The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 172 Contradictions

Chapter 172 Contradictions
When the emperor and the ministers were discussing how to march, how to break the siege, and who to lead the army.

Suddenly a eunuch poked his head in from outside the door, and then winked at the chief eunuch Dai Quan.

Dai Quan knew that he had something important to tell him, so he quietly glanced at the emperor.At this time, the emperor was having a lively discussion with the ministers, so Dai Quan secretly walked out of the imperial gate from the side.

Dai Quan came outside the main hall, when a young eunuch hurried over to kowtow to him, Dai Quan said impatiently: "If you have anything to say, hurry up, are you still busy?"

"Reporting to my ancestors, it is urgent to send it to eight hundred li from outside. I don't know whether I should hand it over, so I invite my ancestors to come."

After hearing this, Dai Quan's eyes widened, and he cursed loudly: "You little monkey, you're living and going back. How dare you delay such a big event? Hurry up and show me the battle report."

The little eunuch quickly took out the battle report from his pocket and handed it to Dai Quan. Dai Quan saw that the seal on it was still there, so he dared not open it privately.Hastily took the battle report and turned back to the main hall, then quietly walked back to the emperor along the wall.

The emperor had found out that Dai Quan was going out just now, he knew that Dai Quan was a prudent person, if there was no major event, he would not dare to be so impolite.

Seeing Dai Quan come back at this time, he glanced at him, meaning to ask him what's the matter?

Dai Quan came to the emperor holding the 800-mile urgent document, and said softly to the emperor: "Long live Lord, this is the [-]-mile urgent document just delivered, and the servant sent it to Long Live Lord."

When the emperor heard this, his heart ached, and he was afraid that Xuanfu Town would be breached.Immediately took it over, read the seal first, and then opened it to see the contents inside, I couldn't help but look very happy.

The important ministers below saw the emperor's face beaming with joy.They couldn't help guessing where the urgent report came from that made the emperor so happy.

The emperor smiled after reading the urgent report, and said to the ministers below: "I just received the urgent report, guess what's going on?"

Seeing that the emperor was in such a good mood, the ministers below probably had some great event, so they joined in the fun and started talking nonsense.

"Could it be that the emperor has a small overseas country coming to pay tribute." Pan Yong said with a smile on his face.

The emperor pretended to reprimand him with a smile: "It's not a few times in which year this pays tribute, what a happy event."

Huo Tu deserved to be the minister of the Ministry of War. After thinking about it, he knew the general idea, so he stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, could it be that the Tatars have retreated. Xuanfu Town sent an urgent report."

The emperor saw that he had already guessed it, so he stopped joking with them, and sent the military report to the eunuch for all the ministers to watch one by one.

When they were watching the report, the emperor sighed and said, "I never thought that our dynasty would produce a young hero. In such a short time and with such a small force, the Tatars have been defeated."

After reading the urgent military situation, all the ministers showed disbelief. They were still discussing to prepare 20 soldiers to force your lordship out of the border.Now there is an urgent report to tell them that someone has defeated 2 Tatars with 12 horses, and has gone north to recover the lost ground.

It turned out that Fan Kang reported the eight hundred miles urgent report to the court in the name of Jia Ke.The content is: Minister Jia Ke bowed his head and received the general order from the Ministry of War. The minister dared not neglect and raised all the soldiers in Kaiping Town, a total of more than 1 people.Marching day and night, the Tatars harassed them day and night, and they could not stop for a while.The ministers fought day and night, and marched for six days to the outside of Xuanfu Town, collecting a total of [-] remnants and defeated generals.At this time, the enemy chieftain led [-] cavalry to a decisive battle with the minister. Fortunately, the emperor Hongfu defeated the minister in one battle.The enemy was poor and defeated, and did not dare to go out of the camp. The minister cut off its water source. For about three days, the enemy had no water and fought among themselves.The minister then led the army and broke it in one fell swoop. Now that the siege of Xuanfu Town has been lifted, the minister led the elite soldiers under his command to go north, and he will be able to regain the lost ground in a short time. He has done his best.

After reading this memorial, the emperor was very happy, and finally let go of the big stone in his heart. This time it was considered peace.

Li Lu came out to play at this time: "Your Majesty, although Jia Ke sent the report, Jia Ke has few troops and is weak. If he lied about the military situation, it may ruin the court's affairs."

The emperor frowned when he heard what he said. Although he didn't believe that someone dared to lie to him about this important matter, what Li Lu said made sense.

When everyone was struggling in the hall, another eunuch below signaled to Dai Quan that Dai Quan did not make decisions privately this time, but secretly looked at the emperor.

The emperor nodded his head imperceptibly, and Dai Quan immediately understood and walked out of the hall again.

Dai Quan was outside the main hall, seeing that little eunuch again, he couldn't help but said angrily: "You little bastard, isn't it over? What's the matter this time? If you don't explain it to our family, what will happen to our family?" Clean you up."

The little lady overheard his words, she was so frightened that she quickly fell to her knees and said tremblingly: "The old ancestor spares his life, it's not that the child insists on disturbing the old ancestor, there is a reason for it."

Dai Quan naturally knew that he didn't dare to disturb him for no reason, so he asked, "What do you have to say now, don't you know that our family is serving the emperor?"

The little eunuch hurriedly said: "Old ancestor, there is another [-] Li urgently sent over there, and it is still from Xuanfu Town." Then he handed over the document in his hand to Dai Quan.

Dai Quan took the document, checked the seal, it was intact, and then looked at the signature written on the letter.It is Wang Tao, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town.

Dai Quan didn't dare to neglect, and hurried into the hall with the documents.Then along the side, back to the emperor again.His own said to the emperor: "Long live, Wang Tao, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town, sent eight hundred miles to expedite the military situation." After speaking, he sent the document to the emperor.

The emperor held the document and said to the following: "It seems to be true, no, Jiedu envoy Wang Tao also sent to expedite the military situation. It seems to be talking about the same thing."

While speaking, he opened the document, looked at it carefully, frowned when he looked at it, and finally threw the report on the imperial case angrily.

When the people below saw the emperor's anger, they were silent for a while. Finally, the emperor held back his anger and said to them: "Jiedu envoy Wang Tao sent a report saying that he fought desperately in Xuanfu Town and defeated the Tatars. Now we are rectifying the army and horses, and soon we will go to the Northern Expedition to recover the lost land, what do you think is going on here?"

Hearing what the emperor said, Li Lu's heart turned, and he knew what was going on. It was clear that each general was fighting for merit, but he didn't know which one was telling the truth.

Li Lu told the emperor what he wanted: "Your Majesty, there is nothing strange about this. One of these two memorials must be true, and the other is for merit."

After hearing what he said, the emperor also understood what he meant, so he asked the following: "Then look, which one is true and which one is false?"

Li Lu said confidently: "Jia Ke's memorial is true, and Wang Tao's memorial is false." After saying this, he then explained to the emperor: "Jia Ke is just a guard. Jiedu envoy contended for merit, it must be that he defeated the Tatars, so he couldn't wait to submit a letter to the court to express his merits, and did not discuss with Jiedu envoy Wang Tao. As Jiedu envoy, Wang Tao performed well during the Tatars' southward invasion. It's really bad. This time, he submitted the form to get rid of his previous crimes. Presumably, he didn't discuss it with Jia Ke. He thought that Jia Ke belonged to his jurisdiction in Xuanfu Town. In the end, Jia Ke knew about it and took him as an example. There is no way for the governor." There are some truths and some falsehoods in what he said, but the main purpose is to bring down Wang Tao, because the previous time he killed the magistrate privately, he had already offended all the civil servants.

After Li Lu finished speaking, all Zhong Wenchen below agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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