Chapter 344
However, in the following time, the emperor and Jia Ke did not act rashly, and the two sides seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and neither of them would tear each other down.

But Jia Ke knew that the emperor is now smarter than before.Knowing forbearance, he is not as eager for quick success as before to get rid of himself as a powerful minister, so it seems that Jia Ke is still making the decision in the court.

But Jia Ke knows that the current situation is more dangerous than before. Now Jia Ke not only wants to fight the emperor, but also prevents the emperor from suddenly attacking him from behind.

Therefore, during this period of time, Jia Ke did not seek merit but merit, and defended with all his strength.And no longer fight against the emperor.

That day when Jia Ke came back from the office, she saw a plainly dressed old lady going out.Jia Ke knew this person. This person was Jia Dairu's wife. In terms of seniority, she could be regarded as Jia Ke's uncle and grandma. Jia Dairu was not considered an outsider, but also Jia Ke's half-enlightenment teacher.She was holding a box in her hand and left in a hurry without noticing Jia Ke.

Jia Ke went back to the inner house where Qin Keqing was playing with Jia Zhi in her arms. Now Jia Zhi spoke very smoothly. Seeing Jia Ke was very happy, she yelled daddy, and stretched out her hand to ask Jia Ke to hug him. Qin Keqing took the child in her arms.Then he asked her, "I saw my uncle and grandma coming to our place just now, what should I do?"

Qin Keqing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the great-uncle he was talking about was Jia Dairu's wife, and said casually: "I heard that her grandson Jia Rui is dying of illness and needs ginseng soup to hang himself. There is no way to go anywhere else." I found it, so I begged me, and I gave her one, which saved a life anyway.”

After Qin Keqing gave away porridge everywhere, and became pregnant with Jia Zhi by chance, she became more concerned about these good deeds. As long as the people in the clan were in trouble, she would try her best to help them. This is Jia Ke's income every year. , if others really can't afford her.

After listening to Qin Keqing's answer, Jia Ke guessed what was going on. During Jia Lian's absence, Wang Xifeng was going too far.There is no avoidance of doubts about Jia Rong and Jia Qiang. If this continues, rumors will spread sooner or later.

But the current Jia's mansion is different from before, as long as there are any rumors, I am afraid that Jia's mother will have to send her back to the palace even if she likes Wang Xifeng so much.

"Are you going to have less contact with that Wang Xifeng in the future?" Jia Ke didn't want Qin Keqing to get dirty words because of her frequent contacts with Wang Xifeng.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong? I'm in our house, and I'm bored alone, and only she can talk to me. Why is it that I'm going to stop now?" Qin Keqing knew that since Jia Ke said it, There must be a reason for this, so he asked.

"You don't need to know about these nasty things, just remember that you can avoid dealing with her in the future."

Seeing Jia Ke's attitude, Qin Keqing knew that Wang Xifeng must have done something wrong, so she stopped asking.

Next, Jia Ke went to Qiaolian's room to take a look before eating. After all, she was pregnant now, so Jia Ke would go to her room to have a look no matter how busy her work was.

After Jia Ke went out, Qin Keqing felt that something was wrong. Jia Ke never asked about such trivial matters at home, so why did he suddenly talk to her today.

Qin Keqing flirted with Ruizhu next to her, and Ruizhu immediately understood.

Then Ruizhu carefully exited the room, she didn't go anywhere else, and went directly to Aunt Zhou in Rongguo Mansion next door.Ruizhu is really not good at inquiring about these gossips.And Xia Mai next to Aunt Zhou is an expert.

Rui Zhu came to Aunt Zhou's yard and entered the gate, only to see Xia Mai was directing several little maids to clean the yard.

As soon as Rui Zhu entered the courtyard, Xia Mai glanced at her, "Why do you come to our place when you have time? Does Grandma have something to tell Auntie?"

"It's okay. If you are bored and want to chat with you, you know that there is no one in our house who can talk to me, and only you here, I can say a few words."

Xia Mai was very happy to hear that, and immediately brought Ruizhu closer to his room.

Rui Zhu came to Xia Mai's room and sat down on the bed.

"I asked you about gossip recently, tell me, I don't have anyone to talk to over there, I'm almost suffocated." After sitting down, Rui Zhu asked Xia Mai intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia Mai likes to gossip about these gossips in the house, and when she heard Rui Zhu's question, it fell into her arms.Then he chattered and told Xiang Ruizhu about the latest news from the mansion in detail, and when he told Ruizhu he was very happy, not to mention how comfortable he was.

This time, Ruizhu understood the cause and effect clearly, and at the same time felt very frightened by Wang Xifeng's boldness. If the gossip spread to their grandmother, what would happen?
The next day after Jia Ke went to the office, Ruizhu quietly came to Qin Keqing's room, and then looked at Qin Keqing with a flushed face, not knowing what to say.

Qin Keqing knew from her appearance that she had already inquired about the news, "If there is anything you can't say, hurry up, I'm still busy."

"Miss, it's not that I won't say it, it's really hard to say it." Rui Zhu didn't know what to say, so she had to say hello to Qin Keqing first.

Qin Keqing glanced directly at Ruizhu, and then pretended to leave.Feed the Pig hurriedly stopped Qin Keqing, and helped him back to the soft couch.

"Miss, it's not like you don't know what's going on outside. It's said that Uncle Rui was captured by a ghost. A few days ago, he invited a Taoist priest to exorcise the evil spirit. I don't know if it will work." Rui Zhu said seriously.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to hear this, what does it have to do with Lian's second grandma." Qin Keqing said a little unhappy.

"Miss, I heard that the reason why Uncle Rui was taken away by ghosts is because of lovesickness and unstable soul."

"It's getting more and more nonsense."

"It's true, Miss. I heard that the maid of their family said that Uncle Rui often called Second Grandma Lian's name in a coma."

Qin Keqing was shocked when she heard these words, this kind of thing is hard to say, you are a chaste woman, you are also afraid of these rumors, not to mention Wang Xifeng is always aggressive, no wonder these words are found on her.

Qin Keqing originally wanted to obey Jia Ke's words and stop worrying about Wang Xifeng's affairs, but thinking that the relationship between the two of them has been better than that of sisters during this period of time, if she didn't remind her this time, when Jia Lian came back, she would definitely Will settle accounts with her.

She just gave birth to her eldest sister, and it's only been a few months. If such a word comes out at this time, it will make her die.

So he straightened up his clothes immediately, took a dozen maidservants and maids, and walked through the Moon Gate to Wang Xifeng's residence in Rongguo Mansion.

Wang Xifeng is now the actual housekeeper of Rongguo Mansion, living in a small courtyard on the central axis of the back hall of Rongxi Hall.Their courtyard was arranged by Jia's mother herself. I don't know if Jia's mother arranged it on purpose. It makes everyone look like Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng are living in Rongxi Hall.

Qin Keqing came to the courtyard where Wang Xifeng lived, and was discovered by her personal servant girl Ping'er as soon as she entered the door.

"Grandma, what brought you to our place?" Ping'er and Qin Keqing were already familiar, so talking to her was a bit casual.

Qin Keqing didn't answer him, but just asked: "Is your master there? I have something to say to her."

Ping'er is such a clever person, once he heard Qin Keqing's words, he knew that Qin Keqing came this time for something, and it might not be a good thing.

While they were talking, Wang Xifeng's voice came from the room, "Is it my sister-in-law? Come in and sit down."

Qin Keqing went straight into Wang Xifeng's room, and saw Wang Xifeng lying on the bed as soon as she entered the room, her face pale.

Please take a few steps forward, sit on the edge of the bed and hold Wang Xifeng's hand, "What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you for a day or two, why are you so sick?"

At this time, Ping'er came in with a tea bowl, and while serving tea to Qin Keqing, he said unhappily: "It's not that those old women in the house are gossips. Let our grandma hear, how strong our grandma is, and suddenly Let them fall down."

Wang Xifeng on the bed said helplessly: "These gossips are the most murderous. I was doing well, and I never missed a half-step on my errands, and even people came to my door."

Qin Keqing was really pitiful looking at her, it seemed that she already knew about the rumors, so she didn't need to remind herself.So the two chatted for a few more words, and Qin Keqing said goodbye and left.

On the way back, Qin Keqing looked at the scenery of Jia's mansion, and at the same time listened to Rui Zhu, who was gossiping about Jia's mansion.

"Miss, you don't know how kind Miss Xue is, and she has never looked down upon us servants."

"Where does it look like that Miss Lin, her arrogant eyes are in the sky, but she just eats and drinks for free at our house, there is nothing to be arrogant about."

Qin Keqing was shocked when she heard these words, these words are not something a maid can say, and it seems that the situation has been spread throughout the mansion, otherwise it would be impossible for Rui Zhu in Wuyanghou Mansion to know about it.

But this is a matter of the Rongguo Mansion, so it's better not to ask about it.Presumably, Jia's mother should know all this well.

Not to mention that their parents here are shortchanged, just that they are in the military aircraft department, Jia Ke is now isolated again, and Mr. Meng Ming also began to distance himself from Jia Ke under the suggestion of the Supreme Emperor.

And the other ministers of military aircraft were not as respectful to Jia Ke as before, just because it was rumored in the court that the Supreme Emperor was going to let Jia Ke, the chief minister of the military aircraft department, step down from his post, and then he would be reused.

But Jia Ke didn't seem to have heard about these things. He is now preoccupied with the exchange of generals from various places, and every time a general comes to Beijing to report on his duties, he has to personally meet them.

The emperor was also very clear about Jia Ke's actions, but he didn't interfere too much.Because Jia Ke met these people in public.

And these generals will go to the emperor after being received by Jia Ke, and the emperor will reward them a lot, so the emperor does not think that these generals will seek refuge with Jia Ke, but he does not know that some things in the world cannot be judged by common sense .

(End of this chapter)

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