Chapter 419 Mr.
Yu Jiang frowned when he saw this student. He originally thought that what he was going to teach was a dude, so he must be rebellious.Seeing Qin Zhong saluting him now, there is actually a feminine look in him.I understood what was going on in my heart.

Yu Jiang also began to sigh now, the filth among these dignitaries is indeed unbearable.But since he has promised Jia Ke, he cannot go back on his word.

Jia Ke had already seen the displeasure on Yu Jiang's face, and he also had something to say to this Mr. Yu Jiang.

"Qin Zhong, you go back first. I still have something to discuss with this gentleman. As for when the class will start, I will let you know tomorrow." Seeing that Qin Zhong had already saluted the gentleman, Jia Ke saw that Qin Zhong had already greeted him. He couldn't listen to him when he came down, so he was sent away.

As soon as Qin Zhong came, he saw this gentleman with a serious face, very frightened.I wanted to leave a long time ago, but now I heard Jia Ke's order, and after saluting them immediately, I went back to my small courtyard three steps in two steps.

Jia Ke looked at Qin Zhong's back and shook his head, then turned around and said to Yu Jiang, "Sir, let's go into the study and talk."

After finishing speaking, Jia Ke welcomed Yu Jiang into the study.In the study, the two sat down as guests and hosts.Then the family brought tea.

Jia Ke picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, "Sir, did you see it just now? This is the student I want to ask sir to teach."

Yu Jiang frowned, and said with some reluctance: "I just said that my brother-in-law Ling is a dandy and should be strictly disciplined. I didn't expect this to be the case." It seems that he also knows it well.

Jia Ke said helplessly: "I'm asking you to take care of this matter. From now on, I'm going to ask you to discipline me strictly. You can beat him when you need him, and you can scold him when you need him. We must bring his personality over."

Yu Jiang thought about it expressionlessly, and finally said: "If I were to teach this son of your mansion, I'm afraid I'd really beat him. Madam, please don't interfere at that time."

Now Jia Ke is only thinking about getting Qin Zhong back, and doesn't care about other things.

"As I said just now, sir, just hit him. As long as no one is killed, everything will be left to you, sir."

Having said this, Jia Ke sighed again, "I don't ask for much fame in the future, I just want him to be like a man, and I'm satisfied."

Yu Jiang also saw the helplessness on Jia Ke's face, thinking that every family has scriptures that are hard to recite.In fact, not everything goes well for a powerful family like Wuyang Houfu.

Yu Jiang said with a serious expression: "If it's just like this, then please don't worry, Lord Hou. As long as you read more books about Confucius and Mencius, you will naturally have a sense of righteousness in your heart, and his temperament will also change."

Jia Ke never believed in the so-called awe-inspiring righteousness, it was just a deception made by people who read it.But this gentleman seems to be a strict one, and he thinks there will be restrictions on Qin Zhong at that time.

"In that case, I'll leave it to you, sir. I don't know whether you will live in the mansion or have another residence outside." Jia Ke asked about where Yu Jiang lived. After all, he was the one who invited him, and he should not be allowed to sleep outside.

"Master Hou, I rented a room outside, and I can barely live in it." Yu Jiang did not answer directly, but told the current living situation.

Jia Ke understood it as soon as he heard it, which meant that his current living situation was not good.But it was the same way in Jia Ke's mind.After all, living in the capital is not easy.

When he was on Earth, even when Du Fu lived in the capital, he didn't have the money to buy a house.What's more, he is a humble scholar.

"It's very inconvenient to live outside. Why don't you just live in my Wuyanghou Mansion. From now on, someone will take care of your necessities. I don't know what you think?"

Yu Jiang thought about it for a while, and in this way, he would save a lot of expenses in the capital, which is a good thing.After all, his family is not rich, but only has dozens of acres of land.If my father has been sending money from other places, I think it will be time to sell the land in a few months after coming home.

Yu Jiang then stood up and cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke, "So, I would like to thank Lord Hou."

"You don't need to be polite, sir. Just live in the mansion, and then there is the salary of the husband. I think I will give you 30 taels a month. I don't know what you think." Jia Ke didn't give Yu Jiang too much salary. The price was 30 taels of silver for Yu Jiang.

Yu Jiang, who looked like Jia Ke, cupped his hands and thanked: "Thank you, Lord Hou, I will be dedicated to my duty. I will make my brother-in-law a talent."

Jia Ke stood up very happily, and shouted to the outside: "Zhang Gui, come in quickly."

Zhang Gui, who was outside, heard Jia Ke's cry, and hurried in from the outside. "What's your order, sir?"

"You take someone to clean the small courtyard next to the study right now, and my husband will live here in the future." Jia Ke gave Zhang Gui an order, and waved him to do it quickly.

After Zhang Gui listened to Jia Ke's order, he bowed and retreated with a promise.

At this moment, someone said outside: "Master, grandma asked me to ask, does the new gentleman want to live in our residence?"

"Come in and answer." Jia Ke knew it was Ruizhu's voice as soon as she heard it. Qin Keqing was only surrounded by Ruizhu now. Lan Xiang was pregnant and already in her courtyard, and hadn't come out for several months.

And Qin Keqing's nanny helped Qin Keqing deal with internal house affairs at the beginning, but since she made a clear relationship with Jia Ke, she let go of all these things. Now her main task is to control the secret agents and contact Qin Keqing's father. Those figures in court contributed to Jia Ke.

Therefore, Ruizhu has once again become the most capable person beside Qin Keqing, and now is the time when she is proud of herself.

Ruizhu agreed crisply outside, then pushed the door open and entered the study.After Ruizhu came in, she glanced around and looked carefully at Yu Jiang's face.Then he came to Jia Ke's side and bowed to salute.

"The person sitting next to you is the gentleman we invited——Yu Jiang. From now on, the gentleman will live in our mansion in the small courtyard next to the study. Ask your grandma to send a servant, and then send him A maid who will take care of your husband's daily life." Jia Ke thought that since Yu Jiang wanted to live in the mansion, he must take care of his life so that he could teach Qin Zhong without any worries.

Ruizhu promised to give Jia Ke and Yu Jiang a blessing in his lifetime, and then withdrew.

Yu Jiang stood up, bowed and said, "Master Hou, it's getting late today, and I have to clean up when I go back. I'll come to the Hou Mansion early tomorrow morning."

Jia Ke also stood up and said, "Why don't you go back so early after drinking two cups with me today?"

"Master Hou, there are a lot of things going on in my place. I will live in the mansion in the future, and we will have plenty of opportunities, so we won't bother you today." Yu Jiang is indeed the same. If he has something to do, he will go to Lao Mengming's mansion and tell him about his life. .Therefore, he tried his best to refuse Jia Ke's persuasion.

Jia Ke then personally sent him out of the Marquis of Wuyang.After watching him go away, he returned to the mansion.

As soon as Jia Ke returned to the mansion, he saw Zhang Gui leading a few servants to the small courtyard next to him.

Jia Ke also followed into the small courtyard. This small courtyard was originally a small courtyard where Jia Ke lived when he was going to study late and did not return to the inner house.Everything inside is very luxuriously decorated, and all the furniture is also very complete.

Zhang Gui and the others just cleaned the house casually, and the house is just like new.After a while, Ruizhu came over with a little maid again.They were still holding new mattresses and quilts in their hands, and they seemed to be changing for this gentleman.

Jia Ke stood there until they finished cleaning up and went in to have a look again, and found that there was nothing wrong before coming out.

After Jia Ke returned to the study, she took the letter of greeting from this gentleman and carefully read it for a while.He frowned for a while, stretched for a while, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally, Jia Ke suddenly called out to the servants outside, "Go and call Liu Yu, I have something to tell."

The servant outside agreed, and immediately ran away.

Jia Ke just sat and waited for a while when she heard Liu Yu's voice outside the study, "Master, I beg to see you."

"come in."

Liu Yu dared to enter the study after hearing Jia Ke's agreement.Immediately afterwards, he saluted Jia Ke, and then stood aside respectfully, waiting for his orders.

Jia Ke pondered for a moment before saying: "Mr. Meng Ming recommended a teacher to Qin Zhong today. I see that this gentleman has a good temperament. If he teaches Qin Zhong with all his heart, he can still become a talent."

Although Liu Yu has already experienced and trained, he was fooled by Jia Ke's words, and he had no idea what Jia Ke meant.

Jia Ke also felt helpless looking at Liu Yu, this Liu Yu was indeed loyal to him, but his temper was really dull.

Jia Ke then had no choice but to explain: "Although this gentleman seems to be okay, the specific origin is not very clear. Moreover, this gentleman will live in our mansion. If he is someone else's spy, then our secrets will be exposed." He can see it clearly."

It was only now that Liu Yu understood what Jia Ke meant. He was worried that this gentleman wanted to check his details.

"Don't worry, grandpa. I'll talk to Wei Kun right now, and let him investigate this gentleman thoroughly, so that grandpa can rest assured."

Jia Ke nodded and handed Yu Jiang's name card to Liu Yu, "Take this too, it has his hometown address on it. Then send someone to his hometown to see if there is such a person. Don't be fooled by appearances."

"In addition, you tell Wei Kun to arrange a few people in the mansion to watch over this gentleman. Even if he has no problems now, there is no guarantee that there will be no problems in the future. It's better to be careful."

After listening to the order, Liu Yu stepped forward to accept the name card, and then left.

Although Jia Ke believed that it was impossible for old Meng Ming to betray him, he was very afraid of the methods of the emperor's secret guards.These people can be said to be everywhere. Even if this gentleman has contact with them, there is nothing strange. Since he is going to let this gentleman live in his mansion, it is better to check.

When Jia Ke came out of the study and came to the courtyard, she saw that Ruizhu and the little maid hadn't left yet.

Ruizhu came out and Jia Ke came out and hurriedly saluted Jia Ke with the little maid, "I will see you, my servant."

"It's all cleaned up here, why don't you go back?"

Ruizhu saluted again and said, "The one next to the uncle is the maid assigned by the wife to Mr. Xin. Do you think it is suitable for you, sir?"

(End of this chapter)

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