The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 158 Military Order

Chapter 158 Military Order
After listening to the words of the Minister of War, the expressions of the other great scholars also became serious. It is not impossible for this to happen, but it is very likely to happen.

Peng Bi, the servant of the Ministry of War, finally stood up. Although this person is not quick-witted, he has always been mature and prudent. He has been in the Ministry of War for many years and knows the situation in the world. His strategy is just right.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. There are 15 soldiers in the capital. Although these people have not fought for a long time, they are well-equipped. It may be difficult to let them go out of the city to defeat the enemy, but there is no problem at all in defending the city. At that time, the Tatars will not have four With 50 troops, don’t try to overthrow the capital.” Peng Bi, the servant, is very confident in the defense of the capital, after all, behind the high walls of the capital, the defense facilities are complete.Those who have broken through the capital have never been successful in the past. They have always used tricks or subjugated soldiers without fighting.

The servant Lei Ying also came out to play and said: "As for the defense of Shanxi, the imperial court can issue a document to go there. Shanxi is a rich place in the world, where there are many merchants and rich people, and these people have built small castles in their hometowns, and their servants There are also a lot of guards, as long as they send a message, they can defend themselves with danger, and with the support of Shanxi soldiers and horses, it will not be a problem to guard until winter."

After listening to their strategy, the emperor went back to the map to look carefully. From Xuanfu Town to the hinterland of Shanxi, there are not only two big mountains in Lvliang and Taihang, but also many passes. If the Tatars want to break through, they must pay a high price. .On the other hand, Xuanfu Town is very close to the capital. If he was a Tatar Khan, he would definitely attack the capital with all his strength, and the wealth near the capital is not much worse than that of Shanxi. The most important thing is that once the capital is harassed, the world will be shaken.

At this time, the emperor was still a little worried about the defense of the capital. He also knew a little about the three major battalions of the capital. When the country was founded, the elite of these three troops was rare in the world. With them guarding the capital, the enemy would be Don't be afraid even if a million people come.But after all these years, the veterans of that time are gone.These newcomers are probably even worse than the elite soldiers from the Nine Sides.

So he said to them: "Then it's settled. After a while, the Ministry of War will write down, and the cabinet will give instructions. I will also use the seal to wait for eight hundred miles to rush to send the documents to Jia Ke, and wait for him to do his best to contain the Tatars."

Pan Yong stood up again at this time and said: "Your Majesty, you still have to think twice. Although the Tatars can be retreated this time, they will come again next year. Why don't we negotiate a peace here? Wouldn't it be better for the two sides to strike a truce and form a permanent alliance?" .”

The emperor didn't say anything when he saw what he said. He just held onto the case tightly with one hand, but said calmly: "If they come once, I will fight them once, and see who can't hold on in the end. If so If they give in, they will regard this court as fat, and they can take a bite whenever they want. I have made up my mind, so let's stop talking about it."

Pan Yong was also old and cunning, he knew he couldn't continue talking, otherwise he would offend the emperor's rebellion, so he respectfully returned to the class and stopped talking.

So the matter was settled like this, and in less than half a day, a fast horse came out of the capital and went straight to Kaiping Town.

Besides, since Jia Ke sent off the military horse that was urgently needed for eight hundred miles, the rescuer ordered Fan Kang to reorganize his equipment, pack up his food and grass, and wait for orders at any time.Whether it is the order of the imperial court or the military order of Xuanfu Town.As long as one came, he immediately sent troops to rescue.

Jia Ke waited in the Garrison Mansion for three days, and there was no news at dusk.Jia Ke was very anxious, but he didn't dare to send troops privately.If he sends troops privately, no matter whether he wins or loses, it will be difficult to guarantee that he will be killed in the end.

Jia Ke couldn't wait any longer in the mansion, dressed neatly and came to the top of the south gate, looking into the distance, hoping to see the person who delivered the order arrive.

Jia Ke was watching the city from a distance, when suddenly someone beside him said, "My lord, don't worry, if my predictions are correct, there will be news within half an hour."

Jia Ke had known for a long time that Fan Kang was here, so she was not surprised to hear him speak at this time, but asked, "How can you be so sure, sir?"

"It's hard to guess. It's less than a day's work to rush to the capital from here. The princes in the court have to discuss for a while, and there are various procedures. Wait until the fast horse and then start from the capital. When you arrive We are here at this hour, and there must be some reasons for not coming now, but it is only a matter of one or two hours." Fan Kang said confidently.

Jia Ke heard what he said, and it was the same as what he guessed, but he was still worried, so he asked by the way, "If the imperial court doesn't transfer troops from us, what should we do?"

"My lord, you are a fan of the authorities. The court is being harassed by Tatars everywhere. There are no soldiers to transfer except us."

When Jia Ke heard this, he suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I am a fan of the authorities. My vision is still too small. I only focused on our Xuanfu Town, and did not set my sights on the whole world."

"My lord, I'm not worried about the fact that the court ordered the lord to send troops. What I'm worried about is how the lord will fight with less than 10,000+ Tatars."

Hearing this, Jia Ke also felt a little sad. The last time he defeated the Tatars with fewer victories and more, he just waited for work with ease, relying on the high walls of Kaiping town, and the Tatars were not good at siege to win.This time, it is indeed necessary to fight the Tatars in the field, and the difference in strength between the two sides is ten times.He really couldn't think of a way to defeat the opponent, so he could only take one step at a time and play by ear.

In fact, Jia Ke still had an idea in his heart, that is, even if he couldn't win this time, he could get enough prestige.Moreover, with his horse on his crotch and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his palm, he can come and go freely even among the Tatar army of thousands of horses, and there is no danger in thinking.As long as Kaiping Township owns his lair and leaves behind some elite seeds, he can regain his strength next year, so why not do it?

This time, Jia Ke will use thousands of troops to fight for an official promotion for himself.Which general has not been like this since ancient times?It's not a joke that one will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up.

Jia Ke and Fan Kang are on the tower, chatting without saying a word.Suddenly, I saw a fast horse galloping in front of me, and one of the horses had a word flag planted behind his back.

Looking at Jia Ke's attire, you can tell that the long-awaited military order has been delivered, and Jia Ke dare not neglect to immediately order the soldiers to go down to meet him.

After a short while, the sergeant went down to fight and helped a man up, only to see that this man was dusty, his face was covered with dust, the color of his clothes could not be seen, and a bamboo tube was pinned to his back.

Seeing Jia Ke and the others, the man couldn't wait to ask, "Which one is Jia Shoubei? I have a military order from the Ministry of War."

Jia Ke hurriedly stepped forward and said to him, "I am Jia Ke who is guarding Kaiping Town. If you have any military orders, give them to me quickly."

The man didn't give it to him right away, but said: "According to the rules, I want to check your lord's badge."

Jia Ke knew that this was the rule, so she took out a bronze medal from her waist.This is a token issued by the higher authorities, a token of Kaiping Town's garrison.Jia Ke handed the bronze medal to the soldier.

The soldier took the bronze medal and checked it carefully before returning it to Jia Ke.Then he untied the bamboo tube from his body and handed it to Jia Ke with both hands.

Jia Ke took the bamboo tube, you have to open it immediately.Instead, he carefully watched the seal of the bamboo tube, and saw that the ink pad and seal on it were not damaged at all, and then handed the bamboo tube to Fan Kang next to him for him to look at it again.

Fan Kang is the county magistrate of Kaiping Town, and he is born with the responsibility of supervising Jia Ke.In this case, it is natural not to let others know that they are one.

Fan Kang also took the bamboo tube, inspected it carefully, then returned it to Jia Ke, and said solemnly: "My lord, all the seals are intact and there are no traces of counterfeiting. Your lord can open it."

Then Jia Ke took the bamboo tube and opened it again. Inside was a roll of brocade cloth. Jia Ke took out the brocade cloth. First, he looked at the seal under the neck. And the emperor's treasure of the emperor.

After reading these, Jia Ke read the content on the brocade cloth, and saw that the general idea was: order Jia Ke to send troops to rescue Xuanfu Town immediately.The officers and soldiers encountered along the way, regardless of the size of the official position or the number of troops, are all controlled by Jia Ke.If there is any disobedience, he will be executed on the spot without asking why.

Jia Ke was overjoyed when he saw this order.He looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally he got it.Once the order is divided, he can send troops in an open and honest manner.The main purpose of going this time was not to defeat the Tatars, but to save Xuanfu Town, and by the way, add an official to himself.

Jia Ke had just finished reading the brocade book, and was about to discuss with Fan Kang what to do next?Suddenly I saw Feng Mo coming up from the city quickly.

Jia Ke was about to greet him and ask him to take a look at the brocade book, but he hadn't had time to speak.Feng Mo said first, "My lord, the Tanma patrol just now found some suspicious people thirty miles south of Kaiping Town. They said they were soldiers from Xuanfu Town Jiedu envoy Wang Tao who came to ask for help."

When Jia Ke heard this, he felt a little amused. As soon as he received the order from the Ministry of War, Wang Tao, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town, also sent someone to send the order.This is really no coincidence.

Jia Ke immediately said, "Bring someone up, I will ask myself."

Feng Mo went down to the city immediately, and I brought a ragged man who looked like a beggar in a short while.

Jia Ke didn't ask about the situation in Xuanfu Town either, but asked, "There are many Tatars roaming along the way. How did you get here?"

The beggar looked like Jia Ke, and immediately fell to his knees and cried to Jia Ke: "My lord, after I rushed out of the Tatar camp, I rode my horse and drove towards Kaiping town day and night. But I just left. One day, I was almost discovered by the Tatars, so I had to pretend to be a beggar. I walked to Kaiping Town, and I wasted time. Please forgive me.”

(End of this chapter)

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