Chapter 260
After Jia Zheng explained Jia Ke's marriage, he let him go back.There are still some things that Jia Ke can't let Jia Ke know for the time being. This is something that Jia's mother and Jia Zheng have discussed. They are afraid that Jia Ke will have scruples in doing things.But they didn't know that Jia Ke had already guessed this matter pretty well.

When Jia Ke returned to Aunt Zhou's courtyard, it was already dark, and a sumptuous banquet had already been set up in the living room. Although Jia Ke had already told the big kitchen that they should not be so extravagant, this time he didn't care at all. No, because Jia's mother said spontaneously that from now on Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou will have the same roles as Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang.

Therefore, how dare the big kitchen go against the words of Lao Taishan in the Rongguo Mansion, so Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou began to live a life of delicacies every day.As for the maids below them, these days their mouths have also started to be tricky, and they don't eat the food delivered by the maids. They only wait for Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou to eat a few bites every day, and then start to share the delicacies on the table. Or put it into your own mouth, or send it home for parents, relatives and friends to try it out.

Because of this matter, Xia Mai quarreled several times with Jin Chuan, who she didn't deal with, and Jin Chuan always laughed at Xia Mai's pettiness.On the other hand, Xia Maiqi said that people like Jin Chuan couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour.Jin Chuan was so angry that she jumped up and down. Mrs. Wang's leftovers were all distributed to the little maids below, and she herself didn't bother to eat leftovers.Therefore, the two refused to give in to each other, and quarreled fiercely several times.

And when Jia Ke saw the words from the head of Jia's mansion, he began to enjoy them with peace of mind. Besides, he promised to send 5 taels of silver to Rongguo Mansion every year, and the whole Rongguo Mansion would not be able to use it up no matter how much it ate.Therefore, he is happy to enjoy this kind of life. As for how to manage the family diligently and frugally, he has long since left him out of the blue.This has been the case throughout the ages.

Although Jia Ke can enjoy it with peace of mind, but every time Aunt Zhou sees a large table of dishes, does she ruin it like this?Every time I have to talk to Jia Ke a few words.Every time Jia Ke went in with his left ear and out with his right ear, he agreed at the beginning, then turned around and put the matter aside.

In the next few days, apart from moving, Jia Ke will deal with the case of the prince's treason.It's easy for Jia Ke to move. He doesn't have anything.Some are horses, Fang Tian painted halberds and armor.Naturally, he didn't dare to bother others with these things, so he personally delivered them to his own dormitory in Marquis Wuyang's mansion.He doesn't have to worry about other things like some clothes.Aunt Zhou had already prepared it and sent someone to take it to him.

On the day of moving, Jia Zheng personally presided over a large banquet in Wuyang Hou's mansion, inviting relatives, friends, and old friends.These people now know that Jia Ke is different from the past, he is no longer the kid who performed martial arts in the teaching field a few years ago.It is even said that they will rely on Jia Ke in the future.

So Wang Bagong was the head of the family to congratulate, only the new king of Beijing Jing did not go out because he was still in his father's filial piety, but he also sent a housekeeper to congratulate.

But Jia Ke knew that this new Prince of Beijing, Shui Rong, would have a relationship with Jia's mansion that would not be cleaned up and would become chaotic. Moreover, this person would have a high position and power in the future, and he would be the new emperor's confidant. Many red scholars said that King of Beijing was the The root cause of Jia's decline.

Now Jia Ke is wary of this person because according to the Dream of the Red Chamber, this person is the new emperor's man, and Jia Ke is naturally the emperor's confidant.

Once the two supreme beings fight in the future, there will be no room for reconciliation between the two sides, so when Jia Ke is congratulating the butler of the Beijing King Shui Rong Sect.Jia Ke just perfunctory a few times and sent him away.

But before the next banquet, it was the most beautiful time for Jia Zheng. Almost all the family members gathered around Jia Zheng to congratulate Jia Zheng. People compliment and socialize with each other, appearing to be able to do a job with ease.

And Jia Ke was behind Jia Zheng, interspersed among the guests and friends, and chatted with these people non-stop. This time, Jia Ke was regarded as an equal, and recognized all the connections in Jia's house.In this way, even if the two parties are familiar with each other, they can take care of each other in the future.

After the day's housewarming ceremony passed, Jia Ke settled down in Wuyanghou Mansion in a fair and honest manner.He lived in Wuwei Hall, the main hall of Wuyanghou's Mansion, and he was served by six or seven handsome servant girls.These maidservants were selected again and again in the Rongguo Mansion, and finally arranged beside Jia Ke.

Although Jia Ke lived in Wuyanghou Mansion, she still went to Rongguo Mansion every day to salute Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang, and also went to see Aunt Zhou by the way.The performance of filial piety is impeccable.

The next step is to deal with the prince's treason case. The prince has been abolished as a commoner and imprisoned in the palace. They don't need to worry about it. Now Jia Ke and Pan Yong are worried about those arrested members of the prince's party.

In the next few days, following the emperor's will, the two of them kept urging Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, asking them to close the case as soon as possible.

However, the Sanfa Division was not so concerned about this matter. After all, it was going to offend many people, which made Jia Ke and Pan Yong very anxious.The emperor is there, urging him to be anxious every day, but these people below are not in a hurry.

In the end, Jia Ke and Pan Yong really had no choice. After discussing it, they decided that Pan Yong would go to Dali Temple to sit in charge in person, in order to let them close the case quickly and give the emperor an explanation.

Chen Yong, Minister of Dali Temple, and Sun Yan, the new minister of the Ministry of Punishment, were urged to death by these two military ministers, but they did not dare to resist, because they knew that this was the emperor's intention, so they could only intensify their interrogation. No matter whether there is a problem or not, all rely on the prince to seek rebellion.For such a big case, they were allowed to complete the trial within seven or eight days.Not to mention how many unjust cases there are.

When they sent the case-closed memorial to the two military ministers of the Military Aircraft Department, both of them were stunned. They didn't expect so many people to be involved.If all of this is done, the capital will be flooded with blood.

Pan Yong's hand holding the list began to tremble. At this time, Jia Ke only glanced at it and then hid away.Jia Ke was frightened, even though he killed people like hemp on the battlefield.But let him see vivid names, as long as he is swiped, he will be executed or beheaded.There are many babies here who are even under one year old.

After reading the memorial in his hand, Pan Yong said to Jia Ke: "Master Jia, you are the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department. Now it's time for you to talk and get a regulation. We still have to draw up a regulation for how to deal with these people."

Jia Ke really didn't want to get involved with this matter, but as the foreman of the military aircraft department, he has natural jurisdiction over this matter, and at this time, he can only decide.

After Jia Kesi thought about it, the emperor became cruel this time, all the officials were going to be exterminated, but there was an unknown rule not to kill women and children.But who knows if the emperor will become angry and stop pardoning this time.

Jia Ke thought about it carefully, and thought that God has the virtue of good life. Too many people died this time, so he should leave some evil virtues for future generations.

So he drafted a memorial, to the effect that all the cases will be concluded by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. They seem to be able to close the case, but in line with the virtue of good life, the emperor asked the emperor to forgive those babies under one year old and innocent people. Women die.

Then, the names of all the criminals and their family members involved in this treason case were attached. The reason why Jia Ke wrote all these names on the memorial was so complicated. It was because of Jia Ke's cleverness.

It took Jia Ke just two days to write this list, and there are nearly [-] names alone.Jia Ke thinks that anyone who sees so many people will be executed will be shocked. Jia Ke thinks that even the emperor is no exception, and he will definitely feel compassion at that time.At that time, the women, children and young children among them can save their lives.

After Jia Ke finished writing the memorial, he handed it to Pan Yong for his review. They were the only two main ministers in the Military Aircraft Department. As long as they both signed it, the matter could be reported to the emperor.

Pan Yong finally watched the memorial from the beginning to the end, although the entire memorial is in vernacular.Unlike those who were born as Jinshi, those who write about Zhihu are full of flowers.But the more it is clear at a glance, look at the text business.If everyone writes memorials like this in the future, it will not be much easier for the Military Aircraft Division to handle things.

After reading the memorial, Pan Yong felt that Jia Ke had handled it properly. He had already seen through Jia Ke's intentions, but he felt that doing so was also in line with his wishes.He couldn't bear the fact that so many innocent women and children were going to be executed. If he showed kindness at this time, he would be able to leave a good impression in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty.So he quickly signed his name on the back of Jia Ke's memorial.

Seeing that Pan Yong had signed his name, Jia Ke knew that he also agreed with his opinion, so he recruited eunuchs waiting outside the house.The second is that the regulations can be sent to the Middle East Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation at any time, so that the emperor can review them at any time.

Jia Ke gave the young eunuch the memorial signed by him and Pan Yong, and told him that the memorial was very important and asked him to send it to the emperor immediately.

Besides, since the emperor set up the Military Aircraft Department in the palace, the things he deals with every day are much simpler, and he directly throws many trivial matters to the Military Aircraft Department for them to handle.Even for many major military and national affairs, the Military Aircraft Department will draw up the schedule in advance and find a way to send it to him.At that time, he only needs to review it, and if he thinks it is appropriate, he will do so.If it doesn't feel right, call them and let them think about it again.So now, as long as he handles official business in Dongnuange in the morning, he usually goes back to the inner palace to rest in the afternoon.Unless there is something very urgent, he is very free in the afternoon now.

When it was almost noon that day, the little eunuch who delivered the memorial came outside and asked the little eunuch to deliver the memorial to Dai Quan first, and then Dai Quan forwarded it to the emperor's case.

Originally, Dai Quan didn't want to send the memorial to the emperor at this time, because the emperor was going back to the harem for lunch soon, so he wanted to keep the memorial and let the emperor dispose of it tomorrow.But the little eunuch told him that he was extremely urgent.He didn't dare to neglect, because if such a memorial was delayed, his head might be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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