Chapter 437 Complaint
For the time being, put aside King Zhongshun's worries here.Besides, Sun Yan left Zhongshun Palace with his people, and immediately opened the note that the woman gave him.Upon closer inspection, it turned out that there were a few lines written on it.

The general idea is that after Li Changshi came back from Wuyanghou, King Zhongshun locked him in the Changchai room, neither gave him food, nor let him heal his wounds. As his wife, he bribed the guards and secretly when I went to visit him.Li Changshi explained the reason to himself. It was when the Supreme Emperor issued a decree to reprimand King Zhongshun, he said a few words that King Zhongshun didn't like to hear.King Zhongshun has always held a grudge in his heart, and today he killed two birds with one stone, not only to avenge his disrespect to King Zhongshun back then, but also to give Jia Ke a bad blow.I'm afraid he won't survive this time, so he asks his wife to avenge him.

Sun Yan smiled slightly when he saw this, and now there is no need to look for other evidence. It seems that King Zhongshun will not be able to get away so easily this time, so he does not go back to the official department, but directly goes to Miyagi.

Sun Yan came back to the gate of Qianqing, and let the guards in golden armor guarding the gate go in to report.

After a while, the guard in golden armor came out and told him that the emperor ordered him to go in.Only then did Sun Yan enter the Qianqing Gate again.

After Sun Yan entered the main hall, he saw that the Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs were still standing there. Some of the old ministers were already on the verge of collapse.It seems that the emperor has been waiting for news from him.

Sun Yan came to the center of the hall, knelt down and said: "Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, kowtows to my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Let Sun Aiqing live in peace."

"Thank you, long live." After Sun Yan received the emperor's permission, he dared to stand up, and stood aside with his hands folded, waiting for the emperor's inquiry.

"Aiqing went to Prince Zhongshun's mansion to inspect the corpse, how is the investigation going?" the emperor asked impatiently as soon as Sun Yan stood up.

Now the emperor hoped that it was Jia Ke who made the move, but also feared that this matter was really related to Jia Ke.

The emperor thought that Sun Yan, as his confidant, would definitely frame Jia Ke this time according to his intention just now.So I was a little anxious in my heart, I was really afraid that he would cause some trouble for me this time.

Sun Yan stood in the center again and said, "Your Majesty, the matter has been clarified."

"Oh, I found out so quickly, what's going on? Tell me about it."

"Your Majesty, there are other reasons for Li Changshi's incident, not because of being punished for death." Sun Yan stood in the center of the hall and said loudly.

"Didn't he be beaten to death? How did he die?" The emperor let out a long breath now. This Sun Yan seems to be a little clever, and he didn't ruin his own major event. Let the relationship between himself and Jia Ke The contradiction developed to the point of being out of control.

And Liu Yu, who was standing under His Royal Highness, also nodded secretly. Sun Yan was indeed very resourceful, and he could see the danger with just such a little effort.This time he did a good job, and he pulled the emperor back from danger.

From Liu Yu's point of view, as long as the emperor is not involved in this matter, no matter how wronged others are, they should be wronged.

Even Liu Yu is ready to sacrifice King Zhongshun. If Jia Ke insists on this matter, King Zhongshun will have to suffer some grievances. When the emperor completely controls the court and controls the treacherous minister Jia Ke , and then give King Zhongshun an explanation.

Sun Yan didn't notice that something was wrong with the emperor, and stood in the center of the hall and said in a serious voice: "After investigation, Li Changshi did not enter the water and rice for several days. After Wuyanghou's mansion was punished by the stick, after returning to Zhongshun's mansion, Zhongshun The king did not give him any treatment, so the wound became inflamed and he died at the end."

After hearing what he said at this time, the emperor was completely angry. Even if you don’t frame Jia Ke, there is no need to bring King Zhongshun in. Isn’t this embarrassing yourself? Now you let yourself punish King Zhongshun instead of punishing him.Don't you have such eyesight?You can't say that this long history died of a sudden illness.

At the same time, the emperor has already thought of it, if he disposes of King Zhongshun, the concubine in the harem will probably cry in front of him.

For this concubine who treats him like his own, the emperor respects and loves her. It can be said that he completely regards her as his own mother. If she comes to cry and complain, there is really nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, the emperor threw the paperweight next to him on the hall, "Sun Yan, don't make false statements and frame the royal family. Do you know what crime this is?"

As soon as Sun Yan heard what the emperor said, he quickly knelt down on the ground, cupped his hands and said loudly to the emperor: "Your Majesty, as the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, my duty is to avenge blood injustice. Since there is an injustice case before me, how dare I ignore human life. Here is Li Changshi The letter of complaint sent by my wife. Please read it, Your Majesty."

After Sun Yan finished speaking, he raised the letter that Li Changshi's wife gave him above his head.

The emperor did not order anyone to accept the letter.Because once it is accepted, I am afraid that King Zhongshun will have to be dealt with.

At this time, Jia Ke stood up and cupped her hands and said, "Since Your Majesty doesn't want to read this letter, let someone read it in front of the hall, and let everyone listen to it. What is the right and wrong?"

The emperor panicked when he saw Jia Ke coming out to attack him.Up to now, he hasn't figured out how to deal with Jia Ke, and he doesn't dare to provoke Jia Ke. If he doesn't care, he may be forced to hang himself.

"Jia Aiqing, there is no need to read this letter. I already understand that you have been wronged, and this matter will end here." The emperor still wanted to calm down.

"Your Majesty said this, but I don't agree with it. As the saying goes, a prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the people. Since the Ministry of Criminal Justice has almost investigated the case, it is better to say it in front of all civil and military officials, and return the minister's innocence. Otherwise, you will be so confused. After all, people in the world think that the emperor is protecting his ministers." Jia Ke stood in the hall and answered the emperor righteously.

Jia Ke was already very angry at King Zhongshun's sudden attack this time.Thinking that this time, he must give him a good look, otherwise in the future, random people will come to impeach him, what prestige can he talk about?
After hearing Jia Ke's words, the emperor became angry, "Why is what I said no longer working? I've said this so far, and no one should mention it anymore."

Jia Ke looked at the emperor and laughed, and then retreated back to the class as if nothing happened.But he has already decided in his heart that today's matter should make himself happy no matter what, otherwise, the emperor will keep embarrassing himself, does he really think he has a good temper?

So although Jia Ke stood back in the class, she glanced at Wenchen without any trace.

Standing among the civil servants, Zhang Chaoxin, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, had long been paying attention to Jia Ke's every move, but now seeing him winking at him, he still didn't understand what Jia Ke meant.

At this time, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were discussing a lot below, and everyone could see that this time King Zhongshun was probably deliberately framing Jia Ke.

But I didn't expect King Zhongshun to kill the long history in his mansion in order to frame Jia Ke.Such a cruel thing has not happened since the founding of the country.The emperor just wanted to let it go so lightly, so what would he take these civil and military ministers for.

And some of these people have a long history in the same year, and now they are very angry when they see what happened to him.At the same time, I was disappointed that the emperor protected his royal family and didn't take their ministers seriously, so the balance in these people's hearts could not help but tilt to Jia Ke's side.

But the emperor didn't know himself, he just wanted to put this matter aside, but lost the hearts of many people, which made his power shrink further.

At this time, Zhang Chaoxin, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and the censor of the right capital, came out of the class, knelt down on the ground, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the long history of the Zhongshun Palace is also a scholar of the two lists, and he has a reputation. Why? Can he die in such an unexplained way. Please the emperor be aware of the details and give the dead minister an explanation."

As soon as he finished saying this, a large group of people knelt down in the hall, and they played together to the emperor: "The ministers wait for a second opinion."

A large part of these people are Jia Ke's people, and the rest are just rabbits and foxes.I have a lot of opinions on the unfairness of the emperor's handling of the matter this time, so we have admonished the emperor together.

And those who were in the same year of Zhongshun Prince's Palace had the most fun dancing in the same year. In ancient times, the same year was no small matter. form a party.

At this moment, the emperor only felt his temples throbbing. These people were obviously serving as pawns for Jia Ke.And what they said had some truth, and I couldn't refute them.

What's more, the emperor also saw it, and Jia Ke's power among civil servants also began to swell.Now the emperor felt restless.

So the emperor glanced at Liu Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials next to him, which meant that Liu Yu should come out and say a few words to resolve the current crisis.

As expected, Liu Yu was worthy of being the emperor's most loyal minister. As soon as he saw him winking, he immediately stood up and said, "Everyone listen to me. I think that the matter of Yu Shi Wang Li's participation in the performance of Mr. Jia is completely hearsay. The intention to frame the minister should be severely punished."

After Liu Yu said this, he bowed his hands like Jia Ke, and then said: "As for the suspicion that King Zhongshun was suspected of killing the chief history of the mansion, this is also nonsense. It must be dealt with based on a woman's one-sided words. The current prince, this is unreasonable in any case, if there is no evidence, everyone should stop messing around here."

Zhang Chaoxin glanced at Jia Ke secretly, and saw Jia Ke standing there with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.At this moment, he understood that Jia Ke didn't want to let King Zhongshun go so lightly.

Zhang Chaoxin then scolded Liu Yu: "Liu Yu, you are still the Minister of Military Affairs, how can you say such lawless words. Since the man is dead, and his wife has already submitted a complaint, we should find out what happened. That's how confused it is."

After Zhang Chaoxin finished speaking, he ignored Liu Yu and said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, since there are doubts about this case, I ask the San Judiciary to intervene and investigate carefully. The deceased must be given justice."

(End of this chapter)

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