Chapter 424
Now Jia Zheng is also confused by him, he has nothing to do with King Zhongshun, so what can King Zhongshun ask him for?
Also, Jia Zheng has not fully adapted to his status in the capital, and he still regards himself as a fifth-rank official, so he respects this long history very much.

Jia Zheng cupped his hands and said to the long history: "Your Excellency, please feel free to explain it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely live up to your expectations. The students must obey the promise."

That Chang Shi smiled coldly, and said: "You don't need to undertake it, just use the old man's words and it's over. There is a Qi official in our mansion who is a Xiaodan. He has always been in the mansion, but now he hasn't gone back for three or five days. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find his way. So I checked everywhere, and eight out of ten people in the city said: "He has gotten along very well with the son-in-law who wears jade recently. Listen to the officials. Now, I feel that Zunfu is no better than other houses, and I can ask for it without permission, so I enlightened the prince. The prince also said: "If it is other actors, there are only a hundred; it's just that this handsome official responds randomly, is cautious and mature, which is very suitable for my mood. It is absolutely necessary to have this person.' Therefore, I beg the old gentleman to pass it on to your son, and please put Qi Guan back. One is to comfort the prince’s pure sincerity, and the other is that the lower officials can also work hard to find it.”

He said that he couldn't come to the door to ask for it without authorization, but he kept asking Jia Zheng to hand over Qiguan, which showed that he didn't mean what he said, and he didn't pay much attention to Jia Zheng.

Jia Zheng was surprised and angry when he heard this, so he immediately ordered someone to go to the Grand View Garden to call Jia Baoyu to the Rongxi Hall for questioning.

But at this time, a servant in the Rongxi Hall saw this situation and knew that Jia Baoyu would not be able to avoid a severe beating when he came this time.At that time, it will be difficult for the old lady to explain.

So the boy immediately ran to the backyard and came to Mrs. Wang's courtyard. He happened to bump into Jin Chuan'er, and hurriedly said to her, "Sister Jin Chuan'er, it's not good. Mr. Bao has caused a catastrophe. Now the people from the Zhongshun Palace have filed a complaint in front of the master, and now the master has sent someone to the Grand View Garden to hunt for the third master treasure. You should report it to the madam, otherwise the third master Bao will be beaten this time."

Jin Chuan'er has always been thinking about Baoyu, but now that she heard this situation, her heart was on fire, and she didn't care about anything else. She hurriedly took out a small ingot of silver from her bosom, threw it to the boy, and then Ignoring the boy's gratitude, he hurried to Mrs. Wang's room.

At this time, Mrs. Wang was holding a Buddhist scripture in front of a Buddha statue, knocking on the wooden fish while chanting.Ever since Aunt Zhao got Jia Zheng's exclusive favor, Mrs. Wang has had the habit of worshiping Buddha and praying to God, and she always spends a long time in front of Buddha every day.

Jin Chuan'er hurried to Mrs. Wang's Buddhist hall, next to her sister Yu Chuan'er was waiting there.

Seeing her sister Jin Chuaner rushing in, Yu Chuan'er was afraid that she would disturb his wife, so she quickly waved to him, which meant to keep her quiet and come in to report after the lady finished reading the scriptures.

But how could Jin Chuan'er wait for his wife to finish reading the scriptures now? The matter was already extremely urgent. If he didn't report it and Mrs. Wang blamed him afterwards, how could he afford it?
Regardless of her sister's hints, Jin Chuan'er came directly to Mrs. Wang who was chanting sutras.

At this time, Mrs. Wang had already sensed that someone was coming beside her. She didn't stop her voice of chanting scriptures, but frowned, a little unhappy.

"Ma'am, I have something to tell you." Jin Chuan'er said softly beside Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was actually chanting scriptures there, but she didn't answer Jin Chuan'er.

"Ma'am, something is not right. People from Prince Zhongshun came to look for our master today. It seems that Mr. Bao caused some trouble. Now the master is sending people to the Grand View Garden to look for Mr. Bao." Jin Chuan'er told him what he knew The news got out.

Mrs. Wang's voice, which was still chanting scriptures, stopped suddenly, and then looked back at Xiang Jin Chuan'er, which meant to ask her if it was true?
Jin Chuan'er has been with Mrs. Wang for so long, so she naturally understands what she means, "Madam, now the master's servant has gone to look for Mr. Bao, you should quickly think of a way."

Mrs. Wang got anxious now, she put the scriptures on the desk without knocking on the wooden fish, stood up and asked, "Where is your third master Bao now?"

Jin Chuan'er is also a little confused, how does she know where Baoyu is now?
Mrs. Wang saw that these people's lives were hopeless, and Baoyu seemed to have caused a lot of trouble this time, otherwise the Zhongshun Palace would not have personally sent someone to seek justice.

Mrs. Wang thought about it, and now if she wanted to suppress the Zhongshun Palace, she could only get Jia Ke back.

So he said to Jin Chuan'er: "Hurry up and find Baoyu's long follower, Li Gui, and ask him to ride to the military plane to report a letter to your uncle, and ask him to come back quickly to deal with this matter, and tell him that we have been ordered by Zhongshun." The bully Wang came to the door, let him come back and deal with it."

After hearing this, Jin Chuan'er, you immediately understood what Mrs. Wang meant, so you turned around and ran out.

After Mrs. Wang finished giving Jin Chuan'er an order, she said to Yu Chuan'er beside her, "Go and take a few maidservants inside to find your third master Bao. If you meet the master's servant, let him first Wait outside. Send your Third Master Bao to the old lady, and hide for a while until your uncle comes back."

After listening to Mrs. Wang's instructions, Yu Chuan'er also hurried out to the Grand View Garden with a few maidservants to look for Baoyu.

Mrs. Wang thought for a while, and the most important thing to do now was to procrastinate for a while and wait for Jia Ke to come back before making a decision.

So she ordered Caixia to change her clothes in the room, and Mrs. Wang redressed, and then she walked to Rongxitang, trying to delay the time.

But Yu Chuan'er came out from Mrs. Wang and ran to the Grand View Garden in a hurry.I met a few acquaintances along the way and didn't have time to say hello.

Until Yu Chuan'er entered the Grand View Garden and followed the road to Yihong Courtyard where Jia Baoyu lived.

As soon as she entered Yihong Courtyard, she saw a very pretty little maid at the door, pointing fingers at Sang Huai.

"What's so good about it? I don't know how to avoid taboos. I really think we are all blind and say that we are prudent and honest people. In my opinion, we are short of combing our hair."

Yu Chuan'er recognized this maid as Qingwen, the eldest maid in Jia Baoyu's room.

As far as this Qingwen's appearance is concerned, it is also ranked among the top few maids in the Rongguo Mansion.The side is born romantic and pretty.It's just that this person's temper is too violent, and there is no room for sand in his eyes.So he offended a lot of people, plus he was good-looking, so he couldn't help being a little proud of his character, so he didn't have any other friends in Yihong Courtyard except Jia Baoyu.

This time I don't know why, but I sat at the gate of Yihong Courtyard and pointed at Sang and scolded Huai.

Yu Chuan'er came to the door and felt angry seeing her like that.If this little elf hadn't been protected by Jia Baoyu, he would have been kicked out a long time ago.

And Qingwen also saw Yu Chuan'er, but he didn't stand up to return the gift, but just looked at her coldly.

Yu Chuan'er was busy now, so she didn't have time to argue with her there, so she went straight into Yihong Courtyard, and came to the main room of Yihong Courtyard.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Xiren sitting there crying non-stop.

"What's the matter? There is going to be a war in your house." Yu Chuan'er stepped forward and asked casually.

Seeing that it was Yu Chuan'er, Xiren quickly stood up and saluted him, then asked her to sit down on the main seat, and then said: "I don't know what's wrong, I made her unhappy again today. I sat at the door early in the morning and yelled. "

Yu Chuan'er looked at Xi Ren, but didn't continue to talk, he also saw the trick, it turned out that Xi Ren had done something for Qingwen to find out.

"Don't talk about it now, my wife asked me to come to your third master. Is third master Bao in the house?"

"I went to Miss Lin's early this morning."

Yu Chuan'er thought for a while and said to the attacker, "Let's go and look for it quickly. It seems that your Third Master Bao has done something to let the people from Zhongshun Palace find the door. The master is sending young men to look for it." What about him?"

As soon as Xiren heard this, he became anxious, "Then what should we do?"

"Madam ordered, first send Master Bao to the old lady, and hide for a while. Madam has already sent someone to look for the uncle, and I will make a decision when the uncle comes back."

Only then did Xiren let go of his heart, and took Yu Chuan'er to Lin Daiyu's Xiaoxiang Pavilion, where he saw Jia Baoyu walking out with an angry expression on his face.It seems that she got angry with Lin Daiyu.

Seeing Jia Baoyu, Xiren hurried up to grab her, and said, "My little ancestor, what trouble have you caused again? People from the Zhongshun Palace have already come to the door."

As soon as Jia Baoyu heard this, he immediately lost his mind.He had already figured out in his mind what it meant to come to Prince Zhongshun's mansion.

Seeing Jia Baoyu's useless appearance, Yu Chuan'er was also a little helpless, wondering why her sister liked such a person.Compared with the other two elders in Rongguo Mansion, this Jia Baoyu is simply an embroidered pillow.

"Now is not the time to talk, let's go to the old lady's place quickly, otherwise it will be difficult for the master's servant to find her."

Jia Baoyu woke up like a dream, "Yes, yes, let's go to the old lady."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about other things, so he ran to the old lady's room in three steps at a time.

Xi Ren and Yu Chuan'er glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Hurry up and go with your third master Bao. I'll go back and report to my wife right now."

After Yu Chuan'er finished speaking, she left the Grand View Garden without any consent from the attacker.

But Xiren grabbed her tightly, "You go with me, and when you get there, you can help the old lady back if she wants anything."

Yu Chuan'er looked at Xi Ren a little hesitantly, and couldn't bear to make him anxious, so she could only follow her.

The two dainty girls followed Jia Baoyu and trotted all the way to the old lady's place.

Besides, Jin Chuan'er came to Jia Baoyu's study outside Rongguo Mansion.At this time Li Gui was chatting with Jia Baoyu's servants.

After seeing Li Gui, Jin Chuaner hurried over to wave to him.

Li Gui had seen Jin Chuan'er a long time ago, and when he saw him waving to him, he knew that there was something to do and quickly ran over in three steps and two steps.

"Girl, what do you want from me? Could it be that the third master Bao has some orders?" Li Gui came over and said respectfully to Jin Chuan'er. He didn't dare to offend the aunt in front of him. To put it bluntly, even Mrs. Wang, the son of Nanny Baoyu, would not let him go.

"You ride a horse now, hurry up to the palace and ask someone to report a letter to the uncle inside, saying that people from the loyal and obedient palace have come to find fault in our mansion, the master is about to be overwhelmed, let him come back and make the decision quickly." Jin Chuan'er was anxious Like something, he explained the matter in a few words.

After hearing what Jin Chuaner said, Li Gui was also a little puzzled, he is Jia Baoyu's long follower, why is this matter assigned to him now?

But seeing Jin Chuan'er's anxious look, it seems that Mrs. Wang ordered this matter, and there should be nothing wrong. "Don't worry, girl, I'm leaving now."

(End of this chapter)

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