Chapter 525
When Dai Quan heard the emperor's question, although he was still kneeling there, he raised his head, looked at the emperor with firm and sharp eyes, and said, "My virtuous concubine, order me to bring a bottle of Hedinghong to the empress."

When the emperor heard this, his face became livid.Then he casually grabbed a teacup from the side and threw it at Dai Quan.

Dai Quan's head was broken with this blow.But Dai Quan still knelt there and didn't wipe the wound.

At this time, the queen sitting next to her was already limp and powerless. She knew that such a day would come, but she never thought that Jia Yuanchun would be so anxious, and now she could only look at the emperor with pleading eyes.

The emperor paused for a moment, and asked in a gloomy voice, "Is this the meaning of that traitor Jia Ke, or the meaning of Concubine Jia?"

Dai Quan knelt on the ground, raised his eyes to look at the emperor, and said with a sneer, "Is there any way for Duke Yan to express this? This is what the Xiande concubine ordered me to do."

When the emperor heard this, his eyes were about to burst into flames. He didn't expect that Jia Yuanchun, who he always thought was quite gentle, would have such vicious thoughts.

It seems that it is really difficult to draw a picture of a dragon or a tiger if one knows the face but does not know the heart.Now as soon as Jia Ke gained power, Concubine Xiande's true colors were revealed. Sure enough, she and Jia Ke belonged to the same family, and no one was good.His vicious mind is somewhat better than Jia Ke's.

The emperor knew that now that he was powerless and imprisoned, he had no ability to keep the queen.

But this queen has been with her through thick and thin, and has never complained, and now she has to give it a try no matter what.

So the emperor shouted at the people below with wide eyes, "Go tell Jia Ke to come to see me, I will have a look, am I still the emperor of this world?"

Seeing that the emperor looked hysterical, Dai Quan knelt there with a sneer and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to make such a fuss. The old man Yan Guogong has a lot of things to do every day, so I'm afraid he won't have time to see you now."

After hearing what Dai Quan said, the emperor was immediately furious, and now he couldn't care less about anything else, so he immediately stood up from a seat, walked to Dai Quan's side in two steps, and punched him. Kick.

Dai Quan could bear it at first, but later saw that the emperor had no intention of stopping, so he shouted to the people next to him: "You are all fools, quickly pull the emperor away."

When the people behind Dai Quan heard the order, they first looked at each other.Finally made up his mind, so he swarmed up to separate the emperor and Dai Quan.

Although the emperor was pulled away, he still stared at Dai Quan with red eyes.

Dai Quan ignored the emperor, but took out the porcelain bottle.He said to the queen: "Please change your clothes immediately and go on the road, otherwise the time will be too long, and it will be difficult for the servants to go back."

And now the queen was so frightened that she collapsed on the seat and couldn't get up.

Seeing this, Dai Quan said to Dai Lian who was beside him, "Go and serve the Empress on her way."

Dai Lian trembled when he heard this. Although there are many records in the history books about eunuchs forcing the queen to death, and even the emperor, but now that he is asked to do it himself, his heart still trembles.

But Dai Lian looked at Dai Quan's red eyes, and dared not refuse to do so, so he came to Dai Quan's side step by step, and took the porcelain bottle containing the red crane crest in Dai Quan's hand with both hands.

Then Dai Lian came gently to the empress's side, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty should be on your way."

At this time, the emperor saw that Dai Lian had come to the queen, how could he bear it.So he rushed through the crowd and rushed towards Dai Lian.

Seeing this scene, Dai Quan glared at the little eunuchs fiercely, and then waved his hand. These little eunuchs didn't dare to neglect Dai Quan's instructions, so they rushed forward and hugged the emperor, preventing him from moving forward. Fenhao.

At this time, although the empress was paralyzed all over, she shook her head desperately when she saw the porcelain bottle that Dai Lian had handed to her, and refused to drink it no matter what.

Dai Lian was also a little helpless at this time. Although he had been ordered to kill many people, he was still in awe of such a noble person as the empress, so he didn't dare to do it himself, but turned his head to look at Dai Quan, letting He gave himself instructions.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Dai Quan was so angry that he stepped forward to snatch the porcelain vase from Dai Lian himself, then came to the Queen, and said to her: "My Lady Queen, the slave is serving you on your way. "

After Dai Quan finished speaking, he opened the empress's mouth with his left hand, and poured Hedinghong into it.

Although the queen struggled desperately, it was of no avail. Soon the red crest of the crane broke out, and the queen felt abdominal pain like twisting.So he kept struggling there, and finally fell to the ground and kept rolling, and the sound of wailing surrounded the entire Kunning Palace.

And the soldiers who blocked the Kunning Palace outside did not feel a shiver when they heard this voice.

At this time, the young general who was in charge of sealing off the Kunning Palace and monitoring the emperor realized what Dai Quan had just said.

At this time, the young general was also trembling all over, the people in the palace were really cruel, their minds were much more vicious than the soldiers who killed them with one knife and one gun.

Speaking of the queen, the screaming sound kept echoing, and many soldiers outside couldn't bear to hear such a sound, and even one or two couldn't help crying.

Not to mention the emperor, his wife who had been with him for so many years was poisoned to death in front of his eyes. Everyone can imagine how he felt.

The emperor suddenly burst out with incomparable strength, pushed away the eunuch who was holding him, and rushed to the queen's side, hugging her tightly in his arms, screaming and crying non-stop.

But the queen was dying at this time, she was bleeding from all seven orifices, and the muscles on her face were twitching non-stop.

But she was still sane, and she looked at the emperor with such despair and pity.

The queen stretched out her hand with the last strength and touched the emperor's face. She no longer had the strength to speak, and at the end she dropped her hand involuntarily, but her eyes were still wide open, as if she was looking at the whole world. Do the same with the last indictment.

But the emperor already knew that the queen was gone, so he hugged her body and wept bitterly.

The emperor is not only crying for the queen, but also crying for his own situation. He never thought that his emperor would be so weak. His own dynasty is like a castle built on the beach. As long as the flood comes, it will immediately become ruins.

Dai Quan watched the emperor cry there and didn't bother him.

The emperor cried for a while, and finally calmed down.Then he gently hugged the queen and put her on the embroidered couch beside her.

Then he came back to his senses, looked at Dai Quan with numb eyes, and finally said: "Send someone to wash and dress the queen, and then put on a full set of crowns."

Dai Quan naturally understood what the emperor meant, so he didn't stop him. A dozen maids came in quickly, and carried the empress's body to the harem.

The emperor was completely calm now, and he said to Dai Quan: "Dai Qing, you have served the emperor for decades, and you have made meritorious service to the court. Don't you think of the relationship between master and servant in these decades?"

Dai Quan originally thought that he had a heart of iron and blood, but when he heard the emperor say this and saw his downcast appearance, he couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

This reminded him of the favor he had shown him when the Supreme Emperor was around, thinking about the days before, and thinking about it now, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, and tears appeared in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, don't blame the slave. The current situation has become so bad. If the slave doesn't do this, his life will be lost."

The emperor stood on top with a desolate face, "Dai Qing, I'm afraid it will only be a year or two, so I just ask you one thing."

After listening to the emperor's words, Dai Quan took a closer look, and he could not help showing a smile, "I know the thoughts of the Lord Long Live, but I am sorry that I can't do it. The world will change sooner or later, so the Lord Long Live should not have these thoughts again. "

After listening to Dai Quan's words, the emperor narrowed his eyes, and then shot a sinister cold light from his eyes.

Dai Quan looked at the gloomy sunshine of the emperor but didn't take it seriously at all, but because of the kindness of the emperor to him, he felt that he should persuade him.

"Long Live Lord, don't think about other things now. Please, Long Live Lord, first give our virtuous girl a title, and then live honestly with your empress in the harem. I think this will be safe."

The emperor looked at Dai Quan talking there, and there was a sarcastic smile on his face, this Jia Yuanchun wanted to be a queen, even if he died, he would never agree, let her live an unknown life.

Although the emperor knew that doing so would definitely cause future troubles for himself, he held his breath in his heart not to do so, only feeling uncomfortable all over.

Dai Quan looked at the emperor and ignored him, so he turned around and left with his men with a wave of his hand.

The emperor looked at the back of Dai Quan leaving, feeling very helpless.Just now, he wanted to play the emotional card, which moved Dai Quan a little, and finally did something for himself, but he didn't expect Dai Quan to be so alert, and he refused before he even opened his mouth.

The emperor did this because he remembered his dead mother and the warning when the emperor left.

Both of them told him to treat Jia Yuanchun kindly, and then hide his claws in the harem, waiting for the opportunity, if not, put his hope on the next generation.

Thinking about the time since I ascended the throne, apart from being able to protect and fight against Jia Ke while the Supreme Emperor was still there, once the Supreme Emperor died, I would be a motherless child, and my fate would be bleak.

Thinking of this, the emperor felt powerless and limp in the center of the hall, unable to stand up anymore, he could imagine his end.

Thinking of this, the emperor felt powerless and limp in the center of the hall, unable to stand up anymore, he could imagine his end.

Suddenly the emperor struggled to stand up again, looked at the gate of the palace, thinking of the Supreme Emperor, and finally ordered Jia Yuanchun to give birth to a boy no matter what this time.

(End of this chapter)

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