Chapter 218
No wonder Lin Zhixiao, as the butler of Jia's mansion, has a heart like Wuyang Hou's mansion.In fact, the Rongguo Mansion has already sunk into the west. If Jia Ke hadn't made some achievements outside these years, he might have started to live without money.

Just because Jia Ke is now the Jiedu envoy of a town, and was named Marquis of Wuyang by the emperor.That's why Rongguo Mansion gradually had foreign officials come to offer ice tributes and carbon tributes, so that Rongguo Mansion could barely maintain a balance of income.

But just like this, among the descendants of the Rongguo Mansion, there is also a scene of no one left behind. Although Jia Zhu among these people is working hard to get fame, his body is no longer strong enough to support him to fulfill his wish.

But the others only know how to eat, drink, have fun, enjoy the glory and wealth, and never worry about the future of the Jia family, let alone work hard.Therefore, anyone with a certain vision knows that the Jia family has declined, and now it is all supported by Jia Ke.

After listening to Lin Zhixiao's explanation of the big open middle door, Jia Ke realized that it was the old lady who was promoting his status.All the masters in Manjia Mansion, probably none of them passed through the middle gate.

Jia Ke also understood the painstaking efforts of the old lady. The reason for opening the middle door was to welcome him, and as soon as Jia Ke entered the Rongguo Mansion through the middle door, her status will be detached from now on.Thinking about it, according to the rules, all the family members of the mansion should come out to greet them, but everyone is Jia Ke’s elders, so they cannot come out to greet the juniors, so they just opened the middle door, and let him, the descendant who returned from the expedition, enter through the middle door to show his glory .

The other Jia Ke's younger brothers were probably not angry, and because they thought they were direct descendants, they didn't come out to greet him.

In fact, it was similar to what Jia Ke thought. This time when Jia Ke returned home, Jia Zheng asked Jia Zhu to greet him at the gate.But for some reason, Jia Zhu fell ill again, and it was very sudden.

As a father, Jia Zheng naturally understands what this son is thinking, but he has been competing with Jia Ke. When Jia Ke left, he also confidently told Jia Ke that he would be nominated for the gold medal. Who knows that after so many years, he is still the same. A talented person, now that Jia Ke can't compare to him, he feels a bit shameless.

Looking at Jia Zhu's thinning body, Jia Zheng couldn't bear to force him.Forget it.

But Jia Lian was different from him. Since Jia Lian moved to Rongguo Mansion, he was actually dissatisfied with Jia Zheng's position in Rongguo Mansion.He didn't know what happened back then, he only knew that he should be the master of Rongguo Mansion.Therefore, there was a change in mentality. This time when Jia Ke came back, he didn't come out to greet him. He only thought that he was a descendant, and he was just a concubine. There was no reason for the descendant to go to greet the concubine.

Jia Lian has now been dazzled by the power of the Rongguo Mansion. He has forgotten how the Rongguo Mansion came to be today. If he is married to Wang Xifeng now, with Wang Xifeng's shrewdness, he will definitely point him out from the sidelines. It's a pity. Now because of Jia Ke, he can't get married either.This is the embarrassment of being under the fence, but he hasn't felt it yet.

Besides, Jia Ke is now standing at the gate of Rongguo Mansion, looking up at the gate of Rongguo Mansion carefully.I saw that the red-painted gate of Rongguo Mansion has now been opened, and there are 49 gate nails on the red gate.These doornails can't be nailed casually, and they can be nailed on the door according to different grades to show honor.

Rongguo Mansion, as the duke's mansion, can have 49 doornails, seven in length and seven in length and seven in length.However, like Jia Ke's Wuyanghou Mansion next to it, there can only be 5 doornails with 25 vertical and [-] horizontal.

Looking at this splendid gate, Jia Ke also felt emotional. It has been a long time since she came to Rongguo Mansion, and this is the first time she entered Rongguo Mansion directly from the middle gate.But Jia Ke thought that this was by no means the last time, and he would frequently go in and out of the middle gate in the future.

Thinking of this, Jia Ke boldly went straight to the middle gate, Lin Zhixiao, and all of Jia Ke's soldiers were beside him.

After Jia Ke entered the Rongguo Mansion, he ordered the servant next to him to take a rest with his own soldiers, while he went to the small study to meet Jia Zheng.

Jia Ke and Lin Zhixiao walked through the rockery, crossed the courtyard, and came to Jia Zheng's small study all the way. There were already a few young men waiting outside. When they saw Jia Ke, they immediately came up to him and knelt down to salute Jia Ke. .

Jia Ke took out a handful of scattered silver coins from his bosom and threw them at them, and the servants started to grab them all over the place.

Jia Ke didn't care that they came directly to the outer study, and said at the door: "Jia Ke, the unfilial child, please see me."

At this moment, Jia Zheng was waiting anxiously in the study room. His four Qing customers were playing chess with him while waiting, but Jia Zheng was absent-minded.They blocked their own chess pieces a few times without knowing it. The four clearers were all old in accidents. Naturally, they knew what Jia Zheng was thinking, but they didn't point it out. They just played chess with Jia Zheng indiscriminately.

In the past few years, the Jia Mansion has started to rise again, and the four of them have also made a lot of profits. Most people outside do not dare to underestimate them. Even some trivial matters can be handled by a post from them. After all, the Jia Mansion behind them There is also Wuyang Hou, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town.So now these four are more careful to flatter Jia Zheng, not daring to make Jia Zheng feel dissatisfied.

Just when Jia Zheng was anxious, he suddenly heard Jia Ke's voice outside.

Jia Zheng calmed down in an instant, and returned to the state of not being surprised by honor or disgrace.He sat on the edge of the chessboard and looked at the chess pieces, and said with a smile, "I lost this time."

"Where is it that the boss lost, it is clear that I took advantage of the loopholes, and the victory is a bit unfair." Zhan Guang replied with a smile.

"If you lose, you lose. There are so many reasons. You can take that word. You can't miss the prize that you agreed." Although Jia Zheng lost the game, his tone was very happy. Zhan Guang Get up quickly and thank you.

At this time, Jia Zheng slowly said to the door: "Come in, who can stand outside to see?" He seemed very unhappy.

Jia Ke waited for a while before getting Jia Zheng's reply, and then dared to lift the curtain and enter the small study.

When the guests in the house saw Jia Ke coming in, they all got up quickly, bowed their hands and saluted Jia Ke.Jia Zheng hurriedly stopped him from the side, "You don't have to do this, you two watched him grow up, he can be regarded as your nephew, how can you salute him?"

Zhan Guang hurriedly said to Jia Zheng: "Old man's etiquette cannot be discarded. Eldest brother is now a lord. If we rely on the old and sell the old, others will only think that we don't know how to be polite. Wouldn't we be laughed at?"

When Jia Zheng heard what he said, he stopped talking.But Jia Ke hurriedly helped the four of them up, and said respectfully: "You are all my father's friends, how dare I accept your big gift, isn't this a shame for me?"

Hearing Jia Ke's words, Jia Zheng was very satisfied, thinking that Jia Ke was only looking for his face, so he was not honored by the Four Cleaners.

After Jia Ke helped the four guests up, she came to Jia Zheng, knelt down on the ground, and touched the ground with her head.He choked up and said, "Five or six years apart, is Father okay? The unfilial child is back." Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Jia Zheng.

Tears also appeared in Jia Zheng's eyes at this time, but he forcibly held back.Stepping forward to help Jia Ke up, he looked at him carefully.

When Jia Ke came to see Jia Zheng now, it was too late to change his clothes. Now he was still wearing a helmet, crown and burqa belt. Jia Zheng saw that he had shed the childishness of his youth and became a dignified and majestic general. .

I couldn't help but patted Jia Ke on the shoulder in relief, and said to him: "I know everything about you outside, thank you for your hard work, and it's because of my incompetence that I let you, a child, fight for the sake of the family." Sigh.

"Father, don't worry. Father knows his son's martial arts. There is no place in this world that a son can't go to." Jia Ke hurriedly comforted him, but her tone also revealed incomparable confidence.

After these years of fighting, Jia Ke has almost understood the force value of this incident. Now Jia Ke thinks that no one in the world is his opponent, even those gods, Jia Ke thinks he can protect himself.

Jia Zheng shook his head and said to him, "Don't be careless. Swords and guns have no eyes on this battlefield, so you must be careful." After saying this, he said gratifiedly, "Fortunately, you have some martial arts skills, and you haven't fallen for two generations. Duke Rong's prestige is well known to the two Dukes in the underground, so they can rest in peace."

While the father and son were talking, a servant suddenly came in from outside. After entering, he greeted Jia Zheng and said, "Master, the old lady has sent someone to see if the master is back. She is anxious to see you." "

When Jia Zheng heard this, he remembered that as soon as Jia's mother got the news of Jia Ke's return, she waited in the room.Hurry up and tell Jia Ke: "Go to the back house and meet your grandmother. During your absence, he will miss you."

Jia Ke hurriedly cupped her hands, "Since grandma is waiting behind, I won't stay here any longer, my lord father. I will come back and talk to father after seeing grandma."

"After seeing the old lady, you don't need to come to the study. Go to the back house to meet your aunt. Among these people, she misses you the most." Jia Zheng said magnanimously.

"I would like to follow the orders of my lord father, that child, I will go to the back house now?" Jia Ke asked again like Jia Zheng.

Jia Zheng waved his hand to signal him to go quickly, and don't keep the old lady waiting.

Jia Ke left the housekeeper's outer study, walked through the small door on the side, entered the hanging flower door, and walked through the hall to Jiamu's courtyard.

As soon as Jia Ke entered Jia Mu's courtyard, she was discovered by the little maids. While saluting to Jia Ke, they reported to Jia Mu in the room.While dealing with these little maids, Jia Ke came outside Jia's mother's room. At this time, a little maid was waiting beside her. When she saw Jia Ke coming, she swiftly drew up the curtain for him.

When Jia Ke entered the inner room, she saw an old lady with silver hair who had already walked to the door. Is it Jia Mu or who?
When Jia Ke saw it, she hurried forward to support her, complaining in her mouth, "How can an old lady come to welcome her grandson? You can just sit in the room, and people will talk about me when I come out."

After hearing Jia Ke's complaints, Mother Jia was not annoyed, but felt that her grandson was close to her.So he laughed and cursed and said: "You monkey, I came out to pick you up to give you face, but you are blaming me."

"Yes, yes, your old man is right. It's the grandson. He was confused just now." Jia Ke was teasing with the old man, while helping Jia's mother back to the right seat.

Only then did Jia Ke let go of the old man, came to the center of the hall, knelt down respectfully, and then said loudly: "I am not filial to my grandson, Marquis of Wuyang, Jia Ke, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town, pays my respects to my grandmother, and wishes my grandmother all the best. After finishing speaking, he kowtowed three times to Jia Mu.

Sitting on the top, Jia's mother listened to Jia Ke's official name, and her heart was full of excitement. Their Rongguo Mansion finally stopped the downward trend and began to rise.

Since that incident, her husband lost his life because of it, which kept the whole family safe.She only regarded it as this life, and she would never have such an honor again.He didn't expect to see the rise of the Jia family when he was about to enter the earth.

Jia's mother has now believed eighty-nine percent of Taoist Zhang's prophecy.If it weren't for that kind of luck, how could Jia Ke be a minister at such a young age.

 It's a little late today, just finished work.Sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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