The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 477 Appointments

Chapter 477 Appointments
The ministers below saw that the emperor had made a decision, so the major policy was decided like this, and there was nothing to change except going north to defend against the enemy, so they knelt down together and shouted long live, which was considered to have agreed to this decision.

Only Jia Ke stood there alone without saying a word. The emperor looked at Jia Ke and was about to get angry, but he seemed to remember something immediately, so he endured it.

The emperor now acts as if Jia Ke is an invisible person, as if he didn't see him at all.

When the other ministers stood up, the emperor asked again: "Where are you planning to transfer troops from? How many troops are you going to transfer?"

Lei Ying, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up first and said: "Your Majesty, I think that it is better to mobilize troops from several provinces near the capital as soon as possible. It is enough to gather 30 troops."

Liu Yu also stood up and said: "I agree with Lord Lei's opinion. This time is very different from the last time. Last time, the troops of the provinces had to leave a large part of the defense. If the Tatars defeated the reinforcements and went south , Now there is no need to think about gathering all the troops to go north."

The emperor nodded after listening, "You are right, now is the time to use these troops. Throw them all into the north, and go to the Gubeikou to resist the Tatars. Even if this army is defeated, there are still Gubei troops behind." Beikou, and the tens of 10 people in the capital, will not be a big deal."

Jia Ke now felt a cool wind blowing on the back of his neck, which made him shiver uncontrollably.At the same time, he became alert in his heart. It seemed that this time things were not unusual.

According to what the emperor said, he wanted to keep all the soldiers and horses in the capital, and none of them went north. All the soldiers and horses were mobilized from the surrounding provinces.

Thinking of this, Jia Ke already understood that the emperor wanted to get rid of herself, and it seemed that they were going to appoint herself as the commander-in-chief of the north.

If ordinary ministers let the emperor do this, leaving behind their direct descendants, and taking their generals to the north, I am afraid that they will be cut off by these people before they meet the Tatars. The head was presented to the emperor.

The emperor then asked Lei Ying: "Since you have decided to transfer people near the capital? So how many ministries should there be? You have an idea."

Lei Ying stood in the middle and said with confidence: "When this matter came, I had already made up my mind. You can order Taiyuan Jiedu envoy Wang Zuo to command 5 horses, Baoding Jiedu envoy Chunyuhua to command 3 horses, and Qingzhou Jiedu envoy to command 3 horses. Make Huangling command 2 horses, Laizhou Jiedu envoy Guo Min command 2 horses, Shandong general Lin Feng command 20 horses, and Henan general Lu Bin command [-] horses. There will be more than [-]. Wait for these troops to gather After that, head north to defend against the enemy."

The emperor then asked: "Then what should we do if the Tatars attack Gubeikou at this time?"

Hearing this, Lei Ying said with confidence: "Your Majesty, don't panic. You forgot that there are 5 horses from the Xiaoqi Battalion in the north. Let the Xiaoqi Battalion go north in advance to help defend Gubeikou. In this way, the Tatars will not be able to break through the Gubeikou for a while. North exit."

After hearing this, the emperor happily walked down the imperial steps and came to Lei Ying, grabbed his hand and said, "Mr.

Jia Ke watched their monarchs and ministers interacting there, and for some reason wanted to laugh. When this episode was on Earth, the TV series had already been played badly.I didn't expect that I could see the real life now.

After sighing, the emperor returned to the throne.Then he said: "Since that's the case, now we're short of a commander-in-chief. Do you have any recommendations for my love?"

Standing below, Jia Ke felt very leisurely. It seemed that this hard work would fall on her head no matter what. She didn't have to fight or grab it, and the emperor would send the tens of thousands of horses to her.

Sure enough, as Jia Ke expected, Lei Ying stood up and said righteously: "My minister sees that the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty can lead the army, and the non-military minister Jia Ke who can resist the Tatars is none other than Jia Ke. Master Jia can fight for the championship, and When he was at the border, he knew the habits of the Tatars, and he defeated the Tatars in the capital, so letting him lead the army must be a victory."

After hearing this, the emperor's face darkened immediately, as if he didn't want Jia Ke to lead the army, "Jia Aiqing is the head minister of the imperial court's military aircraft department. He is in charge of the world's major affairs. I can't do without him for a moment. You can choose another one." other people."

After listening to the emperor's words, Liu Yu stepped out of the squad, knelt down in the center of the hall and said, "Your Majesty, there is no one in the world who is more suitable to lead the army than Mr. Jia. Your Majesty, please put the overall situation first."

Sun Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, saw Liu Yu knelt down and remonstrated with the emperor. Sun Yan had always followed Liu Yu's lead in the military aircraft department, so he also came out to remonstrate with the emperor: "Master Jia has been in battle for a long time, and he is also admonishing the emperor. The Tatars have never been defeated in a war. There is no one else who is more suitable in the court, please put the overall situation first.”

After listening to Sun Yan's words, Liu Yu couldn't help but nodded in his heart. This person followed him very closely, and he could be regarded as his team member.After a while, apart from Jia Ke, he became the chief minister of the military aircraft department, and Sun Yan could be his assistant, which was considered a promotion for him.

Sitting on it, the emperor looked gloomy and uncertain, and finally said reluctantly: "In that case, let's appoint Jia Aiqing as the commander-in-chief this time."

Jia Ke didn't agree right away, but cupped his hands and said to the emperor: "I have been away from the army for a long time, and my martial arts are a little rusty. Now I may not be able to defeat the Tatars by sending me to the north. I think it is suitable for the Minister of War, Mr. Lei."

After Jia Ke said this, she stood aside again, which meant that it was impossible for me to go north.

Liu Yu was a little anxious when he saw Jia Ke, but you are not sad, isn't my strategy just a waste of all previous efforts?So he stood up and bowed to Jia Ke.

"Lord Jia, I think you should not refuse. Don't you know the generals in this world? You are the only one who can fight the Tatars in the field. This time you go out for the country, and you will surely be immortal in the future."

A sarcastic smile appeared on Jia Ke's face, "I don't dare to be credited with the eternal merits." Then she looked at Liu Yu and said, "To save my life and enjoy the rest of my life, that's all I wish for."

Lei Ying was listening to Jia Ke's words, and he already knew, maybe he already saw that something was wrong this time, so he hurried out and said, "Master Jia, it is indeed very urgent for the army to go north this time, you are looking at it for the sake of the Supreme Emperor." As for the promotion, please don't refuse."

After listening to these few words, Jia Ke was annoyed. It seemed that they wanted to let themselves go north no matter what, and the Supreme Emperor's kindness was fully drawn out. In this case, they followed their wish, which can be regarded as repaying the Supreme Emperor's last. Since then, there will be no debt to each other.

So Jia Ke stood up again with a gloomy face and said to the emperor: "Since Master Lei has said that I want this humble minister to repay the Supreme Emperor's kindness for promotion, then this humble minister can no longer refuse, and I will risk my life to accompany you." Gentleman, let the minister lead the expedition this time going north."

The emperor couldn't see the smile on his face when he heard this, "Then there will be Lao Aiqing, so it's settled. This time, Jia Qing will go north to take command of the expedition."

So the people in the hall knelt down together and shouted long live three times.After the others stood up, Jia Ke continued to kneel there, and said a lot of words of gratitude to the emperor above.Then he stood up and returned to the class.

After appointing Jia Ke as marshal, the emperor continued: "The hundreds of thousands of troops going out to fight in the fortress, according to the rules, there must be a supervising army. Who do you think is suitable?"

This time everyone was in a dilemma, and finally Lei Ying stood up and said: "Since Mr. Jia has left the Military Aircraft Department, the Military Aircraft Department has to keep people, so I recommend myself to be the supervisor."

Liu Yu nodded and felt that Lei Ying was more suitable. First, because he was the Minister of the Ministry of War and he was familiar with the affairs of the army.The second is that this trip is not only to monitor Jia Ke, but also has more important tasks, which also need to be done by him, who is familiar with a Jiedu envoy.

So Liu Yu also came out of the class and said: "I also think that Mr. Lei is more suitable, please grant the emperor's permission."

The emperor nodded, and then said: "Since everyone recommends it, then I will not violate the public opinion. I appointed Lei Ying, Minister of the Ministry of War, as the supervisor of the Northern Expedition. I will issue an imperial decree, and then your military aircraft will transfer troops from various places. Go north, don't use the Tatars to ravage the Central Plains."

Seeing that the emperor appointed Lei Ying as the supervisor this time, Jia Ke knew that the emperor was not at ease with herself. This time, Lei Ying was monitoring her first, and secondly, she might get rid of herself in the barracks if she had the opportunity.

After Jia Ke figured it out, she kept sneering on her face. Since that's the case, I'll let you be happy for a while.

Soon Xia Shouzhong next to him drew up the imperial decree on behalf of the emperor, and then knelt there according to the rules, holding his hands up for the emperor to see.

The emperor stood there and looked at it carefully, and it was written on it that Jia Ke was appointed as the Marshal of the Army and Horses to lead the troops to the north to resist the Tatars.Lei Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is the supervisor of the army, monitoring the actions of the troops.

The emperor nodded after reading it, and Xia Shouzhong immediately sent the imperial edict to the emperor's court case.

"Go get the emperor's letter Baolai."

After listening to the emperor's words, Xia Shouzhong slowly exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After a while, he fetched a yellow cloth package, went to the emperor's imperial case, opened it gently, and took out a pair of white jade seals inside.

The emperor took the jade seal, accumulated it on the inkpad, and then stamped it on the imperial decree.

After the emperor finished using the jade seal, he even rolled it up in the hands of Xia Shouzhong who was on the side of the tunnel.

After Xia Shouzhong took the imperial decree, he stepped down to the front of the jacket and raised his hands high.

Jia Ke had no choice but to kneel down again, receiving the imperial edict with both hands.Only then did he stand up again, holding the imperial decree in his arms.

When the emperor saw that Jia Ke received the imperial edict, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he said with a smile on his face: "Jia Aiqing, this time you will have to work hard. You must take care of your health this time, the court can leave I won't let you go."

Seeing the emperor's smiling face, Jia Ke felt very tired in his heart, but he had to kneel down again and said: "This time, I will definitely live up to the emperor's expectations, defeat the Tatars, and return in triumph. "

(End of this chapter)

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