The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 341 Make a move

Chapter 341 Make a move
Seeing that the Supreme Emperor had aroused doubts about Jia Ke, the emperor knew that his strategy had worked, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "Father, now Jia Ke has commanded all the soldiers and horses in the capital, and has also served as the chief minister of the military aircraft department. I'm afraid it wasn't the imperial court's blessing in the past. It's better to find a reason to deal with Jia Ke, so as to avoid future troubles."

The Supreme Emperor closed his eyes and thought about it. Although he was a little suspicious of Jia Ke now, after all, Jia Ke did not do anything to endanger the court.So far, he cannot be disposed of just because of a momentary suspicion.

Besides, it is not so easy to move Jia Ke now. If Jia Ke is really rebellious, as the emperor said, then if he takes action against Jia Ke hastily at this time, it will cause him to die. thoughts.

That is, Jia Ke can't control the entire capital's army. As long as he can control a part of the troops, relying on Jia Ke's bravery, he will fight to the death, break into the palace to assassinate the king or kill him, or go out of the capital and return to the border. Threat, at that time, their father and son may not be able to save their lives.

The Supreme Emperor thought about it, and felt that it was better to slowly weaken Jia Ke's power. Besides, his own health was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't stand such a big fight.

"How are you going to deal with him, if it is really like what you said, then you and I can still survive?" the Supreme Emperor asked the emperor back.

The emperor was also surprised when he heard the question from the Supreme Emperor. He didn't expect that the Supreme Emperor, who had everything under control before, would start to feel unconfident now.

At this time, the emperor started to panic, and hurriedly asked the Supreme Emperor: "Father, could it be that your arrangement in the army can't take Jia Ke down immediately?"

The Supreme Emperor did not lie to the emperor at this time, "If it was a year ago, it would have been easy to win Jia Ke, but I don't know why I have so much trust in Jia Ke this year, and I have not asked about the army for a long time. Now it is not Knowing how many cronies Jia Ke has arranged in the army, in my opinion, Jia Ke must have secretly controlled a part of the army, but there are not many people in this part, but with the addition of the Xiaoqi battalion he brought from Xuanfu Town, in case the One thing leaked, I am afraid there will be a catastrophe."

At this time, the emperor couldn't think of a good way to think about it. He didn't expect that Jia Ke would actually have real power in a short period of time.

"But you don't have to worry. Although Jia Ke has some power now, as long as it takes three to five years to gradually weaken, it will not be difficult to deal with him in the end." How many tricks did the Supreme Emperor go through?Even the prince who almost controlled more than half of the people in the world back then was bought by him with money and joined forces, and finally became rebellious and easily captured by himself?Not to mention the little doll Jia Ke.

"I heard that Jia Ke's younger sister, Jia Yuanchun, is still in your harem." The Supreme Emperor suddenly asked the emperor.

"Father, Jia Yuanchun is just a concubine in the harem of his son, and he is not a person who can stand on the stage." The emperor was very disgusted with Jia Yuanchun because of Jia Ke, so Jia Yuanchun was already a prince when he was the prince. The side concubine is second only to the status of the main concubine.But after the emperor ascended the throne, he only made her a concubine, which made Jia Yuanchun very embarrassed in the harem. Everyone knew that the emperor didn't like Jia Yuanchun.

"After you go back, treat her well, give her more status, and spend more time in her palace." The Supreme Emperor ordered to the emperor.

"Father, why is this? Isn't this increasing the bargaining chip of their Jia family?" The emperor was not very willing to act on this.

"Idiot, don't you know that wanting to take is prior to giving? If you don't do this, how can they get carried away? If you don't do this, how can Jia Ke let go of his guard?" The Supreme Emperor lay on the bed with a sense of superiority. The emperor preached.

After listening to the Taishanghuang's words, the emperor came to his senses. The Taishanghuang wanted to paralyze Jia Ke first, make him more domineering, and finally lose the hearts of his subordinates.

At that time, the Supreme Emperor will use other methods to win these people over. Once this goal is accomplished, it will be time to deal with Jia Ke.Sure enough, I was still relatively young, and the Supreme Emperor's tactics were hard to guard against. If it wasn't for the Supreme Emperor's physical weakness, when I contacted the civil servants to push me to take the position, I was afraid that the Supreme Emperor would be thrown into hell.Just like his brother King Zhongshun, now he can only eat, drink and have fun in the mansion, living a superficially happy life.

"And you can't just rely on these. Although the four kings and eight princes have fallen, their disciples and former officials are all over the world. You must first think about dividing them up and separating them from the other princes. The pressure to be right is much less." The Supreme Emperor now seems to be explaining the funeral.

The emperor nodded frequently to what the Supreme Emperor said now, thinking that since he first came to the throne, he wanted to confront Jia Ke forcefully, which made Jia Ke feel strong hostility and vigilance towards him, how unwise it was.

"After completing these two steps, you can slowly win over the people in the army, but you must be careful and plan slowly, and you must not act too hastily. Remember, remember." again.

At this time, the emperor had already cast his admiration for the Supreme Emperor, and after thanking the Supreme Emperor, he happily left.

After the emperor left, the Taishanghuang couldn't help but smile. The emperor still had little experience, and he completely believed what he said just now.

Although the Supreme Emperor had doubts about Jia Ke, it was not to the extent that the emperor thought. He thought he could still control the army.The reason why he took this slow approach to deal with Jia Ke was firstly to give the emperor a chance to practice, secondly to remove this stumbling block for the emperor after his own death, and thirdly, even though he was in poor health, he didn’t want to Seeing that the emperor is completely in control of the power of the world.The timetable he arranged for the emperor was just right, and the emperor still had to follow his orders while he was alive.When he passed away, the emperor's side had almost made arrangements, and then it could be launched in one fell swoop.Isn't this the best of both worlds?

It's just that when the Supreme Emperor didn't see the emperor leaving, he gave Dai Quan a wink.Dai Quan next to him nodded his head lightly, as if he understood.

Seeing that the Supreme Emperor was about to rest, Dai Quan stepped forward and said quietly, "The Supreme Emperor, I don't know if I should say something or not."

The Supreme Emperor glanced at Dai Quan, and said nonchalantly, "You slave want to talk to Jia Ke?"

When Dai Quan heard this, he knew that the Supreme Emperor had misunderstood him, so he quickly knelt down on the ground and said in tears: "How dare the slave interfere in the government affairs, the Supreme Emperor wronged and killed the slave."

The Supreme Emperor lay on the bed and looked at Dai Quan's grievance, and said with a smile: "I didn't say anything, get up."

Then Dai Quan stood up tremblingly, came to the Supreme Emperor, and pressed the quilt back for him.

Taishang Huang looked at Dai Quan and said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just say it, we have been together for a lifetime, what else can't we say?"

Then Dai Quan stood in front of the Supreme Emperor's bed again and said in a low voice: "To the Supreme Emperor, the slave's spy, I have been receiving news that Jia Ke is buying people's hearts in the army."

After hearing this, the Supreme Emperor sat up from the bed immediately, and then felt dizzy and couldn't sit still.

Seeing this situation, Dai Quan hurried forward to support the Supreme Emperor, and helped him to the edge of the bed, and took a pillow for him to lean on.

The Supreme Emperor paused for a while before saying: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big matter."

Seeing that the Supreme Emperor was angry, Dai Quan quickly knelt down and said, "This servant only found out about it recently. Jia Ke's actions are very covert. When the servant's spies find out, he has already communicated with many generals."

After hearing this, the Taishanghuang felt shocked for a while. He never thought that Dai Quan was lying to him. The Taishanghuang seemed to have always been loyal to him, and he would never lie to himself.

Sitting on the bed, the Supreme Emperor felt chills all over his body. What does Jia Ke mean by this?Could it be that he really has a different heart?
The Supreme Emperor regretted it a little now, he shouldn't have given Jia Ke such great power, so that he had enough room to exercise.

"From today onwards, you will closely monitor Jia Ke's every move, and pay special attention to his dealings with generals in the army. If you have any news, report it to me immediately without any delay."

Dai Quan immediately agreed, knowing that his words had successfully aroused the suspicion of the Supreme Emperor again.As long as the Supreme Emperor becomes suspicious, Jia Ke's life will not be easy.

That night the emperor rested in Jia Yuanchun's palace, and loved Jia Yuanchun a lot, and the next day he kept sending rewards to him.In the next few days, the emperor favored Jia Yuanchun alone, which caused Jia Yuanchun's status in the palace to rise rapidly.

This trend was soon known by the well-informed Jia family. For a while, everyone in the Jia family celebrated with each other, thinking that it would be a matter of time before Jia Yuanchun became a concubine.So everyone in the Jia family became even more unscrupulous.

Jia Ke is well aware of these matters, and judging from the information he has received, the Supreme Emperor has already begun to arrange funeral arrangements.And the emperor also played the role of a filial son and grandson these days. He went to the Supreme Emperor's Ningshou Palace every day to say hello. The father and son talked for an hour or two.

Jia Ke already sensed the danger, and the father and son seemed to have reached a consensus.In this way, he will be more and more isolated in the court.It seems that this is the method the father and son adopted for themselves, and I am afraid that there will be greater favors coming to the Jia family.

It was the official day, the birthday of Jia Zheng, the head of the Rongguo Mansion. This could be said to be the biggest event of the Jia Mansion before the year.

On Jia Zheng's birthday, the Rongguo Mansion held a big banquet, inviting all relatives and old friends, and all kinds of people from Ningrong and Rongguo Mansions came to congratulate.

All of a sudden, the Rongxi Hall was overcrowded. Apart from Jia's family, people of all colors from the imperial court also came to congratulate. The glory that sets it off is incomparable. In the entire capital, there are only one or two families with such magnificence.

(End of this chapter)

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