Chapter 508 Returning to the Palace
Not long after Jia Ke took Lin Zhixiao away, a servant quickly came to Jia Ke.

As soon as he came to the jacket, he immediately knelt down and saluted the jacket, "The servant saluted the uncle."

"Get up, you are in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

"Return to the uncle, the old lady ordered, let the uncle go to her room."

After thinking about it, Jia Ke understood that the old lady was worried and asked herself to go and explain the situation of the court during this period.

"Okay, I got it, you go back." Jia Ke didn't think there was anything ulterior, since she had become a powerful minister, she should act in a bright and clear manner.

The young man stood aside and respectfully replied to Jia Ke: "Master, I still have to send a letter to our master and the elder. The old lady also sent someone to send a letter to Master Zhen in the East Mansion, asking him to come and join us." Listen to the words of the uncle."

When Jia Ke heard it, it was time for another family meeting. Every time Jia Ke had something to do, this group of people would discuss it together, but they didn't have any ideas. It was Jia Ke who said they just listened.

Jia Ke felt that as long as these people didn't make trouble for him, it would be fine, and he didn't expect them to be of any help to him.

Especially Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen, who ate, drank, prostituted and gambled, and had no bad deeds. With these relatives, Jia Ke felt that he would be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Originally, when Jia Ke was away from home, she really missed her family. Now that she is back, she wanted to visit Wuyanghou Mansion first, but since the old lady summoned her, she had to go to meet the old lady first.

But Jia Ke really missed Qin Keqing, so she asked Lin Zhixiao who was following behind her, "Is your grandma doing well now?"

Lin Zhixiao heard this, and hurriedly laughed and said, "Don't worry, sir, during your absence, the master specially explained that I should take care of the Wuyanghou mansion. I often go there during this period, and grandma will take care of everything." safe and sound."

"Where are the little troublemakers at home?"

Jia Ke was asking his two precious sons, after all, his own sons, how could he not be worried, and since these two children were born, he has not been separated from them for such a long time, which made Jia Ke realize the importance of being a parent. thoughts.

"The two young masters are fine. Grandma and Aunt Qiaolian are taking good care of them."

Jia Ke then nodded, and then asked, "What about my aunt?"

"Aunt Zhou's food and clothing expenses in the mansion are at the same level as that of my wife, and there is no one in the mansion who is not open-minded and dares to offend her old man."

Jia Ke has now calmed down a bit. During his absence, it seems that there is nothing wrong with clearing the papers that he cares about in the mansion.

So he turned back and told Lin Zhixiao, "Send my soldiers to the nearby yard. They have been very tired during this time. Prepare some good wine and food for them, and let them rest after eating."

After hearing this, Lin Zhixiao quickly agreed, and then led Liu Yu and all the soldiers to the original courtyard.

And among these people, only Ben Bray was alone, and he approached Lin Zhixiao, "Housekeeper, how is the girl you told me a while ago?"

What Ben Bray was talking about was that before leaving, Lin Zhixiu said that she would introduce a daughter-in-law to him.

Seeing that it was Ben Bray, Lin Zhixiao immediately had a smile on his face.

"It's the guard. Don't worry about it. I've already told their parents. They are all happy and whatever. You can go back and be the groom with peace of mind."

After hearing this, Ben Bray danced happily. During this period of time, because of his marriage, Ben Bray was in a hurry to get angry. For a long time, it was because his appearance was very different from that of the people in the Central Plains, so those girls didn’t treat him very much. Seeing him, it was very difficult for him to find a wife.

After seeing them leave, Jia Ke walked towards the inner house alone, passed the second gate and walked forward a little, and then arrived at Rongxi Hall, turned to the left, walked through the Huayuemen Gate, and finally arrived at Jiamu's house. In front of the compound.

The news of Jia Ke's return had already spread in Jia Mu's courtyard, and the mandarin ducks were still standing at the gate to welcome Jia Ke as before.

When Yuanyang saw Jia Ke, she hurriedly stepped forward to wish Jia Ke a blessing, and then said: "The old man is back, the old lady has talked about it many times during this time."

Jia Ke said to the mandarin duck with a smile on her face: "You Lao ancestor misses me, and I will have to kowtow to the old lady after a while."

Yuanyang pursed her lips and smiled, and then led Jia Ke into the yard. The little maids in the yard saw Jia Ke coming, and all stepped forward to salute.Jia Ke was not stingy either, she took out a small kit from her bosom, and threw it at them, "For the sake of your diligence, I will reward you with this."

One of the maids with quick hands caught the bag with one hand, so a group of maids gathered around and opened it, and it turned out that the small bag was full of pearls the size of soybeans, and it looked like there were a hundred or eighty pearls in it.

Yuanyang watched from the side and shook her head with a smile, "Master, you are too used to them, you give them so many rewards every time you come, and now when you hear that you are coming, all the girls in the yard are waiting for you here."

Jia Ke laughed, but didn't take it seriously.Yuanyang had no choice but to take Jia Ke into Jia Mu's room.

Jia Ke came in and saw that the other people in Mother Jia's room were Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Shi Xiangyun.

As soon as Jia Baoyu saw Jia Ke coming in, he immediately lost the joy he had just had.Now Jia Baoyu is more afraid of Jia Ke than Jia Zheng.

Jia Ke glanced at them and then came to Jia Mu, and then followed the old rules, respectfully first saluted Jia Mu.This is an important rule of feudal ethics, saluting is a manifestation of filial piety.

Jia Mu sat upright on the top, looking at Jia Ke with a smile, and waited until Jia Ke finished the salute, then smiled and said to him: "Come and sit beside me."

After listening to the old lady's words, Jia Ke smiled and walked to Jia's mother's right hand.But in Jia Mu's left hand, Jia Baoyu felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Daiyu, who was next to Jia Baoyu, looked at Jia Baoyu swaying there, pursed her lips and laughed.Seeing Lin Daiyu sniggering there, Jia Baoyu turned his head away and asked quietly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?"

Lin Daiyu didn't say anything, just tapped his forehead with her finger, and then said softly, "Silver-like wax gun head."

This sentence made Jia Baoyu's face flushed, but he couldn't find anything to refute, so he could only sit there with his head down and dare not speak.

Shi Xiangyun, who was sitting on the farthest side, was also blushing now. She lowered her head, but looked up at Jia Ke from time to time.During this period of time, she has accepted her new identity, and Qin Keqing has also visited her in the Grand View Garden several times. After getting along with Qin Keqing for a period of time, she has a good impression of this big sister.So she let go of the original resistance in her heart, and lived honestly in the Grand View Garden, waiting to marry Jia Ke as a concubine one day.

Sitting on it, Mother Jia looked at Jia Ke kindly and asked, "Are you tired after walking for a few days? How did you eat? How did you sleep?"

Hearing Mother Jia's concern, Jia Ke said with a smile, "Thank you, old lady, for your concern. I can't be tired as a coach. I have my own soldiers to do everything. I eat well and sleep well. Now They all gained weight."

When Jia Mu heard what he said, she burst out laughing, then slapped him with her hand and said, "You're coaxing me, an old lady. It's only been a few days. There's no reason to gain weight."

Jia Ke could only accompany Xiaoxin and apologize to the old lady.

The old lady saw that Jia Ke was talking and laughing freely, without any nervous look, and knew that nothing seemed to happen this time, so she let go of her heart.

When they were chatting and laughing here, they heard someone shouting outside: "Master, madam is here."

Immediately after the door curtain rang, Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang came in from the outside.

As soon as Jia Ke saw Jia Zheng coming in, she quickly stood up, came to Jia Zheng in three steps, knelt down and saluted him.

Seeing Jia Ke kneeling, Jia Zheng stepped forward to help him up, then patted his arm and said, "It's good to be back, nothing happened outside, right?"

"Thank you, master, for your concern. Nothing is going well."

Jia Zheng nodded after listening to Jia Ke's reply, and then went to the old lady's room.At this time, Jia Baoyu came over coyly, gave Jia Zheng a salute, and then stood aside without saying a word.

Jia Zheng looked at Jia Baoyu's faltering look, and was a little unhappy. He was becoming more and more dissatisfied with Jia Baoyu now. He was so old, and he was still hanging out with girls in the Grand View Garden, leaving all his economic career and scientific research achievements behind. the back of the head.

Just as Jia Zheng was about to reprimand Jia Baoyu, Jia's mother, who was sitting on top, saw what he meant and said hurriedly, "You are the first one to come every time, so come quickly and let me have a look."

Jia Zheng listened to Jia Mu's words, so he could only temporarily put Jia Baoyu aside, and went to salute Jia Mu.

At this time, Mrs. Wang came to Jia Baoyu's side, hugged him in her arms, and kneaded him.

Lin Daiyu and Shi Xiangyun smiled at Jia Baoyu's embarrassment at this moment.

After Jia Zheng saluted Jia's mother, he sat where Jia Ke had been sitting just now.And Jia Ke naturally stood beside Jia Zheng.

They had just finished, when someone sent a message outside, "My lord, my wife is here."

Immediately after, Jia Amnesty and Mrs. Xing entered the house and saluted Jia Mu first.Then sit down on Jiamu's left.

Jia Ke, Jia Baoyu stepped forward to salute Jia She and Mrs. Xing. Jia She saw Jia Ke hurried over to help him up, and then said with a smile on his face, "Brother is back. You are not here during this time. I feel empty."

Jia Ke was baffled by his enthusiasm, so he could only keep saying he didn't dare.

Why is Jia Amnesty so enthusiastic about Jia Ke now?It turned out that since Jia Ke became more and more powerful in the court some time ago, almost all civil servants and generals began to curry favor with the people in Jia's house.Especially Jia She, who is a drunkard, is constantly being treated to wine, beauties, and compliments on him, which makes him a little smug.That's why he has a good impression of Jia Ke.

But Mrs. Xing next to her pulled Jia Baoyu up and let him sit in her seat.

Soon, Jia Zhen from Ningguo Mansion also brought Youshi, and this time all the headed family members of Jia's Mansion came together.

(End of this chapter)

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