Chapter 447 Resolve
After hearing Xia Shouzhong's words, the emperor quickly got off the donkey, and immediately said to Jia Ke and the ministers who were kneeling below: "My dear friends, although I also want to help these victims, I really can't do anything. I have reduced Ding Fu, if you open the internal treasury again, you will really have trouble going on. Don't mention this matter in the future."

Jia Ke and the other ministers looked at each other, but they could only stand up and remain silent. This world belongs to your emperor, since your emperor doesn't do anything, then it has nothing to do with us ministers.

In the end, Liu Wan, Minister of the Household Department, still stood up. After all, as the emperor's confidant, he was also at fault for withholding 300 million taels of silver this time because he wanted to frame Jia Ke.If I knew it earlier, I would not agree with the emperor to do this. With the 300 million taels of silver, I can get by this year no matter what.Now he is the only one who stands up and cleans up the mess for the emperor.

"Your Majesty, now we can only supply grain and grass to the Huaihe River area as much as possible, so that it can tide over the difficulties temporarily. As for the problem in Shaanxi, it will only break out after the autumn harvest. Please the emperor immediately exempt Shaanxi from this year's tax. Delayed for a while. When the food and wages from various places come up, it will be transported from nearby Sichuan and Lianghu to Shaanxi. I don’t know what the emperor wants?” After Liu Wan finished speaking, he returned to the class, which was the best he could think of. There is a way.

Jia Ke listened to his suggestion below, and also felt that if there was no money in all aspects, this would be the only way to go.

However, this is only a temporary solution. Although it can be fooled this year, next year, the people will start spring plowing again. At that time, both seeds and cattle will be needed, and the court may not be able to respond.

But the emperor didn't care about this, and said happily: "Liu Aiqing's method is good, as expected, he has worked in the Ministry of Households for many years. That's how it is done."

After the emperor finished replying to the ministers, he turned around and said to Xia Shouzhong, "You draft an order immediately, and then send it to the military plane to let them reunite, and send it to Shaanxi as soon as possible."

In this way, today's dynasty is over.Today, the news of the Great Court has spread all over the country, and many of them praised the emperor. After all, the emperor reduced the people's taxes, but some people didn't take it seriously. They thought that since the taxes had been reduced, why not do it In the end, go out of the Treasury Bank to rescue the victims of the disaster all over the world.

Now the common people are asked to increase their taxes, coupled with the matter of discussing crimes some time ago, the common people have a lot of dissatisfaction with the emperor, even this time the reduction and exemption of Ding Fu did not save him much face .

Besides, Jia Ke left the Golden Palace, full of troubles, and let the emperor escape this time. If the emperor did not reduce Ding Fu today, then the whole world would be full of curses on the emperor, and the emperor's reputation would also be destroyed. It stinks, and it will be much more convenient for me to do things in the future.

Jia Ke left the palace with some annoyance, looked back and felt that the emperor was worthy of his opponent.If you don't use coercive means, you may not be able to beat him.

Now Jia Ke began to rejoice that he had gained the trust of the Supreme Emperor before the emperor ascended the throne, and took the opportunity to control the military power in the world. Otherwise, if he was fighting the emperor now, his head would have fallen to the ground within a few months.

So the matter calmed down like this, and there is a solution to the disaster situation in the Lianghuai area and Shaanxi. As long as the Military Aircraft Department follows the discussion of the people in the court that day, it will be fine. The ministers here have nothing to do with it.

After this incident, there was another direct minister in the world——Zhang Zhi.Although he has been imprisoned in the sky prison now, the cell bosses in the cell admire his character, so they didn't make him suffer.

After all, the common people in the world are sharp-eyed. This Zhang Zhi was imprisoned by the emperor for the benefit of the common people. Although these petty officials cannot change the emperor's intentions, they can make this good official live better. It is still possible.

But in Zhang Zhi's hometown, although he has been imprisoned in the sky prison and has no fame, the common people's evaluation of him is even higher.It actually made his family a local prominent family.

Soon the days were getting closer and closer to the first day of junior high school, and it was only a day or two before we left Rongguo Mansion to go to the Qingxu Temple to pray.

A few days ago, the three mansions of Rongguo Mansion, Ningguo Mansion, and Wuyanghou Mansion began to get busy.

Especially the Rongguo Mansion, as the current leader of the Jia family, almost all the masters will go there, which is naturally more grand.

And all these troubles fell on Wang Xifeng.But instead of complaining, Wang Xifeng became even more excited.She was so busy that she never yelled "tired" from morning to night, so that everyone in Jia's family had to give a thumbs up and express their admiration.

But no one knew that Wang Xifeng was still trying to stay active during the day, and would lie in bed unable to move at night.

Her personal maid Ping'er tried to persuade her several times, but Wang Xifeng didn't take it to heart, which left troubles for her body.

And there were quite a few people who went to Wuyanghou Mansion this time. Besides Jia Ke, Qin Keqing took Jia Zhi, Qiao Lian took her son Jia Mao, and Chuncao, who was not pregnant, wanted money to offer incense.Only Lan Xiang was left at home because life was inconvenient to move around, so she stayed at home.

Besides them, there are also their own maidservants.Each of them is followed by a large group of five or six people, not counting, the nanny of the two young masters and others.As a result, there were nearly 60 or [-] people dispatched from the Wuyanghou Mansion alone.

Jia Ke felt that this was a little dangerous. Thinking about the day when they came to Qingxu Temple to pray, there were huge crowds of people. They were going, so it would be bad if something happened.

Jia Ke thought for a while and went to Mother Jia's room.I want to talk to Jia Mu about this matter, and then arrange it properly. It is best to seal the Qingxu Temple on that day, and only let them go to Jia's house.

Although Jia Ke can decide this matter by himself, after all, it was Jia's mother who proposed to go to worship the gods. If Jia's mother is not happy because of such extravagance, he is also unfilial as a grandson.

Jia Ke now thinks more and more like the ancient people.

Every time Jia Ke thinks that he has been assimilated by the ancient times, he also feels very helpless, but this is exactly the way Jia Ke survives.

If he was as unscrupulous as Aunt Zhang was back then, even if he has some golden fingers, he might not have the achievements he has now.

Aunt Zhang lived a comfortable life, but she went there within a year or two.

When Jia Ke came to Jiamu's courtyard, she heard laughter in Jiamu's room.

Among them, Jia Baoyu's laughter was the loudest. Jia Ke stood outside and smiled slightly. Now Jia Baoyu can only be happy in the mansion.His reputation outside is not very good.It's all because he doesn't want to make progress, he only knows how to hang out with the girls in the mansion, and now he has another beautiful official by his side, so Jia Baoyu is used as a negative example to educate his children in all the rich and powerful's mansions.

However, this was all a plan that Jia's mother and Jia Ke made when Jia Baoyu was born. After so many years of this plan, it seems to Jia Ke that it is useless now.

The royal family's fear of the Jia family may not be shared by a little Jia Baoyu. Now Jia Ke hopes that Jia Baoyu will study hard and give him a job when he takes power in the future, which can be regarded as lightening the burden for himself. After all, there is such a good saying, father and son soldiers in battle, brothers fighting tigers.

At a certain time, besides his subordinates, the only ones he could trust were these two brothers from Rongguo Mansion.

It's a pity that now Jia Baoyu has formed a habit, and his aversion to reading has reached an incomparable level.Even Jia Zheng couldn't do anything about him, let alone Jia Ke, the elder brother who was a concubine.

While Jia Ke was thinking there, the little maid in Jia Mu's courtyard called out, "Master is here."

The laughter inside stopped immediately, and now Jia Ke's deterrent power in Rongguo Mansion is second only to Jia Zheng, and everyone except Jia's mother respects him very much.

When Jia Ke heard the call, she followed the sound and came directly to Mother Jia's room. The maids immediately opened the curtain and invited him in.

Jia Ke came in and saw that this time there was a complete crowd.

Jiamu sits next to her in the middle, Wang Xifeng serves there, and below are Baochai, Baoyu, Daiyu and others.

Wang Xifeng was talking about the ritual ceremony at Qingxuguan on the first day of the first lunar month, and he made an appointment with Baochai, Baoyu, Daiyu and others to go to the theater.He still laughed and said that the play that day was really good, but you can’t usually see it, it’s all a god-respecting play.

After Jia Ke went in, he smiled and said, "It's said to be watching a theater, but so many people lost you guys that day, I have nowhere to look for them."

Jia's mother was happy to see Jia Baoyu and the others talking there, and she felt happy too, but when she suddenly heard Jia Ke's words, she felt worried, "What the elder brother said is, why didn't we think of this? One, if some swindler takes someone away, we have nowhere to look for it."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "Brother's words are unreasonable. What kind of family is our family now? Let's go. I will send people tomorrow to drive out those Taoist priests. Clean it up, hang up the curtains, and no idler is allowed to enter the temple. That’s all right.”

When Jia Mu heard Wang Xifeng's idea, she also thought it was a good idea. She slapped her thigh and said to Jia Ke, "Young girl Feng is clever, and she solved the problem in one go. What do you think? What's wrong?"

Jia Ke took a few steps forward, came to Jia's mother, and saluted her. The mandarin duck next to her quickly took a Xiudun and put it behind Jia Ke.

After Jia Ke sat down, she said: "The second daughter-in-law of Lian thought about the same thing, and when that day comes, I will bring all my personal soldiers with me and let them guard the surroundings. I think no one would dare to make fun of themselves." .”

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "Brother is also the admiral of the Nine Gates. Those little bastards don't know that you are watching the emptiness. They have already hidden far away. How dare they come to make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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