Chapter 529
After dealing with today's affairs, Jia Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, Jia Ke's nerves were tense.First, after so many years of planning, it finally started.Secondly, Jia Ke is still a little guilty. The people of the world and the royal family are so easy to accept him as the new ruler.

Now it seems that these people are still very weak, without the staunchness of Emperor Taizu, they only dare to provoke these students to make trouble.

After Jia Ke came out of the military plane, he walked to the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a leisurely manner. During this period of time, Jia Ke had to rest in the Hall of Mental Cultivation after finishing his official duties, and did not return to the Duke of Yan's mansion until he was free at night.

While walking, Jia Ke asked Li Deshan beside him, "How many Ku Yins are there in this palace?"

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Li Deshan glanced at him quietly, and then said, "How much money does the master want in the treasury?"

After hearing this sentence, Jia Ke understood in her heart.There is probably a lot of money in the palace, otherwise Li Deshan would not dare to say such big words.

"The silver in the treasury is only 500 million, and the rest will be sent to the internal treasury of Duke Yan's mansion."

After hearing this, Li Deshan immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, master, I will send a car to our house tonight. But..."

Seeing Li Deshan hesitate, Jia Ke asked, "But what, what can't be said."

"For my lord, the main reason is that there are too many boxes and too heavy, and I'm afraid the servants are not manned enough."

Jia Ke was shocked when he heard this. No matter how Li Deshan could use more than 1000 eunuchs, he even said that there were not enough people. How much money is there in the inner treasury of the palace?
"How much money is there?" Jia Ke now really wants to know the figure of the money.

"If you go back to the master, excluding those antique jewelry, there are more than 4500 million taels of silver and 200 million taels of gold."

When Jia Ke heard this number, he was already stunned. He didn't expect that such a large amount of wealth had been accumulated in the palace in just a hundred years.

Jia Ke is still a little lucky now, fortunately, the emperor is now an iron rooster, and he doesn't pull out a hair.

If it is someone who is really talented, if you spread the money all over the world, no matter what, you will be able to attract a group of people to be loyal to him.Even if he has a magic weapon like the soul-absorbing orb, if he wants to achieve his goal, he will have to deal with him for more than ten years.

It's all right now, the money is all my own, and with this money, I have it no matter if I govern the gentry in the south or go north to attack and defend the Tatars, so I don't have to worry about it.

Jia Ke let out a long breath, and then involuntarily showed a smile on his face, "From now on, all these farms and shops of the royal family will be taken over by the Duke of Yan. As for the emperor, from now on, he must cultivate himself That’s right, all the basic necessities of life are decent enough.”

Hearing this, Li Deshan immediately went on to flatter Jia Ke and said, "Master is still thoughtful."

Jia Ke thought for a while and then said: "In the palace, except for the Empress Dowager and the Xiande Concubine, all expenses will not be reduced, and everyone else's expenses will be halved."

Jia Ke didn't want to leave the money for such a large group of harem raised by the emperor. It would be better to make something or wear some armor for the border guards.

When Jia Ke came to the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, a group of eunuchs greeted him there.Now all the eunuchs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation have been replaced by Li Deshan's confidantes. If they were still the eunuchs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Jia Ke would not dare to use them.

Jia Ke ignored them and went directly to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Li Deshan, who was following Jia Ke, waved his hands at these people only after Jia Ke left.

After Jia Ke entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she sat directly on the emperor's throne.Then he picked up the scriptures that were played in various places today, and started to review them just like the emperor did back then.

In the past, the emperor really had no right to refute these memorials, because sooner or later these were reviewed by the Military Aircraft Department.

But now Jia Ke is different from the previous emperors. If there is anything that does not suit his wishes, he will reject it immediately and ask the Military Aircraft Department to discuss the method again.

It wasn't until noon that *** said softly beside him: "Master, it's time for lunch."

Jia Ke looked at the last few memorials left, and said, "Wait a little longer, I'll finish approving these few copies, and then I'll have dinner, and I'll be fine in the afternoon, so I can have a good rest."

After a while, Jia Ke finally finished correcting all the memorials on the table.

Jia Ke couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and stood up to move around, because her body was a little numb after sitting for a long time.

Li Deshan saw that the whole memorial had been approved, so he hurriedly asked people to put it on the table, and immediately delicious food was placed on it like running water.

When Jia Ke ate in the palace for the first time, she was taken aback. There were only [-] or [-] dishes on this full table, let alone eating, she felt full after looking at it.

But as time goes by, it gets used to it.

Jia Ke had just finished eating, holding a book, drinking tea and digesting food, when a eunuch came to Li Deshan and whispered something in his ear.

Li Deshan hurriedly came to Jia Ke and said, "My lord, the emperor ordered the little eunuch to ask when to put on makeup for the empress. If you leave it like this all the time, it may not be a problem."

When Jia Ke heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He had no grievances with the empress, even if he won the emperor's throne in the end, the empress did not pose much threat, but the empress violated herself several times before the emperor's spirit. If you don't give her a hard time, the emperor may not be obedient.

In addition, Jia Yuanchun regards the queen as a thorn in his flesh, and it seems that he is afraid of the queen's child, and there is no threat to the child in her stomach.

"Xiao Lizi, what do you think this Concubine Xiande is thinking? I couldn't figure it out at the moment."

Li Deshan's eyes rolled when he heard Jia Ke's question. Now is the time to show his ability. You must know that although he has been working for Jia Ke in the past, but he really stayed by Jia Ke's side during this period.If you don't show your ability well, you will be replaced by some little bastard in the future.

"Master, this servant is thinking about it, and I still want to see the Xiande Concubine, what will I do next."

"Go on, I understand."

"If the concubine Xiande starts to deal with the other heirs of the emperor next, then master, you have to be careful."

Jia Ke was a little surprised when he heard this, "How do you say that?"

*** moved her body closer to Jia Ke, and then said mysteriously in Jia Ke's ear: "If it is Concubine Xiande who wants to dispose of all the emperor's heirs, then it proves that Concubine Xiande has already had a dissatisfaction with the master. .”

When Jia Ke heard this, you were taken aback for a moment, and then there was a flash of lightning in your heart, and you immediately understood what Li Deshan meant?
At the same time, he also knew what Jia Yuanchun was thinking. After all, he was his elder brother, and he was not as good as his own son when he became emperor.

Since ancient times, there has been a difference between closeness and closeness. An elder brother who is born out of concubine is no better than his own son.

Jia Ke was silent for a long while, and then told Li Deshan: "Send someone to replace all the maids and eunuchs of Concubine Xiande, and at the same time tell Dai Quan not to make mistakes."

After Li Deshan finished listening, he knelt down on one knee and said, "Your servant will do it now. If Concubine Xiande gets angry, what should I do?"

"Then tell her that I ordered this matter to be done, and it must not be changed. If she wants to make trouble for no reason, I will imprison her in Fengzao Palace."

When Li Deshan heard that Jia Ke had made up his mind, he kowtowed to Jia Ke respectfully, then bowed his body and left the Hall of Mental Cultivation to deal with this matter.

But Jia Ke stood alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and began to ponder. Is power really so easy to spoil people?

He didn't tell the truth to Li Deshan just now, in fact, Jia Ke planned the Queen's death by himself.

At that time, Jia Ke hinted at Dai Quan. It seemed that Dai Quan had done a good job. The empress contradicted herself face to face in Qianqing Palace. Now it was time for him to establish his authority, so naturally he couldn't let her live.

As for Dai Quan's matter, it happened to restrict him and Li Deshan.

Jia Ke then thought about the troubles caused by those Guozijian scholars today. He didn't believe that Zhang Wei, the director of the Guozijian, could make such a big wave, and almost all the Guozijian scholars followed him to make trouble.

Jia Ke felt that this matter had to be investigated to see who was making trouble.

After Jia Ke made up her mind, she immediately ordered the little eunuch to pass on Wei Kun.

Wei Kun has always been working in the infantry commander's yamen. As soon as he received Jia Ke's call, he immediately came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to see Jia Ke.

Seeing Wei Kun coming in, Jia Ke immediately stopped him from paying homage, and then called him to his side.

"Have you heard about the Imperial College today?"

"If you go back to the master, the little one has already received the report from the people below."

"They have been planning this matter for a while, but I think these few people are not enough to make such a big wave. There must be some big shots behind them steering them."

After hearing this, Wei Kun quickly said: "My master is right. I have already sent someone to investigate carefully. The other officials of the Imperial College must be involved in it. As long as you investigate carefully, there will always be clues. Come."

Jia Ke nodded after listening, and then thought of Li Shouzhong. He is the sacrificial wine of the Imperial College. If he didn't know about this, I'm afraid no one in the world would believe it.

This Lishou is a relative of their Jia family, and he can be regarded as a person with vested interests. This time, what role he plays in it must be investigated carefully, otherwise, if he really makes a profit by being on his side, then I was really blind.

"Li Shouzhong, Guozijian Jijiu, there are too many doubts about this person, you should check carefully to see what role he plays in it."

Wei Kun was a little dazed after hearing this. If you say that he has never doubted your hand, after all he is Li Zhi's father, and he can be regarded as a serious relative of the Rongguo Mansion. Anyone can oppose the Jia Mansion, but Li Shouzhong has no such motive.

However, since the master ordered it, it is natural to inquire carefully.

"Master, don't worry, he will definitely not be exposed for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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