The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 395 Persecution

Chapter 395 Persecution
The emperor didn't think Jia Ke was too scary at first, but after this incident.I felt the mountain-like pressure just now, and I also understood that as long as Jia Ke made a move, his throne would be established immediately.

Liu Yu asked from below: "Your Majesty, have you found out? What's going on?"

The emperor felt a little speechless now, and raised his hand to Xia Shouzhong, meaning to ask him to explain to Liu Yu.

Xia Shouzhong has now recovered his demeanor as the head of the Six Palaces. He gently left the emperor and came to Liu Yu. Because during this period of time, there were too many officials coming and going to Jia Ke's house to give him gifts. And these people were generous, so it became a good place for doing business. As a result, these gangsters took a fancy to it, so they put the original business All the people drove away and occupied this place."

Xia Shouzhong also thought it was a bit funny when he said this. He didn't expect that a group of gangsters almost caused a fight between the two major forces in the capital. It was unfavorable, so I arrested this group of people together, and it turned out that it was a misunderstanding after being tortured. Just now, the infantry commander Yamen has released them."

Liu Yu thought for a while and said, "Could there be fraud? Are these people aware of it?"

"Lord Liu, don't worry, the origins of these gangsters are clear. They are all small gangsters in Beijing. They have established an unknown gang for more than ten years and have nothing to do with Jia Ke. "Xia Shouzhong quickly explained.

It was only at this time that Liu Yu felt relieved. It seemed that there was indeed a misunderstanding.Then this matter should have nothing to do with Jia Ke's resignation.

The emperor said on it: "This matter should be different from Jia Ke's refusing to move. Don't worry about those little bastards. As for Jia Ke still not letting the Xiaoqi Battalion go north, let the Minister of War urge him, and then let the north King Jing went to Jia Ge's mansion to pay a visit, to find out."

Liu Yu immediately agreed after listening to the emperor's words.

Seeing that the emperor was fine, Liu Yu carefully exited the East Nuan Pavilion.

Liu Yu went out of Dongnuan Pavilion and wiped the sweat from his brow, and then he felt a little funny. What he did today was indeed a bit reckless.It's like listening to the wind and the rain.

However, it was because Jia Ke put too much pressure on Liu Yu's side, so that the string in Liu Yu's heart was always tensed, and he couldn't relax for a while.

When Liu Yu left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and returned to the Military Aircraft Department, several ministers from the Military Aircraft Department had already arrived, and they had been sitting in their seats for a long time.

As soon as Liu Yu came in, he met Lei Ying's deep eyes. Liu Yu smiled slightly, then shook his head and told Lei Ying that the matter had been resolved.

Although Lei Ying didn't know what was going on, but seeing Liu Yu's expression, she knew that nothing happened, so she also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Meng Ming, the head of the Imperial Academy, said unhappily: "Why did you come at this hour? Many things need to be discussed before we can decide. Today's matter has been delayed a lot."

Liu Yu hurriedly apologized to Meng Ming, "It's my fault, old man, some things at home were delayed. There will never be a second time in the future."

Old Mengming muttered a few more words before letting him go.

Liu Yu hurried back to his seat and sat down.Get down to business today.

Lei Ying saw that nothing happened, so he remembered the matter of the Xiaoqi camp again. He stood up and cupped his hands to Jia Ke and said, "Master Jia, haven't we discussed it? Let the Xiaoqi camp go north today. The officials will now bring the food and The salary was sent to the big camp of the Xiaoqi camp, but why is the Xiaoqi camp still standing still?"

When Jia Ke heard him mentioning this matter, he couldn't help but get angry, so he said in a strange way: "Didn't your Ministry of War already issue a military order to the Xiaoqi Battalion? Why are you asking me now? I can't care about these things anymore."

As soon as Lei Ying heard this, she understood the cause and effect. Before discussing with Jia Ke, she issued a military order to the Xiaoqi Battalion in the name of the Ministry of War. It seems that this incident caused Jia Ke's displeasure.

The main reason why Lei Ying did this was to test the Xiaoqiying camp and see to what extent the Xiaoqiying camp obeyed Jia Ke's orders.

Now it's a test. Before Jia Ke's order, the court couldn't mobilize every soldier in the Xiaoqi battalion.

But this incident also aroused Jia Ke's displeasure, so he ordered the Xiaoqi Battalion to stand still, which was to give the imperial court a bad blow.

Lei Ying has nothing to say now, she can only stand up and walk in front of Jia Ke, bowing to the ground, "Lord Jia, this time it's my subordinate who acted recklessly. Please forgive me this time."

After finishing speaking, Lei Ying bowed again and again, looking very humble.

The old Hanlin Mengming at the side couldn't stand it any longer, "Since Lord Lei has already apologized, Lord Jia should stop blaming him, and let him get over this matter."

Jia Ke heard what old Meng Ming said, but she was still unhappy.So he raised his head and asked old Meng Ming, "Is the boss pleading for him?"

Old Meng Ming was taken aback by his question, and then continued: "Even if Mr. Jia is selling me face, after all, I have to forgive others, let me forgive them."

Originally, Jia Ke owed old Meng Ming a favor.Thinking that all the ministers in the hall were against Jia Ke, only this old Meng Ming stood up and said a few words of justice for Jia Ke.

Therefore, Jia Ke has always remembered his favor until now.

"My lord, you have to think about it. Your favor is not easy to get." Jia Ke was reminding old Meng Ming that if he was pleading for this Lei Ying, then the favor he owed Meng Ming would be nothing. A write-off.

After hearing what Jia Ke said, old Meng Ming hesitated in his heart.After all, the relationship between me and Jia Ke is just a few words to help him.

If you give this favor to Lei Ying now, then if you ask Jia Ke for something in the future, it may not be easy to use.

Although this old Meng Ming has been in the Hanlin Academy all his life, he has been an official for so many years, and he managed to hold the power with great difficulty. Only this period of time is a bit tactful.

"I just said it casually. It has nothing to do with me. Master Jia can decide for himself." In the end, Lao Mengming decided to put his own interests first. Favors can't just be used like this. As for Lei Ying, who was the instigator of this incident, he naturally cooks and eats by himself.

Lei Ying is a little anxious now, if the Xiaoqi Battalion cannot be adjusted, the emperor will not dare to infiltrate the three major battalions and the infantry commanding the yamen.Otherwise, once Jia Ke turned his face, even the emperor would not be able to bear it.

So Lei Ying immediately knelt down on both knees, touching his head to the ground with a loud bang, "Master Jia, this time I did not do my job well, please forgive me this time. If Mr. Jia has any punishment, just say it, I will It must be done."

Zuodu Censor Tianye stood up and said, "Your Majesty Jia, it's almost enough. There's no need to make matters worse."

Jia Ke was expressionless and silent for a while, before finally saying: "Lei Ying is too reckless this time, so how can he take on the important task of Minister of Military Aircraft? I think you should resign yourself."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, all the people present were stunned.Jia Ke wanted to dismiss Lei Ying as Minister of Military Aircraft.

If Lei Ying loses the position of minister of military aircraft, he is still the Minister of the Ministry of War on the surface, but he has left the center of imperial power, and he can only care about the affairs of the Ministry of War in the future.Moreover, even the affairs of the Ministry of War cannot be completely decided, because there is also a military aircraft department above it.

Lei Ying looked ashamed below, he was finally won by the emperor to become Minister of Military Aircraft.It is because of his existence that the emperor has an absolute advantage in the military aircraft.If he left, then only Liu Yu and Zuo Du Censor Tian Ye would be left in the military plane department.

Liu Yu is the emperor's hardcore, there is nothing to say about it, but Zuodu Censor Tianye was originally inclined to the emperor, but now he has wavered.In this way, the emperor almost lost control of the Military Aircraft Department, so not only in the army, but also in government affairs, he could not fully decide.

Liu Yu thought about it uncertainly there, and offered Lei Ying to withdraw from the military aircraft department in exchange for Jia Ke letting the Xiaoqi battalion go north.Is it good or bad?
Jia Ke sat there looking at the excerpt while sipping tea.Don't worry at all, he has already predicted that the emperor will compromise this time.Because only when the Xiaoqi battalion was transferred, the emperor would feel the pressure greatly reduced.Only then did he have the courage to compete with Jia Ke for the control of the three battalions and the infantry commanding the yamen.

In the end, Lei Ying, who was kneeling on the ground, said: "One person does the work and the other person is responsible. This time I did not discuss with Mr. Jia in advance. It is my fault. I will submit my resignation to the emperor in a while."

What Lei Ying said was decisive, with a tragic tone in his tone.Liu Yu next to him looked a little red under his eyes, this is his loyalty to the emperor.For the sake of the emperor's plan, he has already disregarded his personal honor and disgrace.

Hearing what Lei Ying said, Jia Ke smiled, "Knowing your mistakes can make you better. Since Mr. Lei has already admitted your mistakes, then I don't have to worry about it. I think that after a few more days of rest, the Xiaoqiying Camp should We can go north."

Although Jia Ke vomited, in the eyes of several other ministers of military aircraft, they did not see rabbits or hawks. This seemed to tell Lei Ying that the Xiaoqi Battalion could not be moved until he resigned.

Lei Ying had already stood up now, without saying anything else, she went directly to her seat.Picking up the pen, scribbling on an official document, and writing a resignation in a short while.

After Lei Ying finished writing, she brought the book to Jia Ke and said, "I don't know if the language of this document is fluent or not. Please consider it, Master Jia."

(End of this chapter)

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