The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 222 Family Dinner

Chapter 222 Family Dinner
Seeing that everyone has arrived, Jia Zheng said to Mrs. Wang, "Now that everyone is here, let's set the meal."

Mrs. Wang signaled to Zhou Rui's family next to her, and Zhou Rui's family would go out and make arrangements immediately.Soon the tables were placed in the hall of the main house, and then all kinds of delicacies were put on the table in a flowing manner.The maids and women stood around, ready to serve the master at any time.

Jia Zheng led the crowd to the table. Mrs. Wang and Aunt Zhou were fighting on the left and right of Jia Zheng, and below were Jia Ke and Jia Zhu. Jia Tanchun and his nanny were waiting on him.

Aunt Zhao stood beside Jia Huan and waited on her. Jia Ke felt that since it was a reunion dinner, there must be one person missing, even though Aunt Zhao was not qualified to serve.But Jia Huan is the master of the family after all, no matter what, he should be allowed to sit on the table.As the eldest brother, he should be more magnanimous, so he stood up and reported to Jia Zheng: "Master Huan, although Brother Huan is young, he cannot be missing at the family banquet. I beg Father to allow Aunt Zhao to hold Brother Huan." Serve."

After Jia Zheng heard Jia Ke's words, he couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart. His son really thought about everything he didn't think about, so he went along with the flow and said to Aunt Zhao: "Since what does the elder brother say?" , you go to the table with Huaner in your arms."

When Aunt Zhao heard Jia Ke's words, she immediately sat next to Jia Tanchun with a smile on her face, and after she sat down, she showed a flattering smile to Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang.It's just that she didn't pay attention to Aunt Zhou and Jia Keli who were sitting next to her.

Looking at Aunt Zhao's performance, Jia Ke secretly smiled.It seems that Aunt Zhao has been taken care of properly by Mrs. Wang.Now it has completely become a knife for Mrs. Wang to the outside world, and this knife is now facing Aunt Zhou and herself.But this person didn't think about his own weight, so he rushed forward so stupidly to fight for Mrs. Wang, how could she be better than her in the future.

However, this may also be Aunt Zhao's hiding her clumsiness. After all, she can survive so well in such an environment as Jia's Mansion, so she cannot be a fool.Maybe she's covering herself up with such a brash appearance now.

This time when everyone was seated, Jia Zheng picked up the chopsticks, casually added a mouthful of food and put it in his mouth.After Jia Zheng ate the food, everyone began to eat.

In the middle of the banquet, Jia Zheng asked Jia Ke: "Now that the Tatars are outside the city, the capital is important." It seems that Jia Zheng is still a little worried about the safety of the capital.

When Xuanfu Town was besieged last time, the court officials at that time sent all their relatives to the south.The Jia family was no exception. At that time, Jia Baoyu and Jia Lian traveled south for a period of time on the grounds of visiting relatives.As a result, it didn't take long for the Tatars to retreat, and the two of them were stopped by servants on the way.

But this time the Tatars came so suddenly that they were not prepared.So they are all trapped in the city, and now everyone is very concerned about the safety of the capital.

When Mrs. Wang and the others heard Jia Zheng's question, they also pricked up their ears to hear Jia Ke's answer.

"My lord, don't worry, the Tatars just took advantage of my unpreparedness and raided Gubeikou. Then they entered the vicinity of the capital. Now the emperor has summoned all kinds of troops to come to serve the king, and the Tatars will definitely retreat by then. To put it arrogantly If so, even if there is no reinforcements, my son with 5 troops can resist them." Jia Ke said confidently.

"That's good. When the old prince was here, what happened now. At that time, the barbarians were honest. Anyone who dared to show a little disrespect would immediately destroy their entire clan." Jia Zheng suddenly felt a little emotional. , but he seemed to know what he said was wrong, so he kept silent and just advised everyone to eat.

Jia Ke knew about the secrets of the Jia family, and it seemed like she had never heard of it.

When the banquet was about to end, Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke and Jia Zhu again: "You two are not young anymore, and you are already engaged. This time, taking advantage of the elder brother's presence, we decided to get married. After saying this, he said to Mrs. Wang: "You have to prepare a house for Zhu'er, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late. As for the eldest brother, don't worry about it. The Wuyanghou Mansion in the west has been empty for a long time. Now It's time for a mistress."

"What the master said is that I will take care of the two of them. It just so happens that Lian'er is also engaged to my natal niece. I will take care of the two of them first, and I will do it for Lian'er next year," Mrs. Wang said nonchalantly.

Jia Zheng didn't object to this, but suddenly asked: "What's going on with the sister-in-law in the Dongfu?"

Jia Zheng's question was so sudden that Mrs. Wang didn't know how to answer it.And she felt that it was inappropriate for Jia Zheng to ask these words when Jia Ke and others were around.

Jia Ke had been eavesdropping on what they were saying, and now seeing him asking such a question, she felt a little confused.

He was a little confused, but Mrs. Wang was not. She glanced at everyone on the table calmly, and then replied lightly: "What can I do? I guess Brother Jing couldn't bear the loneliness, so he came back to stay for a night or two. It's the old lady who has her own plans. Let's not follow suit."

Jia Zheng didn't care about ordinary things. He just heard some rumors some time ago and felt a little uncomfortable. Now that Mrs. Wang said this, he didn't take it to heart.

Others didn't take this matter to heart, but Jia Ke could understand that it was probably referring to Jia Xichun, and Jia Xichun's origin was very strange.In Dream of Red Mansions, Qin Keqing is the one whose identity is the least clear.In fact, in Dream of the Red Chamber, there is another person with a more mysterious identity, that is Jia Xichun.

In the whole Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Xichun did not step into Ningguo Mansion, even after Jia Jing passed away, he did not step into Ningguo Mansion, which is completely unreasonable.How can people not be suspicious.

No wonder Mr. Cao said: "Everything that goes wrong is honored, and the beginning of a quarrel is really Ning", "Everyone respects the ruined fur, and the family is destroyed and the first crime is Ning." How many secrets are hidden in the Ningguo Mansion?
In Dream of Red Mansions, people said that Ningguo Mansion was attached to Rongguo Mansion, but now it seems that this is not always the case.What secret is the dignified head of the Jia family hiding?To be so low-key.

And who this Jia Xichun is is also confusing.Some people say that Jia Xichun was born by Jia Jing's wife by stealing from her uncle, but in Jia Ke's view, it doesn't look like it.How old is Jia Jing's wife now?In the Rongguo Mansion, only Jia She could do such a thing, but no matter how hungry Jia She was, she would not take a liking to this half-old woman.

Jia Zheng saw that everyone had almost eaten, so he put down his chopsticks, and when everyone saw Jia Zheng put down their chopsticks, they all stopped eating.

Jia Zheng then said to Jia Ke: "You have important things to do tomorrow, so go back and rest first."

Just as Jia Ke got up busy, she bowed to leave, and then Aunt Zhou also got up and went back with Jia Ke.Not long after, Aunt Zhao also left, and Mrs. Wang ordered her maid to send Jia Baoyu and Jia Tanchun back to Jia Mu.

Seeing that everyone had left, Jia Zhu wanted to leave too.But he was stopped by Jia Zheng, "What are your plans? Could it be that you really want to cling to Brother Ke?"

Jia Zheng is becoming more and more dissatisfied with Jia Zhu now. Just now when Jia Ke and the others were there, they gave him some face.

Jia Zhu stood where he was, with a gloomy expression on his face. Although he worked hard to study after the drug was gone, his physical memory could not keep up for some reason.

When Jia Zheng saw his appearance, he became angry for a while, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Forget it, forget it, I am not just your son, someone has already taken care of Guangzong Yaozu's affairs, you just stay at home and be an idler." Flicking his sleeves, he left the main room, looking in the direction of Aunt Zhao's room.

Watching Jia Zheng walk out of the room, Jia Zhu couldn't help crying bitterly.Mrs. Wang was watching, her heart was like a knife. She now regrets why she found such an evil medicine for her son.

"Zhu'er, don't worry, it will be uncomfortable for a while after stopping the medicine, after a while you will recover slowly, you can still be named on the gold list." Mrs. Wang said comforting words that she didn't believe.

Jia Zhu looked at Mrs. Wang with tears all over her face, and asked with a glimmer of hope: "Mother, is it true? Can I really be named on the gold list?"

"Of course it's true. I don't know my son's abilities. You are just delayed by your mother. After a while, the medicine will take effect, and you will be back to normal." Mrs. Wang lied to him with tears in her eyes. The old doctor's words kept echoing in his ears.

After Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou returned to their small courtyard, they sat down in the main room, and the maids brought tea.

Jia Ke still had some doubts, so she asked Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, when did the lady in the east get pregnant? You've heard about it."

Aunt Zhou drank her tea and said nonchalantly: "I didn't hear about it. They thought it was because the old lady was old, so they kept it a little tighter. They didn't expect that it was because of this child that the old lady's life was hurt in the end."

Jia Ke thought about it carefully, and felt more and more wrong. Why does this Jia Xichun look so similar to Qin Keqing?What did the Ningguo Mansion do without telling them?Does Mother Jia know about this?It seems that there is a chance to find out about it from Jia Mu, otherwise if something happens suddenly, it will be troublesome if I am not prepared.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke got up early, dressed neatly, and went to the Ministry of War to deliver orders.I came here in a hurry yesterday, and after another battle, it was getting late when I entered the city.So instead of going to the Ministry of War, you should go to the Ministry of War today, report to the Minister of the Ministry of War, and then dispatch after listening.

Jia Ke came to the Yamen of the Ministry of War with his own soldiers. The servants standing guard outside the yamen saw Jia Ke's demeanor, and hurried forward to ask, "I wonder what the lord is doing at the Ministry of War? If there is something important, I can go in and report it. "

"I am Jia Ke, the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town. I just came to Beijing yesterday for reinforcements. I didn't come to report yesterday because it was late, so I rushed early today. I don't know if Master Shangshu is in the Yamen, so I can go in and give orders. "

While Jia Ke was talking to the yamen servant, a sedan chair carried by four people came by, and came to the entrance of the military department, and a middle-aged official walked out of the sedan chair.At first glance, Jia Ke saw that the person was none other than Huo Tu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

When Huo Tu saw Jia Ke, he immediately walked two steps forward and came to Jia Ke's side, "So it's Jiedu envoy Jia Houye, and I'm going to Huo Tu to greet him here."

After Huo Tu finished speaking, he gave Jia Ke a deep salute, although the rank of Minister of the Ministry of War was similar to that of Jiedushi.But because Jia Ke still has the title of Marquis of Wuyang on him.That's why Huo Tu treated Jia Ke so courteously.

Jia Ke hurriedly returned the salute and said, "Lord Huo, please don't be so polite. I'm just a little lucky to get this title at such a young age. How dare I accept such a big gift from my lord?"

Huo Tu hurriedly stepped forward to help Jia Ke up and said, "What does Lord Jia have to do when he comes to the Ministry of War this time?"

Jia Ke cupped his hands again and said, "I'm here to deliver an order to my lord. The emperor ordered me to arrive at the capital within ten days. It's only been four days since today, and I'm here to give an order to my lord."

(End of this chapter)

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