Chapter 541
Let's talk about the Duke of Yan's mansion. Jia Ke received the soldiers who were about to be sent to various places in the Wuwei Hall of the Duke of Yan's mansion.

Speaking of which, almost all of these people were from Jia Ke’s tenant households, and they were already the third batch. The previous batches of people all served in the Nine Frontiers and had already controlled the Nine Frontiers elite soldiers.

Jia Ke sat in the Wuwei hall for a while, and then came to the front hall, only to see these soldiers standing there horizontally and vertically, like wood, not at all worse than the previous batches, except that they had never been killed on the battlefield. Apart from people, they are considered elite.

As soon as these people saw Jia Ke coming out, they immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Jia Ke.

Jia Ke looked at them and nodded, then said, "Get up."

These soldiers listened to Jia Ke's order and immediately stood up, as if they were alone.

Jia Ke looked at them like this and nodded. As far as the military discipline is concerned, it is no different from those elite troops in modern times.

If there is really a difference, it is also in terms of equipment and mental outlook.

Jia Ke walked around in front of these soldiers with her hands behind her back, and then said: "You have been with me for a long time, and you have learned a lot during this time, and it is time to let you go out to practice."

The soldiers below heard Jia Ke's praise, but they didn't show any proud expression. Instead, they cupped their hands and said together: "Serve the master, and I will die."

Jia Ke smiled when she heard this, although she didn't take it seriously, but everyone likes to hear something nice, not to mention so many people expressing their loyalty to him together.

"When you go down this time, everyone is a thousand households. When you get to the place, you must train and master the soldiers under your command. If you have any difficulties, report to the local chief soldier, Jiedushi, and they will Naturally, I will decide for you, and you will have a backer when you go there."

Although the soldiers at the bottom said that when they were selected, they knew they would go to the bottom this time, but they didn't expect that they would be given the position of thousands of households as soon as they came, and now all of them are full of excitement.

The soldiers who were released a few times ago are now all officials, and they send money back to their hometowns every year. Now their families have started to build houses, and they have bought the wasteland near Xiacao Village and Wangjiatun one by one. How can they, the latecomers, not feel envious of being clean and tidy, and now they finally have the opportunity to be promoted and make a fortune, so now they have worshiped Jia Ke who gave them the opportunity to the bottom of their bones.

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she looked at the soldiers under her command and looked at herself with adoring and enthusiastic eyes, feeling very beautiful in her heart.

Jia Ke was intoxicated for a while, and then said to Liu Yu next to him, "Pour me wine, and I will send these soldiers to the battle."

After listening to Jia Ke's order, Liu Yu immediately winked at the subordinates next to him, and immediately someone came over with a jar of fine wine, and then distributed a porcelain bowl to each recruit.Then someone poured wine for them one by one.

And Jia Ke also took a porcelain bowl from the side, and Liu Yu personally came over with a jar of wine and poured it carefully for Jia Ke.

Jia Ke held the wine bowl and said to the soldiers, "I wish you all a triumphant journey."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she drank the fine wine and threw the porcelain bowl to the ground.

The soldiers below also felt their blood boil, and they also drank the fine wine like hyperthyroidism, and then threw the porcelain bowl to the ground.

Seeing that the etiquette was over, Jia Ke cupped her fists and said to the soldiers, "Good luck everyone, let's set off now."

The guards didn't answer Jia Ke's order, so they went out of the hall. Someone had already prepared horses for them at the gate of the Duke of Yan's mansion. rush to.

And Jia Ke kept handing them off at the gate until all these people disappeared into the night, and then turned back to the mansion.

After Jia Ke returned to the Wuwei Hall, he said to Liu Yu who was following him: "Now we have lost more than half of our soldiers, you should hurry up and recruit some more, and those who are clean, honest and reliable, don't go out again." the things that happened next time."

When Liu Yu heard Jia Ke bring up the previous incident again, she scratched her head in embarrassment, and then said, "Don't worry, master, this time I will check one by one, and nothing will happen."

Jia Ke nodded. Since Liu Yu said so, he would definitely complete it like this with his temperament, which reassured Jia Ke.

"After a while, nearly a thousand households will come. These people are local fritters. If you send someone to train them well, let them be as loyal to me as those soldiers when they leave our place. .And to be useful, not to waste time like before."

After hearing this, Liu Yu immediately expressed his opinion, "Master, don't worry, I will reborn them within three months according to the art of war left by the master."

Jia Ke nodded, and then showed a satisfied smile.

But Liu Yu continued: "Master, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, should we continue to practice during the Chinese New Year?"

After hearing this, Jia Ke realized that the Chinese New Year is coming soon.

For the past year, I have been walking on thin ice, and it is only now that I feel relieved that my major event has been accomplished, and as long as I push the boat along the way, that position will not be far away from me.

"These people come to us for training, not for enjoyment. They must not stop during the Chinese New Year. It happens that they can exercise their willpower during the winter."

Liu Yu nodded quickly after listening.

After Liu Yu left, Li Deshan came to Jia Ke's side immediately.

"Master sent back a message from outside."

"How? Have you caught the gang?"

"The servant was ineffective and went a little late, so this group of people escaped."

After hearing this, Jia Ke didn't blame Li Deshan, but felt that these people were indeed difficult to deal with, but on second thought, if these people were easy to deal with, they wouldn't have been in a stalemate with the Supreme Emperor for so many years.

"Since no trace of this person can be found for the time being, then get rid of his minions. You send people to monitor the ministers in the court to see who they are in contact with these people. Once you find any clues, report to me immediately."

Li Deshan hesitated after hearing this, and then said: "Master, if you want to say that there are people in the court who are connected with these people, we have found a few. Among them, Sun Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Zhao Shu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, are the most suspicious."

Jia Ke knew these two people, "What is the situation of these two people now?"

"Returning to the master, Zhao Shu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was very honest when he arrived, and had already rejected strangers' requests to see him several times, but Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, often had secret talks with strangers in the study."

After hearing this, Jia Ke frowned a little. She was not mean to Sun Yan. Since he took refuge in him, she considered him her confidant, and now she even appointed him as the foreman of the military aircraft department. Could it be that she is not familiar with this?
But this Zhao Shu surprised him a little. He didn't expect this person to want to cut off contact with him. It seems that he can use it in the future.

"You send someone to Zhao Shu's mansion, and pay attention to the safety of the other party. I'm afraid that these people will jump the wall in a hurry, thinking that Zhao Shu has betrayed them and will hurt his life."

After hearing this, Li Deshan hurriedly agreed, and promised that he would never let the other party suffer any harm.

Jia Ke continued to order: "If you send someone to monitor the Qin family, I don't believe that Qin Ye doesn't know the existence of this organization."

Not to mention that Jia Ke is here to rectify the army, but now in the palace, although the emperor is imprisoned, he can still move freely in the palace.

The emperor now almost always lives in Jia Yuanchun's Fengzao Palace.

This day was no exception, the emperor seemed to be all right, he didn't take Jia Yuanchun's poisoning of the empress to heart at all.

The emperor entered the Fengzao Palace, and Jia Yuanchun dragged his swollen belly to pick him up there. The emperor quickly stepped forward, took her hand, and said with a smile: "My concubine has such a big belly, so don't come out." Pick me up, in case something goes wrong, I'm going to find someone to reason with."

Jia Yuanchun is now full of ambition, not only has reached the peak of power in the palace, but also the emperor dotes on her alone, although Jia Yuanchun also knows that this is because the emperor is afraid of the power of his big brother, but Jia Yuanchun doesn't care about it. After so many years in the harem, who still pays attention to those love affairs, as long as they get benefits.

Jia Yuanchun returned to the emperor with a smile and said: "How can there be such a reason, the emperor is here, if the ministers and concubines don't pick them up, how can they live?"

The emperor smiled and shook his head, then helped Jia Yuanchun into the main hall of Fengzao Palace, the two went directly to the bedroom, then the emperor helped Jia Yuanchun to the bed, sat beside him, looked at Jia Yuanchun's belly with a smile on his face.

Although Jia Yuanchun was already disappointed with the emperor, and now it was just hypocrisy, when he thought of the child in his stomach, his eyes showed tenderness.

Seeing Jia Yuanchun like this, the emperor also felt a little crazy. He used to be jealous of Jia Yuanchun's identity and didn't like to see him very much. Now when he looks at Jia Yunchun, he thinks he is very beautiful, not to mention that she is still pregnant. The tenderness radiated from Jia Yuanchun.

The emperor couldn't help but think that it would be good if he just went on like this.

But the emperor woke up immediately, and now there is no way out.All his hopes were focused on the child in his womb, and it depended on whether he could continue his family's success.

Now it is necessary to give Jia Yuanchun some sweetness, so that she will wholeheartedly fight for the child in her womb. In this way, Jia Yuanchun and Jia Ke may be able to delay the loss of Jiangshan.

"My dear concubine, the queen has passed away for a long time. I think that there is no owner in the harem, and in this harem, only you can still support it. I really want to make you a queen after a while. What do you think? Sample?"

After hearing this, Jia Yuanchun was immediately overjoyed. She had been peeping at this position for a long time.How can you be unhappy when you hear the emperor's promise now?

"Your Majesty, is it really okay to be a concubine?"

"Haha, who can do it if you can't? You just wait obediently, the day after the seal."

Jia Yuanchun was already overjoyed and didn't know what to do, and the emperor seemed to be very happy holding Jia Yuanchun.

But neither of these two people saw the cold light in each other's eyes. It turns out that these two people are just sharing the same bed with different dreams, and they have their own plans.

The emperor wanted to use Jia Yuanchun to continue the country, and Jia Yuanchun wanted to use the emperor to get the queen's throne, and then justified his name, to see if there was any chance to entangle with Jia Ke again.

But they didn't realize that in the corner of their bedroom, there was an eunuch listening carefully, remembering their every move and every word in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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