The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 306 Establishing a Foundation

Chapter 306 Establishing a Foundation
When Jia Ke was walking out, he happened to meet the third prince who was surrounded by a group of people. When the third prince saw Jia Ke coming, he hurried forward and grabbed Jia Ke's hand affectionately. Take a look at the house? The relationship between our two families should be closer."

Jia Ke also cupped his hands to perfunctory him and said: "What the third prince said is very true, but I am deeply favored by the emperor, and the state affairs are complicated, so I don't have time to visit the mansion. I also ask the third prince to forgive me. From now on, I will definitely help you with all my heart. Remember Your Majesty's kindness."

Jia Ke's words directly pushed the third prince to the corner. Jia Ke said that he would try his best to help him, but he must remember the emperor's kindness. Who is this emperor?It goes without saying.What else is there to talk about between the two parties?

The two chatted for a few more words, and said a few polite words, but the words were not speculative, so they dispersed.

The third prince looked at the back of Jia Ke leaving, his eyes were full of dark clouds. He originally wanted to build a good relationship with Jia Ke temporarily to paralyze him, and by the way, alienate his relationship with the old emperor. If Jia Ke could really be paralyzed, let him rely on It's better to go to my side, and then use Jia Ke's power to regain power, and then deal with this powerful official. I didn't expect this Jia Ke to follow the old emperor wholeheartedly. He looked like a loyal minister and good general, so he couldn't say anything. .

Jia Ke left the palace and went straight back to Rongguo Mansion. The young and old in Rongguo Mansion were still waiting for news of him.

After Jia Ke returned to Rongguo Mansion, she immediately walked towards Mother Jia's yard.As soon as he entered the courtyard, a servant girl came up to greet him and sent him to Jia Mu's door, and then withdrew from the courtyard.

Jia Ke entered Mother Jia's room, and everyone listened and waited for him for a long time. As soon as Jia Ke entered the room, they all focused their eyes on him.

Jia Ke still greeted the elders one by one, and then told everyone what happened in the hall today in a leisurely manner.

After everyone listened, they found that it was similar to what they had thought before.It seems that the succession of the third prince to the throne is a foregone conclusion.

After discussing for a while, everyone felt that it would be better to follow the previous method.

After finishing the business, Jia Zhen announced something to everyone. His son Jia Rong has decided to get married on the [-]th day of next month. Everyone is invited to have a glass of wine together.

Everyone felt that it was sudden, they had never heard such news before, how could they be getting married all of a sudden.

Although everyone is puzzled, this is a family matter of the Ningguo Mansion after all. Although the Ningrong and Rongfu have close contacts, they are not a family after all, so they can't be too provocative.So everyone just congratulated Jia Zhen with a few words, and turned the matter over.

In the blink of an eye, it was February [-]th, and the old emperor took the third prince and ministers of civil and military affairs to the Temple of Heaven to worship.

Reporting to heaven that he abdicated as the Supreme Emperor and surrendered the throne to the third prince, the specific process was very cumbersome. The emperor started preparations in the early morning and did not arrive at the Temple of Heaven until almost noon. While reading the sacrificial oration on the Temple of Heaven, many ministers found His body was on the verge of falling, and it seemed that he really couldn't support it anymore.

After the old emperor returned to the palace, the first thing he did was to move from the Hall of Mental Cultivation to the Palace of Mercy. From today onwards, the new emperor will occupy the two important places of the Palace of Heavenly Purity and the Hall of Mental Cultivation until the enthronement ceremony is completed.He is the rightful emperor.

Since it was not after the death of the emperor, the new emperor inherited the throne.Therefore, there is no such thing as filial piety.After worshiping the Temple of Heaven, the enthronement ceremony will be held three days later.

In the context of the feudal dynasty, the enthronement ceremony is undoubtedly the most important thing in the country, so in the feudal ritual system, detailed arrangements and regulations have been made for this.

From Jia Ke's point of view, this was a total toss-up. Everyone gathered in front of Tiananmen Square before dawn.As soon as the sky is bright, officials from the Ministry of Rites must first go to the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Xiannong, and the Taimiao to inform the ancestors.Then, after the emperor in yellow uniform ascended the Tiananmen Gate, the enthronement ceremony officially began.

Officials who had been waiting in front of Tiananmen were all dressed in court uniforms. Under the guidance of officials from "Honglu Temple", they entered the Forbidden City through the Jinshui Bridge.But at this time they could not enter the "Fengtian Temple", because the emperor was still praying on Fengtian Gate, so the ministers could only stay in the square outside the Meridian Gate.

They knelt on both sides of the royal road in the way of "Wendong Wuxi", and came down from "Tiananmen" after the emperor communicated with all the gods.

On the Tiananmen Gate Tower, after all the sacrificial ceremonies are completed, the new emperor enters the Hall of Supreme Harmony after descending from the Tiananmen Gate Tower, and then the ministers enter according to their ranks.

After the ministers entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, they saw that the Hall of Supreme Harmony was different from the past. The Supreme Emperor sat on the throne of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the new emperor only set up a seat beside the throne to sit calmly.

All the ministers hurriedly kowtowed three times and nine times to the two supreme beings.Next came the most important part of the enthronement ceremony, when the new emperor accepted the jade seal. However, when the ceremony was in full swing.Something happened that no one could have imagined. The Supreme Emperor has not handed over the jade seal to the current emperor for a long time.

All the ministers below were a little embarrassed, and our new emperor was also dumbfounded at this time.Seeing that the new emperor was about to become the "lord without treasure", all the ministers could only kneel down together to persuade the emperor, imploring the emperor to cooperate with the ceremony and hand over the jade seal.

However, the Taishanghuang still stayed above the Hall of Supreme Harmony in silence, and the ministers really had no choice.We could only look at Jia Ke together, hoping that he, a close minister of the Supreme Emperor, would come forward and say a few words.

But Jia Ke stood there as if it had nothing to do with him. What the Supreme Emperor should do was his own decision, which was something that he, a subject, could decide.

In the end, Zuodu Yushi Tianye went forward, knelt down on the battlefield, and tried hard to comfort the Supreme Emperor, which made the Supreme Emperor's expression loosen.

The other ministers were also beating and drumming, which made the Supreme Emperor reluctantly hand over the jade seal, although the Supreme Emperor taught the jade seal.But this is the emperor's ordinary 25-square seal. The most important one was the imperial jade seal that Jia Ke took back from the Tatars, but the Supreme Emperor did not hand it over.

Seeing this situation, all the ministers hurried forward to persuade him again.But he didn't wait for them to say anything, but the Supreme Emperor said, "This imperial jade seal will be used from now on to mobilize the world's soldiers and horses, and to appoint and dismiss officials above the third rank. I will take charge of it myself. What else do you ministers have?" Opinion?"

All the ministers here were speechless for a while after hearing what the Supreme Emperor said.The Supreme Emperor made it clear at the beginning of his succession that he would still be in charge of the soldiers and horses in the world, and he would personally appoint and remove officials of the third rank and above, and he would personally issue an order. Now the Supreme Emperor left the Jade Seal of Chuanguo as a token, which is completely justifiable.

So this time Cheng's enthronement ceremony ended in such a hasty way. Since the last party handed down the jade seal to the emperor, the current emperor did not have much authority, and it was entirely dependent on the emperor's face.

Then the capital returned to calm again, as if nothing had changed, except that the emperor had changed, but the power was still in the hands of the Supreme Emperor.

And Jia Ke also continued to be the head minister of his military aircraft department with peace of mind, and was not dismissed by the new emperor as some people thought.

Several other ministers of military aircraft, although they took refuge in the new emperor and worked together to check and balance Jia Ke, but Jia Ke, as the leader of the military aircraft, had no choice but to master this power that even the emperor feared, that is, Jia Ke could refute the emperor at any time. decree.Just relying on this right, several other ministers of military affairs have nowhere to start, and even almost all memorials must be approved by Jia Ke before they can be issued.

But what the new emperor wanted to see did not appear because of his enthroned Jia Ke's power being restrained. Instead, because the Supreme Emperor feared the emperor, Jia Ke's power was further improved invisibly.

Jia Ke himself was also afraid of making the Supreme Emperor suspicious, so he did not win over the court ministers and cultivate his own power like many powerful officials did, as if he was alone now.

This time, the overall situation of the imperial court has been stabilized, and the Supreme Emperor is still in power. The new emperor can only bear with it for the time being, and try his best to win over the ministers of the court to expand his power.And thinking about when to start to implement Pan Yong's strategy, and start with the position of the Jingying Jiedushi.

Jia Ke stood aside, on the surface he was a loyal minister of the Supreme Emperor, but in fact he was sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight, and only when the Supreme Emperor died of illness would he have the opportunity to show his skills.

The new emperor also retaliated against Jia Ke's constraints on him in the government.That was when Jia Yuanchun was granted the title of concubine after ascending the throne, Jia Yuanchun was only given the title of concubine. Compared with the title of side concubine when he was in the Third Prince's Mansion, this title was simply an insult to her.Many people who used to salute and kowtow like her have now achieved high positions, and in turn she wants to salute others.Now in the imperial palace, there are six or seven people above her, and there are a dozen or so people who are equal to her, and those who are equal to her are all formerly unworthy figures in the third prince's mansion.

After Mrs. Wang heard the news in the mansion, she called Aunt Zhou to her and tidied it up for a few days.

As a result, after the first month of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, the empress dowager's decree came to Jia's family. The general content was that Aunt Zhou was granted the title of Liupin Anren because of Aunt Zhou's meritorious service in educating Jia Ke.At this point, Aunt Zhou's status in Jia's mansion was completely established. From then on, she was only inferior to Mrs. Wang, and she was already a real court wife, and Mrs. Wang could not dispose of her casually.

In Jia's mansion, due to the example of Aunt Zhou, the competition among the maids became more intense, not to mention Jia Ke's side.For example, Wang Xifeng's original four dowry maids in Jia Lian's room, except for Ping'er, who was scheming and knew how to forbear, the other three were found by Wang Xifeng because they were vying to climb Jia Lian's bed, two were killed and one was driven away.Only then did he suppress the woman in front of Jia Lian.

But because of this incident, Jia Lian was very unhappy. The current Rongguo Mansion is not the Rongguo Mansion in the Dream of the Red Chamber that only knows how to live on its laurels.Now who in the world can't look at the winks in their house?From Jia Lian's point of view, Wang Xifeng was simply making trouble for no reason, but he was relying on his uncle and not taking himself seriously.But he didn't want to think that his brother Jia Ke was the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, how could the Rongguo Mansion allow her to be so presumptuous, so the two had a fierce fight, but Wang Xifeng was eloquent, Jia Lian was no match, and in the end Angrily, he lived in the study for ten days before moving back to the courtyard under the force of Jia Mu.Since then, the couple have had a knot in their hearts.

And Ningguo Mansion also held a happy event, that is, Jia Rong married his wife.

Jia Ke also took Qin Keqing to Jia Rong's wedding. This wedding was really lively, surpassing the wedding of Jia Ke and Jia Zhu by a lot.Jia Zhen was busy in it, and Jia Rong was happy and beaming, but she didn't know that there was a big hidden danger hidden in it.

(End of this chapter)

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