Chapter 233 Mutiny
Although the emperor had no special orders, Jia Ke thought that if he did not show his loyalty now, he would not have such a good opportunity in the future.

So Jia Ke put on his helmet and crown, and held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and stood outside the emperor's tent, watching the night for the emperor. The emperor's personal eunuch Dai Quan came out several times to persuade him to rest.They were all rejected by Jia Ke sternly. What Jia Ke said was very nice. Since the emperor entrusted the safety to the humble official, the humble official should not be slack in the slightest. If there is any problem, who can take care of it.

Dai Quan had no choice but to go back to the tent and learn Jia Ke's words from the emperor.After hearing these words, the emperor was also very moved. As an emperor, he has not had such emotions for many years.I don't know why, since the emperor met Jia Ke, he has a special fondness for him.

And this day the emperor slept in the tent, unprecedentedly peaceful. In the past, the emperor was often awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night. Either evil spirits came to claim his life, or someone rebelled and killed him in the palace. However, these nightmares did not appear this night.It seems that these evil spirits are afraid of Jia Ke's prestige.

At dawn the next day, the emperor was still asleep, which was unimaginable before.Seeing that the time was almost up, Dai Quan had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter the tent to wake up the emperor gently.

As soon as the emperor woke up, he looked at the sky outside, it was already bright, and he felt that he slept very comfortably that night, completely letting go of his worries.

The emperor put it on and closed it, summoned all the ministers, and went to the mausoleum of Taizu.At this step, you can't take a car, you have to walk.The emperor took the lead and walked in front, with Jia Ke guarding him, and all the ministers followed the emperor, walking slowly towards the mausoleum.Because the emperor and many ministers were old and weak, they walked very slowly on this road. They set off in the morning and arrived at the mausoleum at almost noon. By the time they reached the edge of the mausoleum, the emperor was already tired. I can't walk anymore, if it wasn't for Dai Quan beside me, I would have been lying on the ground long ago.

Jia Ke followed the emperor to the side of Emperor Taizu's imperial mausoleum. Looking up carefully, he found that the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Taizu was not large in scale. It was only because the power of the people was exhausted when the country was founded, and Emperor Taizu had the virtue of living well. He refused to be too extravagant and wasteful, so when the imperial mausoleum was built, although the specifications were the same as those of the previous emperor, the size of all the buildings was much smaller, and he left a will that from now on, the imperial tombs of future generations must not exceed his scale.Therefore, the tombs of the emperors in this dynasty are not large.

The imperial mausoleum has three walls: inner imperial city, brick city and earth city.In the mausoleum, there are hundreds of halls of enjoyment, verandahs on the left and right sides of the hall, palace halls, straight rooms, divine kitchens, slaughtering kitchens, wine rooms, dozens of golden gates, red gates, and Lingxing gates, and several royal bridges, red bridges, and water gates. There are ten buildings, stele pavilions, two shrines, sacrificial offices, dozens of shops, hundreds of pines and cypresses, and dozens of pairs of stone men and horses.Among them, the main hall of the Imperial Mausoleum is the most magnificent, with a width of nine rooms and three levels of Dan Bi, which is the place for sacrificial activities.

The emperor and important ministers came to the main hall and offered sacrifices.The Son of Heaven sacrificial utensils "Nine Tripods and Eight Guis" - Jiuding holds cattle, sheep, pigs, fish, wax, intestines and stomach, skin, fresh fish, and fresh wax. These kinds are also called "Da Lao".This is a sacrificial method that only the emperor can use.

The emperor had just finished offering sacrifices and came to the square in front of the main hall.Suddenly, a forbidden soldier came running from the Shinto. The man was out of breath, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment. Dai Quan hurriedly asked someone to stop him.

The emperor saw it clearly, and said to Dai Quan: "Don't stop him, let him come and talk." Dai Quan quickly winked at the guards below, and the guards let him go.

As soon as the imperial army came before the emperor, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and eagerly reported: "I report that something is wrong with the emperor. Countless soldiers have surrounded the imperial tomb and blocked internal and external traffic."

The emperor said blankly: "Go down, I understand."

University scholar Li Lu stood up and replied at this time: "Your Majesty, the imperial mausoleum has been surrounded now. Someone must be disobedient. Please send someone to break out of the encirclement immediately and find some passers-by King Ma Qin."

"It's not necessary, I want to see who is so arrogant." The emperor said calmly.

The emperor didn't show a look of panic until now, because he had expected such a move today, and had made perfect arrangements a few days ago.

His confidant, King Bei Jing, did not come with him today, he had already sent him to the imperial army, ready to lead troops to reinforce him at any time.

The Minister of the Ministry of War is also sitting in the capital, ready to quell the rebellion at any time, so the emperor is already confident, as long as he gives an order, the king of Beijing will lead all the soldiers of the king to surround and wipe out the people below.

Besides, there was Jia Ke standing beside the emperor. As long as the opponent didn't attack up the mountain, with Jia Ke's strength, there was nothing that could hurt him.

While they were discussing with the emperor and his ministers, suddenly a forbidden army came to report that a eunuch wanted to see the emperor.

A sneer appeared on the emperor's lips, and he ordered the eunuch to be brought with him.

After a while, the imperial army brought a young eunuch, who showed his power and did not pay attention to the people at all. He just bowed when he saw the emperor, and then said to the emperor: "The emperor, our family is under the order of the emperor. came to preach."

University scholar Yan Mu was furious when he heard his words, and retorted loudly: "The current emperor is right in front of him, where is there any other emperor? Who are you? How dare you falsely pass on the imperial decree."

The little eunuch gave Yan Mu a disdainful look, and then said slowly: "The crown prince has already ascended the throne and ordered me to bring the emperor's will to reward the emperor. Are you accepting the emperor's order?"

After the emperor heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, what a prince, what a prince, he actually wants to do something to force his father to seize the throne. I'm afraid he doesn't have the ability." After finishing speaking, he turned to Dai Quan Said: "Send the order."

When Dai Quan heard the emperor's order, he hurried to the back and waved a large red flag.The little eunuch didn't stop him when he saw this, he just stood there looking like he was watching the show.Dai Quan almost broke his arm, but no one responded.

The emperor was a little startled when he saw this, and his face began to turn pale.

The little eunuch laughed loudly, and said with a sneer: "The Supreme Emperor, this is the reinforcement of the terrible king of Beijing. Unfortunately, the king of Beijing is already on the road to Huangquan. The whole imperial army has been controlled by the prince, and they are surrounding the emperor." The mausoleum is the military horse of Liaodong Jiedu Shi. Now that the Supreme Emperor has accepted the order, he can still enjoy his old age in peace. Otherwise, I am afraid that he will not be able to die well."

The emperor had already started to tremble at this moment. Originally, the plan he had arranged was flawless, how could there be any flaws?The emperor asked unwillingly: "How did you get the news to control the imperial army?"

The little eunuch smiled and said: "The emperor already knew that the Supreme Emperor would ask, so let me explain clearly to the Supreme Emperor, so that the Supreme Emperor can give up."

"Your Majesty, you may not know that Huo Tu, Minister of the Ministry of War, has long been a member of our Emperor. Your every move is under the monitoring of the Emperor." He said with a smug smile.

The emperor was already a little unsteady at this time, and the eunuch next to him quickly supported him.Although the emperor expected that there would be a traitor among himself, he never expected that it would be Huo Tu.He can be said to be his confidant, otherwise he would not have let him take charge of the military department, but he did not expect that he would betray him in the end.It seems that the prince has already known all his plans, and this time he is really in danger.

With the support of the eunuch, the emperor barely stood still, then looked at the ministers below and said, "The matter has come to a critical moment, what can you do?"

These ministers lowered their heads one by one and did not speak. At this time, these ministers were thinking and weighing the pros and cons.Should he continue to follow the emperor, or take advantage of this time and switch to the prince's command.

But soon someone made a decision, and suddenly a minister knelt in front of the emperor, and said loudly: "Long live Qi, the prince has grown up now, and he is very heroic. Please let the emperor order Zen to sit in the prince. At that time, the world will Peaceful, so that his life will not be ruined."

As soon as the minister finished speaking, forty or fifty more ministers immediately knelt at their feet.They said together: "The minister waits for a second opinion."

These people have already seen that the emperor is at the end of the road, and they still have a good time and family to take care of, and they must not have any accidents here, and even if they switch to the prince, the prince still has to rely on them to govern the country with their power.Therefore, after careful weighing, some people still feel that they should go with the flow and lean on the prince's side in order to continue to maintain their prosperity and wealth.

Seeing this, the emperor was too angry to speak.At this time Pan Yong stood up and said to the ministers who were kneeling on the ground: "Do you guys still have the heart of a scholar? Kong said to be benevolent, and Meng said to be righteous. Now is the time for us to be loyal to the emperor. How can you be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Hearing his words, the emperor couldn't help but warm his heart for a while. The three scholars he promoted, Li Lu and Yan Mu, were said to be capable officials in governing the world, while Pan Yong was said to be a villain who flattered himself. However, when the critical moment came, these honest gentlemen who were full of benevolence, righteousness and morality wanted to force themselves to sit next to the prince, but this villain in their mouths wanted to be loyal to themselves, which showed that they had not misunderstood the person.

But the emperor didn't know that in order to flatter the emperor, Pan Yong looked down on others and even contradicted the prince several times.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke knew that she should come out and say a few words.This time I looked dangerous, but there was actually no difficulty.

Fan Kang had already expected this situation. A few days before departure, Fan Kang had already told him about all the situations and arranged specific solutions for him.

Now Jia Ke looks dangerous, but in fact he is as stable as Mount Tai. At this time, expressing his loyalty to the emperor can show his loyalty, and secondly, if something happens to the emperor, he can break out of the enemy camp by relying on martial arts. It may be possible to control the court situation in advance.

After Pan Yong finished speaking, Jia Ke could also say flatly: "Your Majesty, I don't know anything but loyalty. Now the matter is critical, and it's time for me to be loyal. Today, as long as I have a breath If they are here, they don't want to hurt the emperor. If the minister is not here, please take care of the emperor."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, the emperor was even more moved. Now Jia Ke obviously meant that if he was able to keep the emperor, if he died in battle, the emperor should have made plans earlier.

The emperor saw that there were already two loyal ministers standing by his side, and asked the other two great scholars, "What do you think? Let Zhen Chan be in the crown prince too?"

Li Lu and Yan Mu were silent at this time, but silence is the biggest statement at this time.It seems that they also think that the emperor has no chance of making a comeback.As long as they don't make a statement, when the new emperor ascends the throne, they will spread all over the world by virtue of their disciples and old officials.The new emperor cannot govern the world without them.At that time, the glory and wealth will not be lost, so there is no need to stand up and express your opinion at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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