Chapter 534 Concubine
In the next few days, Rongguo Mansion and Yan Guogong Mansion began to become lively.

People nearby found out after inquiring that the Jia family was arranging the marriage between Jia Ke and Shi Xiangyun, the uncle of the Jia family.

Although Jia Ke was only taking concubines this time, Shi Xiangyun was from Jia Mu's natal family, so the arrangement was very lively.

And after Jia Ke got the notice, he didn't take this matter to heart. After all, it's not a serious marriage. He is also busy with business affairs now. He just salutes Shi Xiangyun on that day, and then enters the bridal chamber. Other things Could it be that he can do it himself?
Although Jia Ke didn't take this matter to heart, the officials who were facing up and down couldn't help but take it to heart.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jia Ke is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

Therefore, countless officials in the world are waiting to curry favor with Jia Ke, and this time it is the right time for Jia Ke to accept a concubine.

So on the day when Jia Ke was concubine, countless officials came to congratulate him. The small street of Rongning Street could not accommodate so many adults, so Liu Yu, who maintained order, could only give these people outside Rongning Street. The adults went to the carriage and sedan chair to arrange a place, but these adults could only walk into the vicinity of Duke Rong's mansion.

Speaking of which, these adults are also pampered. If they were allowed to enter in other places, many people would be furious, but now these people lined up one by one and followed the rules. Deliver the gift list at the gate of the mansion.

And Jia Ke is now sitting in the Wuwei Hall, the main hall of the Duke of Yan's mansion, receiving the worship of the officials who came to congratulate him.

Ordinary officials are not qualified to come to see Jia Ke alone, they are just arranged to come to see Jia Ke together in four or five people, and Jia Ke nods when he sees them.

Among older officials, Jia Ke just bowed his hands.Only when he reached the level of Minister of Military Aircraft in the Six Books of History did Jia Ke stand up to greet him.

When the officials were almost here, they held a big banquet in the Wuwei Hall and the yard in front of the Wuwei Hall.

Since the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the weather is very cold, so the Jia family's banquet this time did not serve any delicacies from mountains and seas. Instead, a large copper hot pot was placed on each table, and all kinds of dishes were served like flowing water.

Jia Ke was greeting the dignitaries and dignitaries who came to congratulate, when a servant came to report from time to time.

"Master, the old lady let you go over."

Jia Ke was taken aback when he heard that, today is a day of great joy for him, the old lady met just now, and now she has something to say hello to him again.

"Did someone important come to the old lady?"

The young man took a careful look at Jia Ke, then lowered his head and said, "It seems that my aunt's uncle came to congratulate her."

After hearing this, Jia Ke frowned. It was the villager's second uncle who had taken refuge in him, and now he was happily spending money in Yangzhou, so it turned out to be Shi Xiangyun's third uncle Zhongjinghou Shi Ding who came here.

However, this person has no contact with the Rongguo Mansion, and he belongs to the emperor, but since he is here, he still needs to meet him.

Jia Ke then followed the boy to Mother Jia's room. As soon as he entered the room, he saw Mother Jia sitting in the middle, accompanied by a handsome middle-aged man.

Jia Ke did not neglect, and went over to salute Jia's mother first.

Seeing Jia Ke coming, Mother Jia smiled and pointed to the middle-aged man beside her and said, "This is also your uncle, Zhongjing Hou Shi Ding, you go up to see him."

Before Jia Ke came forward to salute, Shi Ding, who was sitting at the side, had already stood up quickly and rushed to salute him before Jia Ke.

Jia Ke didn't dare to let him salute herself in front of Mother Jia, so she hurriedly stepped forward to support Shi Ding, and then took advantage of the situation to bow to Shi Ding.

Mother Jia watched Jia Ke's performance and nodded, feeling that her grandson did not embarrass herself.

After Jia Ke saluted, he and Shi Ding sat down separately, and then they exchanged some compliments. On the surface, they were enthusiastic, but there was a strong alienation in them.

Jia's mother also saw that the two people were uncomfortable with each other, and seeing them exchanged a few words, she sent Jia Ke away.

As soon as Jia Ke returned to the banquet, he was stopped by those nobles and forced Jia Ke to drink. After drinking a few glasses, Jia Ke went out to toast the guests at each table, and then returned to Wuwei Hall I thanked the ministers of the military and the six ministers, and then went back to the back house.

It is said that at this time, in the Duke of Yan's mansion, in a small ornately decorated courtyard, there are lights and festoons, and the entire courtyard is pink.

And in the main room of this courtyard, Shi Xiangyun was wearing a pink wedding dress, sitting on the bed.And standing next to her is his maid—— Cui Hui.

Then there were a few girls standing in the room, the girls Qin Keqing called Shi Xiangyun just now. These people were all gorgeously decorated, with delicate faces, and looked clean and neat.

Although Cui Ling followed Shi Xiangyun to the Rongguo Mansion several times, it was the first time she came to the courtyard where Jia Ke lived.

Although she was standing next to Shi Xiangyun, her eyes looked around. She saw that the house was carved with embroidered pillars, cloud-top sandalwood as the beams, crystal jade as the lamp, pearls as the curtain, and Fan Jin as the pillar foundation.A crocodile twirled tent hangs beside the six-foot wide bed of aquilaria wood, embroidered with begonia flowers sprinkled with beads and silver thread all over the tent, and the wind moves like a magical sea falling into the clouds.On the couch, there are sapphire pillows, soft silkworm ice mats, and jade belts and quilts.

She couldn't even dream of such a scene.

Now I can't help but feel lucky for their young lady. It is considered good to be able to marry into such a family and live a prosperous life.

Cui Ling looked left and right for a while, seeing that it was not early, she said softly to their lady Shi Xiangyun: "Miss, it's almost time to light the lamp, are you hungry? Let me bring you some sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

Shi Xiangyun is very nervous now, she doesn't have the heart to eat, so she doesn't speak, just stretches out her hand to grab Cuilu's sleeve.

Cui Hui understood that Shi Xiangyun was telling him not to do anything, so she could only stand there boredly, waiting for Jia Ke to come.

Now when the lanterns first come on, the old mother outside suddenly said: "The Lord is here, and Madam Ru is waiting for you in the house."

Then I heard footsteps and a door opening.

After Jia Ke saw the house, the other maids in the house hurriedly wished Jia Ke a blessing.

Jia Ke waved them out, leaving only Cui Ling and Shi Xiangyun in the room.

Brother Jia is taking concubines today, not taking marriages, so there are no such clichés.

Jia Ke came directly in front of Shi Xiangyun, and gently raised the hijab with a bamboo pole.

It was the first time to look carefully at Shi Xiangyun's appearance. I saw Shi Xiangyun's complexion was pink and white, and his eyes were bright. Although his complexion was immature, there was a chivalrous look on his face.Heroic and spacious, bright and warm, optimistic and open-minded, natural and unrestrained.

Looking at Shi Xiangyun like this, Jia Ke was stunned.

Cui Ling, who was standing beside her, laughed foolishly.

It was only then that Jia Ke woke up, and Shi Xiangyun's face turned red now.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Jia Ke smiled and said to Shi Xiangyun: "My sister has been sitting here all day, but she is a little hungry."

Shi Xiangyun raised his head and said heartily: "Yes, it's boring to sit here for a whole day, and my stomach is already rumbling with hunger, but there are still those maids and sisters who I don't know standing beside me, I'm afraid they will make fun of them. Only endured until now."

Jia Ke looked at Shi Xiangyun without any concealment, but liked the way he talked to him with wide-eyed eyes.

As expected, each of the twelve beauties in Jinling has its own advantages, and they are truly worthy of the spirit of the world's fortune.

Next, Jia Ke supported Shi Xiangyun and came to the table next to her, letting her eat and drink to fill her stomach.

But Shi Xiangyun seemed to be really hungry, and he ate a lot on the table. In the end, Jia Ke saw that he ate too much, and was afraid that she would spoil her stomach, so she pulled her away.

Finally, Cui Ling made beds for Shi Xiangyun and Jia Ke.

The two just blew out the red candle, and then Jia Ke had a game of playing with dragons and phoenixes. If it was in modern times, it would be worth three years of blood to earn the death penalty.

On the second day, Jia Ke naturally woke up early to go to the nearby Prime Minister's Office to handle state affairs.

And Shi Xiangyun had to drag his tired body to serve Jia Ke, but Jia Ke didn't feel sorry for her.

Instead, he stretched out his hands and waited for Shi Xiangyun to dress him up, and then ate breakfast at the small table in Shi Xiangyun's room before leaving.

After Jia Ke left, Shi Xiangyun sat down on the bed, too tired to stand up.

Cui Yu said distressedly from the side: "Miss, you should take a rest quickly. My uncle doesn't know how to love others, and it makes you so tired."

Shi Xiangyun's face turned red when she heard this, Cuiyu simply didn't know what happened yesterday, but she had a personal feeling, and now she feels shy thinking about it.

So Shi Xiangyun quickly changed the subject, "It's not time to rest yet, come over and dress me up, we'll go to the main room later, and meet Sister Qin."

At this time, the voice of a little maid came from outside the house: "Auntie, are you up? Do the servants need to go in and serve?"

Shi Xiangyun had only Cuihui as a maid since he was a child, and he was not used to being served by other people, so he said directly to the window: "No need, there is a thread in the room, I will call you if there is something to do."

After hearing Shi Xiangyun's words, Cuilu's smile grew stronger, and she flicked out Shi Xiangyun's jewelry box.

Then put it on the dressing table specially made for Shi Xiangyun.

As for Shi Xiangyun's jewelry, apart from part of his mother's dowry, Jia's mother also gave her a lot of dowry for the sake of her loneliness. Earlier, Jia Ke also secretly sent some treasures to her. Press the bottom of the box.

Shi Xiangyun randomly chose a pink overcoat from the wardrobe in the house.Then came to the dressing table, just inserted a few gold hairpins, and then put on pearl and diamond earrings.Looking left and right in the mirror, I feel quite satisfied.

Cui Ling kept praising her at the side, Shi Xiangyun stood up, came to a full-length mirror, looked around in front of the mirror, she always felt that something was missing.

"Liu'er, come and take a look, I always feel that something is wrong."

Cui Ling had actually been standing next to Shi Xiangyun a long time ago, but looking up, down, left, and right, she felt that there was nothing wrong. Shi Xiangyun's dress today was a bit better than usual.

"Miss, everything is fine, there is nothing wrong."

Shi Xiangyun looked in the mirror and said suspiciously: "Really? But I always feel that something is missing."

Shi Xiangyun thought for a long time, put his hand on his waist inadvertently, and suddenly understood.It turned out that the precious sword was missing.

This treasured sword is Jia Ke's engagement token to Shi Xiangyun. Shi Xiangyun has loved it ever since he received it, and never leaves his side.

Yesterday Shi Xiangyun was newly married, and it was unlucky to wield a knife and a gun in the new house, so Mother Jia specially warned her to put this precious sword in the box first.

After Shi Xiangyun figured it out, he immediately came to his cabinet by the corner of the table. After opening the cabinet, he took out the treasured knife from the bottom of his clothes.

Then I touched it lovingly in my hand, and finally put it on my waist.

When Shi Xiangyun came to the mirror again, he still had the same clothes as before, but Shi Xiangyun, who was carrying a knife, had an extra sense of heroism on his body, which was a kind of neutral beauty full of heroism and heroism.

Shi Xiangyun is not satisfied until now.

Then Xiangyun, supported by Cuilu, left the room. There were three or four maids waiting outside the room, and when they saw Shi Xiangyun came out, they saluted her together.

Shi Xiangyun just nodded to them, and then took the lead to walk outside the house.It was only when I got out of the yard that I realized that I still don't know where the main house of Duke Yan's mansion is?
"You guys lead the way, let's go see Sister Qin."

Shi Xiangyun ordered two servant girls to be separated from the team in a lifetime to lead her to the front.

And Shi Xiangyun walked forward while watching the scenery of Yan Guogong's mansion.

I saw that this Duke of Yan's mansion was completely different from the Marquis Bowling's mansion where she lived for a long time.

The scenery here is full of vigor, not like the decay and withering of Bowling Hou's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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