Chapter 539
Now Jia Ke is stumped by Meng Ming's question.

Seeing Jia Ke's dilemma, Fan Kang looked at Meng Ming's nonchalant attitude, and began to doubt Meng Ming's attitude and position. will believe.

Fan Kang pondered for a while, and a golden light came out of his eyes. Since Meng Ming wanted to embarrass Jia Ke, he would use his tactics to let everyone in the world know who the current Jiangshan belongs to. Sometimes it depends on which side you stand on.

So Fan Kang stood up, cupped his hands and said to Jia Ge: "My lord, what's so difficult about this? Isn't it just a leader standing on the golden palace to select talents? Since the emperor can, can't the lord not?"

Both Sun Yan and Feng Chaoxin nodded and did not object. The two of them hope that Jia Ke will turn against him now. In this way, they are all heroes of the founding of the country, and their children and grandchildren will be honored and rich in the future. They are not as worried as they are now. of.

However, old Meng Min instinctively objected, "Duke Yan, this plan is impossible, don't listen to Fan Kang's nonsense. He is trying to make Duke Yan unjust."

Fan Kang cast a sarcastic glance at Old Meng Ming, sat down again, and stopped talking.

But Jia Ke was thinking about Fan Kang's remonstrance just now, and thought it was very good.

Jia Ke thinks that the most important task now is to gradually eliminate the common people and gentry's yearning for the imperial court. When everyone in the world forgets about the current imperial court, it is time for him to change the dynasty.This trial is just the beginning.

After Jia Ke made up her mind, she immediately made a decision, "I think Fan Kang's method is good. The emperor is now in the harem to cultivate his character, so don't bother him. This time, I will replace the emperor in the palace examination."

Seeing that Jia Ke had already made up his mind, the others said nothing more.Only Lao Mengming looked a little gloomy.

After everyone retreated, Fan Kang walked around outside and returned to the inner courtyard where Jia Ke was.

At this time, Jia Ke was holding a few notebooks and reading. When he saw that Fan Kang had entered his room and no one had notified him, he felt a little displeased, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"Mr. Fan is here, please sit down quickly."

Fan Kang saluted Jia Ke first, and then sat beside him.

"Mr. Fan went and came back again, is there something wrong?"

Fan Kang sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Reporting to my lord, I really have something to say this time."

"Just speak up if you have something to say, there is nothing we monarchs and ministers can't say."

Only then did Fan Kang let go of his worries, and then said: "I see that Meng Ming is a little bit different, so it's better not to let him stay in the military plane."

Jia Ke didn't say anything after listening.He stood up, walked around the hall for a few times, and then said: "Although Meng Ming is a little bit different, he doesn't have the courage to act, and this person is quite prestigious among scholars, I still need him to stand in the court." Same look."

After hearing this, Fan Kang retorted: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be so cautious now, and we haven't completely controlled the world yet. It's better not to reuse those who have different ideas."

After hearing Fan Kang's words, Jia Ke felt disapproving. Old Meng Ming, what threat is there for a person who is about to enter the soil?
"Mr. Fan doesn't need to be like this. I judge that old Meng Ming, and he doesn't have the courage to participate in those messy things."

Fan Kang wanted to remonstrate again, but when he saw Jia Ke's impatient face, he shut his mouth knowingly.

After Fan Kang withdrew, Jia Ke thought again about what Fan Kang said just now. In fact, Jia Ke also felt that something was wrong with old Meng Ming. He also needed his great prestige among scholars, so he was temporarily let go, but Fan Kang had reminded himself just now that he could not turn a blind eye.

"Li Deshan, you send someone to monitor old Meng Ming's mansion to see if there is any change in him."

Li Deshan listened to the repeated promises from the side, and at the same time thought that the other people in the Military Aircraft Department should be more careful and send a few people to watch them, so that if they have anything in the future, he can answer them.

Within a few days, Liu Yu picked out the candidates for the soldiers to be sent to various places, and then handed the list to Jia Ke.

After Jia Ke got the list, he didn't immediately send the list to the Ministry of War.Instead, he handed the list to Wei Kun first, and then gave a copy to Li Deshan next to him, and asked the two secret spy chiefs to check these people individually.

These two people still have some skills, and besides, the two of them have very strict control over the vicinity of the capital.

Most of these soldiers are farmers from Jia Ke's village, and some are the sons of the Rongguo Mansion, and finally they are honest young men recruited from nearby.

Therefore, within two days, Wei Kun and Li Deshan checked all these people from beginning to end.

This investigation also allowed them to really find out two or three people with problems. On the surface, these people are villagers nearby, and they also have their relatives down there. The other guards are completely different.

After Jia Ke got the news from below, she thought about recruiting Liu Yu.

"You are responsible for recruiting these soldiers. What's going on with these people?"

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he threw the information investigated by Wei Kun and Li Deshan in front of Liu Yu.

Liu Yu is an honest person. He has been doing things safely since he joined Jia Ke. Jia Ke never said a word to him, but now he started to reprimand him, which shows that he is very dissatisfied with him this time.

Liu Yu didn't dare to be negligent, picked up the paperwork on the ground and looked at it carefully, and then began to sweat non-stop.

Although Liu Yu also had to investigate his personal affairs when recruiting relatives, but Liu Yu was not in this business after all. Besides, he was an honest and dull person. It is also normal.

After Liu Yu read the information, she fell to her knees with a plop and kowtowed to Jia Ke.

"Master, my slave is ineffective, please punish me, master."

Jia Ke didn't intend to punish Liu Yu. After all, he was someone who followed him from the very beginning, and he had made great achievements on the battlefield. He will work harder in the future.

"Okay, get up, be more careful in the future, and never make such a mistake again."

Because of Jia Ke's order, he stood up tremblingly and retreated to the side. Even now he was still sweating. Fortunately, Jia Ke sent someone to investigate this time. Personally, he is in a high position, so if he gets into trouble, he will end up stabbing Jia Ke in the back.

Liu Yu wiped off the sweat from her body, and then asked Jia Ke in a dripping voice, "Master, what should we do with these spies, or if you are a slave, go and bring their heads here in a while."

Jia Ke thought for a while, then asked Li Deshan next to him: "You are in charge of the court's secret guards, are these people sent by the original emperor and the Supreme Emperor?"

Li Deshan immediately replied: "Returning to the master, the Supreme Emperor and the emperor also thought about sending people into the master's personal army, but every time, it was because of Liu Yuliu's cautiousness and failed."

Thinking of this, Jia Ke felt a little gloomy again. It seemed that a new force was infiltrating his organization. Whose power was it?
"Wei Kun, Li Deshan."

As soon as the two men heard Jia Ke's call, they both stepped forward and knelt down on the ground, listening to Jia Ke's orders.

"Both of you, this new organization must be strictly investigated and dealt with. You must dig out their mastermind for me."

After Wei Kun heard this, he immediately agreed.

But Li Deshan was a little hesitant, and finally said to Jia Ke bravely: "Master, the court's hidden guards have also discovered a hidden force, which is constantly infiltrating among the civil and military officials of the court. **** Ordered Dark guard, we must dig out these people."

This is the first time Jia Ke has heard of it, and this story.

"What happened in the end?"

"It's a pity that they hide too deeply, and although they infiltrate, they are very careful and never touch those sensitive organs. So until now, they have only caught a trace of their clues, and they still have nothing about what is going on behind the scenes Know."

After Jia Ke finished listening, his mind turned quickly. To form such a huge spy force, it is not only necessary to have the ability, he also needs a huge amount of money to support him.

In order to keep his two spy organizations alive, Jia Ke almost went bankrupt. The millions of taels of silver that the Eight Banners Tribes donated every year had already been put on these two spy organizations.

And this new organization must have a lot of money behind it, otherwise how could they buy talents.

And there are not many people with this ability in this world.Apart from the three major business gangs, the only ones in the south of the Yangtze River are the Zhen family.

But I'm afraid they won't do such a thing. These four families are rich and prosperous now, so there is no need to raise such eyebrows and fight against the Supreme Emperor. stupid thing.

But there are no absolutes in everything, and I am afraid that some things will be forced and cannot be controlled.

Those who are capable, rich, and have this desire are probably only those left by Qin Keqing's father.

It seems that the nanny Zhu Lin did not confess the whole situation to herself.So is it possible that these people found among his own soldiers this time are also from the Zhu Lin faction?
And a few days ago, Zhu Lin asked for money from himself, probably because their organization has developed too much, and now the money is not enough, so they want to knock some money from Jia Ke for their own development.

"Wei Kun, didn't I tell you to pay attention to Zhu Lin before? What has she done recently?"

Wei Kun immediately replied: "Since the master made the confession, the slave did not dare to be negligent, so he arranged someone beside this Zhu Lin to monitor him day and night. But this Zhu Lin seems to be very responsible. Except for talking with his wife in the inner house, he usually Just in the house, and I haven't interacted with anyone."

Jia Ke was even more puzzled when he heard this, but Jia Ke knew that the Zhu Lin family had a large number of spies, and even the two ministers of the current dynasty belonged to them.

Now that there is no evidence of their relationship, how can this not make people feel puzzled.

Doesn't the Zhu Lin family need to control these spies?Or is there someone else who really controls the organization?

(End of this chapter)

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