The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 315 Jinling Mansion

Chapter 315 Jinling Mansion

Besides, Jia Yucun was waiting for the news of the vacancy in Beijing. After waiting for a few days, the official document came down, appointing Jia Yucun as the prefect of Jinling.This is a huge job opening, and Jia Yucun himself did not expect that he would get such a position.I thought it would be good to be the chief official in an ordinary state and county, but I didn't expect Jia Ke to have such energy.

A few days later, Jia Yucun visited Jia Ke again, and Jia Ke still received him in the study outside.

As soon as Jia Yucun saw Jia Ke, he bowed down and bowed down, saying, "Jia Yucun under the door knocks on my benefactor."

Jia Ke was at the top of his hand, and he was not as polite as last time, but waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be so polite, just sit aside."

Jia Yucun got Jia Ke's order, so he dared to sit down carefully on the chair beside him.

"When you go to Jinling this time, what should you do or what should you do? Don't worry about me." Jia Ke was not polite to him, and asked him directly.

As soon as Jia Yucun heard Jia Ke's order, he quickly stood up and bowed to listen. If there were other people here, he would feel this scene, a little weird.Although Jia Yucun begged Jia Ke to do something and was Jia Ke's subordinate, he was not so careful.

Jia Ke's respect to Jia Yucun seemed to be the way it should be, and then he told him: "When you arrive in Jinling, let go and do it. I will take care of you in the court."

Jia Yucun stood below, thanking him repeatedly.Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words, and Jia Ke served tea to see off the guests. When Jia Yucun was about to walk through the door of the study, Jia Ke suddenly added, "You go to Rongguo Mansion and thank my father. .It’s good to have an excuse to move around in the future.”

Jia Yucun quickly turned around and said yes.

During Jia Yucun's stay in the capital for the next few days, he visited Jia Zheng almost every day.All kinds of compliments were sent non-stop, and Jia Zheng valued Jia Yucun even more.

Jia Zheng even talked to Jia Ke a few times, asking him to take care of Jia Yucun more in the future, saying that since he is already connected to Zong, he will be his own family in the future, and he should take care of him more.

Jia Ke naturally agreed at the time, but of course Jia Zheng didn't need to order him. Now Jia Yucun is already a character in Jia Ke's entrainment.

However, after Jia Yucun had entrenched with Jia Zheng for some time, seeing that the appointment time required by the Ministry of Officials was getting closer, he did not dare to delay any longer.So he found a time to say goodbye to Jia Ke and Jia Zheng, and took his servants to Jinling to take office.

It can be said that Jia Yucun's journey to the south was very high-spirited. When he came to the capital, he was just a dismissed criminal official who could only live as a teacher. When he left, he was already a fifth-rank prefect of Jinling.

When Jia Yucun came down to Yangzhou in an official boat along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, he stopped the boat. When he arrived in Yangzhou, he had to pay a visit to his original employer, Lin Ruhai.

Jia Yucun got off the boat at the pier and ordered his servant to rent a small sedan chair.Only then did he take the sedan chair to the front of Lin Ruhaide's mansion in Yangzhou.

The servant at the gate naturally recognized Jia Yucun as soon as he saw him coming, he hurried forward and asked, "Sir, are you sending Miss back?"

Jia Yucun understood this servant, but didn't know his true intention to go to the capital this time.So I don't blame him, just said with a smile: "I'm back, I want to see my lord. You go in and report to me."

"Who is Mr.? Where there is a need to report, you can go in by yourself." The servant thought that Jia Yucun was still the servant of the teacher.

But Jia Yucun can't do this, although he used to be a teacher in Ning Ruhai's mansion, and he recommended him to become what he is today, but after all, he is already the prefect of Jinling, the imperial order.It's impossible to enter Lin Ruhai's inner house casually.

"You'd better go in and report." After Jia Yucun finished speaking, he took out an ingot of broken silver from his bosom, weighing about one or two, and handed it to the servant.

The servants at this door also often received respect from the door, and now they received money from Jia Yucun, and they were a little surprised.This Jiayu village gave money according to the old calendar of those officials who came to visit the master.

The servant looked up at Jia Yucun in surprise, and then said respectfully: "If you have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, it turns out that Mr. Jia has already been promoted. Please wait here for a while, and I will go in and report to the master." After finishing speaking, he Hastily ran inside.

After a while, Lin Ruhai came out with a few servants.

When Lin Ruhai saw Jia Yucun, he smiled and said, "It's been a few months since I left, and now I see my husband's face full of spring, I think it's my wish come true."

When Jia Yucun saw Lin Ruhai, he hurried forward a few steps, then bowed to the ground, and then said respectfully: "Thank you for your recommendation, my lord. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Lin Ruhai stepped forward to support Jia Yucun, "Stop saying that, since the master is back, let's talk inside."

Afterwards, the two of them held hands and entered the gate of the mansion, and then came to Lin Ruhai's study room, where they were divided into guests and hosts, and then a maid served fragrant tea.

"Sir, did everything go well this time?" Although Lin Ruhai looked at Jia Yucun's face full of spring, he knew that this time it must have been done, but he still wanted to ask. What position to put him in.

"Thank you for your question, sir. This time, Lord Domon recommended me. Jia Enxiang also took good care of me. He has already appointed me as the prefect of Jinling. This time, he passed by Yangzhou on the way to take office and came to visit you."

Lin Ruhai was also surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Jia Ke to have such strength, and he directly appointed a criminal official as the prefect of Jinling.But he didn't want to ask the details, so he just smiled and said: "That's good, I don't know how to go to the little girl in the capital this time? Are you used to living in the capital?"

What Lin Ruhai is most concerned about now is Lin Daiyu's situation in the capital, and it is not easy for him to write a letter to ask directly, so this time Jia Yucun is here, so that he can also know what he wants to know.

"My lord, please rest assured that the journey with the young master is safe, and there is nothing wrong. After arriving at the Rongguo Mansion, the old lady of the Rongguo Mansion is also very fond of the young lady. Now the young lady is living in the old lady's room. The third master is only separated by a wall, and the two are as good as one person." Jia Yucun gave Lin Ruhai a brief account of the situation in Rongguo Mansion during this period.Especially the situation of Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu, when he left the capital, Jia Ke specifically asked Lin Ruhai to explain it in detail.I was afraid that Lin Ruhai would not know what was going on, and finally let the Jia family stay and scold you.

After hearing this, Lin Ruhai frowned, thinking that the old lady was a little confused, and didn't know how to defend against men and women.

But after thinking about it further, I understood the old lady's painstaking efforts.The old lady wanted to match up the marriage between Daiyu and Baoyu in their family.

Lin Ruhai thought about it for a while, and felt that this marriage was still possible.The current Rongguo Mansion is very prominent, but Jia Ke's position will be unstable in the future, but there are still empresses in the palace, so there will not be much turmoil in the future.If Daiyu can marry Baoyu, it will be considered a beautiful thing, and she can also settle a confidant matter.

So Lin Ruhai nodded with a smile, and had no other rebuttals. After that, the two talked about some official affairs.

Lin Ruhai left Jia Yucun to live in Ningfu for another day, Jia Yucun left on the second day, and continued to Jinling on the Guan boat.

Besides, on this day, Jia Ke came back from the military aircraft office, and as soon as he returned to Qin Keqing's room in the inner house, he saw a little boy carved in pink and jade in the room.Jia Ke looked very familiar. On the wedding day, Qin Keqing's younger brother Qin Zhong, who was blocking the door, passed away.

This Qin Zhong was a well-known ruthless and ungrateful person in the Dream of Red Mansions. Jia Ke didn't want to talk to him at first, so he didn't mention Qin Zhong during his life with Qin Keqing.After a long time, I forgot about this person, and never thought of seeing him at home today.

Although Jia Ke didn't like him, looking at Qin Keqing, she didn't show it.Instead, she smiled and said to him: "My brother-in-law is here, since he's here, he can stay at home for a few more days. Your sister has been nagging you a lot during this time."

Qin Zhong was a little afraid of Jia Ke, lowered his head, blushed, and said shyly, "Thank you brother-in-law for asking, everything is fine at home, old father asked me to send a message to say hello to brother-in-law."

Qin Keqing came forward to pack Jia Ke's clothes and changed into casual clothes at home, and said to Jia Ke: "I have something to ask you today. My brother's teacher has left the school, and now there is no one to look after him at home. It is said that there is a family school in our mansion, and those in the family who cannot be extended to the teacher can join the school to study, and the children of relatives can join the school. So please tell me and ask my brother to go and study."

Jia Ke listened to Qin Keqing's pleading, and said with a smile: "I still need to say something about such a trivial matter. The eldest grandma sent someone to send it. How dare they say no?"

Qin Keqing slapped Jia Ke shyly, and then said: "After all, it's a place where men study, and I, a woman, can't interfere."

"It's okay to let him go, but you have to think about it carefully. Although the gentleman who sits in our family's family school is an old Confucian Jia Dairu for many years, he is already old and may not have the energy he used to." Jia Ke didn't say it clearly. The family school in Jia's mansion was not good, but Qin Keqing was only nodded with words.

Qin Keqing didn't carefully appreciate the meaning of Jia Ke's words, and said with a smile: "Since he is an old Confucian, it's good to think about it, let him study for a while first."

Jia Ke saw that Qin Keqing had already made up his mind, and that I had done my best, so I stopped rebutting. If I had the opportunity to hire him another famous teacher in the future, that would be fine, so I said to Qin Keqing: "Tomorrow you take my post and send someone Just send Qin Zhong to the family school."

When Qin Keqing heard that Jia Ke agreed, she immediately smiled and pulled Qin Zhong over to salute him. It seems that Qin Keqing still has a good relationship with Qin Zhong.Even so, Jia Ke's superficial skills must be done.

"Qin Zhong goes to school in our family school. It might be too tiring to go back to the house after school, and I don't think he's in good health. Why don't we tidy up a house for him in our house and let him live with us? That's it." Jia Ke pulled Qin Zhong up, patted his head, and said to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing was naturally happy when she heard this, "Then I'm here to thank you, sir." Qin Keqing smiled and said coquettishly to Tong Jiake, with infinite charm on her face as she spoke.

Next, Qin Keqing was very happy, and while ordering the servants to prepare dinner, she ordered her personal servant girl, Rui Zhu, to find a small courtyard for Qin Zhong with exquisite architecture and beautiful decoration in Wuyanghou's mansion next to the main courtyard, and immediately He ordered the servant girl to clean up.It is necessary for Qin Zhong to move from the guest room into this small courtyard within a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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