The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 497: Forcing the Palace 2

Chapter 497: Forcing the Palace 2
Although the Supreme Emperor explained it in this way, he forgot the conflict between the emperor and the empress dowager.Once he passed away, these two people would probably fight together, how could they help each other.

After listening to the words of the Supreme Emperor, the emperor was filled with grief and indignation. His own country was in a prosperous age, how could there be such a powerful minister?Is it really time, luck, and fate?
Seeing the emperor's sad and indignant expression, the Supreme Emperor also felt a little uncomfortable. His life was almost over, and he had enjoyed all that should be enjoyed.But after he left, he left a mess to his emperor, thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Fan Kang, who was standing below, looked at them impatiently, "The Supreme Emperor, Your Majesty, I don't know if you have considered it clearly. If you have considered it clearly, make an order as soon as possible."

The Supreme Emperor patted the Emperor on the shoulder, and said softly to him: "Go, write a decree to him, this time I really wronged you."

The emperor gritted his teeth after listening to the Taishanghuang's words, and finally held back his temper. He came to the royal case, picked up a pen, brushed on a blank imperial edict, and finished writing an imperial edict. After finishing writing, he put the pen aside. Throw it away and stop talking.

Fan Kang was not angry either, he went straight up the imperial steps, came to the imperial case, picked up the imperial decree and looked at it carefully, and saw a few simple lines written on it: Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Jia Ke has made outstanding contributions, He was specially granted the title of Duke of Yan, and the prime minister led the general's military.This is it. "

Fan Kang was very satisfied with it, and then said to the emperor: "Please use the seal, Your Majesty."

The emperor was very helpless, and said to Xia Shouzhong next to him: "Take the emperor's treasure."

Xia Shouzhong didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately went to the Qing palace and harem, and walked in after a while holding a sandalwood box.

Xia Shouzhong went up the imperial steps again, came to the emperor's side, put the jade seal in front of the emperor, then glanced at the emperor, and then stepped aside.

With trembling hands, the emperor opened the box, and took out a jade seal with a twisted dragon button. The emperor felt that some of these seals were worth a thousand gold.

Zheng Kai stood aside watching the emperor's delay in stamping the jade seal, and was a little anxious. He stepped forward a few steps, came to the emperor's side, snatched the jade seal from the emperor's hand, dipped it in the ink pad a few times, Then it was covered on the imperial decree.

Then Zheng Kai picked up the zongzi and brought it to Fan Kang, saying: "Look, sir, the imperial decree has already sealed the jade seal, so is this the end?"

Fan Kang glanced at the imperial decree, and finally put his eyes on the Supreme Emperor, "The Supreme Emperor, please take out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and use it again on this imperial edict."

After the Taishang Emperor heard this, his eyes lit up a few times, and then he forced a smile and said: "It's just a canonized imperial decree, so there's no need to pass on the imperial seal, right?"

Fan Kang glanced at the Supreme Emperor with gloomy eyes, and now he just stared at the Supreme Emperor with a cold war, "Your Majesty, I think it's better to invite the Chuan Guo Yuxi, so that everyone will not be careless in the end."

In fact, in Fan Kang's mind, the Imperial Seal belonged to Jia Ke in the first place, and now he is asking the emperor for the Imperial Seal because he wants it to return to its original owner.

Once the Taishang Emperor got the Chuanguo Yuxi, he could never return to the palace, but he had no choice but to say to Dai Quan: "Go and get the Chuanguo Yuxi."

Dai Quan was at a loss for what to do now, he never expected that someone like Jia Ke, who he could easily crush to death before, would now be able to force the palace to commit crimes.

When Dai Quan heard the emperor's order, he hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and left the Qianqing Palace and went to Ningshou Palace.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Ningshou Palace, he saw Jia Yuanchun holding the empress dowager at the gate of Ningshou Palace, waiting anxiously.

As soon as Dai Quan saw Jia Yuanchun, he immediately fought a cold war. The current Jia Yuanchun is not as good as before. She will be named queen by the emperor soon, and Jia Yuanchun's brother is now in power and will soon become Now that the emperor is established, how can I, an eunuch, dare to be negligent in the slightest.

So Dai Quan didn't care about the empress dowager and came directly in front of Jia Yuanchun, and knelt down with a plop, "Servant Dai Quan, please greet your mother, your mother is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

Jia Yuanchun was a little surprised, she didn't expect Dai Quan to ignore the empress dowager and salute her first.So Jia Yuanchun took a careful look at the empress dowager, and was relieved to see that the empress dowager didn't have any angry expression.

"Eunuch Dai, get up." Jia Yuanchun said gently.

After hearing the order, Dai Quan dared to stand up.

At this time, the empress dowager asked, "What are you doing back? What's the matter with the emperor?"

Dai Quan carefully looked at Jia Yuanchun Ye, then lowered his head and said: "The emperor named Jia Niangniang's elder brother, Lord Jia Ke, Duke of Yan, and the prime minister to lead the military. He needs to use the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and the Supreme Emperor asked his slaves to fetch it. "

After listening to Dai Quan's words, the Empress Dowager felt anxious, glared at Jia Yuanchun next to her, raised her hand and pushed her away.

Dai Quan, who was kneeling aside, saw that Jia Yingchun was a little unsteady and fell to the side. He immediately got up and took a step forward to block the direction of Jia Yuanchun's fall with his back.

Jia Yuanchun was suddenly pushed and lost his balance, thinking that he was about to fall, but he suddenly felt something supporting him, she squinted, and it turned out that Dai Quan had come to her side.

Jia Yuanchun is very grateful to Dai Quan now, otherwise he would have made a big embarrassment.

After Jia Yuanchun stabilized her body, she raised her eyes to stare at the empress dowager, and she was also a little angry. At the same time, she was no longer as afraid of the empress dowager after hearing Dai Quan's words just now.

The women in the harem are not as good as the wind and the wind. Every one of them is one-on-one, even Jia Yuanchun is no exception. He just heard Dai Quan say that his elder brother will soon be alone. Chao Gang, now his heart is also up.

The empress dowager became even more angry when she saw that Dai Quan went to curry favor with Jia Yuanchun regardless of her face.He said to the eunuch and maid next to him, "Let this bitch Jia be imprisoned in the cold palace. No one is allowed to release her without my order."

A few maids and eunuchs at the side immediately stepped forward to do something, but Dai Quan shouted at the side: "Stop it, don't back down, can you move such a noble lady as Jia?"

The eunuchs next to the empress dowager naturally knew who Dai Quan was, and seeing him stop him now, they felt a bit in a dilemma.

Dai Quan didn't care about these people, he turned around, carefully supported Jia Yuanchun, and then said flatteringly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as there are servants here, no one will hurt your Majesty."

Then Dai Quan yelled to the surroundings, "They are all blind or deaf, haven't you seen our house, have I returned yet?"

After Dai Quan shouted, he immediately ran out from all directions. Dozens of eunuchs knelt in front of Dai Quan together, calling them ancestors.

The empress dowager saw this situation until Dai Quan, and now she has stood by Jia Yuanchun's side.She can't afford it now, Jia Yuanchun can't do it anymore.

Jia Yuanchun looked at the situation around him, and then he also threw away the fear of the empress dowager, and said to the empress dowager with a smile: "Ms. Into the limbo."

The empress dowager stared at Jia Yuanchun grimly and said, "Your family's soldiers and horses have already arrived at the Qianqing Palace, and you are still here playing tricks on me?"

After Jia Yuanchun heard it, he laughed: "Since the Empress Dowager knows that my brother sent troops to Qianqing Palace, she still dares to imprison me in the cold palace, don't you want to save my family's life?"

The empress dowager was shocked when she heard this, she was only concerned about dealing with Jia Yuanchun and went out, but forgot about it.

So the empress dowager gritted her teeth and thought for a while, then stepped back a few steps and stopped talking.

Dai Quan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the empress dowager had retreated. The empress dowager was a staunch person, and she had some skill in her hands, so he really couldn't beat her.

Now that the empress dowager backed down, Dai Quan immediately commanded the people below with arrogance: "You monkey bastards, look carefully at Mrs. Jia, if there is a slight bump, I want your nine clans to accompany you .”

After Dai Quan said this, he didn't even look at the Empress Dowager, and went straight into Ningshou Palace, and soon came out holding a Ming Emperor's parcel.

Holding the package, Haiquan first came to Jia Yuanchun, bowed and gave him a salute, and then said flatteringly: "Your Majesty, the slave has something to go ahead, and if you have anything to do, please tell these monkey cubs. "

And Jia Yuanchun's mind has also undergone a huge change now. Just now she was only relying on instinct to confront the empress dowager. In fact, she was a little guilty in her heart. Now seeing that Dai Quan is respectful to herself and dare not be negligent, She really felt a slight difference.

At this time, Baoqin quietly came to Jia Yuanchun's side, stretched out his hand to support Jia Yuanchun, and then said quietly: "Miss, is our uncle really going to be the prime minister?"

This sentence once again reminded Jia Yuanchun that as long as Jia Ke was leading the army in front of the prime minister, no one in this world would dare to show the slightest bit of disrespect to him.

At this moment, Jia Yuanchun also began to feel full of confidence. She looked back at the empress dowager, and then said: "Yes, it seems that my elder brother is really going to be the prime minister and lead the general army. Otherwise, how could our empress dowager do this?" Desperate."

As soon as she finished saying this, Dai Quan came to him and knelt down again, "Your Majesty is a thousand years old, this servant has something to do ahead of time, so I can't serve you here, Your Majesty, if you have anything to do, please tell the servants under our house These little eunuchs are."

Jia Yingchun nodded and said to him: "The things ahead are important, you go first."

After hearing what Jia Yingchun told him to go, Dai Quan dared to stand up, left Ningshou Palace, and went back to Qianqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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