Chapter 432
When Jia Zheng heard Jia Baoyu's cry for help, he immediately said, "Shut up, I'll kill you!"

Hearing Jia Zheng's sternness from the boy, he didn't dare to be negligent.Li Ke pressed Jia Baoyu on the stool, and someone brought a big stick and beat him more than ten times.

But how dare these servants hit Baoyu hard, so they looked like they were lifted high, but when they hit Baoyu, they just fell lightly. Although there was some pain, they didn't even hurt the flesh.

Baoyu knew he couldn't beg for mercy, so he just cried.It's good that he didn't cry, this cry let Jia Zheng hear the clue, the cry was full of anger, it didn't look like he was being tortured.

Jia Zheng stepped forward immediately, kicked the palm of the palm of the hand away, grabbed the board himself, and beat him more than ten times fiercely.Baoyu had never experienced such pain in her life. At first she felt the pain from the beating, but she kept crying, and then gradually became weak and hoarse, unable to sob.

Besides, in the Rongxi Hall at this time, several of Jia Zheng's clean-up men had hurried into the Rongxi Hall from the outside. It seemed that they got the news from the young servants and came to intercede with Jia Baoyu.

As soon as they came in, they saw that Jia Baoyu had been severely beaten, and hurried over together. Some hugged Jia Zheng's waist, and some grabbed the thick wooden stick to prevent Jia Zheng from beating him down.

Now that Jia Zheng is surrounded by all the Qing guests, he has no choice but to see Baoyu's voice is getting quieter, and he can't bear it, so he can only throw down the stick in his hand and sit there crying.

It was Wang Zuomei from Qingke who came up to comfort him and said, "Is there anything that can't be solved? Why is the boss so angry?"

"Ask him what he did, but you can't forgive him! It's always you who spoiled him, and come here to persuade him! Tomorrow he's used to killing his father and the king, let's see if you still come Come to persuade?"

Wang Zuomei can be said to be eloquent among the Qing guests, and now she hastened to comfort her, "Why should you be sad, my lord? In the future, the third master will never do anything. According to the wisdom of the third master, careful education will definitely make some achievements in the future."

Not only was Jia Zheng not happy when he heard his words, but he kept sneering.In Jia Zheng's mind, Jia Baoyu is a complete waste. Youdao saw the old man at the age of three. According to Jia Baoyu's current appearance, he will have achievements in the future. Even if Jia Zheng is killed, he will not believe it.

As for Yuanyang and Yuchuaner outside Rongxi Hall, when Jia Zheng wanted to do something just now, they already knew that something was wrong.They all hurried to the inner house to deliver letters to their masters.

Outside Rongxi hall, only Xiren was left waiting there anxiously, watching Jia Baoyu being beaten, weeping non-stop, but he couldn't help much.

Besides, Mrs. Wang at this time, she just heard Jin Chuaner report yes, Jia Ke has returned, and is fighting in the Rongxi hall with the long history of Zhongshun Wangfu.

That's why she put her heart in her stomach, and sat gently and slowly on her bed, thinking that Baoyu had passed a test this time.I just don't know what happened to Baoyu this time, so that he can work for people who are loyal to the palace.

Mrs. Wang is also a little angry with Baoyu now. To be honest, her affection for Baoyu now does not surpass Jia Zhu, so she does not always care about Baoyu like in the Dream of the Red Chamber.

In addition, Jia Baoyu didn't live up to it and only knew that he was in love with those girls, so Mrs. Wang was also a little discouraged about him.

Now Mrs. Wang puts all her mind on Jia Zhu, and only hopes that he will be able to go out to be an official when he is in better health, so as to earn face for herself.Otherwise, she would feel a little guilty every time she saw Aunt Zhou.Although she is the main wife, she is a little afraid of this concubine, which makes her feel very humiliated.

Mrs. Wang had just sat down, and just when she thought it was all right, she saw Yu Chuaner outside, running in like crazy.Before stopping to take a breath, he said: "Ma'am is not well, the master is beating the third master Bao? The beating has already started when I just came, I don't know what to do now."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang didn't have time to go back to Jia Mu, so she hurriedly dressed and came out. Regardless of whether there was anyone or no one, she hurriedly helped a girl and rushed to Rongxi Hall, so panicked that all the diners couldn't avoid it.All of them could only turn their backs, not daring to look at Mrs. Wang.

Jia Zheng became even more annoyed when he saw Mrs. Wang coming in, and picked up the board on the ground to beat Jia Baoyu again.

Jia Zheng now believes that the reason why Baoyu became like this is because of Mrs. Wang's constant connivance.Seeing Mrs. Wang come to persuade her now, not only did she not extinguish her anger, but instead revived the anger that had been suppressed just now.

Mrs. Wang hurried forward and hugged the board, begging Jia Zheng, "Even if the master has a big problem, you can let him go this time. I think he is young, and now he knows he was wrong."

Jia Zheng saw that Mrs. Wang was not young anymore, and she even had some white hair on her head, but now she was kneeling in front of him, pleading for mercy for this unfilial son.Also a little sad.

Jia Zheng said helplessly, "That's all, that's all! You must be mad at me today!"

Mrs. Wang cried and said: "Although Baoyu made a big mistake, he should be beaten, but you have to take care, sir. Besides, the weather is hot now, and the old lady is not in good health. If the old lady knows that Baoyu has been beaten like this, if there is a It's not good for a while, aren't we being filial as children?"

Jia Zheng didn't listen to Mrs. Wang, but just said with a sneer, "I was born with this evil. Ever since I was born, the family has had no peace for a while. It's better to beat him to death now, so as not to cause trouble to the family in the future."

While the couple were talking there, Jia Zhu got the letter and rushed in from outside.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jia Baoyu with bloodstains all over his back.And his mother, Mrs. Wang, was kneeling there, holding the board in Jia Zheng's hand and not letting go.

Jia Zhu rushed forward and said to Jia Zheng, "My lord father, don't do this. If my brother makes a mistake, let's educate him carefully, that is, if he breaks it. Don't father and mother feel bad? Besides, how can the old lady explain it?" ?”

When Jia Zheng saw Jia Zhu coming, he let go.Although Jia Zhu is not as good as Jia Ke, she is a Juren after all.It can be regarded as success and fame.Therefore, Jia Zheng still gave Jia Zhu some face.

Moreover, Jia Zheng still had some hopes for the eldest son. After all, Jia Zhu was only in poor health, and had gradually recovered after being raised in the mansion for the past few years.Jia Zheng still hoped that if he was in better health, he would be able to become an official. In the future, the Rongguo Mansion would be inherited by him, which would be considered a bit of face. Otherwise, he might bow his head in front of Jia Ke forever.

"You don't know what he did. People who are loyal and obedient to the palace today came to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes. If your elder brother was not here, our Rongguo Mansion would lose face to Java." After Jia Zheng let go of the wooden board, he sat down. He kept sighing there.I thought in my heart why I gave birth to such a son who didn't know what to do.This is not the case with my other sons.

Jia Zhu hurriedly pulled a servant from the side and asked carefully what happened just now.

In fact, the young man had seen the whole story clearly outside the Rongxi Hall, and seeing Jia Zhu ask now, it was as if he had learned it all over again.

Of course, there is no shortage of embellishments, such as the ambiguous relationship between Jia Baoyu and this beautiful official on the ground.After all, this kind of thing is the most eye-catching in any dynasty, even if there is no trouble, people still have to speculate on each other, not to mention Jia Baoyu's troubles are so big.

Jia Zhu was also dumbfounded after hearing this. He didn't expect Jia Baoyu to have such a hobby at such an age.

After Jia Zhu heard this, she couldn't help but look at Qi Guan on the ground, and she also felt a little distraught.This is not a man, he is really more woman than woman.If you are putting on makeup, it is really heavenly and beautiful.

Looking at this beautiful official, Jia Zhu couldn't help but compare him with Li Zhi. With this stroke, she felt that Qi official was even more beautiful. Although Li Zhi was not bad in color, he was still a little inferior compared to this beautiful official.

Jia Zheng had been waiting for Jia Zhu to come over to persuade him again, so he could go downhill.When she looked up, Jia Zhu was staring straight at Qiguan who was lying on the ground.

At this moment, Jia Zheng regained his suppressed anger, and roared, "Come on, take this goblin out of the ground and strangle me to death."

Jia Zhu woke up when she heard Jia Zheng's cut-off.I couldn't help but feel ashamed that I was fascinated by a man just now.Hearing that his father was going to pull out Qiguan from the underground and strangle him to death.I feel a bit too much, after all, this is also a human life.

"My lord father, this must not be the case. This size is a human life. Our family has always been a kind family. How can we harm someone's life because of this little thing." Jia Zhu hurried forward to dissuade Jia Zheng, fearing that he would do something in anger irrational things.

After Jia Zheng listened to Jia Zhu's persuasion, his heart turned in a circle.Although the underground person and his family have already signed a contract of sale, it is a human life after all. If he really strangled him to death, the government must give an explanation.

When everyone was persuading Jia Zheng, he suddenly heard a maid outside saying: "The old lady is here."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard that it was Jia's mother who had arrived, he felt a little regretful. He didn't expect that he would disturb his mother by disciplining his son.

Jia Zheng dared to take Mrs. Wang and Jia Zhu out of Rongxi Hall to greet them.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of Rongxi Hall, the old lady had already arrived at the gate. As soon as she saw Jia Zheng, she said in a trembling voice, "You beat me to death first, and then beat him to death. That's clean!"

When Jia Zheng saw Jia's mother trembling, he felt anxious and hurt.He hurriedly stepped forward and personally supported Jiamu, "Why does the old lady come here in such a hot day? If there is anything to do, send someone to tell me, and my son will take care of it naturally."

Mother Jia was supported by Jia Zheng, looking at his face that was still full of tears just now, she reluctantly apologized to herself with a joke.I also feel uncomfortable for a while, this son is the most filial to me, everything in the family is obeyed by me, and I have never disobeyed me in the slightest, so I feel a little bit sorry for him at this time.

"Is this a lesson to my son? I never saw you like this when I was alive. Can Baoyu stand up to your death?" Jia's mother asked several questions in succession, leaving Jia Zheng at a loss as to how to answer them. .

(End of this chapter)

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