Chapter 283 Welcome
As soon as the crowd saw the sedan chair coming, they rushed up. Jia Ke personally helped Aunt Zhou off the sedan chair, and Aunt Zhou walked a few steps to Qin Keqing's side as soon as she got off the sedan chair.Holding Qin Keqing's hand, he complained, "It's fine for them to come, why are you here? What if there is a collision, who should I go to?"

Qin Keqing felt very comfortable with Aunt Zhou's concern, but she still smiled and said to Aunt Zhou: "What did Auntie say? You gave birth to Mr. Lang, and if I don't come to greet you, I will be struck by lightning. "

"Bah, bah, shut up, don't say such depressing words, after all, you are still pregnant with the child, what if it comes true." Aunt Zhou quickly interrupted his words, and then put her hands together and prayed to the sky : "God, my daughter-in-law was talking nonsense just now. Don't take it seriously. If you want to take it seriously, it should be on me. Don't cause trouble for my grandson and daughter-in-law."

After Aunt Zhou prayed, Jia Ke stepped forward to support her, and led her into Wuwei Hall, the main hall of Wuyang Hou Mansion.After entering the main hall, Jia Ke asked Aunt Zhou to sit upright in the middle.

Aunt Zhou still feels a bit awkward. Although she is sitting in the middle, she feels uncomfortable all over. You must know that when she was in Rongguo Mansion, she always stood on the side. She has never been sitting in the middle like now. .This sudden change made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that Aunt Zhou was already sitting in the middle, Jia Ke brought Qin Keqing and three concubines to kneel down in the lobby and kowtow to Aunt Zhou. This was the first time Jia Ke had been serious for so many years Salute to Aunt Zhou.And the place to kowtow is also quite different. This is the most important Wuwei Hall in the Wuyanghou Mansion. Now Jia Ke kowtows here, just like everyone in the Wuyanghou Mansion explained that Aunt Zhou is the most honorable person in the Wuyanghou Mansion.

This time Jia Ke kowtowed to Aunt Zhou, something he had thought about for a long time. After all these years, he hadn’t bowed to Aunt Zhou in a decent manner, which made Jia Ke feel ashamed as his son, so he Decided to make up for Aunt Zhou today.

Aunt Zhou sat on it and watched her son and daughter-in-law kowtow to herself, and it was a big gift to meet her mother, so she couldn't sit still.Standing up, he came down to help Jia Ke up.

Jia Ke quickly got up and helped Aunt Zhou to sit on it again, and said to her: "Auntie, from now on you will be like an old lady in the Wuyanghou Mansion, and we all have to respect you, so let my son give it to you today." You give a salute to repay your kindness for raising your son over the years."

"It can't be like this. What status am I? Isn't this a loss of my life? Besides, if your father finds out about this, won't you be beaten to death?" Aunt Zhou used to be an unfavorable concubine in Jia Zheng's house, His son Jia Ke's career status has only improved, but he is only from the lowest class. Where has he seen such a scene?

Jia Ke pretended to be unhappy and said, "Auntie, don't say such things. If you say something rude, you are my Jia Ke's mother. When you come to my house, you will naturally be an old lady. How can anyone say anything?" Say? What can my father do to me when he finds out?” When Jia Ke said this, he was quite proud. With his current status, as long as he didn’t do anything outrageous, even the entire Jia family would accommodate him.

Qin Keqing also came to the other side of Aunt Zhou at this time, took her hand and persuaded her in a low voice: "Auntie, you have returned to your own home when you come to us, and you can do whatever you want in your own home. What can go wrong?"

When Aunt Zhou heard Qin Keqing say that this is her home, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart. Although she had a good life in Rongguo Mansion because of Jia Ke, she didn't dare to take a wrong step, and always accompanied her to be careful. , I was born afraid of the master above, and blamed him for something.Listening to Qin Keqing's words now, she seemed to have realized something, and felt relaxed all over her body. Only then did she realize that she had left Rongguo Mansion. This is Wuyanghou Mansion, and her son had the final say on everything.

Qin Keqing saw that Aunt Zhou seemed to be relaxed, and immediately helped her to the big chair in the middle. Jia Ke took Qin Keqing and three concubines to kneel down again, and paid respects to Aunt Zhou.At this time, all the maids and servants in Wuwei Hall knelt down to Aunt Zhou.This time there was a large area of ​​kneeling, Aunt Zhou was sitting in the middle, only to see that all the people kneeling in Wuwei Hall were heads, although she felt a little uneasy, but seeing these people kneeling at her feet, she couldn't help but feel proud.

Aunt Zhou was sitting in the middle this time, looking at Jia Ke and Qin Keqing who were kneeling below, she suddenly had a feeling that her life was worthwhile, and she was just a child of a family, and she never thought that one day she would be able to receive Treated like an old lady.

After Jia Ke took Qin Keqing and waited below to salute, she got up and gathered next to Aunt Zhou. Qin Keqing asked Lan Xiang next to her: "Have you cleaned up the yard that the master ordered for my aunt?" Take care of the affairs of Marquis Wuyang's mansion, and raise her baby in peace of mind in her courtyard every day. Except for major family matters, Lan Xiang usually takes care of these matters.

"Grandma, don't worry, she's already cleaned up, and she's assigned four big maids and seven or eight little maids for my aunt, and there are more than a dozen mothers-in-law." Lan Xiang always speaks in a soft voice, laughing before saying anything.

Aunt Zhou has a good impression of Lan Xiang, Jia Ke's concubine, because she never smiles or speaks, and is quick and thoughtful. Although she doesn't want to admit it, she has to say that compared to Qiaolian and Chuncao who came out of her side, she is Not the same.

"Auntie, since the house has been arranged, let's go and see what doesn't suit you, and I'll ask someone to change it." Jia Ke stood aside and said to Aunt Zhou.

What else can Aunt Zhou say?They had to agree, so they all went together to the west of Wuwei Hall.

Aunt Zhou stopped just a few steps away, and said to Qin Keqing who was supporting her, "It's enough that they are here, don't join in the fun, go back and rest quickly. Otherwise, what should I do if my fetus moves?"

How could Qin Keqing agree to such a thing? Jia Ke's aunt came to the mansion for the first time, how could she not accompany her all the way, so she kept refusing.

Aunt Zhou was indeed worried about Qin Keqing and the child in her womb. Seeing her keep refusing, she became a little anxious, and scolded Jia Ke next to her: "You are a dead person. I didn't see that your wife is still pregnant. How can I stand it?" After such a rush, don't hurry up and send a message to tell her to go back and rest."

Jia Ke hurriedly followed Aunt Zhou's words and said, "King, go back and rest quickly, I'm here with Auntie, and we live in the same room anyway, it won't be too late for you to visit Auntie after a while. "

Qin Keqing saw that Jia Ke had already spoken, so she could only wish Aunt Zhou a blessing, and she took a few maids and mothers around her to the side of the road, and let Aunt Zhou go first.It was not until Aunt Zhou turned around the rockery and disappeared that she returned to her room.

Besides, Jia Ke supported Aunt Zhou, walked through the veranda, passed a moon gate, and came to a wide courtyard. The layout of this courtyard was very similar to that of Jiamu's. separate courtyard.

When everyone came to the hanging flower gate in front of the compound, Lan Xiang hurriedly walked a few steps, came to the front of the compound, and shouted to the inside: "Hurry up and greet her, the old lady is here."

After the shout, a large group of people came out of the Kungfu Academy not long after, kneeling on both sides of the road to salute Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou has seen such a scene once, and now she is not as panicked as she was the first time.Trying to be calm on the face, with Jia Ke's support, he entered the vertical flower gate. After entering the vertical flower gate, there was a big screen wall, bypassing the screen wall, walking along the dripping corridors on both sides, and walking forward was the hallway. A decent inner courtyard.

There are three small halls in that courtyard, after passing through these small halls, you will find the real main hall of the inner room.Aunt Zhou walked all the way, only to see the flowers around, and the buildings of various colors are exquisitely carved, which is really beautiful.The pattern of the building is almost the same as that of Jia Mu's, and it is better than Jia Mu's in terms of architectural carvings.

The more Aunt Zhou walked forward, the more uneasy she felt.When they got to the main hall, they didn't dare to go in again, but asked Jia Ke with some embarrassment: "Son, is this really a place I can live in?"

"Naturally, it's a place where my aunt can live. In my mansion, my aunt is the most precious old lady. It's different from the mansion next door." Jia Ke said comfortingly to her.

"Auntie, Grandpa is right. Who is as honorable as you here, and who dares to say no. You must know that this is Wuyanghou's Mansion, not Rongguo Mansion." Qiaolian interjected at this time.

Since Qin Keqing didn't follow, Qiaolian has become much more active than before.Qiaolian is very afraid of Qin Keqing in her heart. Although Qin Keqing is kind to everyone, and takes good care of these concubines for food and clothing, which is several times better than the Rongguo Mansion next to her, but because of her status, she does not want Consciously, he felt afraid of Qin Keqing.

Jia Ke felt that Qiaolian's words were a little too exaggerated. If the people in the Rongguo Mansion heard it and it reached Jia Zheng and Jia Mu's ears, as long as they said a word, Jia Ke would have to deal with Qiaolian. So she turned around and reprimanded Qiaolian: "Shut up, there is no place for you to talk here, and you still don't retreat."

In fact, Qiao Lian regretted this sentence just now, and it was just a moment of complacency.Now, after hearing Jia Ke scolding her, she hastily stepped back, not daring to speak any more.

Jia Ke helped Aunt Zhou into the main hall. In the center was carved mahogany furniture. On the wall was a picture of a birthday present, and on both sides hung a pair of couplets: The first couplet is: Xixiang Xia is not as old as Nanshan Song.The second couplet is: To be happy in a prosperous world is like the long flow of the East Sea.

Then turn left and enter a Bisha kitchen. In this room, there is a heated kang near the window. There are cushions made of animal fur on the heated kang, and a beautifully carved small table, which is used for temporary living.

Jia Ke helped Aunt Zhou to sit on the kang, and then sat down opposite her, while Aunt Zhou's former maid, Xia Mai, etc., hurried to stand around Aunt Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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