Chapter 455
Daoist Zhang engaged in a fierce ideological struggle there, whether he left this wish for the long-term development of his faction, or used this wish for himself to be detached from it.

In the end, Daoist Zhang chose to be for himself. There is a saying that people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth will perish.If I can't succeed this time, then I will know where I was reincarnated next time.And how can one's own sect manage these things.

Daoist Zhang then made up his mind and said to Jia Mu: "Old lady, I have a request today, please accept this golden unicorn and send it to the elder brother. It can be regarded as fulfilling the relationship between the two families."

Jia Mu glanced at him, and then said disdainfully: "You really deceived me like a child. If they don't give you some unexpected treasures, you will work hard for them like this, and even count on our eldest brother. You Do you know, if he finds out about this in the future, you will have a good time."

Daoshi Zhang said with some embarrassment now: "Isn't this an old lady who has to deal with it?"

Mother Jia saw that Taoist Zhang had made up his mind, and thought about how he almost ruined his Taoism for his family back then.

Besides, Jia's mother is actually very concerned about her natal historian. Although her nephews have not often visited him these years, she often takes Shi Xiangyun to live in Jia's mansion, which can be regarded as maintaining a basic relationship.Let the two nephews know that she has not forgotten Shi Jia.

In the future, if Jia Ke had something to do and had to decide on his own, Yun Yatou would not be able to escape the position of a noble concubine.It can be regarded as worthy of his mother's family.It's just that the girl Xiangyun was wronged, and with her character, she didn't know how to suffer in the harem.

So Mother Jia looked up at Daoist Zhang and said, "I can promise you this matter, but you have to make it clear to them. This time I will be a concubine."

Taoist Zhang was overjoyed when he heard what Jia Mu said.He said repeatedly: "I've already made it clear to them that even if things don't go well for a while now, in a few years they will surely flourish and shine in the family. I think the two Marquises must not be narrow-minded."

After listening to Taoist Zhang, Jia's mother felt a little sad.This is the fate of an orphan girl without father and mother. Her two uncles and aunts, for their own glory, don't care about the future of this little girl.

Anyway, it is not my own daughter who married someone else as a concubine. Although it is not good on the surface, Jia Ke is now almost in control of the government. They married Jia Ke and consolidated their position in the four major families.And through Jia Ke, their power can also increase greatly.Why not do it?

But Mother Jia turned her head and thought, this might be a good thing for Yun girl.As long as he was alive for a day, Qin Keqing wouldn't dare to do anything wrong to Yun girl.

And after thinking about it more deeply, Mother Jia even had some extravagant hopes.It's not that the emperor's abolition has never happened, especially this empress, who still has the blood of the previous dynasty.

If Jia Ke can succeed, will the ministers of the new dynasty be willing to have a prince with the blood of the previous dynasty inherit the throne?
If Yun girl can give birth to a child in the future, and she is still here, the child's future may be even brighter. Even if she is wronged for a while, her future will be limitless, and she is worthy of Yun girl.

Thinking of this, Mother Jia raised her head and said to Taoist Zhang, "In this case, I promise you this matter. You must remember clearly, I still owe you two things."

Taoist Zhang was overjoyed at first, he felt that the treasure was already in his pocket, how could he not be overjoyed.

But suddenly another feeling of loss came from somewhere, this feeling came too suddenly.This is his spirit warning him.

Now Daoist Zhang suddenly felt a little regretful. Cultivators like them really couldn't pay more attention to such secret things.Now he feels that this time his business is considered a loss.

It was his soul just now, hooking up with the dark way of heaven, and getting some news to warn him.

But now that he has reached this point, he can only let it go. The remaining two things cannot be easily agreed to go out in the future.

Seeing that Taoist Zhang did not repent, Jia Mu stretched out her hand and put the golden unicorn into her sleeve again.

Then Jia Mu said to the mandarin duck beside her, "Mandarin duck, I'm a little thirsty, bring me a bowl of tea."

As soon as Taoist Zhang heard this, he knew that Jia's mother was seeing off a guest.His request just now made Mother Jia a little displeased, and now it's not easy to be an eyesore in front of Mother Jia.

"Since that's the case, old lady, I'll take my leave first. Old lady, if you continue to watch the show here, I won't bother you." After Daoshi Zhang finished speaking, he turned and went downstairs.

Yuanyang came to Jia Mu with a bowl of tea and gently handed it to her.

Mother Jia took it and took a sip, then closed her eyes and didn't feel like watching the show anymore.Now her mind is full of lawsuits. To be honest, although she dotes on Shi Xiangyun, after all, he is the only flesh and blood of her eldest nephew.

But Mother Jia didn't want this girl to marry into their Jia's family, because this girl's personality is a bit weird now, and she might cause some troubles when she comes to Jia's house.What's more, Shi Xiangyun's heart is high and arrogant, how can he be a concubine so easily, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the Jia family in the future.

More importantly, Jia's mother has already seen some clues in Shi Xiangyun's actions, and this girl Yun may have her heart on Baoyu.Let her marry Jia Ke now, in case something goes wrong in the future, what should I do?
Not to mention that Jia's mother was troubled here, but also that Jia Ke and the others went to Wang Xifeng's side building, and saw Wang Xifeng sitting there, surrounded by a group of maids, fawning on her.

As soon as Jia Ke and the others came up, Wang Xifeng saw it immediately, and said with a smile, "Did the old lady drive you out?"

Jia Ke didn't speak, but Qin Keqing hugged Jia Zhi and said, "You really guessed it. The old lady drove us to your place. Baoyu and the others went to the building opposite you."

Wang Xifeng stood up, came to their side, and then let Jia Ke and Qin Keqing to the railing of the building, and immediately a little maid brought tea and snacks.

After Jia Ke sat down, she winked at Chuncao and Qiaolian who were standing beside her, and told them to sit down at the table too.

The two looked at each other and sat down in peace.

Seeing everyone sitting down, Jia Ke asked, "Why didn't you see Lian Er come with you today? Could it be that something has delayed you?"

Wang Xifeng's face turned pale when he heard this, and he remained silent.

Qin Keqing saw Wang Xifeng's displeasure, and hurriedly said: "What's the matter with your family? You used to be away from home a lot, so I didn't support it alone."

Jia Ke didn't seem to see Wang Xifeng's face, and said with a smile: "That's true. It seems that Brother Lian is also promising now, maybe he can give Second Grandma a phoenix crown and Xiapei in the future?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Xifeng said with a sneer: "If he is a little bit self-motivated, I can die with peace of mind. I'm afraid I won't be able to wear this Fengguan Xiapei in my lifetime."

When Jia Ke heard this, he couldn't answer. After all, he knew that Jia Lian was a flirtatious person, and now that he was outside, he probably didn't know which beautiful woman he was hanging out with.No wonder Wang Xifeng is jealous here.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Qin Keqing hurriedly said: "What's the matter? Isn't it Feng Guanxia's match? In the future, Miss Feng, you will give birth to a big fat boy, and let this boy become a high-ranking official. Your Feng Guanxia Pei will be much less .”

Hearing Qin Keqing's teasing, Wang Xifeng didn't show any embarrassment on her face. Instead, she said sharply: "I really let my sister-in-law talk. If I have a son, he will definitely be ten times stronger than his father." But when it comes to this At that time, it immediately became gloomy again.

Qiao Lian next to her couldn't help curling her lips when she saw Wang Xifeng like this.Just like Wang Xifeng, I don't know how much morality I have lost, and I still want to have a son.Or in the next life.

Although Chuncao looked at the stage, she kept drifting towards Qiaolian from time to time.

Because Chuncao has never been pregnant, she always regards Qiaolian's son as her favorite, so she pays attention to it from time to time.She was afraid of what Qiaolian's frizzy temper would do to Jia Mao.

Seeing Qiaolian now, she felt a little disdainful towards Wang Xifeng, hurriedly tugged at her sleeve, and then turned to Ping'er, who was next to Wang Xifeng, a slave.

Qiao Lian looked up, and sure enough, Ping'er was staring at her, as if he had seen her expression just now.

If it was any other concubine, seeing Ping'er like this, she would be so frightened out of her wits.But Qiaolian didn't take it seriously, because beating a dog depends on the owner, and there is Aunt Zhou standing behind her.

No matter how powerful Wang Xifeng is, she can still compare to Aunt Zhou's status in Jia Ke's heart. Besides, Wang Xifeng is in charge of Rongguo Mansion, and she lives in Wuyanghou Mansion, so what can Wang Xifeng do to him?
So instead of restraining herself, Qiaolian gave Ping'er a provocative look.

But what others didn't expect was that instead of being annoyed, Ping'er smiled at her and nodded, which made Qiaolian feel vigilant.It seems that Ping'er is even more difficult to deal with than Wang Xifeng.

While everyone was watching the play, family members outside came in to report to Jia Ke.

When Jia Ke said that someone came to give gifts, Jia Ke felt a little strange.It's nothing more than giving gifts at any time of the year, and it was sent to the Qingxu Temple.

But since someone came, Jia Ke had no choice but to go downstairs, return to the old lady's side, and report to her.

When Jia Ke came to the old lady's main building, she saw Yuanyang talking to her next to the old lady.

Seeing Jia Ke coming, the old lady quickly waved to him and said, "Someone from General Feng's family has brought gifts, what do you think?"

Jia Ke thought for a while, this General Feng should belong to Feng Ziying's family.So he hurriedly replied: "Old lady, since the people have already arrived, there is no reason for us to see each other again. Why don't we let them come and see you, and just send them away."

Mother Jia nodded and ordered the gift giver to be called up.After a while, people brought up two women.

After a simple question, Jia's mother found out that Feng Ziying's family heard that Jia's family was holding a sacrificial offering in the temple, so they hurriedly prepared pigs and sheep, incense candles, tea and food, etc., and came to give gifts.

While Jia Mu was talking to the two maids, Wang Xifeng also rushed over from the side building. As soon as he saw Jia Mu, he smiled and apologized and said: "Oh! I didn't guard against this. I just said that we girls are here to hang out. Going shopping, people only think that we are setting up a large altar, so they come to give gifts. It's all caused by the old lady! This is not a reward."

(End of this chapter)

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