Chapter 376
Xia Shouzhong left the East Nuan Pavilion and came outside the courtyard of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Immediately, I saw Jia Ke waiting there with several military ministers.

Xia Shouzhong hurried forward a few steps, came in front of several ministers, bowed forcefully and said: "You keep your lords waiting for a long time, this slave really deserves death."

Before Jia Ke could reply, Liu Yu who was beside him took a few steps forward to help Xia Shouzhong up, "What is the inner minister talking about? We just waited for a while, how can we stand up to such a big gift like your father-in-law?"

Then Liu Yu grabbed Xia Shouzhong's hand and said good things without money, and he praised Xia Shouzhong as the number one eunuch in all ages.

At the back, Zuodu Censor Tianye couldn't help curling his lips when he saw Liu Yu's appearance, and Lei Ying, who was standing next to him, also shook his head.This Liu Yu is changing too fast now. Before he became the Minister of Military Aircraft, he was considered a direct minister. As a result, when he became the Minister of Military Aircraft, it didn't take long for him to become obsessed.

The old Hanlin Meng Ming saw that they were chatting endlessly there, so he said directly: "Guys, it's important for us to get down to business now. If you don't say enough, wait a while and get out of the office, find a hotel and talk about it."

Only then did Liu Yu let go of it embarrassingly. Originally, Xia Shouzhong was a little flattered by Liu Yu's praise.Now, one sentence from Old Hanlin immediately brought him back to reality.Compared with the former Dai Quan who was afraid of both inside and outside, he is still far behind.

After Xia Shouzhong woke up, he hurriedly said to Jia Ke and several other military ministers: "Ministers, but I already know that some adults have come to ask for an audience, and I have been specially ordered to greet them."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand in the direction of Dongnuan Pavilion and said, "My lord, let's follow the servant to see the emperor."

After Xia Shouzhong said this, he looked at Jia Ke like the leader, and saw Jia Ke nodded slightly there.Xia Shouzhong immediately led the way, and Jia Ke led the others to follow Xia Shouzhong straight to the Dongnuan Pavilion next to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When he came to Dongnuan Pavilion, Xia Shouzhong stopped in front, turned around and said to Jia Ke and the others again, "Masters, wait here for a while, I will go in and report to the emperor, and then I will come out to pick up my lords."

At this moment, Jia Ke said he couldn't defend himself, so Xia Shouzhong went into Dongnuan Pavilion.

Soon Xia Shouzhong came out of Dongnuan Pavilion, met Jia Ke and others, and said with a smile on his face: "The emperor ordered me to bring some adults in to have an audience."

So everyone followed Xia Shouzhong into the East Nuan Pavilion and came to the main hall.

Jia Ke looked up and saw the emperor, who had not seen him for a few days, but was already much haggard.I think it's because of worrying day and night.

Jia Ke and others came to the main hall, kowtowed to the emperor according to the rules, and then stood on both sides of the main hall again, waiting for the emperor to ask questions.

"Dear dears, there is something important for the five of you to come here together. Could it be that the sky has fallen." The emperor said while rubbing his temples. He has been feeling thumping around his temples for the past few days, but Due to his busy schedule, there was no time for the imperial physician to come in to diagnose his pulse.

When everyone saw the emperor asking, they all looked at Jia Ke.After all, Jia Ke, as the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, has the highest status at this time, so he should speak back.

Jia Ke also did his part, he stepped forward a few steps to the center of the hall, cupped his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, there is indeed an important matter, and the emperor wants you to decide it yourself."

What the emperor is most afraid of hearing now is that something important has happened, so when Jia Ke said that there is a major event for him to decide, he immediately felt a headache again.

"Aiqing, if you have anything to say, just say it face to face." The emperor said helplessly, really afraid of what might happen.

"Your Majesty, I have received a report from Shaanxi. It has not rained in Shaanxi for three months since the beginning of spring. I am afraid that there will be a severe drought this year in Shaanxi that I have visited. A minister saw it and thought it could be implemented, but after all, the matter is of great importance, so please see the emperor in the future, and let the emperor make the decision." After Jia Ke finished speaking, he took out the rules from his sleeve and raised his hands above his head.

Xia Shouzhong, who was next to the emperor, saw it, and hurried down the imperial steps, and came to Jia Ke in three steps at a time. Imperial steps, come to the side of the emperor.

Xia Shouzhong came to the emperor's side, bowed and held Jia Ke's order high, and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor took Jia Ke's schedule and read it over carefully. The general idea was that he asked the grain storage road to prepare 100 million dans of grain to be transported to the capital.And it is strictly stipulated that it must be shipped in June.

For a while, the emperor didn't see any issues that required him to decide in person.

"Jia Aiqing, this regulation is very thorough, I think we should follow it."

Liu Yu, who was below, saw that the emperor didn't see the intention in the regulations, so he hurried out of the class and cupped his hands and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid you haven't seen the intention of Mr. Jia, so let me explain to the emperor."

Hearing Liu Yu's words, the emperor carefully looked at the regulations in his hand again, but found nothing strange, then looked at Liu Yu below in doubt, waiting for him to explain to himself.

Seeing the emperor like this, Liu Yu also felt a little helpless in his heart. Although this emperor was considered a capable monarch, his experience was still inexperienced after all, and he still didn't fully understand the intrigues of the government.

But comparing Jia Ke with the emperor, I feel that the emperor's growth is too slow, maybe this is the reason for his personal talent.

Liu Yu cupped his hands and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have concluded that there may not be much grain left in the grain storage road. Therefore, the ministers and others have forced them to transport the grain and grass to the capital in June in the official document."

After hearing this, the emperor also reflected it, and then flew into a rage.The world has been peaceful these years, and the imperial court has never touched the grain of the grain storage road. If the officials of the grain storage road resell the grain as the five military ministers thought, and now there is not much left, it will be a shocking case .

After listening to Liu Yu's words, the emperor asked angrily, "Since we know that there is no grain in the grain store, we should send a censor to investigate thoroughly, and then put all these corrupt officials in prison. Aren't you appeasing and supporting traitors?"

Seeing the emperor's anger, everyone quickly knelt on the ground and listened to the emperor's roar above.

After the emperor finished cursing, Liu Yu knelt forward again and climbed a few steps to the emperor and said: "The ministers are doing this for the stability of the court. If these people pay for the grain storage road by themselves, it will be a waste of time." It's time for them to redeem their sins. And we also collected the disaster relief food shipped to Shaanxi in the autumn. If these people are stubborn, according to Mr. Jia's intention, they directly ransacked their homes. Using their furniture to buy food and grass, Ship directly to Shaanxi for disaster relief."

After listening to Liu Yu's words, the emperor understood the intention of the five military ministers. This is probably the safest way at present.

The emperor was actually a little scared at this time. It was probably not ordinary people who could handle such a big case. After all, there were people in the court, and even members of the royal family could only support him.When the time comes to pull out the radish and bring out the mud, it will not end well for him in the end.Give them a chance in this way, and if they know each other, everyone will be happy.

So the emperor said with satisfaction: "Jia Aiqing still has more ways, this idea is really the best of both worlds."

After the emperor praised Jia Ke, he said to Xia Shouzhong next to him, "Immediately draw up an order."

Xia Shouzhong heard the emperor's words, and immediately winked at the little eunuch next to him.You can just move the low table from the little eunuch, Xia Shouzhong knelt behind the low table, and a young eunuch next to him immediately took out a blank imperial edict and spread it on the low table.

The emperor saw that they had almost prepared, so he said: "The order is that the grain storage road will deliver 150 million tans of grain to the capital, and it must be delivered before the fifth day of June. If there is a delay, it will be punished according to the decree of disrespect. I hereby."

After the emperor dictated the imperial decree, Xia Shouzhong over there had already finished writing the imperial decree. After Xia Shou Zhongjie finished writing, he got up from the ground and walked to the emperor.Kneeling on the ground, unfold the imperial decree and show it to the emperor.

The emperor took a look and saw that there was nothing wrong with it.Then he said to Xia Shouzhong: "Use the emperor's treasure."

Xia Shouzhong hurried up from the imperial case next to it, and came the emperor's treasure, which is often used by the emperor.

The emperor took the Emperor's Supreme Treasure and dipped it on the ink pad, and then covered it with the imperial decree.Then he put the Emperor's Supreme Treasure aside, and waved to Xia Shouzhong.

Xia Shouzhong hurriedly put the emperor's treasure back into the treasure box, and then took the imperial decree lightly, and rolled it up again.

The emperor saw that everything was done, and then said to Jia Ke and the others below: "You take down the imperial decree and send it to the grain storage road. Let them raise grain immediately, and you should supervise it more. Otherwise, if something serious happens in Shaanxi , it cannot be solved by the more than 100 million dans of grain."

Jia Ke stepped forward to the imperial steps, knelt on the ground and raised her hands, waiting for the emperor to deliver the imperial edict to him.

The emperor waved to Xia Shouzhong who was next to him. Xia Shouzhong hurried down the imperial steps and gently placed the imperial decree in Jia Ke's hands.

After receiving the imperial edict, Jia Ke bowed down to the emperor again, then got up and returned to the class again.

Holding the imperial decree in her hand, Jia Ke squinted at the emperor.Then a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that Jia Ke had already discovered the difference in the grain storage roads, and there must be a big fish behind such a big incident.Otherwise, how dare those small officials in the grain storage road have the courage to sell all the grain in the grain storage road.

Jia Ke privately analyzed that this matter can be done, except for those unscrupulous relatives of the emperor.I'm afraid there will be no one else.

But this time, Jia Ke made a special fuss about this matter, just to give the emperor a good look, let him be in a dilemma, and see what he can do to resolve it.

If the emperor kills relatives righteously, the emperor's prestige in the royal family will decline.At that time, I am afraid that the royal family members will complain, and he may not be able to sit firmly on the throne.

If the emperor did not report it, he would have to pay his own money to fill the hole in the grain storage road, which can be regarded as a weakening of the emperor.

Some time ago, the emperor just hid 300 million pieces of silver from the household department. This time, no matter what, he will bleed a lot. Otherwise, the emperor's financial resources will increase a lot, which will be very unfavorable to him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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