Chapter 47
When Jia Ke returned to the room in the inner house, he had already prepared bath water for Chuncao and Qiaolian. Jia Ke took a comfortable bath and washed away the exhaustion of the past few days.

After taking a shower, I sat on the chair in the room and enjoyed the services of Chuncao and Qiaolian.Chuncao and Qiaolian still quarreled with each other in order to take care of Jia Ke's little things.It can be noisy for half a day.

After dinner in the evening, Jia Ke took a rest early, because he was really tired these days, mainly due to mental fatigue.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke got up early and began to practice Fang Tian's painting halberd as usual.Since he arrived at Xiacaozhuang, he actually didn't practice much. He either trained with the personal army or dealt with Zhuangzi's affairs.Every time he practiced, he spent three days fishing and two days drying the net. If it weren't for Lu Bu's courage to automatically integrate into his body, he didn't know if he could practice Lu Bu's Kung Fu.

Jia Ke swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, not only powerfully but also flexible.Fang Tian danced his halberd, and there was a cold light all around.Jia Ke couldn't help being intoxicated by Fang Tian's halberd painting, and he lost his strength before he knew it.Jia Ke's current body is not strong enough to support a weapon as heavy as Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Jia Ke stopped Fang Tian's painting of the halberd and began to practice the Spring and Autumn Daoyin method.Every time I complete the Spring and Autumn Daoyin Method, I feel a wave of heat flowing through my whole body. After practicing it only three or two times, my body's strength has recovered, and I feel that my body's strength has become stronger.

The next step is to practice Fang Tian's painting of halberds again, repeating this three times before stopping.

Back in the room, Qiaolian had already prepared the bath water.After a comfortable shower, I waited for breakfast.

After breakfast, Jia Ke walked around the village and talked with the old people in the village for a while.Then I went to several family members of the soldiers, watched their lives, and expressed condolences to their situation, and the whole morning passed like this.

After lunch, continue to practice Daoyin, which is the core of Lu Bu's martial arts.Regular practice will not only speed up the integration of Lu Bu's courage, but also continue to develop your body on the basis of Lu Bu's courage.

In this way, Jia Ke started a regular life.Practice Fang Tian's halberd-painting moves in the morning, and practice Spring and Autumn Daoyin in the afternoon. If you have time, go to the personal barracks to have a look and enhance your relationship with the soldiers.The next day, I rode a green-maned horse and practiced martial arts on horseback.As time went by, Jia Ke's martial arts and physical strength both improved significantly.

One morning a few days later, Qian Mao came to look for Jia Ke early, saw Jia Ke practicing Fang Tian's halberd painting, and waited aside.Wait until Jia Ke finishes practicing.Qian Mao hurried forward to pay respects, Jia Ke asked him to get up, "What do you want me to do?"

Qian Mao said, "Master, there is one more thing I would like to ask you to show me."

Jia Ke said: "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, don't ask mother-in-law or mother-in-law."

Qian Mao hurriedly said: "It's about Wangjiatun. Ever since Li An's accident happened, Wangjiatun hasn't been in charge, so I'm asking my uncle to show me, should I send a steward there?"

Jia Ke said, "Who do you recommend?"

Qian Mao said helplessly: "The little one really has no one to recommend. But yesterday Zhou Wang came to see the little one and said he wanted to give it a try."

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke understood that Zhou Wang really wanted to be the steward of Wangjiatun, but it was not easy for him to speak for himself, so he asked Qian Mao to intercede with him last night.Qian Mao couldn't save face, so he came to find himself.Some of them had just arrived, and Zhou Wang came to intercede with his old man and his daughter as his personal servant girl because of the situation.

Not to mention Qian Mao, I have to arrange the affairs of Wangjiatun these days. After all, such a big Zhuangzi's thousands of acres of land needs to be managed by someone.It's just that Jia Ke has been hesitating whether it is Yao Chuncao's father, Wu Zhong, or Qiaolian's father, Zhou Wang.

Psychologically speaking, he hoped to go to Wuzhong.But Wu Zhong's character is too honest, and he is afraid that he will not be able to suppress the villagers in Wangjiatun. You must know that the peasant's cunning is also very powerful.

As for Qiaolian's father, Zhou Wang, although he is tactful and can be regarded as Jia Ke's uncle, his behavior seems to make people feel uneasy.I'm afraid that he has some ghosts in his heart, and I don't know how to deal with him at that time, after all, there is still a relationship with Aunt Zhou.

Seeing Jia Ke thinking there and Qian Mao standing there waiting quietly, it was really like what Jia Ke was thinking just now.Zhou Wang went to him last night and gave him more than a dozen taels of silver.Let him intercede with Jia Ke, and send him to Wangjiatun as a steward.Qian Mao didn't want to agree, because he was already frightened by Jia Ke.Nanny Lai's family had great power in Jia's mansion, but because they learned about Jia Ke, their family was ruined overnight.The cause of Lai's mother's death is unknown, and all of Lai's family were sold out.Lai Er was beaten to death by Jia Zhen on the spot, and other family members were also sold.It was all because of Jia Ke.

So he didn't dare to accept Zhou Wang's money, but due to the favor of Aunt Zhou and Qiaolian, he still decided to talk to Jia Ke.How did Jia Ke decide in the end?It's not something he can control.

Jia Ke thought for a while, and decided that it would be more appropriate to let Zhou Wang go. Although he is smooth and selfish, he is still a person who can do things, and he can also suppress the peasants over there.Besides not letting him go, it's hard to explain to Aunt Zhou.Wu Zhong is still too honest, these things are not suitable for him to do, and when the family business grows, it would be more appropriate for him to be a warehouse manager or something.

So Jia Ke said to Qian Mao: "I think Wang Jiatun should let Zhou Wang go. You can find him later, and I have something to say."

After hearing Jia Ke's decision, Qian Mao quickly agreed.Seeing that Jia Ke was fine, he withdrew.

After Jia Ke finished practicing and took a bath, she sat in the room and drank tea.After a while, Qiaolian came in and said, Zhou Wang asked to see her.Looking at Qiaolian's smiling face, Jia Ke didn't know what to say.Did she think that it was because of her that she was allowed to go to Wangjiacun to work as a steward on weekends?But since it is a beautiful misunderstanding, let Qiaolian continue to misunderstand it.Jia Ke nodded and let Zhou Wang in.

After Zhou Wang entered the room, he saluted Jia Ke first.Then he stood aside and listened to Jia Ke's lecture honestly, as if he was such an honest person.

Jia Ke had seen through him a long time ago, ignored him, and drank tea slowly.After a while, I said to him: "Do you know about the matter of sending you to Wangjiatun?"

Zhou Wang replied respectfully: "Yes, Steward Qian told me. Thank you for your promotion."

Jia Ke said: "I didn't want you to go, because your personality is very similar to Li An's, and I was afraid that you would repeat the same mistakes as Li An."

Hearing Jia Ke's words, Zhou Wang said to Jia Ke seriously: "Don't worry, sir, I will never make the mistake of Li An. I can't guarantee that I'm not greedy at all, but I can still hold myself in the face of big right and wrong." Yes. I will never cause trouble for the uncle."

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke said with satisfaction: "I was worried about you, but after hearing what you just said, I don't worry too much. People have self-knowledge, know what to do, what to do. You can’t do it. You can continue to be in charge.” Jia Ke also knows that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, and some things cannot be completely avoided.

Zhou Wang hurriedly said: "Thank you for your teaching, sir, Zhou Wang will never forget it."

Jia Ke told him everything he could say, but how much he could remember was up to him.So he said: "In that case, let's go back and tidy up later, let's go to Wangjiatun in a day or two. As for the rent, we used to clean up [-]% of the rent in our house. You can handle it accordingly when you go. "

Zhou Wang asked again: "What about Li An's house in Wangjiatun?"

Jia Ke glanced at him and knew what he was thinking.She also said to him clearly: "You live in the first yard of the house, and you seal the second yard after you enter the house."

Zhou Wang replied disappointedly: "Understood, I will follow my uncle's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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