The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 487 Secret Decree

Chapter 487 Secret Decree
When the capital fell into silence, Jia Ke left Miyun with tens of 10 horses.Heading towards Gubeikou.

And Lei Ying is now in the camp, thinking about when to act.After all, as soon as Jia Ke arrives at Gubeikou, there will be [-] of his elite to join him, plus knowing that there are no Tatars in the north, all the emperor's schemes will be revealed, so Lei Ying discussed with the emperor that he must arrive at Gubeikou. Jia Ke was dealt with before Beikou.

On the night of leaving Miyun, Lei Ying secretly recruited several Jiedu envoys and general soldiers into his account.

When several important generals have arrived.Lei Ying stood in the center and said to them: "These are all loyal ministers of the emperor. This time, the emperor asked me to inform you of something with a secret decree."

These few people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Lei Ying was doing?He secretly summoned them to a meeting in the camp behind Jia Ke's back.

Lei Ying saw their doubts, "Several generals, over the years, Jia Ke has relied on the favor of the Supreme Emperor to control the court and ignore the emperor. He has even deceived the emperor many times. How can we, the courtiers, see The emperor is humiliated."

When Lei Ying said this and looked at the people below, these generals had already understood what Lei Ying meant, and they all showed a look of shock.

Lei Ying naturally understood the fear in their hearts. After all, Jia Ke has been in control of the court for several years, and he also has elite soldiers under him. If he doesn't succeed this time, he might die.

Lei Ying knew that with his few empty words, he could not impress these generals.After all, without proof, he was about to launch a mutiny. I am afraid that these generals would not follow him.

So Lei Ying took out a yellow silk from his bosom, he gently opened it and showed it in front of several generals.

A few people came forward to see that it turned out to be the decree that Lei Ying said just now, and saw that it read: Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the edict said: Jia Ke deceived the emperor and plotted against the law, and ordered Lei Ying to lead the six towns. So, the general army will eliminate the country's thieves, so as to ensure the peace of the world, I respect this.

After these people finished watching, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally knelt down together and said to Lei Ying: "I will follow the orders of Lord Lei and serve the emperor."

Lei Ying was only satisfied when he saw that they had obeyed his orders.Go forward and help them up one by one.

"You don't have to worry. After this time, each of you will be promoted to honor your ancestors."

These generals clasped their fists again in excitement and said, "Thank you Lord Lei for your promotion. We will definitely obey your orders and eliminate the country's thieves together."

Lei Ying nodded, he felt at ease now.He was afraid that some of these people would follow Jia Ke wholeheartedly, so he suddenly shouted to let Jia Ke know the information, and with Jia Ke's force and his BMW, he would be able to break out of the battle soon.Then the emperor will be in danger.

"Since you have already pledged your allegiance to the emperor, let's do it tomorrow. Please put forward any suggestions you have." Although Lei Ying is the minister of the Ministry of War, he is not very good at military affairs, so now he wants to ask these few people first. General, let's see what they can do to be safe.

As the military governor of Taiyuan, Wang Zuo commanded the most soldiers among these people, and Jia Ke's camp was stationed in his camp.So he took the initiative to say: "Why don't we take Jia Ke down in one fell swoop in the Chinese army tent tomorrow morning when Jia Ke is beating the drums and gathering the generals."

When Lei Ying heard that this plan was exactly what he wanted, "Then how many troops should we send? You all know Jia Ke's force, if you send too few people, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold him."

Wang Zuo thought for a while and said, "Why don't we send one thousand of the most elite troops from each of the six divisions, and then lay in ambush near the big tent of the Chinese army. As long as the lord gives an order, these people will disarm Jia Ke's personal soldiers, and then Rushed into the tent and hacked Jia Ke to death."

Lei Ying was a little hesitant, "It's not good, Jia Ke still has merit, so if he kills him directly, I'm afraid the people in the world will think that the emperor is jealous and can't tolerate others."

In Lei Ying's heart, she still wanted to capture Jia Ke alive and send them to the emperor to clear the palace so that it would be perfect.

Qingzhou Jiedu made Huang Ling a little annoyed after hearing Lei Ying's words, "Does your lord know who Jia Ke is? Has your lord seen his bravery? We saw it with our own eyes before the battle. If we can't kill him unexpectedly , let Jia Ke get a chance to escape, none of us will survive."

Several other Jiedu Envoys and Chief Soldier also agreed and said: "What Master Huang said is right, if Jia Ke is allowed to escape, when he gathers his forces, none of us will survive, even the emperor will inevitably die. "

Lei Ying thought for a while and felt that what they said was also reasonable. Not only did Jia Ke have hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the capital, but he also had his elite in Xuanfu Town and Liaodong Town.If all these armies are gathered together, the world will change color.

"Okay, let's do as you said. Tomorrow morning, you will follow my orders and kill Jia Ke together. When you return to Beijing, I will be credited by you." Lei Ying finally made up his mind.

Seeing that Lei Yin had made up his mind, Wang Zuo said, "In this way, let's make preparations now. The other generals quickly gather the elite into my camp. Let's fight together tomorrow. We must not let Jia Ke escape."

Several other generals nodded together, then looked at Lei Ying together and asked him to give an order.

Lei Ying did not hesitate to order now: "All the generals will immediately respond to the Central Committee to rectify the troops and select the elite. After a while, they will be in General Wang Zuo's camp to listen to his arrangements, and secretly lurk near Jia Ke's big tent. We will do things tomorrow morning." .”

After receiving the order, everyone left.After these generals left, a dark figure soon entered Lei Ying's tent.

Lei Ying wasn't surprised to see this black shadow coming in, but asked naturally: "Where did they all go? Is there any suspicious action?"

"Don't worry, my lord. These generals are still loyal to the emperor. Just now, after leaving the big tent, I went back to the camp to count the troops. My spies in the camps have already seen it clearly." The black shadow said respectfully.

Lei Ying felt relieved when he heard the news, he just felt powerless now, Lei Ying supported the table and walked to the chair, and sat down all at once.

The facts just now are too dangerous. As long as one of these people reports to Jia Ke, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"You continue to monitor their actions, and if they have anything suspicious, come and report it to me immediately." Lei Ying instructed the shadow.

The black shadow nodded, and then asked again: "I don't know what orders the adults have. If there is nothing wrong, the little ones will leave first."

Lei Ying waved his hand, "Go ahead if you have something to do."

Hearing that Lei Ying was fine, the black figure quietly withdrew from his tent.disappeared into the night.

Lei Ying sat on the chair, thinking about how to deal with Jia Ke in the big tent tomorrow, as well as possible changes.

After thinking about it, Jia Ke was surrounded by 6000 to [-] people, and he might not be able to escape even if he spread his wings.

Lei Ying finally thought that there was no flaw, and then went to bed.But this night was tossing and turning, and he didn't feel sleepy until it was almost dawn.

Lei Ying didn't sleep well during the war, and the other Jiedu envoys and general soldiers simply didn't sleep all night.

After these leading generals returned to their camp, they did not act immediately.

As the Jiedu envoy of Taiyuan Town, Wang Zuo has the most troops. If a mutiny is initiated, it will be in his battalion, so naturally he will be the main force.

Wang Zuo stayed in his big tent until midnight, and then he called his own soldiers, "Is there anyone watching near our big tent, you send someone to show me quietly. If there is any wrongdoer, don't The matter was dealt with immediately by me."

The guards took a look at their Jiedu envoys, and felt strange, since he was in his own camp, who would dare to spy on him, the chief general.

But the soldier did not dare to disobey, quietly went out of the gate, called his companions, and quickly checked around Wang Zuo's tent, no suspicious personnel were found, and then returned to Wang Zuo's tent and reported.

Wang Zuo got the news, thought for a while during the battle, and then secretly wrote a letter, which was entered into Jia Ke's account.

It turned out that Wang Zuo was already Jia Ke's man, but just now in Lei Ying's account, he didn't know what the other leading generals meant, so he didn't have the guts to object immediately, he was afraid that those few people would be in Lei Ying's account killed him.

Going back to my account now, I think it's better to send a message to Jia Ke first, so that they can get ready.

After the letter was delivered, Mr. Wang walked back and forth in the tent anxiously. He didn't know how Jia Ke would react when he got the news.You won't get angry, raise troops immediately, and then defeat several other Jiedushi and Zongbing in one fell swoop.

While Wang Zuo was thinking wildly, the soldier who delivered the letter quietly entered the big tent.

"My lord, the reply letter from our marshal."

As soon as Wang Zhuo heard that Jia Ke had a reply, he immediately said, "Where is the letter? Get it quickly and let me see."

The soldier sent the letter immediately. After Wang Zhuo opened it and observed it carefully, he finally breathed a sigh of relief after reading the letter.

Sure enough, their commander-in-chief had arranged it long ago, and he just had to follow the orders in the letter.

Besides, Lei Ying hadn't slept in his tent for long, and his guards were calling his name outside.

As soon as Lei Ying heard the movement outside, she immediately got up from the bed.As soon as he woke up, he saw his guard come in and report to him, "My lord, the envoy Wang Jiedu has been waiting outside for a long time, and I don't know whether to let him in."

"Useless trash, don't hurry to report to Wang Jiedu envoy when he arrives." After finishing speaking, Lei Ying put on his clothes and left the big tent.

After Lei Ying came out, she saw Wang Zuo in military uniform, standing in the morning light.

"Master Wang is here, why don't you let them report it, and wait here for this scholar." Lei Ying said very modestly.

Although Wang Zuo was polite when he saw Lei Ying, he didn't dare to be negligent.Immediately stepped forward to salute Lei Ying.

Then he cupped his hands and said, "Lord Lei is ready for everything, we just wait for his order."

(End of this chapter)

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