The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 346 Power Transfer

Chapter 346 Power Transfer
The Supreme Emperor looked at the emperor's pale face, and said with a sarcastic smile, "Do you still want to take Jia Ke down in the court now? I'm afraid it's not Jia Ke that you ordered to take down, but yourself."

The emperor was just forcing his mind to calm down, "Is there no way to deal with this powerful minister? Could it be that he usurped the land that our ancestors brought down?"

"Who says there is no way? It's just that you have to be patient. Your grandpa wrote a word and hung it on the Hall of Mental Cultivation because I was too irritable back then. Let me watch it day and night. You should also be careful now." Remember these four words." The Taishanghuang's voice has become weaker and weaker.

The empress dowager quickly persuaded from the side: "Let's take a rest before we talk. Your body really can't hold on anymore."

"No, if you don't explain the matter clearly today, this boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth will ruin the big thing." The Supreme Emperor patted the Empress Dowager's hand and said softly. Only now did he know what the old folks mean. At the last moment of his poor health, I am afraid that only his first wife can take care of him without complaint or regret.

"Father, since the matter has reached this point, please give me a clear indication of what we should do next." The emperor is at a loss now, he is really afraid that one day, he just opened his eyes.Jia Ke's soldiers stood all around.

"It's still the same sentence, continue to pamper Jia Ke to paralyze him, and then wait for the right time to slowly weaken his military power. This time may be a long time, and I can't wait for it. When the time comes, we must refrain from haste and use patience. I would rather be slow , there must be no turmoil in the court." After the Taishanghuang finished speaking, he had no strength to speak.

The Supreme Emperor rested for a long time before he said again: "Although Jia Ke controls the military power near the capital, the civil servants in the world are still facing us. As long as you wait for the right time to weaken Jia Ke, those civil servants will surely Cooperate. Maybe in 20 years you will have a chance to realize your idea and dispose of the lineage of Rongguo Mansion."

The emperor stood there, watching the Taishanghuang get weaker and weaker, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more serious.In the past, he wished that the Supreme Emperor would die immediately.But now seeing that the Supreme Emperor is getting weaker and weaker, and thinking that the country is not stable now, he thinks in his heart that the Supreme Emperor can live a little longer so that he can give him advice.Even if I don't do anything, even if I lie in the harem, I feel at ease.

Moreover, when the Supreme Emperor was there, he could still control some elite troops. Once the Supreme Emperor was gone, the emperor asked himself that he was not familiar with the army. I am afraid that these people would end up in Jia Ke's pocket.

The Supreme Emperor rested on the soft couch for a while, and continued to say to the emperor: "Now I have no ability to take care of outside affairs, so I will give you what I can give you in the end."

After the Taishanghuang finished speaking, he said to Dai Quan who was standing beside him, "You will hand over the hidden guard to the emperor in a moment."

When the emperor heard from the side that the Supreme Emperor was going to hand over the most important hidden guard in the royal family to him, he was both happy and a little scared.I am happy that I can finally get rid of the Taishanghuang, but I am afraid that this means that the Taishanghuang has no ability to control the situation.That's why he had to hand over the final rights to him, and let him integrate all his forces to fight against Jia Ke.

Dai Quan, who was standing aside, was very annoyed after hearing this sentence.He originally wanted to join hands with the emperor to get rid of Jia Ke and control more power, but he didn't expect that the Supreme Emperor would let him hand over the most important hidden guard to the emperor, so from now on, he might be an old man with no power or position Eunuch.If I had known it would be better to stand still and watch the emperor and Jia Ke fight, maybe I could finally be in charge of the government like the eunuchs in the previous dynasty!
But now, no matter how regretful Dai Quan was, he couldn't catch up. He could only stand there respectfully and reply to the Supreme Emperor: "I know, I will hand over everything about the hidden guard to the Emperor in a while."

The Supreme Emperor nodded after listening to Dai Quan's words. In fact, the Supreme Emperor is not at ease with Dai Quan now. He doesn't want eunuchs who are as powerful as the previous dynasty to appear in this dynasty. When Wei was handed over to the emperor, Dai Quan was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to fight back.

The emperor thought for a while, and said to the Supreme Emperor: "Father, since the soldiers and horses in the capital are not reliable, we might as well send troops from other places. I don't believe that Jia Ke can control all the soldiers and horses in the world."

"Idiot, before the soldiers and horses from other places arrived in the capital, the heads of you and my father and son have already hung on the top of the capital." The Supreme Emperor is a little disappointed with this son now. This son seems to be in a daze. What now? He didn't even think about it, he only knew how to get rid of Jia Ke.

After the emperor said this sentence, he already knew that this was not feasible.But after being scolded by the Supreme Emperor, he was a little unconvinced. He thought for a while, and it really made him think of a way, "If the Tatars invade the capital again in one year, we have a reason to recruit the soldiers of King Qin to resist At that time, when the army gathers, Jia Ke can be taken down in one fell swoop."

After listening to the emperor's plan, the Supreme Emperor pondered for a while, and finally showed a gratified smile, "It's good that you can think of this, but this is the last choice, and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. The danger is too great, and even Maybe the front door rejects the tiger and the back door welcomes wolves.”

"The other thing is what if these people are not Jia Ke's opponents. Don't forget that Jia Ke is a general who has won the three armies and can fight for success. Back then, only tens of thousands of people dared to fight hundreds of thousands of Tatars. Those inland soldiers have always bullied the weak and feared the strong, so I am afraid that they are not the opponents of Jia Ke's troops." Although the Supreme Emperor was happy that the emperor could find another way to mobilize the troops, he still did not agree with this method.

After all, the emperor was young and had never been on the battlefield.I have never seen Jia Ke's heroic appearance on the battlefield, standing out from left to right as if no one else was around.So I don't think Jia Ke is very powerful, but the Supreme Emperor knows very well how powerful Jia Ke is, so he is very pessimistic about confronting Jia Ke rashly.

"What you should think about now is to do everything you can to weaken the power of the Jia family, no matter if it's manpower or material resources, as long as you can think of a way, you must think of it."

"Father, please clarify." The emperor still didn't understand.

"Now this dynasty governs the world with filial piety. It is a great tragedy that concubines in the palace cannot be reunited with their parents in the palace. They can let their relatives visit the palace on the [-]th of every month." The Supreme Emperor said confidently.

"I still don't understand the meaning of the emperor." The emperor still didn't understand, what does it have to do with the weakening of the Jia family by allowing relatives of concubines in the palace to visit the palace?
The Supreme Emperor gave the emperor a disdainful look, and finally said slowly: "I don't think this is enough, it is better to give them some grace. Anyone who has a home in Chongyu Bieyuan who can stay in the pass for defense may wish to invite the inner court Luanyu to enter his private life." Second, you can also use your flesh and blood to share the joy of the family."

After hearing this, the emperor already understood that when the time came to welcome his concubine home to visit, he would have to build a family-saving villa. The Rongguo Mansion is now famous, so naturally it can't be left behind.At that time, if a gorgeous family-saving villa is built, it will naturally consume a lot of money.

Where did the money come from?The little income from the Rongguo Mansion is naturally not enough, and Jia Ke may pay for it in the end. It may not be easy for Jia Ke to get the money.At that time, I am afraid that Jia Ke will not have the strength to do other things.

Although this can't hit the strength in the army, it will cause a huge blow to finances.And how does Jia Ke, who has no money, win over all the officials and control the army.This can also indirectly weaken Jia Ke's strength.

The current emperor admires the Supreme Emperor. This is the real conspiracy, the way the real emperor should think.Just such a small sentence can not only paralyze Jia Ke, but also weaken his potential and let him loosen his control over the army.

As expected, the Supreme Emperor, who has been in charge of the world for decades, can come up with such a method under such a situation. If he follows the Supreme Emperor's thinking and continues to plot several schemes, Jia Ke will probably be slaughtered by then.

Now the emperor couldn't help sighing, the prince back then was not wronged.With these schemes of the Supreme Emperor, Jia Ke's strength will soon be weakened.That prince back then was probably the one who was gradually weakened by the Supreme Emperor, and was finally thrown into hell.

"Father, you still have a way. This will consume a lot of money. Then what will Jia Ke do to win people's hearts and cultivate cronies." The emperor has to admire now, Jiang is still old and spicy.

"Don't let your guard down. For that woman from Jia's family, you have to double your trust. It's best to give birth to a prince. This way, the bond with Jia Ke will be even greater." The Supreme Emperor said, staring at the ceiling with deep eyes.

The emperor had no objection to this. In fact, he was very satisfied with Jia Yuanchun. This woman is not only extremely beautiful, but also understands people's hearts. These days, she has been very considerate in her service.

Seeing that the emperor had no objection, the Taishanghuang didn't say anything more. In fact, he still had another idea in his mind.That is, if one day the emperor really fell out with Jia Ke, and if he was abolished in the end, the child Jia Yuanchun would be the most likely to become the emperor.

For Jia Yuanchun's sake, Jia Ke may not necessarily take away his little nephew's country. Maybe his little nephew will become a puppet, but at least he can continue the country. If this child is promising , and may be able to regain control of real power in a few decades.

This is also the last move the Taishanghuang left for his own country.

The emperor is still in the dark, not knowing that the Supreme Emperor has already begun to arrange the final destination of the dynasty.

After returning from the Supreme Emperor's place to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the emperor now felt completely different from before. Now after taking over the Supreme Emperor's hidden guard, he felt like an emperor.

The emperor stayed up all night that night. He sent his trusted eunuch Xia Shouzhong to take over the emperor's secret guards, and placed his trusted eunuch in an important position.Now he was barely able to command the hidden guards.

After a little control of the dark guards, the emperor carefully analyzed all the information collected by the dark guards on the imperial case.

Among them, the information about Jia Ke was the object of his focus, but he did not find any abnormalities in Jia Ke from the information.This made him feel unbelievable, how is this possible?

There was no way he could be wrong about what he had shown in his dreams, and what had been reminded him of his mother's death.However, the information showed that Jia Ke hadn't changed anything, and he was completely like a loyal minister and good general.No wonder the Supreme Emperor trusted Jia Ke so much, Jia Ke did not have the slightest act of treason at all.

The emperor was anxiously walking around in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He suddenly remembered that his mother had told him when she left that he and Jia Yuanchun should give birth to a child for the sake of self-fulfilment. Today, the Supreme Emperor also meant the same thing.Is it really irreversible?
(End of this chapter)

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