Chapter 211
It turned out that the emperor had already come out when the little eunuch had just reported and did not disturb Dai Quan.But after he heard the little eunuch's report, he couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily.

Dai Quan knelt on the ground at this time, only knowing to kowtow non-stop, begging the emperor to appease his anger.

The emperor calmed down a bit, but his face was still flushed.He immediately issued an order: "Pass down my order, immediately kill the eunuch who guards the palace gate, and whoever dares to do this kind of thing again in the future, I will kill his nine clans."

After the emperor said this, he gave Dai Quan a hard look, "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and send the messenger to me, which will delay the big event. I want your head as well."

Dai Quan ran out in a scrambling manner. Seeing that Dai Quan had gone out, the emperor wanted to go back to the East Nuan Pavilion to wait for news, but as soon as he turned around, he felt dizzy. The eunuch next to him hurried over to help him, and said anxiously: " Long live Lord, what's the matter with you? Do you want to pass on the imperial physician?"

The emperor supported his hand, and after a short delay, he recovered, then pushed him away and entered the East Nuan Pavilion.

Dai Quan rolled and crawled out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and trotted all the way to the gate of the palace.I saw that a bunch of people had already gathered outside the palace gate.

The little eunuch next to Dai Quanquan immediately separated from the crowd and let Dai Quan come inside, only to see a eunuch crying bitterly there.It was the eunuch who guarded the door.It seems that he also knows his end.

When Dai Quan saw this man, his face was full of anger, and he directly ordered the little eunuch next to him: "Drag this dog aside for our family, and beat him to death in front of everyone. Let everyone Also take a look, who will dare to stop the emergency military situation in the future."

All the little eunuchs under him shivered.But the hands were not slow, they went forward and tied up the crying eunuch directly and pressed them to the big square of the palace gate, and then the eunuch from the Punishment Department who had come earlier tied the eunuch to a spring stool.Then he raised the board and hit him hard behind his back.For a time, there were endless screams in the square, and blood spattered everywhere.

Dai Quan ignored these and went to the bell tower of Jingyang Bell.He said to the sergeant who was ringing the bell: "Little brat, why are you knocking? The emperor already knows about you, so tell our family if you have anything to say."

The messenger who was ringing the bell stopped, and he turned around to see a gorgeously dressed old eunuch.At first glance, he was someone with status in the palace.At this time, he hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down and said, "Eunuch, I am the messenger from Miyun. I was ordered by my family's guard to send an expedited [-] miles to the capital. The Tatars are already less than a hundred miles away from our Miyun city."

When Dai Quan heard this, he was already frightened out of his wits. Miyun is only a few dozen miles away from the capital.If the information is sent according to Miyun, it means that the Tatars have already arrived in the capital.This is a big deal.

So Dai Quan said to the messenger: "You follow me now, let's go to see the emperor together."

After saying this, Dai Quan didn't dare to stay, turned around and ran towards the inner palace.And the messenger followed Dai Quan all the way to the outside of Dongnuan Pavilion.

The emperor didn't wait long in Dongnuan Pavilion, when he heard a commotion outside, and then Dai Quan came in alone. As soon as Dai Quan entered, he knelt down on the ground and replied anxiously: "Long live, it's Miyun's urgent military situation." , it seems that the Tartars have reached Miyun."

When the emperor heard his words, he felt dizzy again.But he gritted his teeth and asked the kneeling Dai Quan, "What about the messenger and the military situation?"

"The messenger is waiting outside, and the military situation is also on him, and the servant dare not act presumptuously."

The emperor said angrily: "Then let him in quickly."

Dai Quan hurriedly went out to lead the messenger into Dongnuan Pavilion. As soon as the messenger entered Dongnuan Pavilion, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation in Miyun [-] Li. We will leave at noon today and arrive in Beijing before dusk." After speaking, he took out the letter in his arms and presented it to the emperor with both hands.

The little eunuch next to him quickly took the letter and delivered it to the emperor.The emperor took the letter and immediately opened it to read the message on it.

The general content of the letter is that Gubeikou was conquered by the Tatars, and now the defeated army has arrived in Miyun. From the defeated army, it is learned that the Tatars have a large number of people, no less than 10,000+, and Miyun has discovered the Tatars. Miyun had few soldiers and asked the imperial court to support them as soon as possible.

When the emperor saw the news, he was mentally prepared. Although he still felt his forehead twitching, he was still able to calm down his anger.

At this moment Dai Quan came in to report, "My Majesty, all ministers are already waiting outside the palace gate, I wonder if the Emperor will summon you."

When the emperor heard the news, he remembered that the messenger hit the Jingyang bell just now, and all the ministers must go to the palace to have an audience, and it happened that he wanted to discuss the Tatar invasion with them.

So he sent an order: "Place your car in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and send an order to all the ministers to meet you in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

After the emperor delivered the decree, he walked out of Dongnuan Pavilion, and a group of eunuchs hurriedly followed.There was already a bright yellow sedan chair waiting outside Dongnuange.The emperor got into the sedan chair, carried by four eunuchs, and headed for the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

When the emperor arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, all the ministers had been waiting in the hall for a long time.Seeing the emperor coming, all the ministers knelt down on the ground and shouted long live three times, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

The emperor sat on the throne and didn't let the carts stand up. He looked at the ministers below and saw them kneeling there with ignorant faces. He felt angry, so he said sullenly: "Just now Someone hit the Jingyang clock, do you know what happened?"

The people below looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't know how to answer the emperor, so they said together: "I will wait for ten thousand deaths."

The emperor said angrily to the following: "The 10,000+ Tatars have arrived in Miyun now, and you are still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Dream. Do you lose your head to wake up?"

All the ministers of His Highness were horrified when they heard the emperor say this. They never thought that the capital would be threatened, so they immediately exploded.

Everyone is talking about it, even if the Tatars surrounded Xuanfu Town a few years ago, the situation is not as dangerous as this one. At any rate, there is still Jia Ke in Xuanfu who can rescue nearby.But this time, apart from the three major battalions near the capital, there were no other soldiers and horses.

And these ministers are all good people, and they never had any hope for the combat effectiveness of the three battalions.

Seeing them making a mess, the emperor slapped the imperial case hard with his hands angrily, and scolded loudly: "Shut up, everyone, and talk one by one if you have something to say, what does it look like to quarrel. Three A bachelor, the three of you speak first."

University scholar Li Lu immediately stood up and said: "The emperor's matter is urgent now. He should act decisively and order the troops of the three major battalions outside the city to enter the city immediately to participate in the defense of the city."

After hearing what he said, the emperor thought it made sense, and immediately sent an order: "Where is Prince Teng, the governor of the Beijing camp?"

This is a middle-aged Confucian general who walked out of the martial arts class, came to the center of the hall, immediately knelt down and said: "My prince Teng Jianjia, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

The emperor immediately sent an order to Prince Teng: "You immediately rectify the three camps outside the city, let them enter the capital through the three gates, and immediately go to the city to participate in the defense to prevent the Tatars from attacking."

Wang Ziteng knelt down and replied: "Minister, Wang Ziteng respects the decree." After speaking, he stood up and walked outside the hall.

After arranging for Wang Ziteng to defend the capital, the emperor had some confidence in his mind, and said to the ministers who were still kneeling below: "Okay, get up, I can't blame you for what happened today."

All the ministers knelt down below for so long, and finally waited until the emperor spoke to let them get up.All they had to do was struggle to get up from the ground one by one.Some old and infirm people also need the help of colleagues next to them.

All the ministers stood up, and then stood on both sides of the Hall of Supreme Harmony according to the rules of Wendong and Wuxi.

Seeing that everyone got up, the emperor continued to ask: "If you have any other ideas, please tell me. I am afraid that the Tatars will come to the capital this time, and the visitors will not be good. We must think of a countermeasure."

University scholar Yan Mu came out of the class at this time and said: "Your Majesty, although there are 15 horses in the three major battalions, they have never seen a real battle. It is still useful to rely on them to defend the city. If you want to repel the Tartars The Tartars may have a much harder time."

The emperor frowned and asked unhappily: "Li Aiqing, is it true that my three camps are useless? Don't be alarmist."

In the emperor's impression, the three major battalions are the elite of the world.And every time he travels, the three battalions are all well-armored.With a majestic appearance, it doesn't look like he can't fight.

Before Yan Mu could answer, Pan Yong, the Grand Scholar next to him, stood up first and replied: "Your Majesty, what Grand Master Li said is true, the three major battalions are indeed worrisome. Their ancestors were originally the elite of our dynasty. But after their fathers and grandparents passed away, they gradually became corrupted, and I am afraid that the outcome of their battle against the Tartars will be worrisome."

When the emperor heard this, he almost laughed angrily.When there was no war in the past, they told themselves one by one that the three major battalions were rare in the world. Now when they met the real chapter, they told themselves that the three major battalions were corrupt and unusable.If it hadn't been for the invasion of the Tatars, I'm afraid I would never know that the three major battalions that I depended on the city wall had been decayed and could no longer fight.

"Then what do you think we should do? We must not allow the Tatars to come and go freely around the capital, or even disturb the ancestral tombs." After the emperor finished speaking, he seemed to remember that the tombs of several emperors in this dynasty were outside the city. If it is destroyed by the Tatars, what face will I use to meet the late emperor after my death?
When the emperor thought of this, he couldn't help feeling sad, and tears rolled in his eyes.Looking at the ministers below, what is the use of spending money to support them?At the critical moment, no one can share their worries for themselves.

Li Lu, a scholar, saw the sad look of the emperor, and knew that he was afraid that the mausoleums of the former emperors would be harassed, so he went out to play and said: "Your Majesty, we haven't reached that point yet, you can send an order to the Jiedu envoys of several nearby provinces Immediately raised troops to serve the king, and ordered Jiubianzhong, Xuanfu Town and Liaodong Jiedu envoys to immediately raise cavalry to support. These two places are closest to the capital, and these two places have the most elite soldiers and horses, and the largest number of cavalry. When the cavalry from these two places comes, there will be at least [-] to [-] cavalry, and even if they cannot win, they will still be able to keep the capital peaceful."

(End of this chapter)

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