Chapter 400

After hearing Jia Ke's introduction, Fan Kang said with some doubts: "My lord, even so, you don't control half of the court, my lord."

Jia Ke said with a smile on his face, "Today I will tell you a secret, out of my mouth and into your ears. Don't let the six ears hear it."

Fan Kang saw Jia Ke, although he had a smile on his face.But the eyes are full of seriousness.He hurriedly assured Jia Ke, "Don't worry, my lord. Listen to what my lord said today. Even if I die, I won't tell anyone else."

Jia Ke didn't take Fan Kang's oath to heart. His control over Fan Kang was beyond anyone's imagination, so he continued to say to him, "Do you know who my wife is?"

Fan Kang was a little puzzled, he didn't answer Jia Ke immediately, but closed his eyes and meditated.He thought over all the news about Qin Keqing that he knew.I didn't think about these places before, but now I think about it and find that Qin Keqing's life experience is full of flaws.

The Rongguo Mansion was able to tolerate the adopted daughter of a small official as Jia Ke's first wife.This in itself is the biggest flaw.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Keqing he knew, his performance during this period of time is not like being from a small family at all, and he has no inferiority complex about marrying into the Chinese government.Getting along with Wang Xifeng and others, even feels a bit superior.This should never be possible for a woman from a small family.

After Fan Kang figured it out, when he thought about Qin Keqing's age, he couldn't help but think of the incident more than ten years ago.I couldn't help shivering.If it is really what he thinks, then it's not that the prince didn't have a backhand left behind. I'm afraid it was just that he didn't react for a while before he was succeeded by the emperor.

Fan Kang looked at Jia Ke in horror and said, "Could it be that Madam is the descendant of that prince?"

"I don't dare to be very sure, but my father-in-law left me a large legacy in the court, the most important of which is an intelligence organization, plus two six ministers, and The forces under their command." Jia Ke completely told Fan Kang his most core secret.

Fan Kang immediately became excited, he couldn't sit still now, he stood up and walked around in the study.Then he suddenly turned around and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, in this way, I don't have to hold back anymore when I look at my lord. It will be no problem even if I take over the world immediately. In this way, the drought in Shaanxi and the river problems can be quickly dealt with. This will at least save countless people from dying."

Jia Ke looked at Fan Kang, and did not agree with him, "If I wanted to take charge of the government, I could have done it a year ago. It's just that the emperor has not lost his virtue in today's world. If I act rashly, I'm afraid I can't do it." He's just a usurper."

After Fan Kang heard Jia Ke's explanation, his heart sank. Jia Ke wanted to exchange the lives of millions of people for his eternal reputation.

Fan Kang felt a little fear in his heart that Jia Ke could bear it for such a long time.There are so many powerful ministers from ancient times to the present, which one of them didn't start immediately once they took control of the overall situation.Never before has anyone like Jia Keneng been able to endure for such a long time. Just to make his reputation better, countless people can be displaced. This kind of scheming is really terrifying.

Although Fan Kang felt a little regretful that Jia Ke didn't activate immediately.But I unconsciously thought from Jia Ke's standpoint that this is related to a person's reputation for a long time, and his position in the history books.Anyone in this situation will choose this aspect that is beneficial to him.This is also human nature.

Jia Ke didn't take Fan Kang's expression to heart, he believed [-]% in his ability to control.

"What do you think I should do next?"

Fan Kang said without any hesitation: "Since the lord is not going to launch it immediately, haven't we already thought about countermeasures? After a while, the emperor's internal treasury may not be enough to support the two disasters. At that time, the emperor must Raise taxes to the world, as long as the lord strongly opposes it, he will win the hearts of the subjects in the world."

Jia Ke actually thought of this too, "Since that's the case, I'll do as you say. When the emperor makes a mess, I will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry, and then I will be able to clear the king's side."

Jia Ke also expressed his thoughts, Fan Kang nodded and said: "In this way, the great country will be in the hands of the lord."

Jia Ke felt relaxed now, all the emperor's plans had been analyzed clearly by him and Fan Kang.And plans have been made accordingly.Now as long as he walks step by step, within one or two years of hard work, I am afraid that I will be done.

Jia Ke then ordered his own soldiers to order a table of good wine and food at a nearby hotel, and then Fan Kang ate wine and chatted in the study.

"Mr. Fan, you have been with me for such a long time, and you have never received any gift from me. This time, I have prepared a three-entry house near the Yamen of the Infantry Commander. Don't you refuse?" Jia Ke said to Fan Kang. His character is still very respectable.

Fan Kang has been with Jia Ke for so many years, and has never made other requests with Jia Ke.Moreover, their lives are very simple, and they have been living in the yamen of the infantry commander.

Hearing what Jia Ke said, Fan Kang did not refute this time. Instead, he said: "My lord, with this house, I can also bring my wife and children from my hometown. They have been farming and studying in the countryside all these years. They take care of so little."

Seeing that Fan Kang agreed, Jia Ke immediately smiled and said, "That's right. Now you can be regarded as a high-ranking official who has to be a steed. If you don't bring your sister-in-law and nephew here, then you can only share adversity but not prosperity. Yet?"

Fan Kang nodded and said, "What my lord said is that I have indeed neglected them all these years."

In fact, Fan Kang never brought his wife and children here, because he wanted to leave a way out for his children.In case I and Jia Ke fail, my children can also avoid this murder.

But now things have changed. Fan Kang saw that Jia Ke had taken control of the military and political power, and it was impossible for the emperor to stand up.Then the capital is safer than the countryside, and it is time to take over my wife and children and let them enjoy the splendor and wealth for a few days.

A few days ago, Fan Kang also received a letter, which was written by his eldest son. It was full of complaints from his wife to her husband, and even contained words that suspected that he had already raised a young wife in the capital.Fan Kang felt that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise his tigress would not know how to deal with him when he came here.

Seeing that Fan Kang agreed, Jia Ke continued, "I don't have any property in the capital, and my aunt is in charge of the only farm. However, Feng Mo bought some manors for me in Liaodong, and one of them has It looks like five or six thousand acres. I’ll get Feng Mo to send you the land deed after I go back and write a letter.”

Fan Kang immediately stood up from the wine table, and cupped his hands to Jia Ke, "Thank you, my lord, for your generosity, Fan Kang is right here."

Fan Kang now also feels that Jia Ke is really generous. If this manor is just to buy land, it will not be able to get it without 5 to [-] taels of silver.Unexpectedly, Jia Ke could give it to herself lightly.It seems that when he was in Xuanfu Town, he heard the generals say that Jia Ke was very generous to his cronies and never stingy.Sure enough, it is not false at all.

Afterwards, the two had a good time as host and guest, and Fan Kang like Jia Ke became more intimate with himself, and Fan Kang was also happy that he could live the life of a rich man from now on.

After talking with the monarch and his ministers, within a day or two, Fan Kang wrote a long letter to his wife who was far away in Shanxi, and then ordered his soldiers to personally send it to Qi County, Shanxi.

But it is said that at this time in an unnamed small mountain village in Qi County, Shanxi, Fan Kang's wife and three sons and daughter-in-law were plowing the fields at the head of the village.

As far as this piece of land is concerned, it can be regarded as handed down by Fan Kangzu. Although it is only about 20 acres, this piece of land supports Fan Kang's study and the food and clothing of the family, so although life is difficult , but still able to support.

However, Fan Kang was an upright and honest official, and he did not accept all kinds of ice respect and carbon respect.In addition, Fan Kang didn't tell his wife and children what he was doing, so life at home was not well off, and he could barely make ends meet after paying taxes.

"Boss, don't dawdle, you really don't care about people this day, if you don't plow this land for me today, don't even think about eating."

The one who was reprimanded by Fan Kang's wife was a young daughter-in-law. This person was very rough, and she looked like an ordinary woman in the countryside.

This is what Wankang's wife is most dissatisfied with among the three daughters-in-law, because this daughter-in-law is not as educated as the other two, but just an ordinary village girl.

When she married this daughter-in-law back then, she was extremely dissatisfied. You must know that his eldest son is a dignified scholar, but Fan Kang persisted, so she had no choice.Therefore, since this daughter-in-law got married, no matter how hard she tried, she was not happy, and she always had to scold her.

The eldest daughter-in-law didn't dare to respond to her mother-in-law's reprimand, but just buried her head and quickened her pace.

At this time, the village head was leading a young man who looked like a soldier, and hurried towards them.

"Fan Kang's family, stop plowing the land, come here, I have something to tell you."

When Fan Kang's wife saw that it was the village head, she hurriedly put down the hoe in her hand, pulled a handful of grass from the edge of the field, rubbed it in her hands, and then hurried to the village head.

It is said that Fan Kang's daughter-in-law is very afraid of the village chief. You must know that he is not only the village chief Lizheng, but also the patriarch of the Fan clan.So even though Fan Kang is an official in Beijing, if this person is offended, he will not feel well.

"Second uncle, if you have anything to do, you need to go there yourself, send someone to deliver a message, and I will go over to salute you."

This time, the village chief didn't show his face as before, but smiled all over his face, and even said with some compliments: "Fan Kang's daughter-in-law, can't it be enough for me to come and see you, uncle?"

"Look at what you said, you came to see us, and it's too late for us to be grateful."

"Okay, don't plow the land today, go back, I have something to discuss with you."

Fan Kang's daughter-in-law, when she heard this, she looked at the young people next to her. She didn't know what was going on, but she had eyesight in the village for so many years. When did she see the patriarch greet them with a smile? It's a happy event to come this time.

(End of this chapter)

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