurry up and salute Wang Tao again, "Thank you for your success, sir, and you must remember your kindness."

Wang Tao hurried over to support him, and said to him with satisfaction: "With you in the north, the Tatars will not dare to invade, so I am relieved."

Jia Ke asked cautiously again: "My lord, I don't know if I should wait in Xuanfu Town, or go back to Kaiping Town first, and then my lord will send someone to take the troops there."

Wang Tao said with a smile: "Brother Shi, just go back and wait. When the troops are assembled, I will send someone to send them to Kaiping Town."

Jia Ke didn't expect such a good thing, so he hurriedly thanked him again, and then said with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency has helped me a lot this time, if it wasn't for Your Excellency, I wouldn't have been able to advance several levels in a row. In Xuanfu Town, I still need to rely on adults to take care of me."

"Brother, you are welcome. We will have more time to deal with each other in the future. Let's take care of each other." Wang Tao said modestly.

Jia Ke asked again: "My lord, this time the generals of the Kaiping Guard fought bravely and killed the enemy. They have made great achievements in battle. I don't know how to reward them."

Wang Tao smiled and said, "You don't need to report these things to me, just draw up a list and send it up.

Only then did Jia Ke feel truly at ease, and the lower brothers fought bloody battles with him. If they only got promoted by themselves, they would have nothing to do, and no one would follow him in the future.

Jia Ke exchanged a few words with Wang Tao, then got up to leave.Wang Tao sent him all the way to the gate of Jiedushi's mansion, and then went back.

Wang Tao returned to the study again, and there was an extra person in the study, Gao Hong.

Wang Tao was not surprised to see Gao Hong. He sat on the chair behind the desk and waved Gao Hong to sit down too.

After Gao Hong told him to sit down, he sat down on Wang Tao's lower chair.

Seeing Gao Hong sitting down, Wang Tao asked, "Look at this Jia Ke, is he sincere or just playing me off?"

With a smile on his face, Gao Hong respectfully said to Wang Tao: "I also heard what he said just now, maybe he was perfunctory at the beginning, but later he sincerely thanked him, it seems that he has settled down with him. "

Only then did Wang Tao heave a sigh of relief, and said to Gao Hong relaxedly: "This time the difficulty is over, thanks to Mr.'s guidance, otherwise I would have been deeply imprisoned, it is very dangerous."

Gao Hong was not so optimistic, and said to Wang Tao: "My lord, don't take it lightly. Although your lord has taken refuge in Mr. Wang Ziteng, you should be careful now because you have completely offended civil servants. Those people will put you to death if they make a mistake. .”

Wang Tao felt a little hesitant after hearing his words, "Could it be that there will be constant troubles in the future?

Gao Hong immediately returned to him and said, "My lord, don't worry too much. We still have Lord Prince Teng Wang on top of us now? He will definitely fight for your lord. After all, your lord's current status is not trivial, and you can be regarded as a member of Lord Wang's camp." General. Lord Wang will not abandon you easily."

Hearing Gao Hong's analysis, Wang Tao immediately became elated, and said excitedly to Gao Hong, "Your strategy is far-reaching, and we will have a backer in the court in the future. Since I joined the army, I have fought hundreds of times and penetrated into the Tatars several times. The hinterland, this is how to spell out this Jiedushi. Only you know the danger, if you hadn't advised me, I would be where I am today."

When Gao Hong heard Wang Tao's heartfelt words, some of the complaints in his heart disappeared, and he immediately stood up and said to Wang Tao: "My lord supported me at the end of the day, and I obeyed what I said, so I have what I am today. I can't repay my lord even if I die, my lord It’s embarrassing for me to say that.”

At this time, Wang Tao burst out laughing, stood up, turned around the desk, came to Gao Hong's side, took his hand and said with a smile: "You and I are like brothers, and we will share wealth and honor from now on, but with me, Wang Tao, You, Gao Hong, will never be missing."

After finishing speaking, he shouted outside: "Wang Gui, you dead slave, I have something to tell you if you don't come in."

As soon as he finished yelling, he saw a housekeeper with a round head come in. Seeing Wang Tao, he hurriedly called and asked, "What do you want the master to tell the slave to come in?"

Hong Tao said to him, "How's the courtyard on the west side of the city?"

Wang Gui said with a smile on his face: "A few days ago, the master told me to clean it up. I have sent someone to clean it inside and out. All the furniture has been replaced with new ones, and all the decorations are complete."

Wang Tao nodded in satisfaction, and then told him: "Arrange a dozen more families to go there, so that the new owner can take care of him when he goes."

After giving orders to the housekeeper, Wang Tao turned back and said to Gao Hong: "My dear brother, this yard will be yours from now on. Brother, there is only one small house in Xuanfu Town. How can it accommodate many people? This time, my dear brother can Take your father and wife together to share the splendor."

Gao Hong didn't refuse when Wang Tao gave him such a big gift, and thanked Wang Tao directly.Seeing him accepting the gift, Wang Tao smiled even wider, and immediately ordered the housekeeper, "You send Mr. Gao to that courtyard, so I can make arrangements."

Gao Hong was very grateful, and went out under the leadership of the housekeeper.He accepted this gift to make Wang Tao feel at ease, and from now on he will be tied to the same rope with Wang Tao.

Seeing Gao Hong go out, Wang Tao sat limply on the chair, wiped the sweat from his brow, thinking that this time he had passed a test.It seems that this Gao Hong still has to be used, and Lu Yao knows his horsepower, and he can see people's hearts over time, and it is the most critical moment when people's hearts are tested.

This time I encountered a problem, and none of the Qingke staff around me found the danger, if it weren't for Gao Hong's vigilance.Now he is in jail.

Although I used Gao Hong in the past, I was not at ease. From this incident, Gao Hong was loyal to me.I also need to win over more, I am afraid that Gao Hong is the only one who is really capable around me, and the other staff are just making a living, and they are completely useless when encountering problems.

 I sent it by mistake just now, and now I am changing it back, thank you book friends for reminding.

(End of this chapter)

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