Chapter 187 Blocking
Arslen Khan was quite surprised when he heard the news that the tribes behind had been attacked. The Tatars had not been attacked for decades, and they had always attacked others on their own initiative.Such an attack came so suddenly that none of the tribes were prepared, so the losses were huge, and many tribes did not even escape.

Arslen Khan immediately sent a message to the tribes who had plundered in the Southern Dynasty, ordering them to return to the army immediately.At the same time, scouts were sent out to search for traces of this troop.It is imperative to find this army. Arslen Khan now wishes to kill all the troops that attacked his rear, so as to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

And Jia Ke's entire team is too many people now, and it is not very convenient to move.So a few days later, the scouts sent by Arslen Khan found traces of Jia Ke's troops.

Return after exploring the horse.Only then did Arslen Khan discover that his old rival Jia Ke was leading the army.

And now Jia Ke is different from the past. There are at least [-] to [-] cavalry in this army.With so many cavalry units, even Arslen Khan did not dare to take it lightly.

Arslen Khan immediately made his own judgment. Now Jia Ke's army is very bloated and is no longer suitable for fighting on the grassland. I'm afraid they will return to Kaiping Town soon.

So Arslen Khan issued orders one after another in Zhangbei.Gathered many tribes on Jia Ke's way back to Kaiping Town in the south, and planned to intercept Jia Ke in this direction, so as to regain the population and destroy his cavalry force, and must not let Jia Ke's cavalry force grow stronger.

The cavalry has always been the roost on the grassland. Although he was defeated by his infantry in several battles with Jia Ke, without the help of the cavalry on the two wings, the cavalry can completely harass the attacking infantry from all directions with its flexible attack methods. Even if Jia Ke's infantry is excellent, it can only be invincible at best, but it is an impossible task to win or annihilate the Tatars.

But now if Jia Ke had so many cavalry, the threat to the grassland would be too great.So from now on, Jia Ke can freely enter the grassland.But they had no way to attack Jia Ke's defense zone.

In this way, I can hit you, but you can't hit me.At that time, the offensive and defensive momentum of the grassland and the Central Plains will be reversed.This is the greatest danger to the grasslands. You must know that many of their daily necessities are plundered by going south every year.If you can no longer invade the Central Plains, you can only kneel beside the Central Plains Dynasty and become his servant.

The Tatars deployed heavy troops on Jia Ke's way back to Kaiping Town.Arslen Khan also sent [-] cavalry of his Jingwei troops, plus the cavalry from various grassland tribes, there were more than [-] cavalry in total.This army was commanded by the most trusted general Meng He, one of the four masters of Arslen Khan.

The four masters under Arslen Khan are different from the four horses. These four are the real commanders, while the four horses are just four strong generals.

Meng He has always been cautious in using troops and does not seek meritorious service, but seeks to be innocent. He has rich experience in large corps operations, and Arslen Khan has to rely on Meng He's prudence.To deal with Jia Ke's cunning can also minimize the loss of Tatar cavalry.

Meng He deployed heavy troops on the only way to Kaiping Town, and prowled around to guard against Jia Ke's sudden attack.Meng He thought that as long as he used his troops carefully and surpassed Jia Ke in numbers, Jia Ke had no chance of winning at all.But he didn't take into account the excellent equipment of Jia Ke's troops, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be so relaxed.

However, Jia Ke seemed to know that there were heavy troops in the direction of Taiping Town, completely ignoring the heavy troops deployed near Menghe Kaiping Town, and led the army straight to Zhangbei.

This time, Jia Ke led 1 cavalry and headed straight for Zhangbei.The remaining 10 cavalry guarded the [-] captives on the spot.

Arslen Khan had no idea that Jia Ke didn't lead his army back to Kaiping Town, but went straight to his Zhangbei.After Arslen Khan sent his 1 personal guards to support Menghe, there are now only more than [-] Arslen Khan's personal guards in Zhangbei, and tens of thousands of accompanying troops.Although the defense is very strict, but in fact, they are not ready to fight.

At dusk on this day, Jia Ke arrived fifty miles north of Zhang, and the Tatar cavalry found Jia Ke's large group of troops. At this time, the scouts were scared out of their wits. He did not expect to be so close to the king's tent. It was found that Jia Ke had so many cavalry.

After Tan Ma found Jia Ke, he didn't dare to approach, but turned around the pier and ran towards Zhang Bei desperately.Regardless of the fatigue of the horses, he just wanted to send the news to Arslen Khan as soon as possible.

Arslen Khan didn't feel the slightest danger at this time. He was hugging a few beauties from the Western Regions in the big tent, drinking kumiss and eating barbecue, watching the singing and dancing in the tent. He didn't know how comfortable it was.

Now he just waited for the news that Jia Ke was besieged and wiped out from the front. At that time, he would gather his troops and go down to Xuanfu. This time, he must break through Xuanfu Town and enter the hinterland of the Central Plains Dynasty.

When Arslen Khan was happy, suddenly a person broke in from outside.Arslen Khan, you see, is a scout leader sent by him. Arslen Khan was not happy at that time, and was about to reprimand him.The Tanma couldn't wait to say: "I will report to the big man that something is wrong. My Tanma was fifty miles away and found Jia Ke leading fifty thousand cavalry coming here."

Arslen Khan, when you heard the news, you kicked over the table and shouted angrily, "I told you to send out so many scouts, where did you go? Why did you let Jia Ke's cavalry get so close to me?"

The leader of the scouts didn't care about it now, offended Arslen Khan, and said loudly to him: "Khan, you have transferred so many troops, how can there be so many scouts under my command, and it's too late to pursue responsibility now." , Jia Ke can arrive in half an hour at most. You should find a way quickly."

Arslen Khan was trembling with anger, what could he do now?But Arslen Khan still forced himself to calm down.Finally ordered: "All the guards are dispatched immediately to block Jia Ke, and the others evacuate quickly."

After Arslen Khan finished speaking, he walked out of the tent. After receiving Arslen Khan's order, his personal commander Hu He knew that time was running out.He wanted to buy the most time for the Khan to evacuate, and he immediately rectified the [-] personal guards, and lined up on the only way Jia Ke went to Zhangbei to wait for Jia Ke's arrival.

Arslen Khan took all his tribe's family members and didn't want anything. He rode a horse and drove a cart, and retreated northward.

Arslen Khan also issued an order to Menghe to tell him the situation here when he was retreating, asking him to lead troops to help immediately.

Jia Ke also spotted the Tatar scouts, and knowing that it was not the time to hesitate, he immediately ordered the army to speed up, and at the same time sent scouts out to look for the traces of Arslen Khan.

But things went against their wishes. Before they found the trace of Arslen Khan, Huhe had already brought [-] cavalry in front of them. These [-] cavalry were different from ordinary grassland cavalry. The most elite cavalrymen selected in the tribe.

Looking at the cavalry in front of them, Jia Ke felt helpless.Originally, he had thought of capturing Arslen Khan alive in one fell swoop, but now it seemed impossible.When he defeated these cavalry, Arslen Khan had already gone to the horizon.

Although Jia Ke was helpless, she still accepted the reality.The most realistic thing now is to defeat the cavalry in front of him. This time, Jia Ke led most of them were Eight Banners soldiers. Among them, the most elite 3 people were all covered with paper armor, and their defense power was only slightly inferior to that of iron armor. But it is much lighter than iron armor.It allows the cavalry to maintain their superiority in flexibility and mobility.

Although Arslen Khan's personal guards are powerful, only a few of them have armor, and most of the others do not wear armor.

Jia Ke could see the pros and cons of both sides at a glance. He placed his most elite 2 Eight Banners soldiers at the front of the team, and the other [-] people later returned to the Eight Banners soldiers and placed them on the two wings of the team.Take advantage of their stallion's proficiency in riding and shooting.Provide long-range shooting assistance to the main force.This can minimize your own casualties.

Neither Jia Ke nor Huhe hesitated, and the two troops charged at each other as soon as they met.Relying on the superiority of numbers and equipment, Jia Ke's side surrounded Huhe's 1 people in an instant.

Jia Ke's 2 elites were rolling like wheels, and the other 3 people were spinning counterclockwise with the [-] people, shooting arrows from the periphery to the middle.

Arslen Khan's personal guards led by Hu He were indeed brave, and even faced a stalemate with Jia Ke's troops when they were at a disadvantage in numbers and equipment.

Jia Ke stood at the rear of the troops, watching what was going on ahead, and couldn't help sighing at the troops.If Arslen Khan had led this army to Xuanfu Town last time, based on Jia Ke's 2 horses at that time, no matter how powerful they were, they might not be able to take advantage of half a cent.It seems that the Tatars still have strong strength that has not been shown, and they must not be taken lightly from now on.

In this way, Arslen Khan's personal guards blocked Jia Ke for several hours at an absolute disadvantage, and caused a lot of casualties to Jia Ke's troops.

When it was completely dark, Arslen Khan's personal guards were completely lost.Seeing this situation, Hu He knew it was irreversible.With a few of his cronies, he saw a gap and killed them.

Jia Ke looked at him from a distance, and did not chase after him, but took out the precious carved bow in the bow bag, pulled the bow like a full moon, and shot an arrow at Huhe from a distance, the arrow shot like a shooting star in the night sky Swipe across, and arrived at the back of Huhe in an instant.At this critical moment, one of his confidants suddenly rushed towards him, trying to block the arrow with his body.But they still underestimated the power of this carved bow.

The arrow directly penetrated the man's body and pierced into Hu He's body, but luckily the man missed the arrow, and the arrow only penetrated Hu He's right shoulder.

Hu He was shot by this arrow, and his internal organs were burned in pain, but he didn't dare to make a sound at this time, he was really afraid that Jia Ke would shoot him another arrow.At first, he thought that the people of the tribe had completely misunderstood Jia Ke. How could there be such a person in the world?But the arrow just now completely broke his imagination.

He and Jia Ke had at least [-] steps at that time, but Jia Ke's arrow was about to pass through a person, and then shot through his body again.He had never seen such strength before.

(End of this chapter)

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