The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 238 The army gathers

Chapter 238 The army gathers
The emperor slept in the tent and didn't mention it, besides, the imperial decree sent by the emperor was conveyed to everyone.

They each reacted differently. Among them, Prince Teng, the governor of the Beijing Camp, was overjoyed after receiving the imperial decree. He was originally the emperor's confidant.This time the prince rebelled, and his position was in jeopardy.I am afraid that the position of Jingying Jiedushi will definitely be replaced by the prince's confidants, and he may even lose his wealth and life.Moreover, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had sent several orders before, asking him to hand over his military power so as to protect his family.But Wang Ziteng knew that if he didn't have military power at this critical moment, he might be a fish on the chopping board.

So he ignored the order from the prince.He only told the prince that if there is the emperor's will, he will immediately hand over his military power. Before there is no emperor's will, he will refuse to obey the imperial edict.

Because most of the prince's troops have been dispatched to besiege the emperor, he can't spare any troops to deal with Prince Teng at the moment, so he can only let him wait until the emperor gives the decree of abdication, and then decree to deprive Prince Teng of Beijing. Those who wanted to come to the capital camp did not dare to disobey the position of the military governor. Even if Wang Ziteng had great abilities, he could only dismiss him from office.

Just when Wang Ziteng was troubled and at a loss in the camp, the emperor sent this imperial decree. What does it mean?It shows that the prince did not control the emperor, and the emperor had already run to his nephew Jia Ke's barracks.

This time Wang Ziteng was very happy. The Wang family and the Jia family were originally married for generations, and both families were prosperous and both were prosperous.Then this time, relying on his 15 troops in the Beijing camp, plus Jia Ke's [-] elite.Even if the others all leaned to the prince's side, they were not the opponents of the two of them.

After Wang Ziteng received the imperial decree, he didn't hesitate anymore, and ordered 15 troops from the Beijing camp to approach Jia Ke's [-] elite soldiers in Xuanfu Town, intending to join forces with the two to protect the emperor's restoration.

As soon as Wang Ziteng's 15 troops acted, they immediately alarmed several other Jiedu envoys and general soldiers.

These five or six Jiedu envoys and general soldiers also received the emperor's imperial edict just now, and they are now hesitating.I don't know whether to obey the emperor's imperial decree or seek refuge with the prince to gain greater fame.At this time, seeing Wang Zipeng commanding the 15 Beijing battalion and approaching Jia Ke's barracks, it was obvious that he wanted to join forces with Jia Ke.In this way, the emperor gathered 20 horses, which already had an overwhelming advantage over the prince.If they don't join the emperor now, I'm afraid the emperor won't need to send troops to attack at that time. As long as the emperor sends an imperial decree, these generals under them will tie them up and send them to the emperor to ask for rewards.That being the case, what is there to hesitate?So the leading generals from all walks of life mobilized their troops and approached Jia Ke's barracks.

These six groups of soldiers add up to more than one hundred thousand, and they will join together and move towards Jia Ke in a mighty way.

Since there are those who are close to the emperor, there must be diehard loyalists of the prince. Among them are two troops, one is Huo Tu, Minister of the Ministry of War who controls the imperial army, and the other is Zhang Chi, the admiral of the Nine Gates.

Huo Tu had no way out, he killed King Jing and seized the military power of the imperial army, the emperor would never spare him, so he followed the prince wholeheartedly, without any chance of repenting.

And Zhang Chi, the admiral of the Nine Gates, had once received the favor of the prince, and he was quite loyal.I think that if I receive a drop of water from others, I will surely repay it with a spring.Therefore, he is loyal to the prince and has no second heart.Although he received the emperor's order this time, he immediately took the order and sent it to the prince, showing his loyalty to the prince and letting the prince prepare early.

The prince took a careful look at the emperor's decree, then sneered as if he didn't care at all, and said to Zhang Chi: "You don't have to worry, there are 5 people in the yamen commanded by the forbidden army and your infantry in our capital, plus If the [-] troops of the Liaodong Jiedushi are only defending the city, even a million troops will not be able to attack. I want to see what the father will do when the army has no food?"

After Zhang Chi listened to the prince's words, he thought about it in his heart, and it was indeed the truth.Since ancient times, food and grass have been fought in battles, but now all the food and grass in the capital are in the city.Each section is under the command, although they have some food and grass, but they can't last long, as long as they defend the city, I am afraid that these people will have to retreat in the end, and the emperor and the prince can only negotiate to resolve the matter in the end.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chi felt relieved. Although he was loyal to the crown prince, he still cared about his own wealth and life. Now it seemed that neither side had the ability to destroy the other, so he felt relieved.

The prince was very calm at the time, as if everything was under control, after dismissing Zhang Chi.He showed his original weakness and slumped on the seat all of a sudden.

He had thought nothing would go wrong.All the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty have returned to Beijing to pay their allegiance to him, and he is only waiting for the emperor to die or surrender.He will be able to ascend the throne and become emperor. He has been waiting for this day for more than 30 years, but when he is about to succeed, he falls short.Thinking that the emperor commanded countless soldiers and surrounded the capital.And how many of his subordinates are really devoted to him. I am afraid that as long as the emperor gives an order outside the city, countless people will come to arrest him and ask the emperor for a reward.

After the prince sent Zhang Chi away.So he ordered people to set up a banquet, summoned all his concubines, and started to have fun. He knew that his time was running out.What awaits him is either poisoned alcohol or a lifelong ban.

As for defeating the emperor's men and then seizing the throne by himself, he is completely afraid to think about it now.The yamen was led by the remnants of the Liaodong Jiedu envoys, the forbidden soldiers who were pampered every day, and the infantry who knew how to bully the common people.It is simply a delusion to deal with the elite towns with hundreds of thousands of troops who have experienced many battles.It's not as good as if you have wine today and you are drunk today, the prince is completely desperate now.

At this time, Huo Tu, who was in charge of the imperial army, also sat down on the ground after knowing the prince's actions.He originally thought that the prince still had some ability, but he didn't expect it to be a silver-like wax gun head, and at the critical moment, the mud would not be able to support the wall.Even the prince gave up, one can imagine what the soldiers and generals under him thought.

Huo Tu thought for a while and felt that this couldn't be done, he had to survive.If the emperor invaded the capital, none of his nine clans would be able to survive.

So Huo Tu directly broke into the Prince's East Palace with his own soldiers.At this time, the guards of the prince's east palace were already in panic all day long, and no one could stop him.When Huo Tu entered the prince's palace.The prince was drinking and having fun with several beauties in his arms.

Huo Tu stepped forward and kicked the table in front of the prince over.This shocked the half-drunk prince.

"Huo Tu, what are you going to do? Do you want to kill the orphan?" the prince said angrily.

Looking at this incompetent prince now, Huo Tu was so angry that his heart ached, "I wonder what time it is, and I'm still drinking here. Does your Highness want to die without a place to die?"

After listening to his words, the crown prince immediately burst into tears, "Master Huo, what can you do now that Gu is told? If he had just sent someone to kill him up the mountain, how could the result be like this?"

Huo Tu now recalled how ruthless the prince was, and he wanted to kill his father directly, but he dissuaded him, thus saving the emperor's life, but he didn't expect such a consequence.

Huo Tu is also a little helpless in this situation now, he made a miscalculation just for the sake of reputation, but he did not expect to harm the prince and his whole family, he really regrets it.

As for Jia Ke's barracks, except for the two groups of troops who did not dare to come against the will, all other groups of troops gathered together in a mighty way. By the end of the evening, the vicinity of Xuanfu Town was already full of people calling for horsemen.Several 10 people marched out the joint camp for dozens of miles, which is really a huge momentum.

The emperor woke up in the afternoon, and Dai Quan, who was waiting next to him, saw the emperor woke up, and immediately went up to help the emperor change his clothes.The emperor was also served by him, and now he was the only servant next to him, and he was brought to the emperor to wash up.Ask Dai Quan next to him: "Where is Jia Aiqing now?"

"Returning to Lord Long Live, Mr. Jia has been standing outside the door, guarding the big tent for the emperor." Dai Quan truthfully reported to the emperor.

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help feeling distressed. This Jia Ke had been fighting with him all the time, leading them out of the Liaodong Jiedushi's camp, and then leading them back to the camp for dozens of miles. After that, he rested himself, but he didn't dare to be sloppy, and stood outside to guard him. He was really loyal, and he was really lucky to have such a loyal minister.

The emperor immediately ordered Jia Ke to come in and answer, and Dai Quan immediately went out of the tent to convey the emperor's meaning to Jia Ke.

Soon Dai Quan and Jia Ke entered the tent, and as soon as Jia Ke entered the big tent, he knelt down on his knees and kowtowed to the emperor.Sitting on the bed in the tent, the emperor quickly ordered Dai Quan who was next to him, "Get Jia Aiqing up quickly."

Dai Quan hurried forward to help Jia Ke, and seeing that it was the emperor's order, Jia Ke stood up accordingly.

Although the emperor is still wearing casual clothes, he has completely restored his previous majestic appearance. The emperor stroked his beard and asked Jia Ke: "The orders I issued have been passed to the generals of the towns? How many generals are there?" Respect the decree, how many towns and generals disobeyed the order?"

"Long live the report, Prince Teng, the envoy of the Jingying Festival, received the imperial decree and set up camp, and came to camp nearby to wait for the emperor's orders." Jia Ke first put Prince Teng out, after all, we are relatives and should help each other .

When the emperor heard that Wang Ziteng was the first to arrive, he nodded happily and said, "I didn't misunderstand him. He still thinks of me in times of crisis."

Jia Ke continued: "After Lord Wang arrived, Wang Zuo, the governor of Taiyuan, Chun Yuhua, the governor of Baoding, Huangling, the governor of Qingzhou, Guo Min, the commander of Laizhou, Lin Feng, the commander of Shandong, and Lu Lu, the commander of Henan, Bin. The six towns were merged into one place, and they also came nearby to wait for the emperor to dispatch."

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help showing a sneer, and said without avoiding Jia Ke: "These people probably saw that you and Wang Ziteng joined forces, and they had no chance of winning even if they took refuge in the prince, so they came to wait for my orders. It's just a bunch of weeds. They are still needed now, and I will take care of them slowly after I return to Luan."

Jia Ke kept silent at this time, this was not something that Jia Ke could say, even though the emperor regarded him as his confidant now, he would never say anything behind his back.But he must have at least the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers, without any arrogance or domineering, otherwise the emperor's trust will not last long.

Dai Quan, who was next to him, saw that Jia Ke was so knowledgeable about current affairs, he couldn't help admiring him. He had been intriguing since he was a child in the palace, but when Jia Ke was as discerning, he was already in his 30s, and this Jia Ke was not yet [-]. At an early age, one understands what can and cannot be done. It seems that at least when the emperor is around, the grace will not decline.

After the emperor finished venting his anger, Jia Ke asked cautiously: "Your Majesty's generals are waiting outside the tent, will the Emperor see them?"

(End of this chapter)

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