Chapter 469 Betting
Shi Nai laughed at Zhang's impatience when she heard that she couldn't hold her breath.

"There's no rush, there are still many things to do, and besides, it will take a few days to travel all the way from the capital to Yangzhou by boat, so there is nothing to worry about." Shi Nai raised his eyes and said proudly.

"What else is there? I started to pack the things at home a few days ago, and now it's almost done. Let's take our clothes and go south." Mrs. Zhang still couldn't wait. Regarding the hard times in the capital, She has stayed enough, and now she wants to go to Yangzhou to enjoy the blessings.

"What's the matter? There are a lot of things! Why did our official come here? It's not because of the old lady's mediation. You don't have to go to Rongguo Mansion to thank the old lady for her safety." Shi Nai now feels that his aunt is really too kind. If you have the ability, you must grasp it, otherwise, if you ask her in front of you for something in the future, it will be difficult to talk.

Mrs. Zhang just woke up like a dream, "I want to go to the old lady to have a look, this time I will go with you. Be sure to thank the old lady."

Shi Nai nodded and continued to stroke his beard, thinking for a while, "And what about Xiangyun?"

Mrs. Zhang really didn't understand this time, what's the matter with Shi Xiangyun, just go with them.

Shi Nai said bitterly: "Usually you have ideas, why did you become stupid at this critical moment? You really have long hair and short knowledge. You said that Xiangyun went to the south with us. What if something happens to you? How can we explain to the Rongguo Mansion?"

Mrs. Zhang still didn't understand, "What can happen if you go to the south?"

"You, you, why don't you understand! You said that from the capital to the south, if the climate is not acclimatized, if you get sick, or if there is a disaster, you will go there suddenly. What do you want us to do to compensate you to the Rongguo Mansion?"

"Impossible, I think our Xiangyun's body is quite strong, completely different from those delicate young ladies, how could we be so unlucky?" Mrs. Zhang didn't believe this, she didn't know about Xiangyun's body?It was made by beating, and it is different from those charming ladies in Rongguo Mansion.

"Okay, even if you think you are in good health, you said that there are so many young scholars in Jiangnan where there are so many young scholars, what if someone has the right eye with Xiangyun, what do you say?"

Mrs. Zhang burst out laughing, "Master, you are watching a play. Those scholars want to enter our mansion, it is more difficult than going to heaven, do they still want to see Xiangyun?"

Shi Nai really can't take it anymore, this lady is sometimes smart and sometimes not stupid, so just tell him directly, "Let me tell you straight, Xiangyun is now a member of the Rongguo Mansion, let's take it away I'm afraid it's inappropriate, it's better to stay in the Rongguo Mansion and let the old lady figure it out, besides, we don't know how many years it will take to return to the capital after we leave, what should we do if our elder nephew thinks we lied to him?"

Only now did Mrs. Zhang understand that Shi Nai wanted to send Shi Xiangyun to the Rongguo Mansion as a hostage.

Mrs. Zhang looked up at Shi Nai carefully. In the past, Shi Nai still had some human feelings. Why did he leave all these behind when he became an official now?
Shi Nai felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by her, and said with an unhappy face: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said? You look at me like this."

Seeing Shi Nai's face turned down, Mrs. Zhang didn't dare to say anything, besides, it was Xiangyun and not her own niece, so she didn't care what to do in the end, as long as she did her best.

"Master, since you said so, let's discuss it with the Rongguo Mansion and the old lady first, and see if she can help us take care of Xiangyun for a while, and take Xiangyun back to live in the mansion when we come back?" Mrs. Zhang spoke very euphemistically, but her meaning was similar to that of Shi Nai.

Shi Nai is satisfied now, "Tomorrow we will go to Rongguo Mansion to see the old lady, this time bring more gifts, we must thank aunt well."

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile: "It's up to you, master. I made preparations a few days ago. I just waited for the good news to come, and we went to thank the old lady."

Only then was Shi Nai satisfied, and then told her again: "Don't be petty this time. What happened when we arrived in Yangzhou?"

The things Mrs. Zhang originally prepared were only superficial. After hearing Shi Nai's words, she was a little reluctant, but she still agreed with a smile. She wanted to go back and prepare more generous gifts, so as not to let her master find fault.

Sister Zhang thought of Shi Nai's younger brother Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding after talking about it, so she asked, "Sir, do you want to go to my brother and talk about it. After all, we will not see each other for many years this time."

After hearing this, Shi Nai scratched his head a little. Over the years, he and this younger brother had some contact with each other except during the Chinese New Year, and they almost never saw each other.

This is also the method the two of them came up with. He still vividly remembers the dangerous incident more than ten years ago. In order to overcome the difficulties at the beginning and keep the historian from ruining his family, he and his younger brother discussed it. bet.

As a result, his younger brother got a marquis because of this, and although he followed the wrong person, firstly, he has no power, and secondly, the current emperor saw his father's death in battle, and did not pursue him, which allowed him to survive safely for so many years.Their family is considered the best among the four major families.

For example, the old Rongguo Duke of Rongguo Mansion died because of this. Although Jia She inherited the title, he was demoted several times.But in Ningguo Mansion, Jia Jing was so frightened that he went to become a Taoist priest, leaving behind a son. He only knew that being a fool was a prodigal.

Although the historian is safe and sound, and his younger brother even won the title because of this, but because he betrayed the four major families, he has less contact with the four major families over the years, and these people think he is a traitor, so they treat him in court. This younger brother is so difficult, and the emperor's people also think that this person's mind is impure and cannot be used, so his younger brother has been left idle.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, a monster appeared in the Rongguo Mansion, and in less than ten years, he went from a thousand households to the current power.Now the Rongguo Mansion has been revived again.

This makes the idea of ​​splitting up their bets look so stupid. If they were tied wholeheartedly to the four major families, it might have been a little bit harder in the past, but when Jia Ke developed, they would all benefit.

But it's useless to think about it now, and seeing the ups and downs in the court situation, Jia Ke and the emperor were fighting so happily that the two of them almost met each other.

Now I'm still thinking about the future. Since I decided to split the bets, there is only one way to go. His younger brother should continue to follow the emperor and continue to be his loyal minister and filial son.

And his elder brother will follow Jake, and no matter who wins, they will be able to keep their lineage of historians and will not be completely defeated.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. If you have anything to say, don't worry about him." Shi Nai seemed very angry, and left the study with a flick of his sleeves.

In fact, Mrs. Zhang didn't want to see this brother either. For so many years, she hadn't seen Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding help her family, nor had he come to greet her sister-in-law.

Now that I'm about to get rich, if this brother who is also poor and can't eat much comes up to fight the autumn wind, what can I do with my family? It's reasonable to say that it's reasonable to help them, but I think it's just a waste of money to give away. Who feels distressed in my heart, so I still listen to their master, leave him alone, and just live like this.

But it was said that at this time, the whole Bowling Hou's Mansion had spread, and their Lord Hou had been appointed as the magistrate of Yangzhou, so what kind of world would they go to this time.

As a result, many people became active, those who walked through the door, and those who gave gifts wanted to follow Shi Nai to Yangzhou.

When they were in the capital, they all had to stay in the mansion, because if they bumped into anyone on the street, they might have status, and how could they, servants, afford to offend them.

But it's different when it comes to Yangzhou, except for a few men, they belong to their masters.I heard that the salt merchants in Yangzhou live more luxuriously than the emperor in the palace, and their master is their parents' official, so they don't have to be filial to them.

As for my own servants, I can knock some money in a pretentious manner. Maybe I will make a lot of money when I come back this time, and I will never eat like I used to. Can't send it out.

On the surface, Shi Nai said that he didn't see his younger brother, but at night, a letter was secretly sent out of Baolinghou's residence.This letter is another time that their brothers stand separately in this court game.

This letter was sent to Shi Ding in Zhongjing Hou's mansion by one of Shi Nai's confidantes that night.

After Shi Ding received his brother's letter, he pondered for half the night, and finally burned the letter with a sigh.

It seems that there is a big danger this time, otherwise his elder brother would not be able to do that hedging thing again.

Shi Ding actually thought that Jia Ke had a better chance of winning this time. After all, the troops near the capital were under Jia Ke's control, and the emperor did not dare to act rashly.

But since his elder brother has made a decision, he will just follow suit, but this time he continues to bet on both sides, which is not pleasing to both sides, and I am afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty in the end.

But all of them had been secretly seen by others, and the content of this letter was quickly delivered to Jia Ke's desk.

Jia Ke saw the content of the letter that night.

After reading this letter, Jia Ke felt a little unhappy. It turned out that the historian was betting on both ends. It was the same time more than ten years ago, and it is also the same this time.This is the routine inherited from the ancient aristocratic family, and moved it to himself.

Just like when the Jurchens invaded the south, the Kong family was divided into the southern branch and the northern branch.

The one facing south said that it wanted to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, but the meaning there was just that the Kong family wanted to split their bets.The family of the northern branch took refuge in the Jurchens, and the family of the southern branch took refuge in the Southern Song Dynasty.At that time, no matter which court from the north and the south wins, the status of their Kong family will not be affected.

This time, the historian almost meant that. It seems that the historian was half-hearted, and even if he gained power in the end, this family couldn't make much use of it.

(End of this chapter)

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