The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 280 Military Power

Chapter 280 Military Power
Jia Ke didn't know that the conversation between him and Jia Zheng had been delivered to the emperor's side within an hour.

Dai Quan, as the chief spy of the emperor, was standing beside the emperor with the secret report of the day, waiting for the emperor's question.

At this time, the emperor was lying on the queen's bed, and asked with his eyes closed, "How is the Rongguo Mansion going now? How did Jia Ke react when he went back?"

On the surface, the emperor had a lot of trust in Jia Ke, but in fact the emperor was the most suspicious person in the world, and he never fully trusted anyone.Jia Ke was given such great power this time, so he naturally couldn't take it lightly.

Dai Quan stood beside him with a flattering smile and said, "Long Live Lord, the Rongguo Mansion and Wuyanghou Mansion have been infiltrated by slaves like a sieve. Just now, the little ones have sent the conversation between Jia Ke and Jia Zheng. As soon as the slave got the The news was sent to Long Live Lord."

After Dai Quan finished speaking, he held a thick copy to the emperor's side.

The emperor glanced sideways, then stretched out his hand, and Dai Quan quickly put the folder into the emperor's hand.

The emperor is lying on the queen's bed like this, holding the secret report and watching it carefully. At this moment, the queen came in from the outside, holding a bowl of medicine in a jade bowl. She is worried about others brewing medicine now, so this time the emperor wants to use it. She has to boil the medicine herself.

The queen came in with the medicine and saw the emperor lying on the bed and still reading a booklet.Unable to restrain the anger on his face, he walked over and put the medicine on the table next to him, and was about to grab the discount.

When Dai Quan saw the queen like this, he immediately turned his face away. He couldn't afford to offend either of these two figures, so now he could only shrink his body small and hoped that the two big figures would not see him.

Seeing the queen coming to snatch the discount, the emperor hurriedly said to her: "Zitong can't do this, this secret report is of great importance, I must read it right away."

The queen stopped after hearing what he said, but still said angrily: "If there is something important, I won't let it go even if I'm so sick."

After the queen lost her temper with the emperor, she said to Dai Quan who was standing aside: "You are really a slave. The emperor is sick like this, and you still come to disturb him. What's the use of you people?"

Hearing the queen's complaint, Dai Quan quickly fell to his knees, "Damn the slave, damn the slave." He slapped his own mouth as he spoke.

The queen looked at Dai Quan who was kneeling on the ground and kept smacking his mouth, and couldn't bear it. This matter was probably arranged by the emperor. What can he do as a slave?

"Okay, get up, I'll spare you this time, and I'll be more discerning in the future."

Dai Quan stood up when he heard that the queen had spared him, and said to the queen with a smile on his face, "Thank you, my servant, for your magnanimity. I must have eyesight in the future, so I won't cause you any more trouble."

At this time, the emperor had almost read the secret report in his hand, and was very satisfied with the contents of the secret report.With a smile on his face, he handed the secret report to the queen and said, "Zitong doesn't need to embarrass this slave any more. You can read this report and you will know why."

The queen walked up to the emperor, took the secret report, read it from beginning to end, and couldn't help showing a smile on her face. She understood Jia Ke's gratitude to Jia Ke.Some time ago, she was still a little puzzled by the emperor's appointment of a young man in his twenties as the chief minister of the military aircraft department.Now she understands the emperor's intentions. Instead of using those ministers who hide ghosts in their hearts, it is better to use this young man who is dedicated to serving the emperor.

After reading the secret report from the empress, the emperor smiled and said to her: "With Jia Ke here, I am not afraid even if the ministers below turn the sky upside down."

After the emperor said this, his eyes immediately darkened again, and he thought of the prince.It seems that Jia Ke should be used to continue to put pressure on him, so that he will not dare to act rashly in the future, otherwise he will think that the emperor is just a display.

The queen also smiled when she heard his words, "Okay, Long Live is right, but you should take the medicine first. Otherwise, it might get cold and affect the efficacy of the medicine." After finishing speaking, she went to the table next to her, Pick up the medicine and deliver it to the emperor.

The emperor is in a good mood now, he took the medicine and drank it in one gulp. After waking up, he felt that there was nothing serious, but what the imperial doctor said really scared him.Therefore, he obeyed the imperial physician's orders, hoping that he could live longer.If you say that the person who is most afraid of death in the world is probably the emperor, after enjoying the life of promises, who can give up these things?Therefore, the emperor now only hopes to live one more day.

This event where all the ministers submitted a petition to request the emperor to establish a crown prince, just passed away.But the impact of this incident did not end so easily.This incident invisibly established the concept of Jia Ke as the emperor's most trusted person in the minds of the ministers, and thus gradually consolidated Jia Ke's position in the court.

But for the latent prince, it was almost a catastrophe. The prince could not have imagined that the emperor would kill so many ministers and almost wiped out his power in the court.Now the prince feels very wronged in his heart. He is obviously thinking of the court, and he is afraid that the military general will monopolize the power and end up with cholera. How come his father doesn't understand at all?From all indications, his father has already suppressed him as an opponent.From then on, his every move was probably under the emperor's surveillance.In the future, there will never be such a good opportunity to cultivate party members and win people's hearts.

Because of this incident, the prince didn't eat for almost three days in his palace.His only thought now is to get rid of the scourge of Jia Ke for his ancestor Jiangshan, but as Jia Ke's power grows, he becomes more and more afraid.I am very afraid that everything in the dream will repeat itself in reality.

After Jia Ke returned to the Marquis of Wuyang's Mansion, his mood was not completely relaxed. Although he believed that the emperor still trusted him, he had to guard against this trick, which was to make him relax his vigilance and finally give him a thunderous blow. , so Jia Ke decided that before gaining an absolute advantage, she must not relax in the slightest.

As soon as Jia Ke returned to the Marquis of Wuyang's mansion, his big butler Qian Mao came over to report, "Master, just now dozens of ministers came to deliver posts, did you see them?"

Jia Ke passed through these greeting cards from him, and looked carefully. They were all gifts from civil officials in Beijing. Jia Ke didn't want to pay attention to them at first, but flipped through them and found the last one. Wei Jian and Jia Ke, the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, rolled their eyes when they saw this name.

After Jia Ke made up his mind, he said to Qian Mao: "You go and invite Mr. Wei, the general soldier of Sichuan, in these people. He is the only one who has a temper with me. Arrange him in the flower hall. The other civil servants, you let They drop their presents, let them go back."

Qian Mao agreed and went out, and then Jia Ke went to the back house. Jia Ke came to the back house, changed clothes under Qin Keqing's service, and then went to the front flower hall to meet Wei Jian again.

When Jia Ke arrived at the flower hall, Wei Jian had been waiting for a long time.

Wei Jian was waiting in Hua Tingzong until he got impatient and suddenly saw a young man walking into the flower hall. Wei Jian looked carefully at him and saw the breeze in front of him and behind him. He was wearing a python robe with four claws. He immediately knew that Jia Ke was coming. .

Wei Jian hurriedly got up and knelt down on one knee for Jia Ke, "Wei Jian, the last general in Sichuan, has met your lord."

Jia Ke hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and then said, "Master Wei, we are all military commanders, so it's too much courtesy."

After that, Jia Ke took Wei Jian to the flower hall, and the two sat down as guests and hosts.

Then the maids brought fragrant tea, and Jia Ke asked, "Master Wei, what business do you have in Beijing this time?"

Wei Jian quickly stood up and said: "Reporting to the shuchen, this time, I came to Beijing to report on my work. I heard that the imperial court is now in charge of the shuchen, so I came here specially to visit."

Jia Ke nodded with a smile all over his face, and then looked at Wei Jian in front of him with a mysterious smile. Wei Jian seemed to be in a trance for a moment, and then he woke up immediately. When he woke up, he saw Jia Ke again. It's different.

At this moment, Jia Ke's housekeeper, Qian Mao, came in and saw that he was holding more than a dozen greeting cards in his arms, and came to Jia Ke's side and said, "Master, these are greeting cards from more than a dozen civil servants. I have asked the concierge to accept the gift."

Jia Ke took these greeting cards and read them again, and then said to Wei Jian who was sitting below: "I still have something to do here, so I won't keep Master Wei anymore."

Wei Jian stood up and said respectfully: "I will take my leave now. Please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself."

Jia Ke sat there and just nodded without any courtesy.Just watching Wei Jian leave the flower hall.

After Wei Jian left, Jia Ke asked Qian Mao, "These people are just here to visit, do you want to ask for something?"

Qian Mao quickly took out another piece of paper from his pocket, and respectfully handed it to Jia Ke. It turned out that Qian Mao had already inquired clearly about the purpose of these people.

Jia Ke had seen these papers before and looked at them carefully, but they were all reserved positions, or they wanted to be transferred to other places for employment.

Based on the information obtained by the Military Aircraft Office during this period, Jia Ke crossed out some of the names with serious risks, and then said to Qian Mao: "Except for the names I crossed out, other gifts are acceptable."

Qian Mao immediately understood what Jia Ke meant, and immediately bowed to Jia Ke and said, "Don't worry, sir, I'll do it right away."

After Qian Mao finished speaking, he bowed and left the flower hall.

And Jia Ke looked at Qian Mao's leaving figure with a meaningful smile in his eyes.

In the following days, Jia Ke began to monopolize Chaogang, and the memorials sent from all over the country had to go through his final review before deciding how to implement them.

Taking advantage of this time, Jia Ke secretly sent some of his cronies cultivated in Xuanfu Town to various places as military chiefs, but did not take any greater action against the more influential civil servant group.

The Wenchen Group also understood Jia Ke's behavior as a compromise to them, as if telling them that he would no longer interfere with Wenchen's affairs.Several bigwigs of the Wenchen Group thought that Jia Ke had already made a certain compromise, and they had suffered a heavy loss this time, so it was not easy to push each other too much, and it was good for everyone to live in peace, after all, they thought they had absolute Advantage.The officials of the Manchu Dynasty were all civil servants. Although Jia Ke controlled the center, they still had to handle the affairs, so they no longer took this matter to heart.Instead, the various factions within them started fighting each other again.

Jia Ke worked hard to maintain the stability of the court during the more than ten days when the emperor was recovering from illness. He turned a blind eye to the factions fighting each other in the court again, and ignored them as long as they were not too excessive.

Although the emperor was recuperating in the harem, he knew everything about the court. He still agreed with Jia Ke's current handling.As long as the country is not endangered, these civil servants fight with each other, but it is conducive to the emperor's control of the court.

With the passage of time, Jia Ke's control of the court and the handling of world affairs have become more and more handy. Now the Military Aircraft Department only handles official duties in the morning.In the afternoon, they, the military ministers, will each go back to their own yamen gates to deal with the affairs they are responsible for.

Every afternoon, Jia Ke went to the infantry commander's yamen to take care of various affairs.

During this period of time, Zheng Kai was appointed by Jia Ke as the deputy general of the Xishan Camp, and controlled the Xishan Camp for daily drills. He retrained these soldiers according to Jia Ke's method, so that Jia Ke could fully understand the newly attached troops. Take control.

Luo Cen replaced Jia Ke to control the infantry and lead the yamen, and trained the original [-] infantry to lead the yamen, which has been completely reborn.If you pull it out now, you can already compete with the energy of the world.

Xiao Kun controls the Forbidden Army. Because the Forbidden Army participated in the rebellion last time, Jia Ke took this opportunity to make a big change. Now most of the Forbidden Army are soldiers from the original Xuanfu Town.It can be said that he controlled the most perfect troops, but many middle-level officials, he did not move.Therefore, on the surface, the Imperial Army still seems to have the most power in the hands of the emperor, but they don't know that these officials have been evacuated by Jia Ke. As long as Jia Ke gives an order, these people are puppets made of clay.

The other part is the Ruijian Camp. Most of the current Ruijian Camp are people from Xuanfu Town, and there are also some people separated from the Forbidden Army. After joining the Ruijian Camp, these people quickly integrated into the new group.And this part of the team is controlled by Ma Zuo's gang Jia Ke.

The young general Xiao Yue, who was bought by Jia Ke in exchange for hundreds of horses before the battle, was arranged by Jia Ke in the Ruijian camp, and asked him to retrain with the newly joined imperial troops.So that he can integrate well into this army, I am very optimistic about this young general Jia Ke.It will be of great use in the future.

And Fan Kang, Jia Ke's most important counselor, was appointed by him as the chief secretary of the infantry commanding yamen. Although he was called the chief secretary, he actually controlled the central army when he was away and gave advice when he needed it.

During this time, Jia Ke would visit the four barracks every afternoon in order to increase his presence in the eyes of the soldiers and let them know who the commander of the army is.It is precisely because Jia Ke has these troops that he feels that he can resist the forces in Beijing.

With the passage of time, Jia Ke has become more and more in control of these armies. On the surface, Jia Ke is still a general of the imperial court, but in fact he is already a warlord who controls most of the north, but no one knows this.

(End of this chapter)

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