Chapter 356 Taxation
However, Rongguo Mansion finally calmed down after Jia Yuanchun visited his relatives.The masters and masters can also rest for a while, and the servants also started to herd the sheep without the masters' restraint.

Among them, Jia Baoyu is the happiest, and now everything is going well for him, and he has already engaged Lin Daiyu, so he has let go of his worries.Secondly, there is a close friend Qin Zhong who is with him day and night, so it can be said that he is carefree.Now that the family visit is over, everyone is resting, so naturally no one controls him anymore.It was Jia Baoyu who took Qin Zhong to meet friends in the capital during this time.

As for Qin Zhong, following Jia Baoyu during this period of time can be regarded as gaining insight, and he has seen all the dandies in the capital.The most famous of them is Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying and Jia Baoyu used to be good friends. They have always been very close to the King of Beijing. However, because of Jia Ke and the King of Beijing’s filth recently, the King of Beijing was confined at home. The relationship between them and King Jing of Beijing faded away.

On this day, Xue Pan passed the message to Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong, saying that he was going to entertain guests at the most famous restaurant in the capital, and asked Qin Zhong and Jia Baoyu to support him first.

Now Qin Zhong and Jia Baoyu are quite well-known in the capital. One of them is the brother-in-law of Jia Ke, the chief minister of the Military Aircraft Department, and the other is the third master of the Rongguo Mansion. Now, Xue Pan's affairs will be smoother.

This time Xue Pan invited guests to the banquet mainly because there was something wrong with the royal supplies they bought last time, so Xue Pan invited the eunuch in charge of the palace to cover up the matter.I have a soft-spoken servant, so I invited Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong to sit in the town.

On that day, when Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong came to the private room of the restaurant, Xue Pan had already started the banquet, and a eunuch in brocade robes was sitting in the middle of the wine table. It's a majestic appearance, which makes people feel intimidated when they look at it.

Seeing Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong coming, Xue Pan quickly stood up and introduced them.

"Two virtuous brothers, this one is Eunuch Zhao, the head of the eunuchs purchasing in the palace."

After Xue Pan introduced the eunuch, he turned around and introduced to Eunuch Zhao respectfully, "Eunuch Zhao, I think you don't know these two, one is the third master of Rongguo Mansion, and the other is Marquis Wuyang. My brother-in-law from the mansion, we will get to know each other in the future and hope to take care of each other."

Eunuch Zhao glanced at Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong, stood up and bowed to them, without speaking, just continued to sit in the middle, silent.

Seeing this scene, Xue Pan was also a little bit blind.You must know that something went wrong this time, he had tried to make contacts everywhere, but it was of no use. Finally, he finally invited the manager, thinking of inviting Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong to put some pressure on the manager, so that He let this matter go, but he didn't expect the old eunuch to be soft and hard.

But Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong are both non-human beings, they didn't see the reason, they bowed their hands to Eunuch Zhao and entered the table.

The eunuch Zhao saw that the two of them were seated, so he asked, "My lords, why are you here this time?"

This sentence stunned the two of them. They came this time only at Xue Pan's invitation and said that a friend introduced them to them. They didn't expect Eunuch Zhao to ask such a question.

Xue Pan quickly smoothed things over and said, "We are all friends, and we got to know each other this time. We can take care of anything in the future."

So who is Eunuch Zhao?He could see through Xue Pan's intentions at a glance.But after thinking about it, since these two are here, they can't lose face.Besides, Jia Ke is indeed in power now, so it's better not to bother him about such a trivial matter.

"Since the two of you are here, our family has to give us face. This matter is over, but our family has to tell Uncle Xue that if there is another time, our family will not be able to cover it up for you. "

Xue Pan was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly bowed to the eunuch.

The eunuch Zhao stood up, cupped his hands and said to them: "Since the matter has been settled, we still have something to do in the palace, so I won't bother you any more, so I will take my leave."

After Eunuch Zhao finished speaking, he turned around and left the restaurant, Xue Pan followed behind, sent him out the door, and then came back.

After returning, Xue Pan kept thanking Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong, and now these two also understood what happened just now, but they didn't take this matter to heart, instead they were a little proud.

Thinking how dignified the status of the two of them is, such a difficult matter will disappear as soon as the two of them come.

They didn't know that eunuch Zhao was Wei Kun's main leader in the palace.This time, it was only for Jia Ke's sake that Xue Pan was let go.

So next, Xue Pan treated the two of them with food, drink and hospitality, and called a few famous fans to serve them comfortably.

After the banquet, they sent someone to rent a sedan chair and sent the two back to the mansion.That night Xue Pan returned home, excitedly showing off in front of Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai.

"What do I think is a big deal? It's not going to be settled right away. Those eunuchs just want to get some money. Now that Eunuch Zhao has spoken, they don't dare to make things difficult anymore."

"I was clever enough to invite Baoyu and Qin Zhong. You don't know how awesome that eunuch Zhao is. When he saw Qin Zhong and Baoyu, his face immediately changed, and he agreed to my business immediately."

When Xue Pan said this, he raised his head proudly, waiting for Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai to praise him.

Aunt Xue was so happy from ear to ear, she kept praising Xue Pan, thinking that he had gotten back to business this time and had improved a lot compared to before.

Xue Baochai, who was sitting by the side, had a smile on his face, but in fact he still felt helpless at the brother's incompetence. What is his ability?If Jia Baoyu and Qin Zhong were not present, the eunuch would have easily let Jia Ke go.

But Xue Baochai heard that all the imperial pens used by the emperor were broken this time, what a big deal, if there is no Jia Ke, how would those eunuchs dare to let Xue Pan go?This is the reason why many avenues I searched a while ago were useless.

At the same time, Xue Baochai's desire for power grew in her heart, and Jia Ke's prestige made her yearn even more. Such a big matter didn't need Jia Ke to come forward in person, but his brother and brother-in-law showed their faces to solve the matter.I secretly made up my mind in my heart, for my own family.It seemed that it was time for me to sacrifice, otherwise I would be sorry for the teachings of my parents over the years, and I would also be sorry for my appearance and talents.

It is said that others can rest during this time, but Jia Ke must not rest.After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the emperor re-opened the seal, and Jia Ke also returned to the military aircraft department to continue his career as a foreman.

Now Jia Ke is at the military plane.Although he was squeezed out by several other military aircraft ministers, he still firmly grasped the power of the military aircraft department because he was the chief minister of military aircraft.Even the edicts issued by the emperor sometimes depend on his face.

Because Jia Ke fought against the emperor several times, the civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty regarded Jia Ke as a traitor, but they thought that Jia Ke had the protection of the Supreme Emperor, and there was nothing they could do about Jia Ke for a while.So everyone is forbearing.Little did they know that Jia Ke had already had a deep rift with the Supreme Emperor.

The first thing Jia Ke does at the beginning of the year is to check last year's tax situation.Seeing this scared Jia Ke into a cold sweat.

Jia Ke didn't care about these things before, but this year he was more sensitive to money because the Jia family spent a lot of money on visiting relatives.

Jia Ke saw this year's report. Last year's total tax revenue was only 300 million taels, nearly [-] million taels less than the previous year, which is not bad.If things go on like this, the court will not be able to maintain normal operations.

Jia Ke took the winning bid and watched it carefully, and found that the land tax last year was actually 200 million taels less, while the total commercial tax including salt tax, tea tax, city ship tax, passing tax, and business tax was only three yuan. More than one million taels.

As the chief minister of the military aircraft, Jia Ke naturally had to ask about such a serious matter, so he immediately ordered the little eunuch waiting next to him, "Go to the Ministry of Households and get Liu Wan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, and tell me that I have something important to ask." He came to report."

What Jia Ke said was very serious. Under normal circumstances, Jia Ke would invite these high-ranking officials. Now it is very rude to just ask him to report back.

At that time, the eunuch didn't dare to delay when he saw Jia Ke's expression was unkind, and ran out of the military aircraft department in a hurry.

At this time, the old Hanlin Meng Ming, who was reviewing the memorial, saw Jia Ke's impatience. Although Meng Ming is no longer Jia Ke's ally, the relationship between the two has not deteriorated because of the breakdown of the alliance. This old Meng Ming really deserves it He is a benevolent gentleman. Even now, he still discusses Jia Ke's affairs according to the facts.As long as Jia Ke did the right thing, regardless of whether it was in line with the Supreme Emperor's wishes, he would fully support it.

Because of Meng Ming's temperament, Jia Ke respected this old gentleman very much.

"Master Jia, what's the matter? Getting so angry?" Old Meng Ming said calmly.

When Jia Ke heard old Meng Ming's question, he put the memorial on the table, and said to old Meng Ming distressedly: "Mr., I just saw our annual tax revenue last year, and it was nearly 300 million taels shorter than the year before. What does the household department do for food? If things go on like this, our court will not be able to maintain it."

Hearing what he said, old Meng Ming also became serious. If it was really what Jia Ke said, it would be a big deal.The annual income of the imperial court is about 2000 million taels of silver. If it is less than 300 million taels, it can barely maintain it, but in case of military disasters or famines, there will be no emergency silver taels.

Meng Ming quickly stood up and came to Jia Ke's desk, picked up the memorial that Jia Ke read and read it carefully. At first, he didn't quite understand it. After all, he didn't specialize in this, but the old man had a Share the spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions.But if you don't understand something, you can ask Jia Ke next to him.Later, I gradually understood, but the hands of the old gentleman holding the memorial began to shake.

Several military ministers next to them saw the two of them whispering there, so they exchanged glances. Finally, Liu Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, came over and bowed his hands to salute Jia Ke, "I have seen Mr. Jia, the foreman. What are the two adults discussing here, can you let the little old man listen to me too."

Jia Ke frowned when he saw his appearance, this man was obviously here to inquire about the news.But there is nothing that cannot be said about this matter, and I am afraid that they will have to know in the end.

So Jia Ke said to Liu Yu with a serious face: "Master Liu, you three really need to know about this matter. Otherwise, we may not be able to explain to the Supreme Emperor, the Emperor."

"So, I'll be all ears."

"Our tax revenue has decreased by nearly 300 million this year, do you know?" Jia Ke asked directly without talking nonsense with him. After all, the Minister of the Household Department and them are the emperor's people, and they should have heard of these things.

Liu Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was shocked when he heard this. Although he and Liu Wan, Minister of the Ministry of Households, belonged to the emperor, he had never heard of this incident.Moreover, 300 million was lost at once, which is not a small amount. If it is not done well, there will be turmoil in the court.

Liu Yu hurriedly said: "There is such a thing, I don't know about it at all."

Seeing Liu Yu's astonished expression, Jia Ke didn't seem to know it at all. Jia Ke had no choice but to say to him, "Just now, on a whim, I checked the tax revenue for the whole of last year, and found that it was nearly 300 million taels of silver less than in previous years."

When Jia Ke finished speaking, Lei Ying, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Tian Ye, the Censor of Zuo Du, also came over. They moved behind old Meng Ming to watch the memorial together.

Both of these two are capable officials, and their faces turned red before they finished reading.In any case, it is impossible for this tax to drop by 300 million at once, not to mention that the weather was good last year, and even the Tatars were kept out of the Nine Sides. The tax revenue has not increased, so how can it be so much less.

While the few of them were discussing there, the little eunuch brought Liu Wan, the secretary of the household department, to the military plane.

Liu Wan had already arrived at the military planes and bowed to several military planes, "Sir, I'm calling, do you have anything to ask?"

Before Jia Ge could speak, Old Meng Ming couldn't bear it anymore. With agility that didn't match his age, he rushed to Liu Wan in one go, pointed at Liu Wan's nose and cursed: "You bastard, Now that you still ask us why we called you here, don’t you have any points in your heart?”

Then he slammed the memorial in his hand in front of him, then stared at him and said, "If you don't give us an explanation today, our military ministers will give you an explanation." The old man is now He was so angry that he was a little incoherent.

Liu Wan didn't panic, she knelt down and picked up the memorial slowly, opened it and looked at it.He personally played this memorial years ago, but it was just in time for the Chinese New Year, and he didn't specifically tell him that this memorial was important, so Jia Ke didn't find out until the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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