Chapter 499
Not long after Dai Quan left, Xia Shouzhong hurried into the Qianqing Palace with a few imperial physicians.

The emperor came to see the imperial doctor, and hurriedly stepped aside and said, "Quick, you guys hurry up and see how the emperor is doing."

These imperial doctors looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Lu Jin, the head of the imperial hospital.

There was no need for Lu Jin to give way until now, so he came to the imperial steps panting, walked to the throne of the Supreme Emperor to calm down, and then stretched out his hand to put on the wrist of the Supreme Emperor.

As soon as he checked the Taishanghuang's pulse, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that the Taishanghuang's current pulse was as thin as a gossamer, intermittent and intermittent.From his point of view, it was already powerless.

Lu Jin stepped aside after taking the emperor's pulse, and said to the other imperial physicians: "Everyone, come up and take a look. After all, I am old, and I am afraid that I may not be able to see for sure."

After listening to Lu Jin's words, several other imperial physicians reluctantly climbed up the imperial steps, and then took turns to diagnose the Taishang Emperor's pulse.

Sure enough, after they checked the pulse one by one, their complexions became bad.

The emperor watched anxiously from the side and asked: "How is the Supreme Emperor? With so many of you reading it, you must give an explanation."

All the imperial physicians, look at me, I think you finally focused your attention on Lu Jin.

Lu Jin had no choice but to come out of work again and report to the emperor: "Report to the emperor, I am afraid that the Supreme Emperor is not well. Please, the emperor immediately cook Shengmaisan for the Supreme Emperor. It may be salvageable."

The emperor also knew the rules in the palace. In the palace, if the emperor and the empress dowager died of critical illness, they would have to take Shengmaisan at the end. This prescription can be regarded as a secret in the palace. case, almost all emperors had to use this prescription to save one or two when they were dying.

But from another point of view, as long as the imperial physician said to use Shengmaisan, it was already the emperor's last moment.

The emperor thought about it, and said to the imperial physician: "So, go down and make Shengmaisan as soon as possible, and send it to the Supreme Emperor immediately."

After listening to the emperor's words, Lu Jin himself quickly exited the main hall of Qianqing Palace, went to the side hall next to it to prepare medicine, and personally brewed Shengmaisan for the Supreme Emperor.

At this time, Dai Quan also took the empress dowager and Jia Yuanchun into the Qianqing Palace.As soon as they arrived at the Qianqing Palace, they saw the Supreme Emperor leaning on the throne, and the emperor and several eunuchs stood by and waited on him.

When the empress dowager saw it, she quickly came to the empress dowager's side. Tears streamed down her face and she couldn't stop crying. The empress dowager couldn't move now.

The Supreme Emperor felt that although the Empress Dowager was not as good as his childhood sweetheart like the Empress Yuan, he had been by his side all these years, and he could be regarded as his old companion. Now that he was leaving, he didn't know who would be able to take care of her.

Moreover, I didn't leave any protection for her at that time. I am afraid that I can't save her life because of the emperor's resentment towards the empress dowager.

It seems that the empress dowager will meet him soon, but this is also good, so as not to leave him alone in the world.

Although the empress dowager was crying there, she looked at the emperor with expectant eyes, wanting him to leave some guarantees for herself, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to pass with the emperor.

Although the Supreme Emperor saw the eyes of the Empress Dowager, he ignored it, because he knew that no matter how big his will was, the emperor would not insist on carrying it out.In this way, the emperor will be infamy, and Jia Ke will gain advantage.

When the Empress Dowager saw the indifference of the Supreme Emperor to her eyes, she also began to feel distressed. She had made great contributions to the royal family in her life. She was pregnant and still carried a gun to block the attack of Prince Yizhong. , otherwise, my own children have grown up now, and it's just a normal thing to want to rule the world. I didn't expect the Supreme Emperor to be so ruthless now.

And Jia Yuanchun stood by the imperial steps, not knowing what to do?After all, her status is a bit embarrassing, she is just an ordinary concubine, and now with the Supreme Emperor, even the queen has never appeared, so her status is a bit embarrassing.

When the Supreme Emperor saw Jia Yuanchun, he reluctantly raised his hand and beckoned to her.

The emperor knew what the Supreme Emperor meant, and when he turned around, Jia Yuanchun said, "The Supreme Emperor has something to tell you, come up quickly."

Only then did Jia Yuanchun dare to go up the imperial steps, and knelt down beside the Supreme Emperor with his own hands.

The Supreme Emperor looked at Jia Yuanchun with a smile on his face and said, "My son is impatient, so I will rely on you from now on. If there is anything wrong with him, you have to take care of him."

Jia Yuanchun also felt the sad atmosphere that the Supreme Emperor was about to die, and his eyes turned red, and he knelt there and said, "Don't worry, the Supreme Emperor, I will do my best to take good care of the Emperor."

The Supreme Emperor didn't say anything else, just took out a jade ruyi from his sleeve, and tremblingly put it into Jia Yuanchun's hand.

Then he said in an intermittent tone: "You take this Yu Ruyi. From now on, if the emperor is disobedient, you will use this Yu Ruyi to punish him. You must let him live in the harem with peace of mind."

Jia Yuanchun was at a loss when he heard this, ah, he didn't expect that the Supreme Emperor would give her such a jade wish in the end, asking her to control the emperor, how could she dare to do this?

So Jia Yuanchun turned his eyes to the emperor and let him make the decision. The emperor also understood what the emperor meant, because he was afraid that he would be too impatient and cause trouble in the end.Therefore, leaving such a thing for Jia Yuanchun is also to ensure that his family can survive the catastrophe safely.

So the emperor said to Jia Yuanchun: "My concubine, since the Supreme Emperor rewarded you, you can accept it."

When Jia Yuanchun heard the emperor's reply, he dared to take Yu Ruyi with both hands, and knelt aside.

However, Jia Yuanchun understood the emperor's temper better than the Supreme Emperor, and this month's Ruyi was just a decoration in his hands. If he dared to show this honor to the emperor, he might be thrown into the cold palace immediately.

The Supreme Emperor, after handing Yu Ruyi to Jia Yuanchun, it was considered as the last thought, and immediately he felt a little breathless, and it seemed that he was about to die.

At this moment, several imperial physicians rushed back with a bowl of medicine in their hands.

It was Lu Jin, who was walking in front, who saw the Taishanghuang short of breath and flushed from a distance, and he came to the Taishanghuang in two steps in three steps.

Regardless of the emperor being beside him, he directly pressed on the pulse gate of the Supreme Emperor.The press turned pale with shock.

Then Lu Jin didn't care about the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, stood up and said to the emperor: "Long live, the Supreme Emperor probably doesn't need to lose his pulse anymore."

When the emperor heard this, he immediately said to him with a livid face: "You tell me this at this time, if anything happens to the Supreme Emperor, I will kill you."

Lu Jin and other imperial physicians knelt down and kowtowed when they heard the emperor's words. They really had no choice.Nearly the body of the Taishanghuang has reached its final moment, and they are not gods, they can bring the dead back to life.

The Supreme Emperor has no strength to speak now, and waited to die with his eyes closed. After seeing this situation, the Empress Dowager said to the imperial doctor below: "Is there really no other way? It can be saved for a while."

All the imperial physicians began to shake their heads, only Lu Jin thought for a while and replied: "I have a way to last the Supreme Emperor for half an hour. But after half an hour, the gods are hopeless."

After listening to his words, the emperor looked at the Supreme Emperor next to him, only to see that the Supreme Emperor was hardly breathing, but the Empress Dowager looked at the emperor expectantly.

The emperor gritted his teeth and said to Lu Jin: "There is a way, use it quickly. It would be good to wake up the Supreme Emperor for a while."

Lu Jin took out a pair of silver needles from the medicine box next to him, and the eunuch at the back got a candle, and then pulled out the silver needles one by one and repeatedly roasted them on the candle, and finally took out nine needles from the silver needles. Only.

After everything was ready, Lu Jin asked the emperor to report back: "Long live the report, the Taishanghuang is not easy to use needles in this position, please send the Taishanghuang to the next bedroom."

After the emperor heard his words, he immediately winked at Xia Shouzhong who was next to him. Xia Shouzhong immediately summoned a few eunuchs and brought a soft couch.

Then the Supreme Emperor was carefully supported on the soft couch by several young eunuchs, and then escorted by the Empress Dowager all the way down to the side hall, where the emperor usually lives, and then with the help of the maids and eunuchs, the Supreme Emperor was placed on the couch. On the dragon bed.

By this time, the Supreme Emperor was no longer breathing, and the emperor next to him was already in tears, and he thought that he had already returned to heaven countless times.

The empress dowager couldn't cry by herself when she saw the scene of the emperor, so she fell down beside the bed.

At this time, Lu Jin knew that the time was urgent and came to the bedside of the Supreme Emperor in three steps. The silver needles prepared just now were inserted one by one according to the acupuncture points of Huiyang nine needles.

This time, the Nine Yang Needles are the secret acupuncture methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Even if ordinary people know the nine acupuncture points, they don’t know the order of the acupuncture points and the technique of using the needles, so they dare not try it. Before his father died, he told him the acupuncture method of the Yangjiu needle this time.

This time, the Nine Yang Needles are used to treat syncope, cold extremities and pulse, and Yang deficiency, which has the function of returning to Yang and rescuing the adversity.The nine points are: Yamen, Laogong, Sanyinjiao, Yongquan, Taixi, Zhongwan, Huantiao, Zusanli, and Hegu.There is a verse saying: "Yummen Laogong Sanyinjiao, Yongquan Taixi Zhongwan connects, Huantiao Sanli merges with the valley, this is Huiyang Jiuzheng point."

In fact, there is another main function of the Yang Jiu needle this time, that is, life and death. Although it can only save a person for a while, as long as the person has just died and there is nothing to explain clearly, use the Yang Jiu needle this time. The needle can temporarily revive the soul.

This is the secret tradition of the old doctor Lu Jin's family, and there has always been only one heir. Since the old doctor Lu Jin passed on the Nine Yang Needles, he has only used it two or three times in his life, but every time he can bring the dead back to life.

Lu Jin is worthy of being the head of the Supreme Hospital, and after giving the Taishanghuang the Nine Needles of Huiyang in turn, the Taishanghuang, who was not breathing, slowly began to breathe, and his face also began to turn pale and rosy.

Then the Supreme Emperor slowly opened his eyes, looked at the emperor and empress dowager beside him, and said, "How did you see the emperor and concubine in the underworld?"

 Huiyang Nine Needles and Shengmaisan are all true.Among them, the nine needles of Huiyang, the author has checked a lot of information, and there are still many old Chinese medicine practitioners who can perform them.Shengmaisan is a secret handed down by the court of the Qing Dynasty. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty used it before their death. Even the Lafayette also used Shengmaisan before his death.

(End of this chapter)

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