Chapter 244 Inquiry
Jia Ke ordered the troops from all walks of life to withdraw from the capital and set up camp outside the city. He also considered that there would not be too many troops in the capital. Too many troops might cause panic among the people in the capital.When the people and horses withdraw from the capital, the people in the capital can calm down and return to their previous lives.

Then Jia Ke ordered Zheng Kai, "Take our [-] infantry and station them in the inner city to monitor the princes and ministers. If you find that the princes and ministers are in collusion, immediately execute the ministers and imprison the princes. Wait for the emperor to deal with it."

All the Jiedu envoys and commanders below were a little scared when they heard Jia Ke's order.This order is obviously not something that Jia Ke can issue, it must be the order of the emperor.It seems that the emperor has become cruel this time, and if he disobeys even a little at this time, he may be killed immediately.

At this time, the reluctance in the hearts of the Jiedu envoys and the general soldiers disappeared without a trace. What they think in their hearts now is to get out of the city and station themselves, so as not to cause trouble again.

Zheng Kai received Jia Ke's order, and immediately mobilized his troops to the inner city, and set up guard posts in front of every main road and gate of each mansion.

Especially the various palaces, each palace has hundreds of soldiers guarding the front and back, those ministers are not very good, but which one of these palaces is not the emperor's nobles?Now I see people surrounding my house, how can I tolerate them all.

Especially the second prince's mansion, the second prince had always been eyeing the crown prince's position, but this time the prince has committed a major event and has been imprisoned by the emperor. He believes that according to the principle of ordering the seniors, he is the most likely to become the prince.

Therefore, in the past few days, the second prince secretly summoned his cronies in the mansion to discuss how to advise the emperor in order to make himself a prince.

As a result, at noon today, he received a report from the head of the mansion, saying that the gate of the mansion had been blocked by soldiers and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

This made the second prince very angry. Apart from being angry with the emperor and the prince, he had never been such a wimp in his life.

So the second prince came directly to the entrance of the mansion with his guards. When the side door of the second prince's mansion opened and the second prince came out with people, he saw more than 200 strong soldiers standing outside, each wearing Armor, with a knife hanging from his waist, and a steel gun in his hand, surrounded his mansion tightly.

The second prince couldn't hold back when he saw this, he came directly in front of a soldier, and was about to kick him.Unexpectedly, before he raised his foot, the waist knife in the hand of another soldier next to him was already on his neck.

The second prince was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, Chang Shi who was next to him quickly came over and scolded: "Put down the weapon quickly, do you know who this is? This is the second prince of the emperor."

At this moment, a hundred households walked out of these soldiers. He came to the second prince and waved to the soldier. The soldier immediately put away his knife and stepped aside.

But now the second prince's legs were a little weak, Chang Shi next to him immediately came to support him, the second prince said with a sigh of relief: "Who gave you the courage to surround Gu's mansion, don't you want to die? "

The hundred households had already received the instructions from above, so they said confidently: "By the order of the emperor, all the princes study in peace in the mansion and do not go out. If there is a minister of transportation, the prince himself will be imprisoned immediately, and the ministers who communicate with him will be executed immediately." .Second Prince, do you have anything else to ask? Let me tell you together, my little one."

Hearing what he said, the second prince's face immediately turned livid. He knew that the emperor had suspected all the princes at this moment. If he made a slight move at this time, the emperor would never be merciful.

The second prince turned around in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, "It turned out that the father cared about us and was afraid that we would be in danger, so he brought you here. In this case, I will study quietly in the mansion for a few days. But everyone It's hard work guarding my house."

When the second prince said this, he said to Chang Shi beside him: "It's cold now, you can't be wronged brothers, you hurry up and prepare hot soup for the brothers to keep warm, and prepare some food, so that the brothers can't ascend the throne and I will defend you." Zhaizi, I'm hungry again."

After the second prince finished speaking, he returned to the palace with a smile on his back. The smile on his face disappeared as soon as he entered the palace, and his face became ferocious and terrifying.He thought in his heart that this time he had made a note of it, and one day he would let their general know how powerful he is.

Besides, Jia Ke didn't know about the second prince at all. After he finished dealing with these matters, he returned to Rongguo Mansion with his own soldiers.For several days in a row, he was running around in the capital, but he hadn't returned to Rongguo Mansion yet.Now that the capital has finally settled down, people from all walks of life have also withdrawn from the capital.

He was finally able to go home and take a good rest. Jia Ke thought about the next few years, and it seemed that there would be no major affairs in the court.According to the Dream of Red Mansions, the current emperor may retire as the Supreme Emperor, but it is not known whether in the Dream of Red Mansions, whether the crown prince won the victory and forced the emperor to abdicate to become the Supreme Emperor, or whether the emperor's comeback was due to his poor health and could only be abdication and the new emperor.

Based on Jia Ke's current understanding of the emperor's body, I'm afraid the emperor will have to give in. His body really can't hold on to handling the government affairs every day.I don't know how the new emperor treats him, the confidant of the Supreme Emperor.

However, in Jia Ke's view, the emperor Jingshi abdicated to become the Supreme Emperor, and I am afraid that he would not give up his power.He will definitely be like the Emperor Qianlong on Earth, who will hold the big things in his hands and hand over the trivial things to the new emperor.And if the emperor wants to achieve this goal, they, the emperor's confidantes, must have great power to check and balance the new emperor.It seems that it is not safe for the time being. As for the future, if the new emperor does not do anything to him, then everything will be fine. If the new emperor mistreats him, Jia Ke is not a loyal minister and filial son.

Jia Ke returned to Rongguo Mansion with this in mind, and saw countless heavily guarded soldiers patrolling around Rongguo Mansion to prevent Xiao Xiao from coming to make trouble.And the servants who came in and out of the Rongguo Mansion all stood up and looked proud.The proud expression on his face can be seen from miles around.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Rongguo Mansion, he saw Lin Zhixiao there, already waiting for him.Lin Zhixiao saw Jia Ke, hurried up to be led by the horse's head, and then reported to him. "Master, are you back? The old lady, the two gentlemen, and Master Zhen from the East Mansion have been waiting for you for a long time."

When Jia Ke heard that all the family members in Jia's mansion were waiting for him, she didn't dare to neglect her, so she dismounted and walked into the Rongguo mansion, asking, "Where are the old lady? I'll go to see you right away." .”

"The old lady and the old men are waiting in the old lady's room on the west side, let me wait for the uncle at the door."

When Jia Ke heard Jia Mu waiting, she quickly took a few steps forward. Since he traveled to this world, Jia Mu has taken good care of him.No matter what the reason is, he can earn his respect.A gentleman doesn't care about his heart when he talks about his deeds, and no one is perfect in the world.As long as the other party can do things like this, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he deserves Jia Ke's respect.

When Jia Ke arrived at Jia's mother's courtyard, she was immediately spotted by a group of little maids in the courtyard. These little maids immediately saluted Jia Ke together. I have to say that the quality of the maids in Jia's room is very high. Not only are each of them humble and reasonable, but they also have their own characteristics.No wonder the outstanding maids in Jia Baoyu's room in Dream of the Red Chamber were all given to him by Jia Mu.

Jia Ke just glanced at these maids, but didn't look at them. For Jia Ke now, female sex is just a decoration.With his current status, what kind of beauty does he want?
As soon as Jia Ke came to Jia Mu's door, another pretty little maid immediately opened the curtain for him and shouted inside: "Master is back."

As soon as Jia Ke entered the door, she felt a wave of heat rushing in. It was an earth dragon that had already been burned. It must have been an old lady who was too old to be afraid of the cold.After Jia Ke entered the door, she went to the room on the right, which is the serious living room.The entrance of the house is the Eight Treasures Pavilion, which is the place where Jia Mu usually lives and meets guests. There is a bench in the middle against the wall, with a thick cushion on the head, which looks very comfortable.Under the imperial concubine chairs, there are two rows of eight fairy chairs, one row of four chairs, and a small table between each two.

I saw Jia's mother sitting in the middle, Jia Zheng and Jia She were sitting on both sides, and Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing were sitting next to her.As the patriarch, Jia Zhen could only stand aside and serve.

As soon as Mother Jia saw Jia Ke, she hurriedly asked without waiting for Jia Ke to come up to salute, "How is it? The capital is safe. There won't be any more disturbances."

Jia Ke didn't answer Jia Mu first, but first came to the middle of the living room, then respectfully kowtowed to Jia Mu, and stood up after he finished saluting.Then he answered Jia Mu's words: "Old lady, don't worry, the capital is now stable. People from all walks of life have withdrawn from the capital, and only people from my Xuanfu Town are left to guard the city. I also specially arranged for 1000 people to patrol around our Rongguo Mansion. .Thinking about it, these young people would not dare to get close to it.”

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Jia's mother obviously let out a sigh of relief, her face showed a tired look at this time, and she must be worried and frightened these days.

At this time, Jia Amnesty asked from the side: "How is the prince? But there is still rescue? If you can save him, please help."

Hearing this, Jia Ke's face changed drastically, and regardless of whether Jia She was his elder, he yelled angrily, "Shut up, what time is it now? It's too late for everyone to hide, and you still have to rush up. Could it be that you want to let everyone You are happy when your family is broken."

Jia Amnesty's temper is not good in itself, and he is still the elder of Jia Ke. After being reprimanded by Jia Ke, he also became furious, and Jia Ke scolded loudly: "You little mother, what are you, dare to fight with me?" Talk like this? Believe it or not, I will pull you out right now, and no one will dare to say a word even if you are killed."

Jia Ke looked at him with a sneer and said, "Pull me out, first ask the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the capital if they agree? Then ask Fang Tian's painted halberd in my hand if they agree? You have to ask the emperor again." Do you agree to kill his Marquis Wuyang, Jiedushi of Xuanfu Town?"

Jia Ke's answer to these three words made Jia She's speechless, and he only found out now.Jia Ke's current status is far from what he can compare to. Now Jia Ke is completely the representative of Rongguo Mansion, and can even be said to be the head of the Rongguo Mansion.

Jia Ke looked down on you very much for this old man. If it wasn't for Aunt Zhang's relationship, he would have thrown Jia Amnesty somewhere and left him to fend for himself.

Jia Zheng also expressed his indignation at Jia Amnesty's unreasonable troubles at this time, so when Jia Ke contradicted Jia Amnesty just now, he didn't say a word.I want Jia She to see who is in charge of the current Rongguo Mansion, and who is the real master of the Rongguo Mansion?Now Jia Zheng is confident about being in charge of the Rongguo Mansion, and he no longer feels guilty at the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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