Chapter 206 Surrender
Arslen Khan came to the two arrows on the wall of Miyun City, stopped his horse, looked up the city gate and saw a flag flying on the top of the city gate, with a general in golden armor standing in the middle, this should be Miyun's The city guard general.

Arslen Khan ordered his subordinates to shout to the man, and immediately a warrior came to Miyun City and shouted: "Minyun guard, listen, our Khan said that as long as you surrender, I would like to make you king. If you resist the heavenly army, you will be torn to pieces when the city is broken."

Gu Xu was listening carefully on the tower. At this time, his legs were already shaking with fright. He should have 1 people in Miyun City, but in fact there are only [-] now, and he has eaten up the rest. In addition, he usually cheated and resold weapons, resulting in a very insufficient defensive equipment in Miyun City.

Gu Xu's face on the tower was cloudy and uncertain. After thinking about it, he felt that if the court found out about his arms reselling, he would surely die.Gu Xu still didn't want to die, but when he heard Arslen Khan say that if he surrendered, he could be made the leader of a department, he got a bad idea.

Now that Gu Xu thinks about it, he can only give up his parents and wife at home. Although it is a bit unfilial to say this, as long as he can save his life, his parents should forgive him.After all, he is the only son in the family, and he is so promising.They should be able to understand themselves.

As for wives and children, why does a man have to worry about not having a wife?It's just that my children are a little distressed, but now I can't take care of them.If I lost my life, I would have nothing. At worst, I would burn more paper money for them to let them go down again and live a life of prosperity and wealth.

Thinking of this, Gu Xu made up his mind to surrender to the Tatars in order to save his life.But there are other generals in the city. If other people know about his intention to surrender, he may not be able to surrender at that time, and his life will be endangered instead.

Gu Xu came up with an idea as soon as he turned his head, and he simply tidied up these subordinates together so that it would be convenient for him to act.

After listening to the shouting outside the city, Gu Xu immediately ordered the surrounding soldiers to strengthen their guard against surprise attacks by the Tatars. Don't be beaten by the Tatars instead of failing to surrender.But he himself came down to the city, returned to his mansion to make arrangements, and prepared to do it tonight.He is now doing nothing for his own safety.

That night, on the grounds of discussing the military situation, he summoned all his officials with more than a thousand households to the garrison mansion, where he held a banquet.As soon as the generals came, he invited them to the banquet.

Gu Xu discussed the enemy's situation with them while drinking.The generals of the various families were also unprepared, so they drank happily during the banquet, and did not come up with some ideas for defending the city. Many of these people have been in the army for generations and have one or two unique skills. It can really hold the city.

But now Gu Xu is already greedy for profit, he only wants to open the city and surrender, and then become his leader, so he doesn't care about these things of defending the city.Gu Xu just kept perfunctory the generals there, and kept persuading them to drink.

The generals did not suspect him, so they drank two more glasses, and Gu Xu added some drugs to the wine, and soon these generals were overwhelmed by Gu Xuma.

As soon as Gu Xu saw that the generals had been overwhelmed by him, he immediately ordered his soldiers to tie up all these people and lock them into the firewood room.Then he wrote a letter of surrender, ordering his soldiers to sneak out of the city and send the letter to Arslen Khan.

In the daytime, Arslen Khan promised to the general guard of Miyun that if he surrendered, he would immediately be crowned king and give him a fief.It's just an expedient measure, it's better if it succeeds, and if it doesn't match up, I don't have any loss.In the end, he couldn't believe the good news. He had just promised during the day, and the guard of Miyun would come to contact him at night.

Arslen Khan was suspicious by nature, when he heard that the guard of Miyun sent someone to deliver the letter of surrender, he didn't completely believe it, he was worried that this was a trick of the guard of Miyun.But since the other party had already sent the person, he couldn't see him, so he ordered his hands to bring the messenger to the treasure tent.

Arslen Khan saw the soldiers who delivered the letter to him in the big tent.Based on Arslen Khan's many years of experience, he could tell at a glance that this man was just an ordinary sergeant.

The sergeant's face was pale with fright when he saw Arslen Khan. He didn't want to come to this mission.But Gu Xu promised that as long as he came, he would prepare 500 taels of silver for him.Even if the money is near Miyun, it can buy more than 50 mu of land.In addition, he already knew Gu Xu's secret, if he did not agree to go, he would be killed by Gu Xu in the study immediately.After weighing the two, he still accepted Gu Xu's order.

Besides, if it is true what Gu Xu said, given that he has so much wealth, it is worthwhile to take a risk even if he goes all out.

This soldier was like this, under Gu Xu's coercion and lure, he came to send a letter to Arslen Khan according to Gu Xu's order, and put aside the righteousness of the country and the nation.

Arslen Khan saw the uneasiness in the soldier's heart, and now he believed it half to eighty percent, so he said kindly, "Your general sent you to deliver the letter, what proof do you have?"

"When my general asked me to come, he only gave me a letter and nothing else." The soldier replied honestly.

"I asked you to deliver the letter, so take it out and let me see it."

When the soldier heard that Arslen Khan asked him for a letter, he hurriedly took out an envelope from his pocket.Passed both hands to Arslen Khan.

Arslen Khan gave the attendant next to him a wink, and the attendant next to him immediately stepped forward to take the letter and handed it to Arslen Khan.

Arslen Khan took the letter and opened the envelope to read it carefully. The main idea on it was that General Gu Xushou knew that the heavenly soldiers were coming and did not dare to resist. People came to write a letter, hoping that Arslen Khan would keep his promise to make him king, and agreed to invite Arslen Khan's lover to take over Miyun City tonight.

Arslen Khan read the letter over and over several times.Now I was confused by this letter, and I don't know what the guard of Miyun was thinking, but he sent the letter of surrender before fighting.He has been at war with the Southern Dynasties for so many years, and he has never encountered such a general.

Although the generals of the Southern Dynasties were full of wine bags and rice bags, these people still put integrity first. No matter how they failed, the most they could do was to run away. They had never wanted to surrender before fighting like Gu Xu.There are indeed many doubts.

But Arslen Khan is not going to give up this opportunity, whether it is true or not, you will know if you try it.So he sent his general Bu Rigude with 1 horses to accept Gu Xu's surrender.If the other party really wants to surrender, they must treat each other with courtesy, without the slightest disrespect.If the opponent is a false surrender, as long as you maintain yourself, it will be a great achievement.

After accepting Arslen Khan's order, Brigude brought his troops to Miyun City. At this time, the gates of Miyun City had already been opened. Gu Xu had been waiting at the gate for a long time with several civil servants who were willing to surrender. up.

After the messenger left, Gu Xu had already summoned the civil servants in the city to discuss.As a result, most of these civil servants disagreed. After all, it is the prosperous age of the dynasty. These civil servants still have some integrity. In addition, most of their family members are in the Central Plains. If I surrender like this, my family members may never stand up again. .

So many people yelled at Gu Xu, and the purpose of these people was very clear, that is, they just wanted to die quickly, so as to win the reputation of a loyal minister and make their family members live better.

Gu Xu was so annoyed by their scolding that he immediately ordered his own soldiers to pull these people out and behead them all to relieve his hatred.

The remaining three or five officials saw that the situation had already been sifted, and they dared not resist at all, so they all agreed to follow Gu Xu's lead.

Therefore, Gu Xu led these people to open the gate of the city, and prepared to welcome the Tatar generals who came to receive the city at the gate.

When Brigude saw Gu Xu, he saw that he didn't have a weapon or any armor on him.And the soldiers around the city gate also disarmed, and stood there obediently one by one.It seems that he is really about to surrender.

But Gu Xu was overjoyed when he saw Burigude. He was always worried that Arslen Khan would doubt his sincerity and lead his troops to attack the city regardless.Now that Arslen Khan sent someone to receive him, he knew that his life was saved.

Gu Xu hurried forward to Burigude, knelt down on the ground and saluted: "Gu Xu, the criminal general of the southern barbarians, surrendered and waited for the general's forgiveness."

Brigude remembered Arslen Khan's instructions when he came here, and now that he saw that Gu Xu was really coming to surrender, he quickly got off his horse, came to Gu Xu's side and helped him up, saying politely: "General Abandoning the dark and turning to the bright is because the people of the two countries will not use swords, but they are great heroes. When I came, we profusely asked, let me tell the general that he will keep his promise, and the general does not need to worry.”

Gu Xu was overjoyed when he heard these words, and immediately invited Buri Gude to rest in the city, and at the same time reported to Buri Gude that he had arrested all the officials with more than a thousand households in the city, and how he will be dealt with next depends on Buri Gude General De's meaning.

Just as Gu Xu and Burigude entered the city gate, they saw a sergeant running ahead, who seemed to be a small boss.This man has sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, his eyes are rolling around, and there is a flattering smile on his face.It's not a good thing at first glance.

When Gu Xu saw this person, he asked in surprise: "Zhou Wu, you are not guarding those people, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Wu came over to Gu Xu with a flattering face and said, "General, I don't mean to see that you haven't come back for a long time. I'm afraid that something will happen, come and have a look."

After speaking, he glanced at Brigude who was next to him, and immediately went up to meet him, and said with a smile on his face: "General, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally I am looking forward to you. I am really lucky to see the general." I am lucky, I hope the general will support me a lot in the future."

Bu Rigude didn't pay any attention to such a character at first, what he admired was the general of He Tong, although He Tong cheated at the last moment and almost hurt his life, but his admiration for He Tong was not Not a bit less.

But now is an extraordinary time, and it is the time to use these Southern Dynasty people, so he asked with a smile: "Who are you? What's the matter here?"

Seeing Burigude's question, Zhou Wu hurriedly walked a few steps forward, came to Burigude's side, nodded and bowed and said: "General, I am a hundred households in this city, and I am General Gu Xu's confidant. Just now the general asked me to guard the imprisoned thousands of households in the garrison mansion, waiting for the adults to come and release them. I was anxious to wait in the mansion, so I came here to see if the adults of Shangguo need anything, so I can help." After finishing speaking, he showed a flattering smile to Brigude.

(End of this chapter)

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