The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 262 Before Marriage

Chapter 262 Before Marriage
After Jia Ke left the military aircraft office, he returned directly to his mansion. At this time, there were already countless officials waiting at the gate of Wuyanghou's mansion. These people were all carrying various gifts, big and small.As soon as they saw Jia Ke returning with his soldiers, they immediately made way for him.As soon as Jia Ke entered the gate of the mansion, he immediately ordered someone to close the door.

It has been a long time since there was a lot of traffic in front of the Marquis of Wuyang's mansion. Jia Ke's status is different now, and countless officials want to lean on his side.

Especially many officials who are local officials and have no backers in Beijing. Many of these people are very discerning.Really like those nerds, even if they have achieved fame.It is also difficult to be an official in the local area.You must know that Jinshi is not directly appointed as a low-ranking official. Some people have to report to the Ministry of Officials for vacancies. If you don't have more than ten years, you can't be an official.

Jia Ke never met these people in person, but asked the concierge to accept their business brochures, and then watched them one by one when she had time.If it is something that can be done, does not violate the interests of all parties, and the most important thing is that there will be no hidden dangers in the future, then it will be done for him.And these successful people will secretly send gifts to the Marquis of Wuyang, but these people give gifts in the name of Bing Jing Tan Jing, which has been the practice of the court for many years, and every Beijing official has to accept it.

Over the past ten days or so, Jia Ke has received tens of thousands of taels of ice and carbon. No wonder he saw that all the bachelors in the past were very rich.

Let’s say that the two former university scholars, on the surface, are honest and honest, and they are both great Confucian scholars, but when Jia Ke received the list of house raids sent to him by the infantry commander’s yamen, he was so frightened that he almost didn’t throw the list away. on the ground.Not to mention all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, each family has two or three million taels of cash alone.

When Jia Ke sent this list to the emperor, the emperor was not as shocked as he imagined, but just glanced at it lightly, and asked people to flush these items into the inner treasury, and did not charge the two of them with corruption .

At that time, Jia Ke still didn't understand, but after working as the head of the Minister of Military Aircraft for a few days, he finally understood the mystery.I also understand why the emperor didn't deal with it?Because the emperor knows that almost all Beijing officials do this, and because they are not like local officials who can search people's wealth under various names, naturally some of these people's fat and people's anointing must be sent to Beijing, otherwise the masters in Beijing will get angry , None of them can escape, so it is not a fault for them to accept the tribute sent by the local government.This is the unspoken rule of the imperial court, and it is the distribution of benefits for officials all over the world to search for the people's fat and people's anointing.Even the emperor didn't dare to stop him, otherwise his throne might not be stable.

After Jia Ke knew the cause and effect, she felt at ease in accepting these ice and carbon respects.It's just that the gifts of the officials in charge must be carefully considered.

During this period of time, Jia Ke was busy with court affairs and couldn't get away.And Jia Zheng was not idle during this time, he was busy with Jia Ke's marriage, and he took care of all the steps before Jia Ke's marriage.Now it looks like Jia Zheng is going to get married.When Jia Zheng repeatedly ran to the home of the clerk, Qin Ye, and the servants of the two houses gossiped, everyone in the capital knew that Jia Ke was going to marry Qin Ye's daughter, Qin Keqing, as his wife.

And many unmarried girls are envious of Qin Keqing's luck. She was engaged to Jia Ke when Jia Ke was not yet prosperous. Not worthy of the current Jia Ke), he is indeed a kind and righteous man.

Not to mention that the Rongguo Mansion is busy with Jia Ke's marriage, even the Qin Ye Mansion is now too busy with Qin Keqing's marriage.

The current Qin Keqing is different from the past, all the relatives of the Qin family came to visit, and the women's family members gathered in Qin Keqing's boudoir, greeting her and doing their best to curry favor with her.

Qin Keqing's maid, Ruizhu, was very impatient with these people, and said to their lady several times: "These people used to be arrogant, and their eyes were on their foreheads. Now that I heard that my uncle is not the best in the dynasty, I rushed to come here one by one." Ingratiate yourself, don't be ashamed."

Qin Keqing seemed to have seen through the ways of the world long ago, and she was not as angry as Ruizhu, but instead comforted her and said: "No one asks you if you are poor in the downtown area, and you have distant relatives in the mountains when you are rich. These are all human feelings, so what is there to worry about?" We welcome them warmly when they come, and we don’t get angry when they don’t come. This is the principle of dealing with things. Besides, it will not be easy for us to meet these people again in the future, after all, we are relatives.”

Ruizhu didn't fully understand Qin Keqing's meaning, but she remembered Qin Keqing's confession clearly, and never lost her temper in front of these relatives since then.

As the marriage was approaching, the Marquis of Wuyang became more and more busy. In the main courtyard of the Wuwei Hall that Jia Ke prepared for Qin Keqing, people from the Qin family had already visited several times.I measured the size of the house, and within a few days, all kinds of furniture came into operation. These furniture are not only made of exquisite materials, but also exquisitely crafted, each of which can be called a work of art.Jia Ke went to see it in person and was amazed.Not to mention the various furnishings in the room, as well as antique calligraphy and paintings.I am afraid that even the Rongguo Mansion can't make up these things, especially the Babu bed, which is so ingenious.

The Babu bed has a tall shape and a complex structure, as if the canopy bed is placed on a wooden platform. The four corners of the platform are uprights, inlaid with wooden fences, and tables and stools are placed in it. After entering, people seem to enter a small room, forming a It feels like a bed within a bed and a hood within a hood.There are also sleeping beds, toilet boxes, dressing tables, small cabinets, jewelry boxes, snack boxes, mahjong tables, and various private drawers in the Babu bed.Using it can greatly improve the comfort and privacy of the sleeping space.

A few days before Jia Ke's wedding, Jia Ke was like an emperor who had taken a wedding leave.But then, the emperor cared more about Jia Ke's marriage than an emperor cared about his ministers.

The emperor could invite Jia Ke several times a day, asked about Qin Keqing carefully, and then granted Jia Ke a fifteen-day vacation.

After Jia Ke left, the emperor stood alone in front of the windows filled with him and looked out, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dai Quan who was next to him saw the emperor standing there in a daze, so he stepped forward and said softly, "It's getting late for Lord Long Live, shouldn't it be time for dinner?"

Then the emperor stood there and didn't answer him, but suddenly asked: "You said that if a girl from a relative's family is suffering now, shouldn't we help?"

When Dai Quan heard the emperor's sudden question, his mind turned a few times. When Jia Ke came, he was with the emperor the whole time, so he naturally guessed, who is this Qin Keqing?Also guessed the emperor's mind.

So Dai Quan replied to the emperor: "It is necessary to help, but after all, it can't be too much to save the poor."

The emperor nodded tonight and stopped talking?

In the next few days, something unexpected happened to Jia Ke. Within a day or two, the items bestowed by the emperor were moved to Wuyanghou's mansion like flowing water.These things are not rare treasures, or farm shops, and even the farm covers nearly 8 mu of Jia Ke. In addition, there are shops in various prosperous areas in central Beijing. The income of these shops is nearly [-] to [-] taels a year. .

Jia Ke was a little skeptical at first, but now that he saw the emperor's reward, he had already guessed half of Qin Keqing's life experience.At the same time, I also saw the emperor's concern for Qin Keqing. Maybe this is the emperor's compensation for Qin Keqing. The emperor did too much in the past, and now he regrets it a bit.

But others would not know about Qin Keqing, they would think that the emperor was very kind to Jia Ke, and they were even more shocked by Jia Ke's status in the emperor's heart.

No matter what, Jia Ke has completely let go of her heart now, it seems that the emperor is well aware of Qin Keqing's life experience.But he didn't take any action, and still rewarded like water like this, it seems that Qin Keqing's future is unpredictable.

In the Dream of Red Mansions, perhaps the royal family knew Qin Keqing's life experience long ago, but they just pretended not to know. In the end, Qin Keqing died in Ningguo Mansion for no apparent reason.This is an important reason for the decline of the Jia family.

On the second day of the vacation, Jia Ke went to the Qin Mansion under the leadership of Jia Zheng to meet his cheap old father-in-law.

When Qin Ye heard that Jia Ke was coming, he immediately opened the middle door and went to meet him outside the house himself.

Jia Zheng saw that Qin Ye came out to greet him in person, and hurried up to salute Qin Ye: "It's the first time for my son to visit, and the father-in-law who worked there came to greet him."

"Father-in-law doesn't need to see others like this. It's the first time my son-in-law comes to the door. What's the point if I come out to pick him up?"

At this time, Jia Ke hurried over to salute Qin Ye, "My son-in-law, Jia Ke, has met my father-in-law."

Qin Ye hurried over, helped Jia Ke up, and then looked him up and down, only to see that Jia Ke's appearance was ordinary, but he had an awe-inspiring aura.At first glance, he is a big man with high position and authority.

Qin Ye, Jia Zheng, and Jia Ke greeted them at the door before welcoming them into the living room.

The three of them came to the living room, where the guests and the host were seated.Then the little maid brought tea, and the three of them started chatting again.

The three of them chatted happily in the hall, but from time to time a maid came to pour tea and water, and finally Jia Ke even saw a beautiful shadow flash by the door.

Besides, when Qin Keqing heard that Jia Ke was coming, she kept ordering the servant girl to pour tea and water, and then asked about Jia Ke's appearance and character.After the maids came back, they all reported to Qin Keqing: "Young master looks normal, and his skin is darker." If Qin Keqing asked them again, he would start to hesitate, presumably because he was not very satisfied with Jia Ke's appearance.

Seeing their appearance, Qin Keqing knew what they were thinking. Although Qin Keqing didn't care about Jia Ke's appearance, she wanted to see Jia Ke's appearance after all.So he took the little maid secretly to the door and looked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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