The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 388 Please enter the urn

Chapter 388 Please enter the urn
Ai Baoquan sat in the middle without hesitation, and said contemptuously to his subordinates: "I have been teaching you for a long time. Why didn't one of the dozen or so people speak up?"

All the people below lowered their heads in shame, and one of the strong men stepped forward and said: "Master, it's not that the apprentices are incompetent, it's because this time people are too difficult to deal with. And everyone seems to have been trained, No matter how we torture these people, none of them have told the truth."

At this time, another clever young man walked up to Ai Bao's body and beat him on the back, "Master, why don't we just deal with them so as to save time. Anyway, our adults didn't even think about taking them from them." What news can I get?"

Ai Baoquan said in displeasure: "What are you talking about? It seems that I taught you in vain. No one can stand the torture. If you don't recruit him, it means that your kung fu is not up to par."

After Ai Baoquan finished speaking, the people below dared not say anything.

Ai Baoquan was enjoying the back-beating of his disciple and grandson, while closing his eyes and thinking about how to deal with these people below.

"Go find me a big urn, today I will open your eyes." Ai Baoquan said to the people below after opening his eyes.

The people below were immediately excited, and after a while, two people came in with a big urn and put it on the ground.

"Find some charcoal and light it up for me." Ai Baoquan continued to order.

Soon a pile of charcoal fire rose in the center of the cell, and then Ai Baoquan ordered the big urn to be placed on top of the charcoal fire.

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, they stared at him with wide-eyed surprise.

"Go and pull me the one with the toughest mouth."

So these apprentices and grandchildren immediately pulled one of the big men over, and saw that the big man had broad arms and a round waist, with muscles all over his body.At first glance, he has undergone strict training and is a good assassin.

Several people pushed him in front of Ai Baoquan. This person was still glaring at Ai Baoquan. If he could move now, he could pounce on Ai Baoquan and bite him to death.

"My lord, are you telling the truth, or I should do it." Ai Baoquan didn't take him seriously at all.

As a result, not only did this person not speak, but he spit out a mouthful of saliva and ran directly to Ai Baoquan's face.

Fortunately, Ai Baoquan hid in time, otherwise if this mouthful of phlegm sticks, I don't know how to be sick for a few days.

Ai Baoquan became furious at this moment, and said to several people nearby: "Put him in the big urn for me, and let this man keep warm."

So a few people came over right away, and directly stuffed the big man into the big urn.At the beginning, the big man was still able to persist.But gradually began to scream.

Ai Baoquan stood beside him and asked: "Are you recruiting or not? If you recruit, you will save yourself the pain of flesh and blood. You must know that this is not a short-term discomfort. If you don't recruit, I am afraid that you will end up in this urn. Wait an hour or two."

As a result, although the people in the urn screamed incessantly, they were very stubborn, and they didn't even say a single extra word.

Ai Baoquan's disciples and grandchildren watched cold sweat dripping from the side, but none of them dared to speak.

After half an hour, there was a smell of meat coming from the big urn, and many people around started to vomit.

Only Ai Baoquan not only did not vomit, but took a deep breath.

At this time, the screams of the people in the urn became weaker and weaker, and finally gradually disappeared.

Ai Baoquan saw that this person was finished, so he said to the disciples beside him who kept vomiting, "Look at your worthless looks, bring me another one, I don't believe that these dozen people are all like this person, It's a bone of iron."

A few apprentices next to him helplessly pulled another spy over.

When this person came over, he was already trembling, his body was like chaff.These people have also undergone strict training, and they have also undergone special training for torture.But today when he saw Ai Baoquan's methods, he was scared out of his wits.

Now the spy looked at Ai Baoquan as if he was seeing some extreme pervert. They never thought that there were such people in the world.

"What about you, sir, do you want to be like the man in the urn, or tell me the truth." Ai Baoquan looked at this man and showed a cruel smile.

As for the first person, Ai Baoquan never thought of letting him recruit from the beginning.This person is just a demonstration for other people by Ai Baoquan, causing them great psychological pressure.When the second person arrives, a breakthrough is possible.

Sure enough, as he expected, this good man who was whipped by the whip just now and didn't even frown on the stick, now saw Ai Baoquan asking him, immediately fell to his knees, kowtowed and said: "Master, please forgive me, please forgive me. I said it all. I just ask you to give me a good time, don't let me suffer this living crime. "

Although the spy kept begging for mercy, he never mentioned the confession.It seems that he is afraid of the organization behind it to the bone, and he doesn't want to provoke the organization's secrets even if he dies.

After hearing his words, Ai Baoquan had a bad feeling in his heart, and also felt a little bit of fear for the organization behind these people. What kind of ability is this, so that these people would rather die than recruit the secrets of the organization.

But Ai Baoquan did not give up. He said with a smile: "You said that not only will you not suffer from this flesh and blood, but maybe we adults will save your life if we show mercy. Don't you want to live in this world? You can To know that people die like a lamp goes out, whether there is King Yama or hell, we are still talking about the two.”

Ai Baoquan's words completely broke down this person's psychological defense.

Although this person tried his best not to recruit at first, he collapsed quickly under Ai Baoquan's psychological offensive.

When Ai Baoquan was receiving training, he didn't just use torture. The most important thing was psychological offensive, which was sometimes more effective than torture.If a person's psychological defense line is broken, then he can't protect any secrets.

Under the lure of Ai Baoquan, this person slowly relaxed his vigilance. In the end, his psychological defense line collapsed little by little, and then he used everything he knew.

It turned out that these people were all Xia Shouzhong sent to monitor Jia Ke near Jia's mansion, although there were already many imperial spies in Rongguo mansion.But for the newly built Wuyanghou Mansion, the imperial court has little to do.

This is mainly because Wei Kun is really a genius in intelligence, and the intelligence organization he controls now has arranged Wuyanghou's mansion perfectly.

Whether it is the current Xia Shouzhong or the former Dai Quan, there is nothing they can do about the Wuyang Hou Mansion.

Under such circumstances, Xia Shouzhong later sent people to monitor Wuyang Hou's mansion day and night in order to obtain information on Jia Ke's every move.Even assassinate Jia Ke if possible.

After hearing his confession, Ai Baoquan felt a little flustered, it was a big deal.If Jia Ke got the news, I'm afraid the court would be turned upside down.

So just to be on the safe side, Ai Baoquan pulled out several other spies, tortured them, and asked them what happened.

These people were tortured, but many people changed their tactics, and the final situation was similar.Only now did Ai Baoquan feel relieved, knowing that there would be nothing wrong this time.

Ai Baoquan also sensed the seriousness of the situation, and immediately sent this information to Wei Kun.

During this period of time, Wei Kun's intelligence work has been handled very smoothly, especially when Jia Ke arranged for him to infiltrate the palace. The eunuch also took refuge in Jia Ke, and now the Supreme Emperor and the emperor's every move is almost under Jia Ke's surveillance.

Now even the last secret power of the Supreme Emperor is in the hands of Wei Kun. It can be said that the palace has no secrets for him.

As a result, when he was proud, the information sent by Ai Baoquan suddenly threw him into the cold water of winter, and made him blow all his pride to Java.

He didn't expect that he was arranging internal responses in the court, and the emperor's spies were not idle. Although stabbing and monitoring at the gate was the lowest level, he didn't expect that they would arrange the assassination of Jia Ke among them.This problem is serious.

Wei Kun read the information carefully, turned his mind for a while, and became suspicious of the information.

"Is this the confession of one person, or is it the same confession made by others?"

"Returning to Master Wei, I have already interrogated all these spies, and the news I got is similar, and I think it should be almost the same."

Although Wei Kun was still a little skeptical, the news was fake, so he had to report it to Jia Ke first.Otherwise, if something happens, he can't afford it.

Wei Kun didn't dare to be negligent, and after sending Ai Baoquan away, he took the information and went directly to Wuyanghou's mansion regardless of how late it was, and then reported the incident to Liu Yu externally. Liu Yu also felt that the matter was serious. Then send someone to report to the inner house.

Jia Ke had just had dinner at this time, and was holding his two precious sons by his side, playing with them.

Jia Ke was lying on the ground now, with his two sons riding on his back, constantly urging him to run.So Jia Ke knelt and crawled on the ground with her two sons on her back.

That's not to mention, Jia Ke was kneeling and crawling, while imitating the neighing of a horse, completely looking like a good BMW horse, making the two boys laugh out loud.

Qin Keqing and Qiaolian next to her covered their mouths and kept laughing.Unexpectedly, the foreman of Wuyang Hou's Military Aircraft Department had such a funny side.

When they were playing around, Ruizhu came in from the outside.When he came behind Qin Keqing, he whispered in her ear: "Grandma, someone outside called Uncle, saying that there is something important to report to him."

Qin Keqing immediately came to Jia Ke's side, took the two boys down, and put Jia Mao, one of them, into Qiaolian's arms, and then said to his son Jia Zhi: "Hurry up and find your sister Ruizhu, you Father has something else to do, so don't bother him."

"What's the matter? I just played with the two boys?" Jia Ke stood up and said a little unhappy. After all, he was busy with his work and rarely stayed with his two sons. It was hard to play with them today. , It can also be regarded as cultivating feelings.I didn't expect it to be destroyed so quickly, what a disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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