Chapter 391 Nanny
After listening to Qin Keqing's words, the nanny said with a smile all over her face: "Miss still thinks in the long run, I will listen to her in everything."

It was only now that Qin Keqing was completely relieved, and then she chatted with the nanny, and put aside all the joy she had just had to do.

But the nanny thought in her heart that she wanted to give Jia Ke the things left by her grandfather, and let him know how much Qin Keqing had paid for him.

In this way, in the future, when Jia Ke is successful, Qin Keqing can be stable in the harem.As the queen of the founding emperor, it is not so easy to be able to secure a firm seat in the harem.

And when Jia Ke returned to Qin Keqing's room after taking a bath under Ruizhu's service, he saw that there was already a middle-aged woman in Qin Keqing's room.

This woman has kind eyebrows and fair eyes, and she looks like a woman who has never done any work and has been pampered for a long time.

Seeing Jia Ke's return, Qin Keqing got up quickly to welcome him to the main seat.I am helping each other.

Then Qin Keqing said with a smile on her face: "Didn't you just want to see my nanny? Didn't I invite someone here, and I asked you to see her too."

When the woman heard Qin Keqing's introduction, she hurried forward and knelt down to salute Jia Ke.

Seeing her kneeling down, Jia Ke quickly stood up and turned aside, and said to Qin Keqing who was beside her, "Hurry up and help your nanny up and let her kneel down for me, wouldn't it shorten my life?"

Qin Keqing walked to her nanny and helped her up.

Seeing that his nanny was already up, Jia Ke quickly ordered the maid next to her to bring a Xiu Dun, and asked the woman to sit down and talk.

"I don't know the nanny's name, but I will live here permanently, so I need to be called by another name." Jia Ke said with a gentle face.

When the lady heard Jia Ke's words, she quickly stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you for asking, my maiden name is Lin, and my husband's family name is Zhu, sir, you can call me Zhu Lin from now on?"

Qin Keqing continued her words: "The only daughter in my nanny's family has been married long ago, and now she is living with her nephew. But the nephew is only greedy for her family property and does not show filial piety to her. That's why she came to Beijing to join me."

After listening to their introduction, Jia Ke was silent for a while, and then said: "Since you are Keqing's nanny, you are my Jia Ke's elder, so I will live in the mansion from now on, and let Keqing take care of you until your death."

The woman quickly knelt down and thanked Jia Ke. This time, Jia Ke did not stop her. Accepting her gift was like taking her into the Marquis of Wuyang.

After the woman got up, Jia Ke said to him again: "But I have to put my ugly words first. When you enter my Wuyanghou Mansion, you must abide by the rules of our mansion. If you make a mistake, I will turn my face Do not recognize people."

When Jia Ke warned her like this, she actually had doubts about her identity.That's why I beat her a few words to let her know the rules.

That Zhu Lin knew about such a move a long time ago, so he didn't think too much, but said with a smile: "What the uncle said is that since I have come to the mansion, I must naturally abide by the rules of the mansion. If I make a mistake, my lord Just punish."

Jia Ke saw that Zhu Lin was so knowledgeable, so she didn't say anything to spoil the fun, and just smiled and said to Qin Keqing: "Since the nanny is here, let's arrange a place for the nanny near where we live, so that you two Even if you are close, you can talk and resolve the troubles in the backyard."

When Qin Keqing heard that Jia Ke had agreed that the nanny would stay in the mansion, she immediately smiled, "Then I'm here to thank you, sir."

After Qin Keqing finished speaking, it was okay to be so charming, her eyes were almost dripping water.

Seeing this posture, Jia Ke couldn't stand it anymore. This kindness is really worthy of being the number one beauty in the Dream of the Red Chamber. As his husband, he has been together all year round, and he can't hold back when she glances at him, let alone other people.

After that, the Zhu Lin family lived in the Wuyanghou Mansion generously, and as Qin Keqing's nanny, helped her deal with the whole Wuyanghou Mansion.

This incident made Ruizhu very unhappy. She was the most capable person around Qin Keqing, but now she has taken a step backwards, and many things have to be arranged by Zhu Linshi.

So Ruizhu is very disgusted with this Zhu Linshi.It's just because Zhu Linshi is Qin Keqing's nanny, so she can only keep all these things in her heart, but she doesn't give up. Now she is watching Zhu Linshi secretly, trying to catch her and regain herself in Wuyanghou. status of the government.

Zhu Lin came to the Marquis of Wuyang, and has been following the rules for a while.Because she felt that Wuyanghou Mansion was no better than other places.No matter where she went, she always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at her.This made Zhu Lin feel very startled.

Zhu Lin thinks about it carefully and it should be so, thinking that Jia Ke was born from a common son.To be able to gain power in less than ten years.It would be nonsense to say that there is no power in the dark.

It's just that she didn't expect Jia Ke to arrange her family so tightly, maybe even the palace officials are no more than that.

And Jia Ke's protection of Qin Keqing is even tighter, now Qin Keqing can hear and see.It's all small things about the family's family, all the things that worry her, not a word will reach Qin Keqing's ears.

Instead of feeling annoyed, Zhu Lin felt happy for their young lady, and only in this way can their young lady live a happy life.As for the annoying things outside, let Jia Ke and her nanny take care of them.

In the next ten days or so, Jia Ke's side suddenly became lively. Apart from the ministers who took refuge in him, many people suddenly came to join him.

Among them, the ones with the highest official positions are Zhao Shu, Minister of Rites, and Sun Yan, Minister of Punishment. This made him never think that these two people can be said to be the new emperor's confidantes.

The two of them actually came to visit Jia Ke together on a dark and windy night, and they even said bluntly that if Jia Ke is the main one.

To be honest, Jia Ke was intimidated by them at the time. If you say that Jia Ke can still believe that others have taken refuge in him, Jia Ke would not believe that these two people came to take refuge in him.

The current emperor was able to ascend the throne, and the two of them contributed a lot, but now they suddenly came to seek refuge with him.This made Jia Ke wonder whether he should accept them or not.

So Jia Ke could only perfunctory them for the time being, and then ordered Wei Kun to gather information on these two people.We must find out the sincerity of these two people.

Which night Jia Ke didn't go back to the back house all night in the study, because of the two of them, Jia Ke actually thought about it all night.I can't figure out what these two people mean at all?
It is completely unbelievable to say that the two of them sincerely took refuge in that guest because of their majesty.

Jia Ke never believed that he was the protagonist in the novel, and he had the domineering spirit, and others would return him sincerely at the first sight.

As a result, the next day, when Jia Ke came out of Qin Keqing's room to go to the study in front.Met Zhu Linshi on the road.Then the two had a conversation.

After seeing Jia Ke, Zhu Lin first saluted. This Zhu Lin was meticulous in etiquette every time, especially for Jia Ke and Qin Keqing, the etiquette for them was so complicated.

"Master, are you going out?" Zhu Lin first asked softly.

Jia Ke is thinking about the matter of the two ministers now, a little absent-minded, "Sit in the study in front. I will report to the military aircraft department later."

Zhu Lin asked with a gentle face: "I heard that some ministers have come to seek refuge with you recently?"

When Jia Ke heard this, she immediately became serious, staring at Zhu Lin, "Why are you asking this? Is this something you, a woman in the back house, can handle?"

Jia Ke looked at Zhu Lin's eyes now with a cold light. He is very afraid of this woman now. Hearing her ask such a sensitive question is naturally annoyed in his heart. Could it be that he has only been here for a few days and has become restless. Get involved in what's ahead of you.

Zhu Lin was not intimidated by Jia Ke, she continued to say softly: "I heard that two of them are Master Shangshu?"

Jia Ke calmed down now. He looked at Zhu Lin in front of him, wondering what she was going to buy. Suddenly, Jia Ke had a flash of inspiration and thought of an answer. Could it be that these people were introduced by Zhu Lin.

So Jia Ke also collected serious expressions, and tentatively said with a smile: "Hey, although I really want to accept these people, but after all, I don't know the basics, and I always feel a little uneasy."

Zhu Lin pursed her lips and smiled, "It's only natural for the uncle to think so. But I advise the uncle to accept them."

"Why, don't you know them all and know their details." Jia Ke is now a little blunt.

"Master, don't be nervous. These people are our lady's dowry. You can use them with confidence in the future, and there will never be any mistakes." Zhu Lin has now clearly told Jia Ke the origin of these people.

When Jia Ke heard this, he felt a kind of joy in his heart. The main reason was that each of these people was powerful. If he took these people under his command, he would basically take the emperor out of the picture.

You must know that these two people represent not only themselves, but both of them have a large group of forces behind them, and many gentry are their backing.

If these two people took refuge together, plus Jia Ke's original influence among the civil servants, he would almost control half of the civil servants, and he would be able to stand up to the emperor in this regard.The emperor didn't even have the right to speak, so Jia Ke thought that he would be able to get his wish soon.

At the same time, Jia Ke was also shocked. A person who had been dead for many years could arrange such a big situation. In the Dream of the Red Chamber, these people did not want to appear. Qin Keqing, who should be their last hope, died in Ningguo for no apparent reason. Mansion, and at that time Qin Keqing did not live up to expectations, so these talents did not appear.So this alliance disbanded in the end, but they will also contribute to the fate of Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion in the future.

Otherwise, relying on the legacy of Second Duke Ning Rong, the Rongguo Mansion and the Ningguo Mansion would never end up in ruins.After all, Jiamu was still there at that time, and many old ministries of Rongguo Gong were still in power. They did not look at the face of the monks but at the face of the Buddha. No matter what, these people could keep the peace of Rongguo Mansion.

But in the end it turned out that the Ningrong Second Mansion was ruined.This clearly showed that some people in the court hated Ningrong and the Second Mansion, and they had already ignored them in order to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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