The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 334 Impeachment

Chapter 334 Impeachment
Fairy Jing Huan drove the colorful clouds and came to the outside of the Chixia Palace as fast as lightning. She saw the endless palaces above the white clouds in the sky.I saw the cranes flying and the fairies ethereal. It really is the holy place of the fairy family and the big sect of the Tiangong.

When Fairy Jing Huan was sighing, she saw that there was black air entangled in the sky above the Chixia Palace at this time, and a golden light flew out from the Chixia Palace from time to time to disperse the black air, but for a while the black air disappeared again. Regrouped and more intense than before.

Now a large formation has been raised around the Chixia Palace, and the internal and external traffic has been cut off.

And from time to time there is a golden light flashing on the fairy mountain near the Chixia Palace, which means that the gods from other places came to check the condition of the Chixia Palace.

The mountain guard town of the Chixia Palace is now bright and bright, leaving the Chixia empty and tight, even the black air is hovering over the Chixia Palace and cannot fall.

But that black energy is not something to be provoked, it is constantly sapping the power of Chixia Palace's formation.It seems to the naked eye that the Great Formation of Chixia Palace can't last long. Every time the black air comes into contact with the Great Formation, the light of the Great Formation dims a bit.

Fairy Jing Huan was even more frightened when she saw this situation. Even a big faction in the fairy world like Chixia Palace could not do anything about it. I am afraid that she really cannot escape this catastrophe.

At this time, a golden dragon suddenly flew from the sky, and a fairy with white beard and hair sat cross-legged on it.The old fairy came to the sky above the Chixia Palace, and seeing the scene of the Chixia Palace, he knew that something was not good.

This black energy is not an ordinary evil. If it was an ordinary evil, it would have been dispersed long ago with Chixia Palace's large array and methods.And the black air kept surrounding Chixia Palace, there was basically nothing he could do about it, and with the weakening of the formation, the black air was even thicker than before, which showed that it was not a good thing.

Seeing this situation, the old god knew it was not good, so he yelled loudly at Chixia Palace: "Fellow Daoist, don't hurry up and find a way, otherwise this evil will not be eliminated."

The formation of the Chixia Palace was a little shaken by this loud shout, but the Chixia Palace stopped for a while, and suddenly a golden lantern flew out from the Chixia Palace, and the golden lantern burst out as soon as it came out of the Chixia Palace. Bright, a group of golden flames were released from the golden lamp, only burning towards the black air, and the black air disappeared after a while.

The old fairy looked at the golden lantern and couldn't help nodding. This golden lantern is a famous treasure in the heavens.Since the Chixia Palace obtained this treasure, there has been no disadvantage in refining demons for self-defense.

Fairy Jing Huan couldn't help but be overjoyed seeing this, if the Scarlet Cloud Palace can clean up all the evil spirits, then the little blackness on her head will not be a serious problem.

Who knew that she was too happy too soon, the black air had just disappeared, and it was born from the invisible, and continued to surround the Chixia Palace, and then the golden lamp was bright again, continuing to burn the black air.I didn't know that it was a waste of work in the end.

And as the golden lamp burned, the black energy emitted by the newborn became more and more powerful. At the end, the golden lamp released bright flames, and it was completely helpless against the black energy.

Seeing this situation, the old fairy was also a little anxious, raised his hand and released a jade ruyi, which came to the sky above the golden lamp, released strips of blue light, and started to attack the black air in conjunction with the golden lamp.It's just that the black air has become extremely difficult to deal with, whether it was tempered by the golden lamp.The cooperation of Yu Ruyi and Jin Deng could only stop him from falling temporarily.

At this time, the golden lantern was completely useless, so it flew back to Chixia Palace, and the old fairy had no choice but to take Yu Ruyi back.

In the end, the old god thought for a while and yelled at Chixia Palace: "Fellow Daoist, don't be stingy now. Chixia Palace has done a lot of merit over the years, and I think it can be resolved with merit."

There was no movement in the Chixia Palace for a long time, and finally, as if making up his mind, another golden lotus flew out from the Chixia Palace.This lotus is not a magic weapon, but a result of merit.After the golden lotus flew out of Chixia Palace, it came to the sky above the black air, and directly released immeasurable light, dragging the black air.Let it not fall.

When the golden lotus held back the black air, the great formation in Chixia Palace was dimmed to light, and the old fairy riding a dragon flew towards Chixia Palace with the golden dragon.There was no trace in an instant.

Fairy Jing Huan also knew about this golden lotus. It seemed that Chixia Palace wanted to waste a meritorious golden lotus to slowly dissipate the black energy.This thought made her even more worried, even the Chixia Palace was holding black energy, there was nothing she could do about it, and in the end she could only use the meritorious golden lotus to offset the sins caused by the black energy.Could it be that he is doomed this time?

Just as Fairy Jinghuan was complaining and sighing, another bright light flew out from Chixia Palace and came straight towards Fairy Jinghuan. When Fairy Jinghuan saw the light, she raised her hand to catch it, and a crystal appeared in her hand. Clear jade slips.

Fairy Jing Huan received the jade slips, and a great consciousness flooded into her mind. She explained the cause and effect to her, and told her how to act so that she could avoid this catastrophe and gain some merit.

After understanding the cause and effect, Fairy Jing Huan couldn't help showing a wry smile. This time they chose a really bad time. Now that the way of heaven has changed and the dynasty is about to change, if it's just that, that's all.Unexpectedly, their arrangement revolved around Qianlong's home.

But this time Qianlong was extraordinary, almost immediately after he was born, the dragon energy burst out uncontrollably, and even the dragon energy of the current dynasty was swallowed by it.And there is no other Qianlong competing with him, which is simply shocking, and I don't know how the way of heaven works?Why did that person have such great luck?

But now it's unnecessary to think about it, I can only take advantage of the fact that Qianlong has not ascended the throne, and do the thing of supporting the dragon court, in exchange for merit and consumption of the black energy on the top.Otherwise, when the new emperor is established and the general trend of heaven begins to operate, this black energy will inevitably be retribution. At that time, a shallow female fairy like myself may not be able to resist it.

Fairy Jing Huan took the jade slip and sighed. Although she couldn't get any merit this time, fortunately she had some arrangements before, and applying these arrangements to the new emperor would also increase his luck.After all, those love immortals and evil ghosts are spiritual creatures with a history, and this time I can be regarded as a heavy loss.

As for the waiter Shenying of Chixia Palace, who has the time to care about him now? As for whether he will be fascinated by the world of mortals and riches in the future, and thus fall into reincarnation, and hundreds of years of practice will be ruined, it depends on his own good luck .

Let’s not talk about the things in the sky these days, just talk about Jia Ke during this period of time, he can be considered to be proud of the spring breeze, the affairs of the court are almost controlled by him, he has to go to the military aircraft office to deal with affairs in the morning, and in the afternoon he has to find time to go to the military camps around the capital to patrol , Even the emperor had to let him three points.

And Jia Ke is now a little flustered, and has even let down his vigilance. During this time, the other ministers in the Military Aircraft Department have even begun to order them like domestic slaves at will, even Mr. Meng Ming, who was originally an alliance with him, Start to distance yourself from him now.

It's just that Jia Ke is still intoxicated in the dream of suddenly gaining such great power.Unexpectedly, danger was slowly approaching him.

On this day, when the emperor was in power, the emperor sat on the top of the golden palace, with civil and military officials standing on both sides of the lower part.The current court meeting has become a fake, and the emperor has no real power at all.But the real power rests in the hands of the Supreme Emperor's confidant, Jia Ke.

Unexpectedly, just when everyone thought that this court meeting would be passed without any surprises, something happened that no one could have imagined.

The court meeting had just begun, and the emperor sitting on the throne was like a puppet at this moment, and Xia Shouzhong, who was next to him, also seemed absent-minded.

"If you have a book, you will play early, but if you don't have a book, you will retreat from the court." Xia Shouzhong shouted listlessly and as if it was a routine.

The emperor saw that the ministers below were silent, so he had nothing to say. He winked at Xia Shouzhong and announced his resignation.

But at this moment.A young censor stands out from the end of the ministers. This censor has sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose and a straight mouth, which makes people feel that he is full of righteousness.

This young censor stood up and knelt in the main hall, held up this chapter and said to the emperor: "Your censor, Shao Yi, has this book."

"There is a book, so let's play it." The emperor said listlessly.

"My lord, to impeach the treacherous minister Jia Ke. I invite the emperor to review the existing memorial." Shao Yi, the censor, held up his memorial high up.

With his words, the whole hall was in chaos. Everyone thought that Jia Ke's reign would be delayed until the death of the Supreme Emperor.So they didn't come out to block Jia Ke in any way, they just wanted to make Jia Ke proud for a while, and then they would attack together.

But I didn't expect that the silence of the ministers actually created a situation where Jia Ke had already controlled the court and the world's major affairs were decided with one word.

This made many young and energetic censors look down upon. These people were originally neutral to the battle between the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor, but because Jia Ke was so complacent and arrogant and domineering during this period of time, it seemed to these people that Jia Ke Ke is the traitor of the court, so these people, relying on their youth and arrogance, wish to get rid of Jia Ke and hurry up.

Shao Yi, the imperial censor today, is not an ordinary person. He is the Tanhua of the last exam, and he is quite famous among scholars. Therefore, relying on his loyalty to the emperor, he wanted to use his own egg to touch Jia Ke's stone.

In the court hall, Jia Ke originally thought that the court meeting would be over soon, and he could go back to the military plane to continue dealing with affairs.Unexpectedly, she suddenly pretended to be a Lengtouqing to impeach him. Jia Ke has not yet awakened from the illusory power.As soon as he heard that someone was impeaching him, he immediately stood up.

"Your Majesty, this person is bewitching the public with his gossip and slandering the minister. Your Majesty, please take him down immediately for questioning, so as to calm the tongues of the people of the world." Jia Ke was not polite at all, and immediately asked the emperor to issue an order to punish the censor.

"Jia Ke, you villain who has brought disaster to the country and the people, but relying on your military achievements, you dare to order the emperor to be like a slave in the hall. Today, I will die to let the world know the true face of you, a treacherous minister." Shao Yi not only Instead of being afraid, I became even more excited. Even if I died in the hall today, I could still be famous forever. After all, I have already left my name in life and death, so what is there to be afraid of?

As for the emperor sitting on the throne, his eye circles were a little red now. He thought His Highness's ministers were just some villains who followed suit, but he did not expect there to be such a loyal person who was dedicated to the country.

(End of this chapter)

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