Chapter 209
After Xie Wang's propaganda in Miyun City, the enemy has become united.The big guy's fear of the Tatars turned into his motivation to survive.The common people are thinking about the same thing now. Since it is death anyway, it is better to die in battle. If you can kill one or two Tatars, then you are not losing money.If you keep the city wall, even if you die in battle, your loved ones can survive.

Not only all the young and strong actively participated in the defense of the city, but also countless women came under the city wall to help deliver supplies and prepare meals for the soldiers and the young and strong.These women were terrified by the news from Gubeikou. They were not afraid of death, but they thought that if they faced the ravages of the Tatars every day, it would be better to die.So these women desperately helped the officers and soldiers defend the city, hoping to keep the city and preserve their lives and chastity.

Even many old people over the age of 50, disregarding dissuasion, follow the training alongside the young and strong, just thinking that they can make a contribution at the last moment, and want to use their old lives to leave a way for the young children and grandchildren in the family.

At this time, Xie Wang actually had a glimmer of hope in defending Miyun City. With the efforts of these people, it might not be so easy for the Tatars to break through.In the end, if the Tatars lose too many troops.In the end, I am afraid that he can only go around the city, and there is nothing to do with his Miyun City.

Xie Wang now has this idea in mind to encourage the people to fight, to let them understand that Tatars are human beings, and they will be afraid if they suffer heavy losses.

And there are countless rolling wood and thunder stones prepared on the city wall. These things were not there at first, and Xie Wang demolished the garrison mansion and all the officials' houses to get them together.

When the people in the city saw that the officials demolished their houses to defend the city, they also took action one by one. Many people demolished all their unused houses, and took away the stones and all kinds of wood used for building houses. All the beams were transported to the top of the city.

When Miyun City was preparing to defend the city these days, the Tatars were not idle. During this time, they used the craftsmen plundered from the Central Plains to build countless ladders and other siege tools, such as crashing cars, etc. wait.

On the third day of the rest of the two sides, Arslen Khan led the army to go out together, and the army set up a formation three miles outside Miyun City.Arslen Khan came to the front of the battle immediately, set up a pergola and looked up at the city wall, only to see countless figures densely packed on the city wall, and all kinds of defense supplies piled up like a mountain.

Seeing this situation, Arslen Khan had a bad premonition in his heart.This reminded him of the siege battle in Kaiping Town.Although he is well prepared this time, if he continues like this.I don't know how much time it will take and how many people will be lost.

Moreover, the current situation of Miyun City Investment is quite different from what Gu Xu described. Looking at the materials on the top of the city, where is the lack of preparation, it is simply piled up like a mountain.Looking at the densely packed army on the top of the city, there are at least tens of thousands of people.

When Arslen Khan saw this situation, he changed his mind and decided to attack for a few days first.If not, you cannot continue to attack.After finishing the work, we should walk around the city and go straight to the capital, and leave another [-] to [-] cavalry, which is enough for surveillance.

After Arslen Khan made up his mind, he issued an order to his generals, ordering them to attack the city immediately from all sides, without stopping for a while.

The Tatars didn't just order their step soldiers to attack the city.In the past few days, they also looted tens of thousands of people from all around. The male soldiers among these people naturally became the cannon fodder for this siege, and they were the first to rush towards Miyun City.

Under the urging of the Tatars behind, these captives rushed towards Miyun City with a ladder on their shoulders.When they came to the city and built a ladder, they climbed the ladder and attacked the city under the pressure of the Tatars' swords and guns.So the brutal siege battle began.

Seeing this situation, Xie Wang on the top of the wall hesitated for a moment, and finally gave an order with all his heart, and all the soldiers began to throw rolling wooden thunderstones downward.The people who attacked the city suffered heavy losses in an instant, and this situation only lasted for more than half an hour.These people suffered heavy losses.There is no longer the ability to attack the city.

Arslen Khan saw from the back that these looted slaves had lost almost all of their losses, and a lot was consumed from the rolling wood mines on their heads, so he ordered his Tatars to start attacking the city.

So the Tatars imitated the Central Plains people.Carrying the ladder, they ran down the city wall. During the process, thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city, and the Tatars kept falling on the way of charging.However, the Tatars were numerous after all, so they approached the city wall very quickly. They climbed steadily with the ladder on the city pool, and braved the rolling wood and rocks above to fight and climb, showing their sturdy spirit.

Under the city, Arslen Khan sent archers to keep shooting upwards to suppress the firepower of Chengtou.

Above Miyun City, Xie Wang led hundreds of people to serve as the supervisor team and rescue team.But those who dared to back off were beheaded immediately, and where they were about to fail, they immediately went to support.

At the same time, the young and strong under the city were ordered to keep replenishing upwards. Sometimes it was too late to dispatch the young and strong, and even women went to the city to join the battle.

From the top, sometimes because of the lack of rolling logs and thunder stones, do you just throw the corpses of the comrades who have just died in battle as rolling logs?

What's more, it is unexpected that among these people, the most valiant fighters are those women. Many women even jumped off the top of the city with the Tatars in their arms when they were seriously injured and saw that they could not do it.The tragedy and tragedy cannot be described in words.

Such a fierce offensive and defensive battle lasted for a day, and when the sky darkened, Arslen Khan finally ordered his troops to withdraw. The offensive and defensive battle of this day made him see the cruelty that was different from the previous grassland wars, which made him more determined to fight around. The determination to leave the city.

In the evening, when the losses were counted, the Tatars killed nearly 5000 people and injured two to three thousand people during the day's siege battle.Such a loss has exceeded the limit that the Tatars can bear, and many people complain.They also glared at Gu Xu, a Han Chinese.It was because he said that the city was unprepared and it was easy to break through them, so he desperately attacked the city, thinking about the first day, he would be beaten to death.

Arslen Khan did not blame Gu Xu, but said to his opponents: "I saw the siege today. There are not many regular soldiers on the city. Most of them are young and strong who have just been recruited. Although we lost a lot this day But the loss on the vehicle is probably more serious than ours. I think we will continue to attack for two more days. If we can break through Miyun, that is naturally the best result. If we can’t break through the city wall, then the people in the city must also suffer heavy losses. , there is no danger to our rear, let's go around the city and go straight to the capital."

Seeing that Arslen Khan had set the tone, everyone dared not resist and could only follow orders.

In Miyun City, after a day of fierce fighting, the soldiers saw the Tatar retreating, and it was better for him to collapse on the city wall.Some people even lay down on the ground and fell asleep regardless of the dead bodies around them.

After Xie Wang saw that the Tatars had retreated, he immediately asked for a count of the number, and the result surprised him.In this day's fierce battle, their losses exceeded [-], of which [-] to [-] were formally trained soldiers. If this continues for three to five days, Miyun City will definitely be conquered.

But now he is in trouble. In order to defend Miyun City, he killed many wealthy gentry. If he can't defend Miyun City, he will take credit for it.I'm afraid it won't end well in the end.

Xie Wang thought about it, but could only fight desperately.He immediately ordered to gather all the women in the city who were over 20 years old and under 40 years old.Carry out emergency training, and when necessary, all go to the towers to defend the city. In this way, he has an additional 2 people available, allowing him to persist for a few more days.

The next day everything was as usual, the Tatars were still fighting hard to attack the city, and Miyun City was also desperately defending.Today's siege station is more tragic than yesterday, and the losses in the morning have exceeded the casualties in yesterday's day.

The two sides fought from dawn to dusk. Arslen Khan saw his troops rushing to the top of the city several times. He thought he was about to break the city, but he was driven down by the opponent again.

Arslen Khan immediately sent someone to count the losses after dark. Today's siege cost him more than [-] people.The loss of these two days has already shaken whether it is time to break through Miyun City.Although he knew that according to this situation, Miyun City would definitely be breached in a few days, but he would lose tens of thousands of elites, so it seemed that the gains outweighed the losses.And it will delay too much time, giving the capital of the Southern Dynasty more preparation time.

Arslen Khan immediately decided to change his strategy, leaving only [-] to [-] cavalry to monitor Miyun.He went straight to the capital with a large group of people and swept all over the place.

Early the next morning, Arslen Khan immediately ordered the camp to be pulled out, leaving only 2 people to monitor Miyun, while the other brigade bypassed Miyun and went south.

And Xie Wang watched the brigade go south from the top of Miyun City, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.He didn't expect the Tatars to have such a strong fighting power. They defended the city yesterday and took advantage of the situation. Miyun City lost more than [-] yuan, and almost all the veterans in the city died in battle. The situation was worse than that of a scholar. mastery.

Now those who are supported on the top of the city are all young and strong and women after only a few days of training.If the Tatars attacked the city again today, Miyun might not be able to hold it.

And now in Miyun City, there are no professional officers to command.In the two days of fighting in Miyun, all the thousands of households in Miyun were killed except for one or two who were seriously injured and survived. Although he is the chief of the army, he is really not good at these battles.I thought today was the last day of my life, but I didn't expect the Tatars to walk around the city.

In fact, Arslen Khan was shocked by the spirit of Miyun. He thought that if every city in the Southern Dynasty was like Miyun, he would not be able to invade the Southern Dynasty even if he brought all the people from the grassland.

The Han people's will to resist also let him know that this nation is not so easy to be conquered.As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will definitely persevere.Will fight to the death with the invaders.

(End of this chapter)

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