The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 361 Countermeasures 3

Chapter 361 Countermeasures 3
The emperor was also a little puzzled when he saw Jia Ke's appearance. Could it be that Jia Ke really didn't rebel, and all this was just his prejudice against Jia Ke because of his dream?
But when he thought of the tragedy of his mother's death, he suppressed this thought again.Others can lie to him, and he can lie to himself, but his mother would never lie to him when her soul was lost in the end.

It seems that there is a reason for Jia Ke's retreat now. It may be because he has not yet fully controlled the troops of the three battalions, so he dare not take risks.This must be the case. The emperor encouraged himself and at the same time strengthened his mind. He had to take advantage of the fact that Jia Ke had not fully controlled the three battalions to attack him, otherwise it would be too late in a while.

So the emperor decided to pursue the victory, and then announced to the following: "Now that Luo Cen is leading the Xiaoqi battalion to the north, the connection with the imperial court will be loose. ?”

The emperor said he was asking the ministers below, but his eyes kept on Jia Ke.

The other ministers kept silent about this matter, after all they couldn't talk about it, in case they made a mistake.Offending the emperor and Jia Ke did not end well in the end.

Jia Ke felt that the emperor was indeed worthy of being brought up by these civil servants and Confucian scholars, and his thoughts were so naive and so vicious. Did he think that the king of Beijing and his dozens of guards could control the 5 horses in the Xiaoqi Camp?If this is the only way to go, then how did the old King Beijing die during the Prince Rebellion?

Because Jia Ke was very confident in the control of his troops, he didn't hesitate and said directly: "The emperor is thoughtful, and I fully agree."

Seeing that Jia Ke didn't resist at all, the emperor couldn't help feeling a little panic in his heart.If Jia Ke desperately resisted, he still had some confidence in his heart.But now Jia Ke's expression that you can say what you say makes him feel guilty and flustered.

But now it's hard to get over the water, so I can only bite the bullet and go on.So the emperor made an order on the spot to transfer the Xiaoqi battalion to the north, and the king of Beijing was the supervisor of the army.At the same time, it is decreed that the military salaries of Xuanfu, Liaodong and Miyun Town will be reduced by four and three levels respectively this year.

Seeing that the decree had been issued, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.I feel much more refreshed in my heart. He has been on the throne for several years, and he has never felt so comfortable like today.In the beginning, the Supreme Emperor suppressed him, and then Jia Ke fought against him.Now that the Supreme Emperor has completely delegated power, after a while, when he disposes of Jia Ke, he will be the real supreme in this world.

The emperor originally thought that today's affairs would be settled here, but old Meng Ming stood up and said: "Your Majesty, although the military pay of the three towns has been reduced, it is not enough to make up for the 300 million taels of silver. Where will the rest of the money come from?" Please ask the emperor to make it clear."

The emperor was taken aback after hearing this, and then he remembered that the military pay of the three places was not enough to fill such a big hole.But now the money is lying in his internal treasury. Originally, he wanted to put it away for a while and return it to the treasury in a few days.But when the silver entered the inner treasury, his mind changed completely.This is really hard to give up.

The emperor thought about it for a while and really had no choice, so he had to ask the ministers present again: "My dear ministers, how do you make up for the next shortfall?"

The emperor did not look at Jia Ke this time, but glanced left and right among several of his trusted ministers.

These ministers were all appalled by the emperor, among them, Liu Wan, Minister of the Household Department, was even more guilty, and couldn't help but complain about the emperor.When the 300 million taels of silver were taken away, it was agreed to repay the national treasury in the name of the internal treasury, why now let yourself find a way to fill the shortfall?Could it be that the emperor didn't want to pay back the 300 million taels of silver?
In the end, it was the left governor Shi Tianye who stood up and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I still say the same thing, withhold part of the money allocated to the governor of Hedao, and you have everything."

Liu Wan said unhappily, "What on earth do you mean? You have suggested this idea to the emperor several times. Don't you care about the safety of the people near the river?"

Tian Ye cast a disdainful glance at him, "Who on earth is disregarding the safety of the people on both sides of the river? I'm afraid Mr. Liu knows better than me."

Liu Wan was speechless by his words. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the imperial court allocated several million taels of silver to the governor of Hedao every year. Say ten out of ten.The money has been privately divided by the Ministry of Households and the people of Hedao, and even he has 10+ cars of silver entered into the account every year.

At this time, he didn't dare to continue arguing with Tian Ye. If he got annoyed by this guy, he would directly shake it out in front of the emperor. At that time, even if the emperor favored her, he would tear him apart.

Tian Ye saw that Liu Wan didn't make a sound anymore, so he looked up at the emperor, and asked the emperor to quickly decide.

The emperor didn't know anything about the situation inside these dignified ministers. He listened to Tian Ye's suggestion, but he couldn't make a decision.After all, he also knew the importance of rivers, so he still asked Liu Wan, Minister of the Household Department: "Liu Aiqing, you are from the Household Department and often deal with the Governor of Rivers. Do you think this matter can be handled?"

Liu Wan is now in a bit of a dilemma. If he agrees, the least this year will be a loss of more than 100 million taels of silver. By that time, the pockets of the river channel, the household department, and local officials will shrink.Then the person he will offend will go to Haide.But if he doesn't agree to the emperor now, he really can't get the money for the emperor.

So Liu Wan bit the bullet and said: "If the construction of about half of the river course is stopped this year, the remaining more than 100 million silver vehicles should be saved."

The emperor immediately smiled when he heard this, "Since that's the case, what else is there to say? We lost so much money due to natural disasters this year. We just need to make up for this hole from these two aspects."

When the emperor said this, he also felt relieved, and now he felt that all the burdens were gone.Not only can he relax Jia Ke, but he also has 300 million taels of silver in his inner treasury. Now he can't help but start to admire his own resourcefulness.

Jia Ke down below saw their monarchs and ministers messing around like this, and couldn't help but start to worry about the people on both sides of the river.

Originally, the money for the river course, several million vehicles are built every year to build the world's river course, and several times are enough.It's just that the various officials can really use it, that is, five or six million taels. This year, the emperor will reduce more than one million taels of silver, so these corrupt officials may not throw a tael of silver into the river.

When the third prince hadn't ascended the throne, he looked quite wise and mighty, but after several years of being the emperor, he became more and more stupid.Now they can't be allowed to mess around, this is related to the survival of tens of millions of people, and if there is any trouble, it will be the disaster of the Yellow Turban.

Jia Ke hurriedly stood up and shouted to the emperor: "Your Majesty, absolutely not. The money in the river is already stretched. If the money is gone, I am afraid that when the flood season comes this year, there will be oceans everywhere."

Jia Ke also didn't expose the fact that officials from all over the country were corrupt. After all, he had offended too many people. He didn't need to do it now, but for the sake of the people, he could only tell the emperor from another aspect.

The emperor didn't care about Jia Ke's words at all. In his heart, every word Jia Ke said was harmful to him. As long as he was against Jia Ke, it must be right.

"Jia Aiqing, don't be alarmist. You get several million taels of silver every year. This year, it's only a little less, but most of it is still allocated. In my opinion, there is no problem at all. You don't need to say more about this matter. I have already made a decision, how can I change it without authorization?" The emperor blocked Jia Ke back honestly.

Looking at the emperor's confident expression, Jia Ke really didn't know what to say. Is this emperor really the same person as the former third prince?The third prince was so sophisticated in the world in the past, why does he seem to be confused now?
And Liu Yu, who was standing below, also felt that the emperor and before he ascended the throne were two people. In the past, he was good at dealing with the world and could take care of all aspects.Why now it seems that he grew up in the hands of a deep palace woman, ignorant of the sufferings of the world.

Although Liu Yu knew the inside story, he and Liu Wan had been friends for many years.They are all big shots from the same faction, so they can't expose him now.I can only keep silent, as to whether there will be any turmoil in the court.Liu Yu didn't think about it that much. He thought that the world is now in a prosperous age, and even if there is any small disturbance, it will quickly subside, so he didn't take this matter too seriously.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with Liu Yu's thoughts, but now the law of heaven has tilted towards Jia Ke, and the dragon energy of this dynasty is no longer enough to protect the world.I am afraid that the next disaster will be unavoidable. At that time, natural and man-made disasters will strike together, even in today's prosperous age, it will take a long time to subside.

At this time, Shi Tianye, the left governor, also felt that the emperor was a little too naive, and he simply didn't eat the fireworks of the world.

In fact, it's not that the emperor doesn't know the suffering in the world. Ever since the third prince united with his mother to cast a spell on Jia Ke, her mother has been condemned by heaven and her soul has been scattered.

This third prince is still enthroned as his emperor like a normal person, is this normal?Did Tiandao just let him go so lightly?
There is a saying that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It is not that there is no reward, the time has not yet come.At that time, the third prince did not suffer retribution, but because he was the heir chosen by the Dragon Qi of the dynasty, and Heavenly Dao wanted to use it to do some calculations, so he let him go.

Although he was let go, but boundless evil spirit descended, blinding his spiritual wisdom.Therefore, since the third prince came to the throne, his mind has been abnormal, and he is no longer as wise and powerful as before.

This is also the way of heaven paving the way for Jia Ke. If he is really a capable emperor, he will definitely bear it by now. How can he be so urgent to deal with the powerful officials without the military power.

(End of this chapter)

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