Chapter 459
Yao Yinfeng felt even more pain in his heart when he heard Shi Xiangyun's lifeless voice.

My young lady hasn't had a good day since she was born. Although it is said that she grew up in the Hou's mansion, she is not much different from those big maids from wealthy families.

"Miss, you still go to this family often, it's the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion." After Yao Yinfeng said this, she lowered her head and dared not even look at Shi Xiangyun.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiangyun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.If it was from another family, she was still a little worried. If she married into Jia's family, then there would be an old lady to take care of her, even if she became a concubine for Brother Bao, it would be fine.

Shi Xiangyun now thinks that he is marrying Jia Baoyu as a concubine, and even feels a little bit of joy in his heart.Although she can't be the main house, sister Lin is not a dirty person.For her arrival, I don't want to be too harsh.

Shi Xiangyun finally calmed down now, and she didn't have any resistance to going to Rongguo Mansion.

"Are you appointing me to Brother Ai? I think Brother Ai and Sister Lin are engaged now, and I'm afraid I can only be their concubine." Although Shi Xiangyun was a little displeased, he thought that he could be a concubine to Jia Baoyu. Concubine, with his personality, he won't be too bad to himself, so don't worry about it.

Yao Yinfeng was stunned for a moment when she heard Shi Xiangyun say that, and then quickly explained to her: "Miss, you made a mistake, you are not the third master of Rongguo Mansion, our Lord Marquis betrothed you to the uncle of Rongguo Mansion, Wuyang Hou Jia Ke is the third master of Rongguo Mansion. concubine."

When Shi Xiangyun heard this, she immediately felt overcast. Although she had met Jia Ke a few times in the Rongguo Mansion before, she was not familiar with it.

Shi Xiangyun only knew that Jia Ke was the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department, with power in the government, and every time he met them, he always had a serious face. Jia Baoyu saw him like a mouse seeing a cat.

Thinking about it this way, his uncle promised himself to Jia Ke for the sake of glory and wealth.

Shi Xiangyun thought about Jia Ke's appearance again. Although it was a bit vague, he still knew that Jia Ke's appearance was ordinary, but there was a majesty in front of him and behind him. This was something she had never seen before. His uncle was also a marquis. It pales in comparison to Jia Ke.

Shi Xiangyun thought for a while and felt that if he married Jia Ke, although Jia Baoyu's wish would not be as good as it was, with Jia Ke's ability, he would definitely be able to protect himself.At least life is better than it is now.

When Shi Xiangyun thought of this, her mood opened up again, and she said to Yao Yinfeng: "I can't decide who to marry, regardless of whether I am older or younger. It's over."

After hearing this, Yao Yinfeng felt that Shi Xiangyun had given up, but in her mind, there was nothing she could do to change it.

So she hugged Shi Xiangyun again and cried for a while, then wiped away her tears, and hurried to the front, I was really afraid that Mrs. Zhang would get angry when she knew she was not there.

After Yao Yinfeng left, Cui Ling moved in step by step from outside the house, and came to Shi Xiangyun's side cautiously, "Miss, are you tired? If you are, I will do your work for you today." .”

Cui Ling is a simple and honest person with a pure face, she doesn't know how to comfort Shi Xiangyun at all, that's why she said the above words.

Shi Xiangyun smiled and said to her: "Don't do it, we don't have to do these jobs anymore from now on."

Cuiwei looked at Shi Xiangyun in surprise, thinking that he was going crazy because he couldn't stand the stimulation. If he really didn't finish his sewing, how would his wife explain it?

Shi Xiangyun smiled and explained to this stupid servant girl: "Miss, although I want to marry a person as a concubine, but this person's status is not ordinary, in order to please this person, I'm afraid they will never dare to let me do these needles and threads again. "

When Shi Xiangyun finished saying this, a cold light came out of his eyes. Although it is not the worst thing to marry into the Rongguo Mansion, after all, it is someone's concubine. Although Shi Xiangyun comforted himself, what is in his heart? There is no hate.

Cui Ling didn't see that it was Xiang Yun's fault, but she patted her chest easily and said, "That's good, then Miss will have time to sleep. You won't have to work for others until late at night."

After Cuihui finished speaking, she looked at Shi Xiangyun's pair of shoes on the bed, and asked Shi Xiangyun with a smile on her face: "Miss, can you still make these shoes of Mr. Bao?"

After hearing what Cui Ling said, Shi Xiangyun felt sad for a while, then took out the scissors from the small bamboo basket, and cut the pair of shoes to pieces.

Seeing her like this, Cui Ling hurried over to grab the scissors, but was pushed away by Shi Xiangyun.

"Cuilu, go aside, from now on I can no longer make shoes for others, and I can only make shoes for the uncle of Rongguo Mansion." After Shi Xiangyun said these words, tears filled his eyes, But desperately not to let it fall.

Cuilu immediately understood what Shi Xiangyun meant, so she stopped trying to dissuade her.

Shi Xiangyun used to make shoes for Jia Baoyu, or make other small things, in fact, he meant to please Jia Baoyu.I want Jia Baoyu to say a few words to her in front of Jiamu, and let Jiamu send someone to the mansion to take her to Rongguo Mansion. It will be a few days.

Another thing is that she really cares about Jia Baoyu, after all, she grew up together since she was a child, and Shi Xiangyun didn't see any other men, so she thought Jia Baoyu was the best in the world.Where can I let go of this heart?
But from today onwards, there is no need to have these small thoughts anymore, just wait for that person to marry wholeheartedly.

Although marrying Jia Ke can't be the main wife, Wuyanghou's mansion is such a rich man, and from now on he can be regarded as rich and well-off. As long as he doesn't compete with Qin Keqing, he thinks he will have a stable life in the future.

In fact, this is because Shi Xiangyun is open-minded by nature and doesn't take these things to heart. In fact, she is thinking about how these things can be realized.

Although Qin Keqing was gentle and magnanimous, it depended on who he was dealing with. Naturally, she was gentle and petty towards Jia Ke, but she was naturally magnanimous towards those concubines, because these concubines had no status and were no threat to her.

If Shi Xiangyun married, the situation would be different. First, Xiangyun's status was much higher than Qin Keqing's on the surface.

In Jia's mansion, Shi Xiangyun and Jia's mother are the ones who are currently the biggest threat to Qin Keqing. How can Qin Keqing be kind to her?

But Shi Xiangyun hasn't thought about this yet. Now Xiangyun only wants to marry Jia Ke as his concubine. On the surface, he is wronged. It's not that Shi Xiangyun didn't want to make trouble with her uncle in the past. After all, his own is also considered a wealthy family. There's no reason to be a concubine for a charming girl.

But thinking about it, I'm afraid there is no hope. My father passed away too early, and he couldn't inherit the title. Otherwise, no matter what, I would never be a concubine. This is also due to my bad luck.

So Shi Xiangyun tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.Sometimes I feel a little longing for a life of rich clothes and good food in the future, and sometimes I feel embarrassed thinking about living under Qin Keqing's hands.So she tossed and turned like this until the third watch before she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Shi Nai arranged a guard of honor from the whole mansion and went to Rongguo Mansion.Although it is said that they want to order Shi Xiangyun to Jia Ke as a concubine this time, they can't weaken the momentum of their Baolinghou's mansion.

When Shi Nai arrived at the gate of Rongguo Mansion, someone had already seen him. He sent someone in to report to Jia Zheng and the old lady, and came to greet him at the gate.

Shi Nai got off the eight-carried sedan chair and stood at the entrance of Rongguo Mansion to watch carefully.He has not been to this Rongguo Mansion for a long time.

I saw that the gate and surrounding walls of Rongguo Mansion had been rebuilt, making them look more majestic than before.And now there are even more people doing small business on Ningrong Street.

Looking forward, it should be Wuyanghou's Mansion, because there are many official sedan chairs parked at the entrance, and these people are all waiting to be received by Jia Ke.

In order to see Jia Ke, they even donated a lot of money, just asking Jia Ke to say a word of comfort, so that they can feel at ease and their official positions can be guaranteed.

And at the gate of Rongguo Mansion, although there were far fewer official sedan chairs than Wuyanghou Mansion, there were still a few waiting there.He must have come to see Jia Zheng, and wanted to pass a message to Jia Ke through Jia Zheng's channel.

Looking at the excitement in front of the Rongguo Mansion and Wuyanghou Mansion, and then thinking about the Bowling Marquis Mansion, there are few cars and horses in front of the gate.Such a strong contrast made him think that what he did this time was very correct, otherwise, he might have to spend the rest of his life in such a cold environment.

Which man has no ambition in his heart?Who can see such a bustling scene and not be envious?Shi Nai's desire to make progress is stronger now, not to mention marrying a niece to Jia Ke as a concubine, even his own daughter, as long as there is an opportunity, Shi Nai will not hesitate in his heart now.

Shi Nai waited for a short time before seeing the side door open.Jia Zheng came out from inside to greet him. As soon as Shi Nai saw Jia Zheng, he hurried forward to salute, "I haven't seen my younger brother for a long time, so I'm being polite here."

Jia Zheng took a few steps to help him up and said, "Does my brother still need to do this? Let's go in quickly, the old lady must be waiting inside."

Jia Zheng knew that although the old lady had been a little estranged from her natal family these years, she had not let go of the historian's affairs in her heart, otherwise she would not have taken Shi Xiangyun to the Rongguo mansion from time to time. This was to make Shi Xiangyun relax, and the other one was also I want to know the recent situation of my natal family through Shi Xiangyun's mouth.

Over the years, Jia's mother has known that her natal family is not doing well. Although her two nephews have inherited the position of the Marquis, they are unable to make ends meet, so they often gossip about Jia Zheng, asking him to help him.

But these two marquises are also stubborn, seeing that their Rongguo Mansion is now rich, they don't come to visit them, so how can Jia Zheng hurry up and send the benefits to them.

Even if Jia Zheng was willing, Jia Amnesty could not agree to it there. For many benefits, Jia Amnesty even pointed to exchanging favors and silver taels.

(End of this chapter)

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