Chapter 421
After listening to Wang Xifeng's words, Qin Keqing knew what was going on down there. Sister Feng was probably in trouble and Wang Xifeng couldn't deal with it, so she came to her.

"Could it be that something happened later?" Qin Keqing's face was a little displeased.

Wang Xifeng saw the bad look on Qin Keqing's face, but she still said bravely: "The matter was over, but I didn't expect that Brother Jin would hang himself that night. When the guard son heard that Brother Jin committed suicide, He also threw himself into the river and died. This caused a commotion, and the Chang’an garrison is now relentless, looking for people to complain everywhere. I heard that their Jiedu envoy also knew about it.”

When Wang Xifeng said this, she also felt blush, took a sneak look at Qin Keqing, and then continued: "I want to ask my sister-in-law to say hello to the Jiedushi of Shaanxi Town for me, and just let this matter go. "

Qin Keqing's face turned pale with fright when she heard Wang Xifeng's words. She, a woman, said she could take care of this matter, and even if the Jiedu Envoy of Shaanxi Town listened to her, she would not dare to do such a thing. As soon as Jia Ke found out about it, she wouldn't let her go.

Jia Ke is different from other men in the mansion, he dislikes the inner woman interfering with the front matter the most.

Qin Keqing and Jia Ke have lived together for so many years, and they know his temper very well. If she did this in Jia Ke's name quietly, Jia Ke would be furious, and he would be bad at that time. end.

"Sister, I absolutely dare not do this. You don't know our uncle's temper. If he knows that I have done this, it will be no good to me." Qin Keqing hurriedly rejected Wang Xifeng, afraid that she would continue entanglement.

Wang Xifeng is also a little helpless now, she never thought that the matter would come to this point, she just wanted to make some money.

Wang Xifeng originally thought that his uncle Wang Ziteng was in charge of nine provinces, and she married into the Rongguo Mansion.And the uncle of Rongguo Mansion is the head minister of the military aircraft department at that time.As long as she just posted a post, those people wouldn't dare to bother.It may be thought that the Jiedu envoy of Shaanxi Township would not buy her account.

If it was the Jiedu envoy of Shaanxi Township in Dream of Red Mansions, he would not dare to confront Wang Ziteng.But now, because of Jia Ke's appearance, these people have become Jia Ke's confidantes.

Although Wang Ziteng's position is very high, he has no right to speak of it.And these Jiedu envoys in the capital are backed by Jia Ke, so they don't take Wang Ziteng's words seriously. This time his subordinates have been wronged, so how can they just let it go so lightly.

Wang Xifeng originally wanted to find her uncle to take the lead, but her uncle Wang Ziteng had no choice but to take the Jiedushi of Shaanxi Town on this matter.As a last resort, she came to beg Qin Keqing.

Seeing Qin Keqing's evasion on this matter, Wang Xifeng was a little panicked. She immediately stood up and kowtowed in front of Qin Keqing, "Sister-in-law, please help me this time. Otherwise, if this incident becomes a big one in the end, I will die too." I have to go to the yamen. If I go to court, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive anyway."

In fact, Wang Xifeng was a little worried about this matter, even if no one interceded, the Jiedu envoy of Shaanxi Town would not bring this matter to the Rongguo Mansion.

One must know that the post Wang Xifeng sent was Jia Zheng's invitation, so he could be regarded as their master.Even for Jia Ke's sake, he would never reveal any news about Jia Zheng.

This incident can be regarded as Wang Xifeng seldom read and seen. Although he was bold, he still felt a little guilty after the accident.

Qin Keqing heard Wang Xifeng's begging, and as soon as she heard what Wang Xifeng said, she went to court, and she couldn't live anymore.Then I understood, this matter is probably not small, otherwise with Wang Xifeng's status in the Rongguo Mansion, no court in the world would dare to try her.

Moreover, women in the world value their reputation the most. As long as they go to court, their reputation will be lost.At that time, neither the Wang family nor the Jia family can allow her to live in this world.

Qin Keqing thought that Wang Xifeng was usually as close as a sister to her, and it was not good at this time, so she just ignored him.

So Qin Keqing said: "I really can't do anything about this matter. Let me give you an idea. When you go out later, if you meet our uncle, you will kneel on the ground and beg him. Our uncle looks hard-hearted on the surface, but in fact he is a face-to-face Tender. Maybe he will help you."

After Wang Xifeng heard Qin Keqing's idea, his eyes rolled around.I think this is really a good way. If Jia Ke comes forward, there is nothing in the world that cannot be suppressed.

Wang Xifeng thought of this, grabbed Qin Keqing's hand, and whispered in her ear: "Sister-in-law, I want to thank you very much this time. I will send you something good in a few days, which is my thank you."

Seeing that she had recovered, Qin Keqing jokingly said to her: "Can you give me something good, is there anything in this world that we don't have in our house?"

Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law is talking big, even if our family was in charge of the world's tribute affairs back then, we didn't dare to say such big words."

"Then what are you talking about? Make you so nervous."

"It's a pony, only about two feet tall, and it's just brought here for you, Brother Zhi, to play with." Wang Xifeng said somewhat ostentatiously.

Qin Keqing was a little puzzled when he heard this, but it was just a small wooden horse, is it necessary to do this?
When Wang Xifeng saw Qin Keqing, she didn't understand what she meant, so she had to explain to her: Sister-in-law, what I'm talking about is not a wooden horse, but a real live horse. Got these few horses.In a few days, get someone to bring it over and play it for Jia Zhi in your family. "

Qin Keqing was also surprised, "Really? Is it really only two feet tall? How can there be such a small horse in the world?"

"Let me just say, there are still things in the world that you don't know. This horse was shipped from overseas. I heard that it was also used as a pet for the nobles when they were overseas." Wang Xifeng said that she got it. Cherishing the pony is also a little proud.

The two chatted for a while, and it was almost time for dinner, so Wang Xifeng stood up and said to Qin Keqing, "Sister-in-law, then I'll leave first. I'll go out later to see if I can meet you, and I'll settle this matter anyway. Otherwise, it's always in my heart, and I can't even sleep well."

Qin Keqing grabbed her, and said to Rui Zhu who was next to her, "Go and see where the uncle is now, and then drive all the irrelevant people aside, so that no one will bump into you."

Qin Keqing did this to deceive others. After all, the younger sister-in-law secretly met with her uncle, which made it difficult to hear.

Ruizhu looked at the two of them and smiled, then ran out.

As soon as Rui Zhu went out, she put away her smile, her face tensed as if someone owed him much money, she turned her head and took a hard look at the room, and muttered angrily: "It's not a big deal, it's okay Hurry up, at this time, I don't know what kind of heart is there to treat everyone else as fools?"

But Qin Keqing's order had to be done, so Ruizhu could only go there full of complaints.

At this time, Qin Keqing was holding Wang Xifeng's hand, and the two chatted about the housework, but they were talking about taking care of the housekeeper's affairs.

"Sister-in-law, you don't know how difficult it is in our house. Which family members have served for several lifetimes, and which ones are uncles. They can't talk too lightly. If you have any grievances, you will go to the old lady to complain. , I have to go through it in my head when I talk to them now."

Seeing her distressed look, Qin Keqing also laughed a little, who would have thought that the pungent Second Grandma Lian would be given a headache by these servants.

"It's because of the kindness of the master in our mansion that these servants have forgotten all the old rules. I said to rectify them vigorously, and they will be able to change immediately."

"It's not that easy. I'm different from you. There are several big Buddhas above me."

Qin Keqing thought about it for the same reason. Although Wang Xifeng said that she was a housekeeper, but there were two layers of mother-in-law above her, and she was different from herself in getting in the way of things.

After a while, Ruizhu hurried back again.As soon as he entered the door, he said: "The uncle has arrived at the veranda now, and he will enter our yard soon. I have already chased away all the maids nearby. Now the second grandma Lian is going, and there is no one."

Only then did Qin Keqing let go of Wang Xifeng's hand, patted her on the shoulder, and told her to go quickly.

Wang Xifeng stood up and gave Qin Keqing a little, and then went out blushing. Anyway, Qin Keqing let her and Jia Ke talk alone, which is already generous.

As soon as Wang Xifeng went out, the smile on Qin Keqing's face disappeared immediately, then she winked at Ruizhu next to her, and then pushed her lips outside the room.

Ruizhu immediately understood what it meant, and the lady was still a little worried.But thinking about it, it was true that such a beautiful woman delivered it to her door in person.If Jia Ke couldn't hold it all, wouldn't it be a joke?
Ruizhu immediately left the room knowingly, followed behind Wang Xifeng secretly, and stopped at the corner.Look out with a probe.

At this time, Wang Xifeng had recently come to the veranda, as if she was about to go out.As a result, it happened to meet Jia Ke at the Moon Gate.

"Master, are you going back?" Wang Xifeng smiled and bestowed upon Jia Ke as soon as he saw him.

Jia Ke also hurriedly replied: "Siblings have to go back, right? The road is not easy. It's not good for you to go back alone. But why didn't Qing ask a few maids to take you back to Rongguo Mansion."

"Sister-in-law still has something to do, I won't bother her, and besides, there is no need to leave the house for these few steps, so there is nothing to worry about." Wang Xifeng was still so hearty and pungent.

"In that case, I'll go back first. I still have something to talk to Ke Qing about."

In fact, there was nothing wrong with Jia Ke, but it was getting late, and she and Wang Xifeng were staying here. If people saw any gossip, they would not be able to wash it off even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

Besides, if someone has something to spread, it's worth it, but I always feel unhappy when I let someone say this innocence.

Jia Ke didn't take what Wang Xifeng was saying after saying this, walked around Wang Xifeng and walked towards the inner house.

(End of this chapter)

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